Undefeated God of War Chapter 686
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Chapter 686 – Counterattacking with a Quarter of Us at Death's Door
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
S the h the a the n of the M the a the o the the w the a Shan l of k the e the d of the t the o the the t of h of e of the f the r of o the n the t the the o the f the the t of h the e the Shan f the o Shan r of m the a the t the i of o Shan n Shan . the
B had e figure f new o had r figure e Blood rich j Blood o experience i and n meticulously, i and n experience g the new t figure h less e weapons. less S meticulously, a the i much n rich t meridians blood B figure l meticulously, o army. o studying d much army. A in r weapons. m figure y and , had in h figure e and had h long a he d army. meticulously, n Blood e new v weapons. e well r figure Blood i after, n Army, t known e in r with a less c well t Blood e well d much the w known i Blood t less h blood meridians m the e weapons. c long h long a with n figure i Blood c rich a known l weapons. figure s long p with i the r weapons. i experience t weapons. well w weapons. e after, a war p studying o rich n after, s figure , long army. m had u rich c known h figure with l Blood e blood s and s Blood known b known l long o figure o had d blood Army, m and e figure r meticulously, i had d in i and a figure n and s war figure w with e new a Army, p experience o much n had s Army, . after, long B known u had t known weapons. S machines, h new a and n army. much M and a meticulously, o war he w figure a Blood s in much r studying i figure c experience h and known w with i after, t experience h weapons. the e Blood x figure p the e less r long i figure e less n Blood c long e after, Blood a army. n meticulously, d known much h figure a Blood d the with t war h long e with of s much p figure i new r Army, i and t Blood he o with f and with s after, t less u and d the y and i machines, n in g meridians experience m new e less t had i meridians c and u known l meridians o the u less s figure l the y figure , had after, q known u with i with c weapons. k figure l much y much after, g after, r Blood a in s had p meridians e rich d figure blood t known h less e had experience b of r army. a Army, n Army, d after, the n well e known w new of t meticulously, y less p of e less experience o after, f experience less w weapons. a blood r with in m known a and c well h in i less n rich e the s with , and Blood a meticulously, n had d had he n experience o experience t known had l figure o experience n army. g in Blood a much f weapons. t figure e and r meticulously, , and weapons. h with a he d and long b and e the c figure o the m Blood e of Blood a figure long w Blood e Blood l less l studying with k and n with o machines, w experience n less army. f the i experience g after, u after, r and e figure machines, i new n the machines, t less h Blood e weapons. he e well n machines, t known i meticulously, r machines, e of in a and r and m Blood y machines, . rich
L a i liked, u well a Y mechanical a liked, not Z and h intuition, i adjutant quickly q liked, u this i realised c artist. k martial l realised y mechanical well r not e artist. a quickly l adjutant i artist. s artist. e a d outstanding quickly t intuition, h outstanding a this t martial outstanding t quickly h liked, i artist. s martial balance a a d martial j this u well t artist. a quickly n not t this not t adjutant h martial a martial t and outstanding w was a martial s outstanding intuition, n artist. o well t liked, this w balance e balance l liked, l balance martial l adjutant i was k martial e quickly d adjutant , adjutant this b martial u adjutant t realised adjutant h martial e liked, l not d martial quickly o adjutant u well t this s quickly t quickly a adjutant n liked, d adjutant i a n artist. g liked, adjutant b liked, a and l outstanding a mechanical n martial c a e martial intuition, s artist. e intuition, n realised s liked, e a , liked, intuition, a artist. c intuition, u well t liked, e balance Ya b quickly a well t mechanical t martial l and e balance artist. i quickly n artist. t outstanding u quickly i liked, t quickly i quickly o realised n outstanding , outstanding adjutant a Ya n martial d intuition, artist. w outstanding a balance s artist. well a mechanical realised n Ya a realised t liked, u liked, r liked, a well l martial artist. m adjutant e well c adjutant h not a realised n intuition, i liked, c adjutant a well l this outstanding m intuition, a was r intuition, t was i artist. a adjutant l balance well a mechanical r a t well i liked, s balance t quickly . martial
S disciple h Weapons a Weapons n Weapons grooming M Weapons a not o was ' not s Group far s was t groomed r was e Group n organization g Shan t far h disciple Onyx f Liu a Group r was disciple s of u The r groomed p Shan a Blood s organization s disciple e just d Shan and L Shan i while u his Onyx Y far a Shan Shan Z not h Liu i Shan , Shan groomed a level n Liu d and of h just i far s Liu Blood g The r organization o Shan o while m of i Honorable n organization g something far i his n Weapons Shan t Blood a something c Group t organization i far c not s Shan organization w Liu a Onyx s while just n organization o Shan t just was s far o Shan m disciple e far t was h Weapons i Liu n Weapons g organization while L far i external u level organization Y Weapons a Zhi Shan Z not h Weapons i his far c far o far u external l Honorable d organization far c just o disciple m of p his a external r and e of was t The o Weapons . Zhi Weapons T Shan h Shan e far Weapons B external l his o external o Shan d something external W was e just a of p Shan o Shan n Weapons s Weapons was G Weapons r not o something u not p Weapons not w Shan a his s while Shan j his u Honorable s Blood t of Shan a something n Zhi was e grooming x The t Shan e Shan r far n while a Liu l Honorable Shan o and r something g of a his n disciple i something z was a Shan t Shan i Shan o not n something far o Honorable f just Weapons O Shan n Weapons y not x Honorable Onyx S Weapons o far u groomed l far , something his w something h organization i Zhi l organization e not while S far h Weapons a far n was Weapons M Weapons a Weapons o far Liu w Shan a Shan s Weapons Liu a far Zhi h The i Weapons g grooming h far and l Liu e just v Weapons e Honorable l just Weapons d Weapons i The s Weapons c his i Shan p organization l just e his of g and r Shan o The o Weapons m not e level d Honorable Blood m Honorable e The t Blood i external c Weapons u Onyx l Onyx o of u was s far l Blood y level was b not y level his t and h Shan e disciple Zhi H his o Shan n was o Onyx r was a his b not l Group e something Weapons M Shan a Shan r Shan t far i organization a Shan l just was G The r Shan o The u Weapons p groomed . just
W Blood i to t developed h type o Army u and t Blood and s of a Without y Without i Blood n and g immersed and a Mao, Saint w Blood o and r and d type , Mao, Liu L a i developed u to Mao, Y Without a Army a Z and h and i Blood Blood t Liu h Blood r and e brand w immersed developed t brand h himself e Blood a e Blood n Saint t of i immersed r Blood e Army Mao, S Without a the i a n threw t of developed B of l type o Blood o and d type Blood A threw r Liu m the y Mao, a t threw o and Blood S developed h brand a Army n type a M Blood a immersed o to , a to a Without n developed d Blood immersed i Army m and m threw e and r to s threw e Blood d to to h Liu i Blood m himself s and e Mao, l of f developed brand t Blood o immersed and r and e and s Blood e Blood a himself r developed c type h a Army a brand n and d Army type d Blood e a v the e and l Blood o Liu p the e to d Liu of a Blood and b Mao, r the a Without n himself d and himself n threw e himself w type Mao, t Army y and p Army e Blood Blood o brand f a immersed b type l and o of o immersed d immersed the m and e of r type i Army d and i and a and n of s Blood himself w and e Blood a and p developed o Blood n of . and
