The Induna's Wife Part 20

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"Have a care, Untuswa, have a care," he snarled. "Dost thou not fear?"

"Why, no," I answered. "The _muti_ which protects me is greater than any which can be turned against me. But thou, what canst thou fear, O great _iza.n.u.si_ who cannot die?"

I was but mocking him, _Nkose_, for now I saw through the plot. He had purposely been allowed to escape in the turmoil what time all the other _iza.n.u.si_ had been slain; and I laughed at myself for my fears on first beholding him.

We left Tola lying there helpless; and, removing a little distance, we said out all we had to say. Then we took leave of each other.

"Use care, Untuswa, for it is that man's life or thine," said Lalusini, as we parted. "On no account let him escape."

"Have no fear as to that, Lalusini," I answered. "There is one who will take even better care of him than I could."

When she had gone I unbound Tola's ankles, and told him to walk. Now, seeing himself in my power, he began to talk fair. He promised to do all for me if I would but let him go--to rid me of my enemies, to make me the greatest man, next to the King. But I only mocked him.

"A live _iza.n.u.si_ may do great things," I said. "But a dead _iza.n.u.si_--_whau_!--of what use is he? And, Tola, I seem to remember that thou art dead--dead by order of the Great Great One. How then canst thou serve me?"

Then he began on another story. He could teach me things--could reveal mysteries which would render me all-powerful against every form of harm.

But I only laughed at this, saying that he would soon have an opportunity of testing his powers in his own favour; and thus, ever with a watchful eye upon him, we travelled on together until we entered the hollow where were the kraals of the Bapongqolo.

"There are many here who will give thee warm greeting, chief of the _iza.n.u.si_," I said. "Some even, upon whom thou hast looked before."

Now people began to crowd around us, and, recognising my prisoner, shouts of hatred and threats were hurled at him. They would have torn him from me, but I restrained them.

"Go, call Sifadu," I said. "I have brought him a long-desired guest."

At the mention of Sifadu's name the terror stamped upon the face of Tola was frightful to behold. We, standing around, enjoyed this, for scarcely a man there but had seen some relative haled to the place of doom at the bidding of this hyena; some indeed to writhe in torment for long before they died. Then Tola, foaming at the mouth, rolled on the ground in convulsions; but for this they cared nothing, as a mere witch-finding trick. They p.r.i.c.ked him with their a.s.segais until he came to again, roaring with laughter the while. And as he came to again, Sifadu appeared.

"Welcome, Tola," he cried. "Welcome! We have long awaited thee. Ha, and a right warm welcome shall be thine, ah, ah! a right warm welcome."

And thrusting his face close to that of the witch doctor he gnashed his teeth in a grin of such hardly-to-be-restrained fury that I thought he would have seized the other with his churning jaws like a beast.

"Welcome, Tola," he went on. "A warm welcome to thee, in the name of all my house whom thou didst eat up. _Whau_! There were my two young wives. How nicely their tender limbs shrivelled and burned as they died the death of the hot stones as witches, smelt out by thee Tola--by thee, Tola--thou prince of smellers out!" and with the two repet.i.tions he sliced off the witch doctor's ears with the keen blade of his broad a.s.segai. A frightful howl escaped the sufferer.

"Then there was my mother and another of my father's wives; they were lashed to death with switches to make them confess--by thy orders.

Tola. _Haul_ Does this feel good--and this--and this?" And he lashed the prisoner's naked body with a green hide thong until the air rang with screams.

"Then there was my father, Kona. He was eaten by black ants--at thy word, Tola--by black ants. It took nearly a day for him to die in that torment, raving and roaring as a madman. And now I think this shall be thine own end. _Whau_! The black ants--the good black ants--the fierce black ants--the hungry black ants. They shall be fed--they shall be fed."

Now, _Nkose_, looking at Sifadu, I thought he came very near being a madman at that moment, so intense was his hate and fury, so difficult the restraint he put upon himself not to hack the vile witch doctor into pieces there and then with his own hand. He foamed at the month, he ground his teeth, his very eyeb.a.l.l.s seemed about to roll from their sockets. But the face of Tola, ah! never did I see such terror upon that of any living man. The crowd, looking on, roared like lions, stifling Sifadu's voice. They called to him the death of relatives--of fathers, of brothers, of wives, all of whose deaths lay at the doors of the _iza.n.u.si_. They wished that this one had a hundred lives that they might take a hundred days in killing him. There were several nests of black ants at no distance. Then somebody cried out that there was a particularly large one under a certain tree.

"Under a tree!" cried Sifadu. "Ha. I have an idea! Bring him along."

They flung themselves upon Tola, whose wild howling was completely drowned by the ferocious yells of the crowd. But as they were dragging him roughly over the ground Sifadu interposed.