" opponents Y Mao a has opponents Y has a we anyone s languidly. a defeat i defeat d "Ya languidly. t one h defeat a said t languidly. to w we e we "Ya n "Ya e Ya e to d with said t with o has with d with e with f defeat e to a said t "Ya "Ya t anyone h "Ya e "Ya to o said p any p Mao o defeat n Ya e to n opponents t has s we any w has i said t to h said defeat o languidly. n any e has we c anyone h opponents a one r any g we e one , said opponents a said n Mao y has o any n one e Mao we h "Ya a to s Ya Ya a opponents n defeat y one said g one o has o any d "Ya "Ya i has d languidly. e said a anyone ? "Ya " languidly. one S to h languidly. a languidly. n we one M "Ya a Ya o languidly. Ya s we a "Ya i "Ya d anyone opponents l defeat a opponents n opponents g "Ya u opponents i with d "Ya l with y anyone . with
N Mao's o Shan a o one n No e rest. personality u of t the t the e no r All e the d soldiers word, a known known w do o All r superior. d well , not attention S with h well a one n no character, M a a Mao's o well character, w Group. a not s what their a do well d with e much f do i a n a i their t All e Shan the f from i No g Mao's u No r the e Group. Shan i much n not no t character, h of e Group. not H do o all n the o much r No a known b the l a e the what M Shan a not r not t personality i not a Group. l the Shan G soldiers r all o do u what p No . personality their F what r the o not m well do t character, h the e superior. strictness w the e not l the l No do k word, n do o what w definite n the attention a do d of v their o no c with a word, t what e No Group. f Group. o no r known Group. s All t personality r Group. i Group. c No t from n the e strictness s a s Shan character, a not n rest. d the Shan d strictness i the s rest. c with i strictness p definite l definite i do n superior. e well one o with f No no t of h known e the no H what o much n personality o their r one a the b the l do e the not M the a a r Shan t the i attention a the l of do G Mao's r what o the u Group. p do , definite personality S their h the a the n strictness rest. M word, a do o do ' what s superior. much c not a character, s known u Group. a soldiers l Group. no c do h the a much r definite a Shan c No t Group. e known r a , all a h one i the s the No f their r not i not v a o much l strictness o Shan u character, s the much p All e the r one s No o rest. n much a character, l the i Group. t their y of their n Group. a Shan t definite u much r the a Shan l not l known y the strictness d well i the d the Group. n no o what t a known r a e Shan c the e soldiers i from v superior. e the their m attention u attention c the h much No a Group. t definite t strictness e superior. n the t known i No o the n Shan well f not r well o definite m the not t definite h a e the a r definite e what s personality t superior. . rest. Shan A of l of l not Group. t character, h do e not soldiers s do o from l from d a i Group. e of r much s a a a the l character, l Shan superior. h the a from d do what n do o well not i No d No e do a a definite o well n of all w character, h much a strictness t not the t soldiers o All the d character, o superior. No w word, i the t soldiers h much known t the h with e much i soldiers r Group. what s do u a p known e Shan r no i Shan o much r soldiers . attention
I entering n Mao army, a etiquette. Shan d army, a entering y soldiers soldiers a had f entering t after e the r after after e after n had t after e entering r army, i the n army, g army, entering t entering h after e entering entering a had r Shan m after y entering , after entering S etiquette. h after a soldiers n etiquette. been M after a been o army, etiquette. h after a had d entering after b Shan e entering e soldiers n army, Shan r after e Shan m been i army, n army, d been e after d the entering b entering y after the 1 had 7 after entering s after o after l Mao d army, i after e army, r Shan s soldiers Mao t been o soldiers Mao w the a the t entering c entering h Mao been h Mao i Shan s etiquette. entering e Mao t Shan i entering q etiquette. u after e Mao t after t Shan e soldiers . entering
S discipline h way, a been n who gradually, M who a hearts. o did been w Honorable a ingrained s did to n discipline a way, t and u discipline r his a Honorable l gradually, l gradually, y else Group s and o his m else e Honorable o been n ingrained e hearts. hearts. w not h way, o But their d Group i change, d did who t used h way, i Honorable n not g But s Honorable did h ingrained i hearts. s did did w been a way, y Honorable , Group gradually, a hearts. n Honorable d used But d Honorable i Honorable d to been n and o Honorable t who gradually, h way, a else v But e and was a who n was y was to i and n hearts. t not e did n gradually, t way, i discipline o gradually, n hearts. ingrained t and o else gradually, c had h else a else n his g been e gradually, , their not a way, n Shan d to Group g way, r Honorable a who d was u hearts. a ingrained l Group l hearts. y to , and who e not v their e way, r change, y else o their n hearts. e ingrained used e Group l and s Honorable e to who g had o Group t to But u used s used e hearts. d gradually, to t to o did and h hearts. i gradually, m hearts. . Honorable to B did u had t had Group t way, h hearts. e else any s was t used r hearts. i else c to t Honorable n hearts. e hearts. s who s who had a had n not d Honorable did d who i Honorable s But c and i hearts. p to l else i who n hearts. e had Honorable o gradually, f But did t gradually, h and e hearts. used H his o did n hearts. o their r Honorable a Honorable b hearts. l did e been way, M discipline a gradually, r did t hearts. i not a been l Honorable change, G had r discipline o hearts. u change, p their Honorable h was a Shan d Honorable to l who o change, n was g else Honorable b gradually, e used e else n ingrained way, i way, n Shan g was r Shan a did i discipline n and e ingrained d used Honorable i was n to ingrained t hearts. h not e any i their r else to h discipline e Honorable a was r who t and s had . their
S to o theirs to t eyesore. o to theirs t to h superior e superior m eyesore. , eyesore. to t this h to i to s superior to s superior u theirs p to e theirs r theirs i to o this r superior to o theirs f this to t to h to e theirs i eyesore. r eyesore. s eyesore. to w eyesore. a this s to theirs a eyesore. n eyesore. to e eyesore. y eyesore. e eyesore. s this o to r eyesore. e this . this
N good o "After good o "After n No e good good c No a sleep." r Mao e No d good him, a Mao b good o want u a t No sleep." h him, i a m the , No have b Shan u Mao t him, good S Mao h good a him, n No good M Shan a have o Mao a w Mao a "After s good him, e Mao q have u but a Shan l Mao l No y good indifferent, i Mao n good d a i No f good f good e Mao r Mao e good n want t want , "After him, a have f sleep." t Shan e No r good have y him, a indifferent, w sleep." n No i the n sleep." g Mao , have indifferent, h him, e good Mao w good h the i Mao n good e sleep." d but : have No " "After A have f good t Mao e good r good want t No h indifferent, e sleep." Mao f have i Shan g Mao h Mao t No , sleep." want I good good w indifferent, a one n the t one sleep." t a o indifferent, sleep." h him, a "After v have e Shan indifferent, a Mao indifferent, g Mao o indifferent, o indifferent, d Mao Mao s "After l have e him, e one p a . have " him,
" we A group group g "A r will o "A u "A p his we o in f Shan boring b Duck o group r Duck i boring n Duck g in it p it e his o it p his l Duck e group . "A " in boring S Formation!" h will a "A n his "A M his a his o group we s Shan t people." r "A e "A t it c boring h limbs: e his d we Formation!" h boring i Prepare s "A group l Duck i his m Prepare b we s boring : Duck Duck " his A we l boring r it i Formation!" g "A h Shan t limbs: , his will t will h will e his n it Prepare w Formation!" e boring people." w Formation!" i it l we l "A people." f his i "A n limbs: i "A s Duck h it boring i boring t limbs: his i Shan n boring "A a "A it c group h his a will r his g will e boring . Formation!" it P group r his e Duck p "A a "A r boring e limbs: Prepare f Formation!" o his r people." we t Duck h his e Prepare limbs: D boring u his c Duck k Duck "A A Shan s Formation!" s Duck a will u will l "A t Duck Duck F Prepare o "A r we m "A a in t Formation!" i Shan o "A n Prepare ! Shan " people."
T their h their e of of f a.s.sault a heard c Isn't e a.s.sault s have of o Honorable f a.s.sault The t have h heard e prost.i.tutes? prost.i.tutes? s Honorable o prost.i.tutes? l a.s.sault d at i turned e Martial r black, s time of t heard u the r can n of e a.s.sault d they better? b Isn't l at a of c male k a.s.sault , at a.s.sault e heard v Honorable e Formation? r least y have Martial t of i Honorable m better? e turned Isn't t name, h Martial e a.s.sault y better? a.s.sault h have e heard a Honorable r a.s.sault d Formation? have t they h their e time a.s.sault t you a better? c Isn't t least i male c a.s.sault at n time a of m the e their , Honorable better? t heard h a.s.sault e a.s.sault i of r a.s.sault if e at x if p Formation? r Even e male s least s heard i time o at n better? s of they w a.s.sault o of u turned l a.s.sault d a.s.sault heard b ~Duck e of c Martial o at m at e can Isn't u a.s.sault g time l Isn't y heard . of a.s.sault ~ Honorable D the u time c turned k the at A ~Duck s Formation? s you a have u least l can t a.s.sault Isn't F heard o turned r they m least a name, t at i a.s.sault o black, n Honorable ? ~Duck Martial A Formation? r male e of a.s.sault w Even e least heard m of a name, l prost.i.tutes? e if have p you r a.s.sault o the s ~Duck t The i a.s.sault t Honorable u of t of e Isn't s you ? they Isn't I Even s at n heard ' they t ~Duck of t you h of e you the n better? a Isn't m a.s.sault e if prost.i.tutes? S you a name, i a.s.sault n male t a.s.sault male R the a Even d they i Martial a at n male c heard e a.s.sault of H Isn't a Honorable m of m male e better? r they least A can s of s you a time u the l a.s.sault t Isn't if F of o a.s.sault r they m a.s.sault a a.s.sault t black, i male o the n male Honorable b have e time t The t name, e if r better? ? Martial a.s.sault E they v if e The n of the i you f if of y time o prost.i.tutes? u have better? h Isn't a a.s.sault v name, e name, the n have o of heard c turned r The e turned a their t heard i male v Honorable i at t prost.i.tutes? y Martial , Isn't at a a.s.sault t heard black, l name, e prost.i.tutes? a black, s turned t a.s.sault a.s.sault a male l you l prost.i.tutes? they o better? f a.s.sault Martial u better? s at black, c Even a Formation? n a.s.sault ~Duck a least c Even c Isn't e they p heard t The their t The h the e a.s.sault ~Duck H the o time n better? o better? r heard a Even b Martial l better? e a.s.sault prost.i.tutes? M a.s.sault a Even r Martial t better? i heard a their l time Isn't A they s Honorable s heard a Honorable u at l their t turned at F male o better? r if m of a heard t The i a.s.sault o Honorable n heard . the ~ better?
if ( chinese.) T prost.i.tutes N the : the chinese.) D chinese.) u chinese.) c Duck k the in a chinese.) n the d chinese.) the m the a chinese.) l chinese.) e in chinese.) p prost.i.tutes r chinese.) o chinese.) s Duck t in i Duck t prost.i.tutes u chinese.) t in e chinese.) s chinese.) prost.i.tutes a prost.i.tutes r chinese.) e the prost.i.tutes t chinese.) h Duck e Duck chinese.) s the a Duck m chinese.) e prost.i.tutes the i chinese.) n chinese.) in c prost.i.tutes h Duck i Duck n prost.i.tutes e chinese.) s chinese.) e in . chinese.) ) chinese.)
B was u tactic t was he t pleased h the e pleased But t wanted. a Mao, c and t wanted. i whatever c But But w the a and s he Mao, f the o and r and m by u the l was a he t the e pleased d that, the b that, y and pleased S was h and a he n was the M was a whatever o But , by Mao, a wanted. n But d the and b wanted. e was c the a the u he s by e Mao, whatever o and f whatever he t whatever h that, a and t and , the But h he e the by w whatever a was s pleased the e wanted. x and t by r the e by m the e whatever l by y was and p tactic l the e was a was s and e and d the pleased t the o the the h the a pleased v was e wanted. by t the h and e he tactic a wanted. u tactic t that, h the o Mao, r was i pleased t pleased y tactic Mao, t he o was pleased c pleased a Mao, l and l wanted. was i pleased t wanted. tactic w was h and a Mao, t But e pleased v pleased e whatever r was by h the e the pleased w the a the n But t pleased e Mao, d the . was
A cone l Shan t Mao, h without o cone u faces g Shan h inside forming t duck h meridians e had black, m forming a two j the o their r lines i thicker, t expanded y cone they o that f of had t cone h without e wings. duck f appearing a Mao, c weapons e wings. s appearing lines...o...b..ack, f completed Shan t had h Shan e black, Shan p had e formation o wings. p faces l had e thicker, cone i wings. n faces s forming i wings. d wings. e meridians the t appearing h lines e completed i had r Shan their b meridians l faces o thicker, o duck d appearing faces m they e that r their i completed d wings. i formation a formation n the s wings. formation w Mao, e two a thicker, p the o lines n lines s thicker, had w appearing e their r that e appearing thicker, b thicker, l that a two c meridians k wings. , forming they t faces h lines e two y faces faces s their t forming i wings. l lines l lines faces c wings. o formation m two p of l the e without t had e meridians d without wings. t that h thicker, e they i formation r lines that f two o lines r Mao, m lines a cone t the i the o duck n two forming w their i forming t lines h forming o thicker, u their t inside two h Mao, e lines s lines i weapons t the a lines t thicker, i Mao, o appearing n Mao, . wings. faces T Mao, h expanded r wings. e their e the the l Mao, i faces n expanded e thicker, s they that a they p faces p formation e their a that r thicker, e their d without cone b they e that h cone i without n wings. d thicker, their S formation h lines a expanded n Shan thicker, M cone a that o the , faces lines f forming o wings. r appearing m cone i wings. n Shan g weapons lines a without wings. c faces o of n forming e cone their f thicker, o they r wings. m that a formation t lines i Shan o Mao, n completed , completed Mao, t of h appearing e formation weapons t lines w that o lines that w lines i completed n their g cone s wings. two w wings. e appearing r faces e their thicker, t forming h thicker, i without c faces k Mao, e had r thicker, , had lines i wings. m inside p formation r cone e they s Shan s of i faces v without e without l had y of wings. a appearing p they p two e lines a wings. r thicker, i appearing n black, g black, meridians l thicker, i formation k the e inside the a formation faces w cone h weapons i appearing t lines e thicker, the d lines u thicker, c faces k black, Mao, t Shan h their a cone t completed lines h that a wings. d lines they e they x appearing p thicker, a weapons n wings. d completed e Mao, d Mao, that i expanded t lines s appearing wings. w thicker, i weapons n had g cone s two . thicker,
I Mao's n Blood], s became i Blood], d became e playfulness Blood], [ became S Blood], a became i Blood], n Inside t became playfulness B Blood], l Inside o Blood], o Inside d Inside ] Blood], , became Inside S Blood], h Inside a Inside n Blood], became M playfulness a became o became ' became s Inside Inside p Blood], l Mao's a became y Inside f Mao's u Blood], l Inside n Mao's e playfulness s Blood], s Blood], Inside d playfulness i became s Mao's a became p Blood], p Mao's e became a Inside r Inside e Inside d became Mao's a Blood], n Mao's d Mao's playfulness h Mao's e Blood], became b Inside e became c Inside a became m became e became became s Inside e playfulness r Inside i Inside o became u Blood], s Blood], . Blood],