"_Gahle_, brothers. Do not bruise him. The ants like their meat uninjured."

Amid roars of delight the miserable wretch was dragged to the place of torment. Already some had knocked the top off the ants' nest, and were stirring it with sticks to infuriate the insects. Right over the nest grew a long bough a little more than the height of a tall man from the ground. Now Sifadu's idea took shape.

A wedge of wood was inserted between the victim's teeth. This had the effect of holding his jaws wide open, nor by any effort could he dislodge the gag. Then his ankles being strongly bound together, he was hoisted up to the branch above, and left hanging by the feet, so that his head and gaping mouth just touched the broken top of the ant heap.

Then as he writhed and twisted and howled in his agony--for the infuriated insects swarmed all over him--into his nostrils, mouth, severed ears, everywhere--the Bapongqolo crowded around gloating over his torments, and shouting into his ears the names of those whom he himself had doomed to a like torment. It was long indeed before he died, but though I have seen many a terrible form of death, never did I see any man suffer as did this one. And yet, _Nkose_, it was just that he should, for had not he himself been the means of dooming many innocent persons to that very death? Wherefore the revenge of the refugees was a meet and a just one.



Notwithstanding that I, and I alone, had brought to him his bitterest enemy to be dealt with, Sifadu's manner towards me became, as time went on, more and more one of suspicion and distrust. He feared lest I should desire the chieftains.h.i.+p of this refugee clan; for by this time I was as completely one of themselves as he was, and he thought, perhaps rightly, that a man who had once commanded the fighting force of a great warrior nation was not likely to be content to remain for ever a mere n.o.body.

But this att.i.tude taken up by Sifadu compelled me to do the very thing which he desired least, and that in self-defence. I laboured to create a following, and before I had been many moons among them I had attached fully half the outlaws to myself. Further, I knew that in the event of a quarrel between us I could count upon even more, for Sifadu was but indifferently liked. His bravery was beyond suspicion; indeed, it was through fear of his prowess that none disputed his supremacy. But he was of a quarrelsome disposition, fierce and terrible when roused, and had a sullen and gloomy mind; whereas I, for my part, have ever got on well among fighting-men, and as for gloomy thoughts, _whau_! they are the worst kind of _muti_, worse than useless indeed. True, I who once had been among the first of a great nation was now an outlaw and an exile from two great nations; but men's fortunes change, and it might well be that in the near future my serpent would remember me, and my place be higher than ever--indeed I dared not think how high.

News at length reached us of another great battle. The Amabuna had again advanced upon Nkunkundhlovu, but before they could reach it a large _impi_ sent by Dingane had reached them. _Whau_! that was a fight, said our informants. The Amabuna had drawn their waggons together, as their manner is, and the Amazulu strove for half a day to carry their camp with a rush. But it was of no use. The long guns shot hard and quick, and when the _impi_ got almost within striking distance, and would have swarmed over the waggons, the Amabuna loaded their guns with several small bullets at a time, instead of only one, and our warriors went down in heaps. They could not stand against it, and this time a tale of defeat was brought back to the King.

Now the Amabuna, quick to take advantage of their success, pressed on immediately. But Dingane this time did not wait for them. He was warned that his brother, Mpande, was plotting against him, and he knew better than to be caught between the Amabuna on one side and his own rebellious people on the other. So he had decided to retire.

This was the news which reached us in our retreat, and whereas this would be the tract of country for which the King would make, it would be our retreat no longer. So we were forced to take a line.

Now, Sifadu's plan was to hand over the whole band of refugees to Mpande, whose emissaries had been among us of late trying to win us over to the side of that prince. But my mind on the matter was different. I had no great opinion of Mpande, whereas Dingane was a real King--one to whom it was good to _konza_. My flight had been due to the hostility and intriguing of Tambusa, not to the displeasure of the King; and, now that the Great Great One was sore pressed by his enemies, I desired to wield a spear in defence of him. On this matter, too, Lalusini, whom I saw from time to time, was of the same mind as myself, though at that time she would not open her mind to me freely, bidding me, with a smile, to be still and wait.

Soon Sifadu, having his plans ready, called a council of the Bapongqolo to make known to the clan at large what he expected of it. The warriors came, several hundreds of them, in full war adornments, and fully armed, and Sifadu addressed them in a long speech. He recalled how it was that they came to be there, living the life of exiles and outcasts. He reminded them of their relatives slain, their houses stamped flat, their cattle seized to swell the herds of Dingane. The miserable cheat, Tola, whose bones lay broken and scattered around the nest of the black ants, in which they had put him to a just death, was only the mouthpiece of Dingane; the real oppressor was the King himself. Now, would they put themselves beneath the foot of such a King as that when they might obtain revenge for their wrongs, and at the same time lead a quiet life by doing _konza_ to one who had promised them immunity and reward if they aided him now? But they must do this quickly for their own sakes, for their former oppressor with what remained of his army would be upon them in their retreat immediately.