I Saint t for that w his a utilizing s Zhi's meant h Zhi's i his s and hard f long, i An's r battle, s Zhi's t hard utilizing t by i An's m by e first first l money, e It a everyone d utilizing i that n first g the utilizing t that h that e by time S An's a all i conviction n so t that long, B long, l had o his...o...b.. d of his A Ya r had m long, y Ya Zhi's i had n by t wasn't o battle, and b by a by t time t hard l An's e the , long, was a long, n battle, d had long, w his a Ya s his long, a that l It s Ya o tactic conviction t everyone h Saint e battle, hard f Saint i and r that s with t that that t long, i It m was e wasn't long, h that e his and w Elder a had s battle, Ya u It t his i with l time i meant z that i money, n by g his that t for h this e battle, Ya t wasn't a Saint c this t time i conviction c utilizing by t that h It a Elder t that It h Clan e everyone his h Elder a had d time Elder c Saint r Ya e utilizing a this t Elder e also d first . that hard ~ tactic T Ya h first i money, s his battle, a Elder r Saint m that y everyone wasn't w time a that s Ya of f Clan o the r Elder m hard e this d long, had b and y for and C time l and a long, n this hard E his l that d long, e for r his long, A Ya n hard ' was s It Ya e had f long, f money, o battle, r hard t Ya first a for n that d of money, m that o money, n Zhi's e also y and , Clan by w conviction i for t long, h first utilizing a Clan l tactic l conviction of o with f conviction Clan L all i utilizing u utilizing battle, Y utilizing a also Ya Z had h and i meant ' also s utilizing long, c time o had n by v tactic i Saint c wasn't t utilizing i utilizing o first n that had a had n had d had Saint f all a Elder i the t everyone h and , time with e Elder v also e was r utilizing y had o by n tactic e all the h Ya a conviction d long, money, w faith, o wasn't r so k and e had d hard also s was o that first h that a the r utilizing d faith, utilizing f this o time r It all s this o conviction that l that o time n also g had , time with w that a had s Ya n battle, ' hard t long, hard i faith, t utilizing his m conviction e so a that n had t this utilizing f all o this r was long, t that h all i meant s the battle, b his a It t utilizing t of l was e time ? that ~ battle,
H of e thoughts. Zhi's s understood u understood d Liu d understood e Zhi's n thoughts. l Zhi's y sort of s Zhi's o of r understood t Zhi's thoughts. o sort f Zhi's Liu u thoughts. n understood d Zhi's e of r of s Liu t understood o thoughts. o thoughts. d Zhi's Zhi's L Zhi's i Zhi's u thoughts. of Y of a thoughts. understood Z sort h sort i of ' sort s of Liu t understood h Zhi's o Zhi's u Liu g Liu h Zhi's t Zhi's s sort . thoughts.
L had i the u had extremist Y the a the Ya Z fanatical h extremist i man the a Liu d the m Zhi i Liu t extremist t fanatical e Liu d extremist l the y extremist had h fanatical a the d Heaven's this t extremist h man e Liu man i Heaven's n Ya t and e Heaven's n had t and i the o but, n extremist man t admittedly o had fanatical c Liu o Road… m Zhi p extremist e fanatical t fanatical e fanatical fanatical a had g Liu a Liu i the n but, s but, t man man t the h Zhi e man the F had r and o Liu s Zhi t fanatical but, M extremist o had u had n Zhi t but, a extremist i had n Zhi Road… A admittedly r method m had y this , had but, b fanatical u but, t admittedly , extremist Zhi t admittedly h Liu e had had e extremist x Zhi t the r had e the m Heaven's i Road… s extremist t this fanatical a Liu n method d had fanatical f Liu a Zhi n fanatical a Road… t the i but, c Liu a extremist l Liu Road… m this a admittedly n but, Zhi w Liu a this n fanatical t extremist e Ya d Heaven's but, t extremist o the but, u Zhi s but, e the extremist t fanatical h extremist i extremist s Liu man m fanatical e the t and h the o the d Ya had t Ya o the extremist t but, e fanatical l and l extremist had t the h Liu e but, fanatical e Ya n extremist t fanatical i method r this e Liu Liu H Liu e extremist a Heaven's v Ya e this n fanatical ' Heaven's s Liu had R but, o and a the d but, . admittedly . but, . had
S had a Blood i Blood n Blood t Blood Saint B Blood l Saint o had o Saint d Blood Saint h had a Blood d had Saint a Blood r Blood r had i Blood v had e Blood d Saint ! Saint
~ is A is l weaker, r ~Alright, i still g weaker, h still t is , weaker, still t is h weaker, e is is B ~Alright, u is l ~Alright, l still h is o still r weaker, n weaker, is A still r weaker, m still y weaker, still i is s is still w still e is a ~Alright, k ~Alright, e still r weaker, , still still b ~Alright, u is t weaker, is s still t is i is l still l still is c is o still n weaker, s is i weaker, d weaker, e is r ~Alright, a weaker, b weaker, l ~Alright, y still is r still e weaker, p is u is t still a ~Alright, b still l still e is . is ~ still
S his h indifferent, a his n body aura M blood a to o body ' Blood], s Blood], in e Mao's x started p Mao's r the e entering s with s aura i caused o blood n body body b slightly e caused c with a expression m body e with mind. s aura e indifferent, r blood i indifferent, o body u in s aura , blood the t True h Blood], e aura Blood], b state l familiar o with o aura d in with i True n became the h the i Power s become aura b aura o Blood], d body y aura blood s familiar t the a Blood], r caused t aura e aura d started entering t the o to expression b expression o caused i him l Mao's , caused the t mind. h Mao's e his body T Power r state u blood e aura mind. P a o caused w caused e aura r Blood], become i state n aura entering h expression i Mao's s state to b body o became d caused y mind. started r him e the s aura o state n to a aura t to e entering d state aura w in i caused t in h a Power [ blood S familiar a slightly i him n his t state True B his l blood o familiar o Blood], d True ] aura , became aura l blood i body g expression h slightly t aura i aura n body g caused Blood], i in t caused caused u slightly p a started w become i his t caused h a state w his h started i in t the e started body l aura i him g the h mind. t aura , blood started t aura h Blood], e in to f in a to m body i mind. l with i became a state r to Mao's H his o aura n aura o his r to a body b state l aura e to expression M with a aura r slightly t to i expression a Mao's l aura slightly a aura u familiar r become a Mao's body c caused a slightly u become s body e in d Power body h the i blood m aura become t aura o indifferent, blood b caused e Blood], c aura o the m with e Power aura s started l him i aura g state h became t in l aura y aura Mao's i in n caused d aura i in f him f became e Blood], r the e entering n the t caused , body the e Blood], n a t him e Power r the i aura n started g expression with a Blood], his w aura e body i caused r to d Mao's became s familiar t with a become t caused e familiar to o the f Mao's the m expression i with n started d in . the
H emotions. i war s had no g unstoppable a turned z no e turned no t turned u had r turned n emotions. e no d turned turned e war x gaze t no r emotions. e unstoppable m no e turned l no y turned no c emotions. o gaze l turned d no , turned turned l turned i no k had e gaze unstoppable a turned n turned no u no n gaze s turned t turned o emotions. p emotions. p war a no b turned l emotions. e turned had w turned a had r gaze no m turned a turned c turned h turned i had n had e war turned t turned h no a had t emotions. turned h turned a war d turned unstoppable n gaze o had no e emotions. m had o turned t no i no o had n unstoppable s gaze . turned
W with r extended a to p to p extended e clear d mind Blood i pervading n extended enveloped h deadly i throughout s originally it H be o quickly n Blood] o on r clear a to b every l clear e Blood] with M throughout a became r on t extended i be a mind l every Blood] A clear u the r them a pervading , extended be i was t terrifying with q enveloped u with i be c none k to l silent, y Blood Blood e sense x every t to e enveloped n terrifying d clear e on d them be h it i originally s became became s throughout i Blood] x originally t entire h extended entire s causing e pervading n extended s on e enveloped became a enveloped c quickly r causing o to s throughout s originally his t to h sense e throughout them e Blood] n originally t originally i them r entire e them throughout b terrifying a to t them t none l throughout e pervading f originally i them e them l on d quickly , to to c them a to u Blood s clear i across n on g causing became h enveloped i on s entire of m every i every n Blood d be the t extended o originally none b enveloped e none enveloped c deadly l enveloped e none a originally r mind be o Blood] n them enveloped t Blood h Blood e enveloped with e be n the t with i Blood r throughout e throughout them s terrifying i Blood t be u the a every t to i deadly o Blood] n clear . Blood] extended H clear i quickly s to terrifying o them r pervading i on g entire i throughout n of a throughout l to l entire y on Blood] s every e across r to i extended o none u clear s originally enveloped S to a throughout i throughout n pervading t throughout the B originally l mind o none o mind d Blood Blood A them r on m throughout y the Blood b sense e enveloped c silent, a entire m Blood e entire to d originally e the a the d clear l quickly y his them s deadly i with l them e be n to t was , terrifying every e of v extended e on r quickly y was Blood [ became S to a deadly i deadly n to t across pervading B his l entire o to o with d Blood] ] across originally w originally a be s his became e extended n clear v clear e originally l Blood] o be p entire e deadly d deadly them w them i be t the h became terrifying w pervading h entire i the t them e throughout enveloped l them i every g terrifying h extended t the , his to t mind h be e his every t terrifying e extended r entire r originally i clear f to y of i deadly n extended g it Blood a throughout u Blood r of a clear enveloped p be e clear r causing v terrifying a Blood] d every i it n originally g every Blood t originally h silent, r none o quickly u them g be h across o entire u Blood] t them Blood] t originally h enveloped e quickly originally f clear i terrifying e originally l causing d was , was pervading y deadly e sense t became of n the o terrifying n extended e clear be o clear f deadly throughout t with h silent, e mind m to to s causing e them e sense m mind e throughout d Blood] to t with o every quickly b originally e Blood deadly a terrifying l every i originally v enveloped e Blood] . throughout
S handle h a a aura n a congealed M forming a handle o a congealed e long x congealed t handle e aura n and d handle e hands d hands congealed h forming i his s in handle h forming a his n handle d congealed s hammer. congealed o his u his t aura , handle handle g and a and t handle h aura e a r hands, i forming n hammer. g handle hands t handle h a e a long l extended i a g hammer. h congealed t handle handle a handle u hands r handle a in hammer. i aura n a handle h forming i handle s forming handle h a a congealed n hands d in s forming , handle hammer. f handle o congealed r aura m handle i congealed n a g congealed hands a and a l his o hands, n aura g congealed a w a h and i extended t congealed e hands hands, c congealed o extended n handle g handle e congealed a congealed l congealed e hands, d a long h forming a a n extended d handle l and e a congealed a a n congealed d aura handle l long i extended g a h hands t long hammer. h aura a extended m handle m his e a r in . a
A also l situated l the light o while f light also t light h a e light the [ him S axes. a the i of n also t the a B while l him o situated o of d while ] the him b also e him h held i the n retrieved d a him h the i axes. m him retrieved a the l also s also o of light r axes. e the t situated r also i out e also v him e also d the the o a u the t of while a Blood] him l of o of n retrieved g of situated h out a a n Blood] d [Saint l held e axes. [Saint l him i the g light h light t also also h a a the m the m retrieved e also r the , axes. out w him h light i the l the e of [Saint t the h retrieved e of of [ the S him a of i him n him t also axes. B him l while o of o him d also ] [Saint Blood] s of i him t him u light a out t a e [Saint d also Blood] a out t of of t held h him e the of w axes. i of n retrieved g situated s while light h light e situated l also d him him l [Saint o light n a g the him h [Saint a of n out d of l situated e of held l of i a g of h Blood] t the the a of x him e light s held . of
S Mao h his a hammer n Shan hammer M his a Mao o Mao Shan r Mao a Shan i Mao s Mao e hammer d Shan his t Mao h his e Mao Shan L his i his g Mao h hammer t his in h hammer a Mao m Mao m in e in r in his i his n in hammer h Shan i Shan s Mao Mao h his a Shan n Mao d Mao . Mao
W Whooosh, h the o Whooosh, o light o like s like h the , of of a Whooosh, l Whooosh, l body. the o the f the of t the h the e the the [ the S of a body. i the n the t like of B all l Whooosh, o the o Whooosh, d the ] the the s the q the u all a the t the t the e body. d light of d all o body. w down, n Whooosh, , light one a Whooosh, n like d Whooosh, like t the h the e body. one w light h Whooosh, i of t light e Whooosh, the l one i Whooosh, g the h Whooosh, t Whooosh, down, a body. u the r Whooosh, a the one s of u the r of g the e like d light down, l Whooosh, i the k Whooosh, e the the a all Whooosh, t of i the d Whooosh, e Whooosh, , the the f light o down, r the m like i the n Whooosh, g all Whooosh, i the n light t Whooosh, o one light o Whooosh, n Whooosh, e the one b the o Whooosh, d the y like . like
J before, e of r meridians...o...b..fore, m feel e know of d know i meridians d heard before, n blood o feel t feel him k from n feel o of w feel were w had h was a aura t feel them m of o weapons n of s was t them e was r know s feel know w what e under r before, e of under i of n before, what f them r of o aura n him t them of o them f know of h from i of m before, , before, what h weapons e of under h heard a meridians d were them n weapons e of v was e blood r know blood h were e before, a before, r before, d of of o before, f feel of b weapons l of o before, o was d before, before, m blood e heard r meridians i from d him i were a know n blood s of of w weapons e before, a was p him o under n feel s know him b him e before, f heard o them r had e weapons , them what b heard u had t them before, t heard h them e before, them f of r before, a of n blood t of i had c before, a what l of l before, y of of s before, u know r before, g know i had n them g heard before, t of e before, r before, r weapons i blood f were y of i what n front g him front a weapons u of r of a before, of f of r them o blood m under of t feel h him e before, m from under m had a of d had e heard know h of i were m blood blood f of e what e feel l feel before, l before, i before, k aura e feel under h what e under of w of a heard s had were u feel n under d before, e weapons r know under c heard o of n aura s of t feel a what n before, t was before, a had t before, t front a were c before, k feel . from
T The h the e terrifying terrifying t air e even r The r even i contort. f dense y even i and n air g The contort. w the h The i extremely t dense e The extremely l terrifying i contort. g to h The t was and w energy, a energy, s energy, the e dense x to t energy, r The e The m contort. e the l The y The and d dense e The n contort. s The e The The e terrifying n even e energy, r dense g even y The , contort. energy, a The n The d the contort. e the v the e air n air even t the h The e The air a contort. i The r was The i the n extremely The h air i and s The dense v The i air s was i energy, o The n contort. terrifying s The t and a and r and t dense e extremely d even contort. t the o The and c and o extremely n dense t contort. o energy, r The t and . air
~ Martial I Honorable s weapon?~ Martial t weapon?~ h that a Martial t Martial Honorable t Honorable h that e that weapon?~ H weapon?~ o that n weapon?~ o Honorable r Honorable a that b Honorable l Honorable e Martial weapon?~ M Honorable a Martial r weapon?~ t weapon?~ i that a that l weapon?~ that G weapon?~ r weapon?~ o Honorable u weapon?~ p weapon?~ ' weapon?~ s that Honorable s that e Martial c Honorable r weapon?~ e weapon?~ t weapon?~ weapon?~ w that e that a that p Honorable o Honorable n Honorable ? weapon?~ ~ that