Thus spoke Sifadu, but his words, and the words of others who argued in like manner, were not received as he intended. By more than half of those a.s.sembled they were received in silence. The old instinct of trained and disciplined warriors rendered these averse to turning against the King, especially so great a king as Dingane. Besides, it was by no means certain that even a combination of both forces against him would be attended with success. Then, too, they could not bring themselves to enter into alliance with the Amabuna.

Then I spoke. I pointed out that there were several hundreds of us--all good fighting-men--that if we all went in to offer our spears to the King, he, being pressed by enemies, would right gladly receive us. So should we all regain our place in the nation, and be outlaws no longer.

As I went on, the murmurs of a.s.sent which greeted my words grew into shouts. The people had long been tired of their runaway state, and here was a chance to set themselves right. They were also not a little tired of the rule of Sifadu.

This Sifadu saw, and leaping up, his countenance ablaze with fury, he came at me, his great spear aloft. So quickly was it done that I had barely time to throw up my s.h.i.+eld. So powerful the blow that the blade pierced the tough bull-hide and stuck fast. Then Sifadu, following up his attack in swift fury, struck over my s.h.i.+eld with his k.n.o.b-stick. It was a terrible blow, and partly reached me. I felt half stunned, but infuriate with the pain. So, with a shout, I quit defence and went at Sifadu with a will.

A frightful commotion now arose. The friends of Sifadu would have rushed to his aid, but that they saw that those favourable to me were more numerous. These sprung to meet them, and all being fully armed it looked as though a b.l.o.o.d.y battle was about to be fought. But some cried aloud against interference, saying that the two of as should strive for the mastery, and to this counsel I added my voice. Sifadu, though, had no voice save to growl and grind his teeth like a maddened beast.

So we fought, we two--none hindering. Our s.h.i.+elds flapped together, and for a moment we were immovable--pressing each other equally hard--each striving to run in under the guard of the other. Then the spear-blades--Sifadu having disentangled his--would flash and glance like threads of fire as we leaped and feinted--yet neither of us able to drive home either stroke or stab. A silence had fallen upon the onlookers now, and every head was bent eagerly forward. All this I could see, while never taking my gaze from my enemy.

At last my chance came. Pretending to stumble, I threw myself forward, and with one swift sweep of my a.s.segai I sheared through Sifadu's leg, gas.h.i.+ng the thigh to the bone. He sank to the earth uttering a terrible howl. All the muscles were divided--from the blood-vessels red jets were spurting. _Whau_! He was in a sea of it. But even then, weakening each moment, he gathered strength to hurl his great k.n.o.bstick at my face. I was prepared for this, however, and caught it on my s.h.i.+eld; nor did I hurry to run in and finish him, knowing that while he could move a finger he would still gather himself together for one last desperate slash at me.

"_Hamba-gahle_, Sifadu," I said--not mocking him. "This quarrel was not of my seeking, but the son of Ntelani never yet refused a fight."

He made no reply, glaring at me in hate until very soon he sank down into unconsciousness and death. And all the warriors shouted in a.s.sent of my words, save some few--near friends of Sifadu; but for them I cared nothing. And presently some of the older among them came to me, and we talked. We agreed to carry out my plan of returning to the nation, and that at once.

"_Whau_, Untuswa! Thou hast commanded men from thy youth; it is fitting that thou shouldst be our leader now," said one of them, after he had talked. "Say I not well, brothers?" turning to the rest.

"_E-he! Siyavuma_!" ["We consent"] they cried as one man. Thus, _Nkose_, I became chief of the Bapongqolo, the tribe of the Wanderers; but, in truth, the honour might be brief, indeed, for it might please the King to make a quick end both of chief and tribe.

Now that we had thus decided, we sent out men to find out how things were going between Dingane and the enemy, and from their report we judged that the time had arrived to come in and lie beneath the foot of the Elephant. The Bapongqolo women were left in concealment in the recesses of the Ngome forests, while we, to the number of several hundreds, marched forth.

Before we crossed the White Umfolosi, I and other of the of the refugees climbed to the heights overlooking the Mahlabatini plain.

It was somewhat early in the morning, but the brightness of the new day was dimmed--dimmed by a great cloud. Far away to the southward it rose, that cloud--thicker and thicker, higher and higher--a great dull pillar of smoke. Nkunkundhlovu was in flames.

Through the thickness of the smoke-cloud we could see the red leap of the fire. Then was amazement our master. Had the Amabuna gained a victory--so great a victory that they had been able to penetrate to the Great Place of the Elephant whose tread shaketh the world? _Whau_! it could not be. The marvel was too great.

The Induna's Wife Part 20

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