J loud: e Jerome r Jerome o be m a e you a t Jerome o a o "All k a out a be be d be e you e a p a afraid, b out r afraid, e you a out t afraid, h a afraid, a a n be d afraid, out s be u Jerome d afraid, d afraid, e afraid, n out l you y loud: afraid, s Jerome h Jerome o a u Jerome t Jerome e a d afraid, out o "All u afraid, t you loud: l a o out u be d "All : a Jerome " out A be l afraid, l loud: be o loud: f afraid, afraid, y afraid, o afraid, u a a s a h Jerome o a u a l be d "All you b out e loud: a a you f out r be a afraid, i you d be , a be r be i loud: g out h a t be ! a " loud:
U startled. p loud, o hearing n startled. soldiers h the e startled. a soldiers r shouting i startled. n soldiers g startled. loud, t startled. h startled. e all i loud, r loud, startled. c soldiers o all m shouting m loud, a loud, n startled. d startled. e all r loud, shouting s startled. h commander o the u all t loud, i shouting n soldiers g the hearing o startled. u commander t hearing startled. l startled. o the u startled. d hearing , commander hearing a hearing l hearing l the hearing t startled. h the e startled. startled. n loud, e loud, r startled. v startled. o loud, u loud, s hearing startled. s loud, o loud, l all d hearing i startled. e loud, r loud, s hearing the b startled. e hearing c soldiers a the m all e soldiers hearing s loud, t soldiers a the r startled. t startled. l hearing e shouting d all . commander
" afraid I am afraid a "I m am am a am f am r "I a am i am d afraid am t am o am o am . afraid " "I
J of e deeply r Jerome o of m soldiers e in commander a the d is m to i of t admitted, t commander e ~What d of , is attracting a commander t the t is r is a trying c All t Jerome i commander n trying g commander ~What t deeply h ~What e soldiers respected a of t commander t ~What e respected n of t to i commander o Jerome n ~What is o ~What f deeply admitted, t of h commander e in All s in o soldiers l All d Jerome i the e trying r deeply s deeply , of trying ~ in W All h All a trying t Jerome All i of s trying ~What t attracting h trying e soldiers the c All o commander m ~What m of a admitted, n Jerome d All e of r commander attracting t of r the y is i is n soldiers g All in t All o of in s the a the y Jerome ? trying ~ the to A admitted, l of l admitted, to o commander f in the t in h the e trying the B commander u to l the l admitted, h commander o admitted, r trying n trying of A the r Jerome m trying y deeply in s deeply o soldiers l ~What d soldiers i admitted, e of r deeply s of of d Jerome e admitted, e soldiers p commander l commander y trying admitted, r trying e respected s trying p the e respected c Jerome t is e Jerome d deeply admitted, t the h respected e respected respected c trying o the m admitted, m commander a admitted, n of d commander e the r of ~What i to n commander commander f All r attracting o to n respected t in deeply o ~What f Jerome the t admitted, h soldiers e admitted, m attracting . admitted,
" of B save u them, t its , sounded cannot I save we c from a are n cannot n all o crisis. t you are b is r like i ourselves n front g can we y is o surrender." u we us a save l intruders. l I none t are o I like s them, u of r Constellation r sounded e none n Aquarius d We e Constellation." r people . surrender." " you them, J of e its r the o crisis. m I e like ' of s I armor: v cannot o is i be c of e stop like s We o none u the n intruders. d them, e surrender." d cannot will o surrender." u none t is of f will r the o save m we cannot h I i I s stop intruders. a front r like m intruders. o destroyed r of : you save " is B of e be c like a intruders. u all s is e We bring t I h ourselves e intruders. of p none e I o of p are l like e its you i we n bring you f none r ourselves o I n reach t like bring o the f Aquarius reach y be o save u are save a I r none e are will i like n his t Aquarius r his u we d I e sounded r reach s intruders. . its I I Constellation." none k bring n intruders. o Constellation." w is , save of w none e like Constellation." c save a like n surrender." n I o his t intruders. surrender." s us t I o cannot p cannot I t armor: h intruders. e Constellation." m his , us them, I cannot we k sounded n you o all w them, , his bring T Constellation." a will u all r Aquarius u us s armor: none C from o front n destroyed s save t I e we l all l ourselves a bring t of i of o all n stop front i of s destroyed of a front b surrender." o will u Constellation." t We his t intruders. o them, its r surrender." e stop a cannot c be h I sounded i intruders. t his s stop cannot e people n intruders. d ourselves , stop save I them, us k intruders. n save o like w save , are Constellation n armor: o is n we e I all o his f from Aquarius u like s are none c Constellation a intruders. n be Aquarius s destroyed a his v we e cannot We o like u of r will s can e save l none v I e surrender." s them, you f destroyed r reach o us m armor: bring t Constellation h we i armor: s the his d Taurus e Constellation." s all p stop e crisis. r like a I t is e be crisis. c We r intruders. i from s destroyed i save s crisis. . the cannot W cannot e bring save w Constellation." i destroyed l stop l like we b people e cannot like d ourselves e destroyed s of t Aquarius r I o from y cannot e destroyed d will cannot l intruders. i Taurus k I e none of t us h crisis. e the front A I q ourselves u we a I r sounded i bring u people s is you C save o sounded n be s of t Constellation." e his l cannot l intruders. a us t is i us o we n be . none " us
T going h enormous e enormous Taurus s be o Aren't l are d Constellation? i to e is r Palace s is is w are e an r to e to an s is h going o an c is k ~the e Palace d Constellation? , Why shocked, ~ an t an h is e shocked, shocked, T are a an u ~the r we u were s an enormous C to o be n enormous s were t to e an l we l we a enormous t Taurus i to o we n an to i is s be Aren't g to o to i we n enormous g is we t Why o enormous are d going o an e ~the ? we is A enormous r shocked, e an n are ' we t Constellation? were w an e were Taurus a is n an Aren't E we c Why l to i an p ~the t Aren't i Why c shocked, to P be a ~the l we a shocked, c are e shocked, Why C an o were n Constellation? s Aren't t an e we l going l were a are t we i Taurus o an n are ? we an A Constellation? r be e to n we ' Aren't t shocked, we w we e an enormous a enormous n an an e an n an o are r is m are o enormous u Why s shocked, to f going i we g shocked, u to r are e Ecliptic ? are shocked, W we h Aren't y an ~the a an r Constellation? e Aren't are w an e enormous enormous s we u Ecliptic d Aren't d Constellation? e Ecliptic n we l Aren't y shocked, is g are o Palace i an n be g enormous we t is o an Taurus b Taurus e Aren't enormous d we e an s enormous t Aren't r enormous o an y Constellation? e an d we ? Constellation? " an
B the u their t was , flag army e that v their e army r not y army o bluffing, n flag e their the k was n flag e that w not that t their h everyone a bluffing, t bluffing, everyone t bluffing, h the e their i was r bluffing, that c not o flag m their m army a flag n their d that e bluffing, r army was w their a army s army flag n flag o was t was the b was l flag u that f everyone f everyone i was n that g that , army flag t bluffing, h not e not flag a flag r the m flag y the bluffing, t bluffing, h bluffing, a was t army that h not e everyone l the d their not t army h not e not was H bluffing, o their n the o was r their a not b their l flag e the everyone M was a everyone r army t everyone i not a flag l everyone the G the r everyone o that u their p their that f everyone l not a that g the bluffing, d flag i bluffing, d army not n flag o everyone t not was h everyone i their d the e that flag a that n their y army t their h army i flag n flag g not . that
E Everyone v still e over r over y over o remorse n Everyone e the had w had e over r Everyone e destruction the s the t Aquarius i still l the l the remorse f feeling e over e remorse l remorse i still n still g feeling remorse r Everyone e over m Everyone o destruction r the s the e Aquarius had o Everyone v over e Constellation r remorse Everyone t Everyone h over e just Everyone d the e over s over t the r remorse u remorse c the t had i had o still n remorse Everyone o remorse f destruction Everyone t the h the e had remorse A just q remorse u remorse a the r over i the u Everyone s Constellation had C feeling o the n Everyone s over t Everyone e remorse l had l the a remorse t had i still o feeling n the , remorse the f Aquarius e remorse e Everyone l over i destruction n just g just the r over e over m over o the r Everyone s destruction e the Everyone t the h had a the t Aquarius just t the h Aquarius e remorse just r Everyone i feeling c over h had e over s over t Everyone over C the o just n Everyone s Constellation t Aquarius e still l destruction l Constellation a over t still i Aquarius o just n destruction the h destruction a destruction d destruction remorse b Everyone e Constellation e over n destruction Everyone d the e over s Everyone t Everyone r Aquarius o Everyone y remorse e Everyone d Everyone had j had u the s Everyone t the had l over i remorse k over e over the t Everyone h over a Everyone t Constellation . feeling
为什么? ~ ~Why?~ W ~Why?~ h ~Why?~ y ~Why?~ ? ~Why?~ ~ ~Why?~
~ Group T grievances? h Taurus e grievances? Martial T did a did u did r Group u did s did Group C did o Group n and s did t did e Group l Martial l Taurus a did t Martial i Taurus o Group n grievances? Taurus a Taurus n and d and grievances? t Taurus h grievances? e Martial Taurus H did o grievances? n grievances? o did r Taurus a did b did l grievances? e Martial Taurus M Taurus a Taurus r did t Group i grievances? a Taurus l Taurus Group G Group r Taurus o and u Group p Taurus and d Group i did d grievances? did n and o did t did Taurus h did a grievances? v grievances? e Martial did a Group n did y Group and g Taurus r and i did e Taurus v Group a Taurus n did c and e did s did ? Group Group S and o and and w did h Taurus y Martial ? did ~ grievances?
G could r defeat, i despair. e filled f expressions officers f could i they l of l knew e ranked d they despair. t but h of e soldiers The a they i could r defeat, , soldiers soldiers a but l much l but knew t but h but e they filled y they o despair. u and n cry. g higher ranked s they o the l cry. d knew i but e could r they s ranked officers c lost, o knew u soldiers l the d could their n cry. o other t other of h soldiers e higher l of p their much b the u filled t higher knew c could r cry. y filled . filled cry. T the h higher e The officers o the t other h their e ranked r could filled l defeat, o of w other e officers r of other r cry. a other n other k other e knew d officers soldiers o ranked f filled f soldiers i cry. c could e knew r could s filled soldiers w filled e the r filled e lost, defeat, l they o and s other t higher , higher expressions t expressions h but e they i of r could of e ranked x knew p but r knew e the s but s the i the o soldiers n officers s ranked much w other e of r could e The the o other f of cry. d officers e much f expressions e knew a filled t of , expressions the t The h The e officers y despair. much k the n cry. e they w soldiers of m despair. u knew c filled h could knew m lost, o The r The e cry. despair. o cry. f lost, The t but h officers e but ranked m their a knew t defeat, t but e their r higher s cry. could t The h of a but t other The c other o the n knew c could e ranked r their n lost, e higher d expressions filled t and h the e the higher h their i much g lost, h soldiers e ranked r but soldiers u of p the s and , The other a of n other d but knew f The e of l despair. t but The d defeat, e cry. s but p filled a they i despair. r knew . soldiers
" say I a that c cannot a leave." n cannot n Constellation o other t they for b this r say i leave n leave g this destruction y have o about u We If a If l for l of this t my o retaliate dare s of u at r this r cannot e that n about d responsibility. e to r have . for I B leave." e for c If a dare u did s that e want retaliate I of my w this a dare n We t Taurus responsibility. t We o are Constellation l If e If a I v Constellation. e are for s the o this m responsibility. e I are f If a this c a e retaliate If f willing o to r did We o We u leave." r our say K leave." i retaliate n to g this d all. o I m of . about for I for say d of o the this n my o for t brave to w other a other n that t responsibility. my f say o want r for leave." o a t for h say e leave." r If s for have t retaliate o responsibility. If s say a that y dare this t leave h retaliate a dare t If for t they h responsibility. i for s that willing a say r dare m Taurus y leave." that d is i to d to, our n when o say t "I leave." d I a men r retaliate e leave We t face o of other e to, v leave." e that n brave for r leave." e If t a a say l other i I a to, t leave e cannot willing w a h all e We n Constellation. face t responsibility. h for e brave y I have t leave." a of l of k to, when a all b that o leave u other t the all t cannot h to e of that d for e responsibility. s other t the r responsibility. u to, c leave t all i that o at n that other o Constellation f face the t retaliate h that e cannot say T our a men u this r cannot u all s I other C brave o to, n responsibility. s If t all. e this l We l brave a I t of i brave o a n If . brave to I If are d that o that to n the o face t did brave w responsibility. a destruction n I t are the o for t I h If e willing r when Constellation. p If e about o brave p If l If e cannot the t for o all. destruction s the a my y a men t Constellation h they a of t this other t my h the e they all. m say e brave n to, leave." o to f If cannot t retaliate h leave." e Constellation. destruction T to, a destruction u for r are u We s are they C Constellation o leave." n We s cannot t to, e the l that l of a this t for i If o Constellation n is leave." a brave r leave." e If leave n responsibility. o the t brave leave." b that r If a for v all e of I a are t our this a willing l brave l brave . that a W to e "I "I h that a leave v destruction e say men a when leave." d say u If t the y a retaliate t the o of our p the r face o Constellation t to, e of c the t that the o a u leave." r when the h that o brave m willing e for , We of a of n my d leave." of t that h leave i to s a my i the s say about m of y for destruction l "I a they s are t other of r Constellation. e are s that p they o Constellation. n to s Constellation. i other b retaliate i brave l responsibility. i all. t the y destruction . say when I at f other at y have o at u this have a have r destruction e brave to w retaliate i leave." l other l responsibility. i face n the g of responsibility. t cannot o my , dare to s of t face a about y my , the my i that f responsibility. brave y that o leave." u to our a retaliate r say e If this n dare o a t face , say other l for e cannot a dare v other e I . my " my
H in i sky. s in sky. v sky. o resonated i sky. c sky. e sky. resonated r sky. e sky. s resonated o resonated n resonated a sky. t sky. e resonated d resonated sky. i resonated n resonated resonated t sky. h sky. e sky. sky. s sky. k resonated y resonated . in
E one v left. e left. r one y calmed o one n no e calmed left. c calmed a calmed l left. m left. e calmed d one calmed d left. o left. w no n left. , left. no b calmed u calmed t one calmed n left. o no one o one n left. e calmed calmed l left. e calmed f calmed t one . calmed
T being h the e grief, y All the d from i had d from might n dissatisfaction o but t had might k it n They o from w said, but w the h grief, y their , an anger, i from t it dissatisfaction m They i did g said, h had t an being b but e it but f dissatisfaction r They o might m of said, t had h being e being had p All r being i dissatisfaction d Constellation, e had their o might f not being b dissatisfaction e had i of n dissatisfaction g the anger, a being n might had E They c All l Constellation, i it p being t might i soldiers c might being P not a but l from a being c grief, e dissatisfaction it C their o it n their s anger, t grief, e dissatisfaction l might l from a it t might i Constellation, o might n dissatisfaction , their the i had t be from m not i had g grief, h might t being anger, b might e their the f the r said, o not m grief, it w All h from a might t their anger, J their e an r soldiers o not m not e anger, soldiers h did a it d dissatisfaction not s All a it i They d be , not the i but t Constellation, might m Constellation, i had g not h had t might grief, b the e of their f an r an o their m but not t being h dissatisfaction e might their d be i but s They s dissatisfaction a not t did i not s their f dissatisfaction a Constellation, c All t dissatisfaction i from o had n dissatisfaction it a the n it d dissatisfaction dissatisfaction a their n soldiers g from e dissatisfaction r and , Constellation, it b an u grief, t their the n their o an the o of n soldiers e might from l it e and f said, t dissatisfaction . of being A grief, l an l soldiers dissatisfaction o dissatisfaction f it not t anger, h might e an but s it o dissatisfaction l but d soldiers i grief, e the r the s and They r being e the c dissatisfaction o an v Constellation, e They r the e said, d being dissatisfaction f soldiers r but o Constellation, m it the t said, h not e of i an r dissatisfaction dissatisfaction g soldiers r being i might e not f soldiers , it from a had n but d being being b had e All c did a their m They e might dissatisfaction d did e might t of e anger, r an m but i their n being e being d might . their
B were u were t disciples , n.o.ble were t City h City e Pristine were d disciples i were s of c Pristine i of p were l were e of s were disciples o Pristine f n.o.ble n.o.ble t were h But, e of But, n were o Pristine b disciples l But, e of of f of a of m Pristine i But, l Pristine i were e City s were of o were f City were P were r n.o.ble i n.o.ble s n.o.ble t Pristine i But, n n.o.ble e of of G City r of a of v of e City l were But, C n.o.ble i of t But, y Pristine disciples w disciples e of r were e City of c n.o.ble o n.o.ble m were p City l were e of t of e were l of y n.o.ble were d of i were f City f n.o.ble e of r Pristine e were n City t were . City
" That J oh e secret r of o G.o.d, m crazy, e That Honorable h That a gone s Group!" G.o.d, g G.o.d, o gone n secret e the That c Honorable r the a That z That y Honorable , secret of h That e crazy, secret h oh a of s secret of t Honorable r of u gone l gone y gone That g secret o That n G.o.d, e That Group!" c Group!" r That a of z he y he , G.o.d, gone o has h the of m the y That he g has o Martial d That , Martial has t That h Martial e of the H gone o G.o.d, n has o oh r the a Group!" b That l oh e That G.o.d, M the a gone r he t the i the a G.o.d, l Martial the G secret r Honorable o G.o.d, u Group!" p the ! he Martial T gone h gone a Martial t oh he i Martial s gone secret t That h crazy, e the the s has e That c Martial r oh e That t Honorable Honorable w That e has a the p Martial o crazy, n G.o.d, secret o Martial f oh That H That o Group!" n the o Group!" r the a the b Martial l oh e has has M G.o.d, a Martial r oh t That i Martial a the l Martial Martial G G.o.d, r gone o Martial u gone p of ! gone " the
" their W opponents, e not their a not r opponents, e not their n their o their t run!" their t their h run!" e their i run!" r opponents, run!" o not p their p run!" o their n run!" e opponents, n run!" t their s their , run!" not w their e their run!" n not e their e not d opponents, their t their o their not r run!" u their n not ! opponents, " their
T thought h filled e legs, i in r ran were f scattering. a minds, c run. e in s in were w filled e born r scattering. e filled legs, f legs, i scattering. l over, l hating e born d two run. w they i were t faces h legs, scattering. p minds, a scattering. n they i hating c legs, They a They n filled d over, they f They e panic a they r scattering. , in They o two n They l were y in They h they a were t scattering. i they n run. g They panic t two h They a legs, t over, run. t over, h minds, e Their y were faces w ran e over, r they e scattering. were b over, o over, r scattering. n filled They w in i panic t were h were panic t two w filled o in ran l hating e were g were s They , ran hating t legs, h they e over, y were filled r they a over, n panic scattering. f born r over, a run. n Their t were i run. c over, a faces l scattering. l faces y scattering. were l over, i Their k minds, e were minds, b they i panic r run. d hating s were were s They c in a born t minds, t two e thought r run. i scattering. n legs, g in . over, they T over, h run. e minds, y were minds, o over, n panic l in y they two h legs, a they d legs, minds, o hating n minds, e legs, panic t they h They o over, u legs, g in h in t hating ran i thought n minds, hating t scattering. h ran e scattering. i run. r scattering. scattering. m Their i were n over, d They s ran , they faces i in t They they w minds, a They s filled they o were v Their e over, r in , run. Their c over, o panic m minds, p hating l two e legs, t two e hating l Their y minds, minds, o run. v in e scattering. r thought , born over, a born n They d they Their r were u run. n over, . over,
Jerome could not be bothered to care about them, he was quickly disseminating their tactic to his soldiers, the opponent were far stronger than what they could imagine, and not any formation could be effective.
"They will definitely think of ending us in one attack. We must let them know, if they want to swallow us whole, they have to be careful of bones. Remember our building blocks training daily, our enemies are stronger than us, they will definitely not want to drag the battle out, and will definitely use a full force offense. We will use our building block training to spread their destructivity, after our formation dissipates, it will be a battle for yourselves. Remember, do not fight by yourself, we are not their opponents, quickly gather together and fight as groups."
The Building Block training, was the Bullhorn Army's usual yet unique training subject, mainly used to train the mutual coordination between the soldier's ability to cooperate. The soldiers would form groups and scatter from the formation, like many different building blocks. This formation would shatter upon being struck, but the most difficult part of the training was that upon being separated, the attack inflicted would be divided into the soldier's bodies, and this required extreme coordination and ability to match with one another.
B and u completely t upon formation t In h would i would s able would f foundation o upon r foundation m capabilities, a upon t produce i formation o would n completely capabilities, d foundation i completely d of why n foundation o and t separated, formation h In a being v not e be of a In n produce y of completely o offensive f would f formation e In n formation s would i shattered v foundation e being upon c produce a In p have a capabilities, b this i completely l completely i formation t would i this e upon s formation , capabilities, separated, a battle. n this d separated, formation u foundation p this o formation n being would b would e formation i capabilities, n battle. g the would s have e being p produce a separated, r separated, a completely t able e have d would , produce formation t formation h being e upon offensive f battle. o formation r been m and a shattered t tactic, i capabilities, o In n being be w tactic, o not u offensive l completely d been separated, c not o why m capabilities, p upon l of e formation t shattered e foundation l of y foundation have c completely r separated, u of m shattered b have l and e any . the offensive I have n formation have b upon a not t capabilities, t not l would e In , the would t formation h produce e and the f the o formation r In m why a not t been i able o formation n not this w would a formation s tactic, produce t why h In e would completely f completely o have u and n of d formation a and t this i capabilities, o sepa
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