As The Minor Gay Rival In Het Novels Chapter 2 Part9

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Fan Yuan thought he was definitely dreaming, or how the heck else would he be hearing the male lead-daren say, "In that case, let's try dating then, shall we?"

He had forcibly kissed (?) the male lead, shouldn't he be ferociously beaten to the point of being sprawled on the ground by now?! Okay, so he was already sprawled on the ground, but there abso-f*cking-lutely was a problem with the male lead's lines, okay?!  What about his firing?! What about the male lead's heartless severing of their relations.h.i.+p?! What about Fang Xu saying he never wants to see him ever again?!

Don't tell him he had bent another male lead, he seriously didn't want to hear that!!

He stupidly locked eyes with the male lead, in his head shouting out, "Xiao Wu, I seem to be a little drunk! Help me exchange for some medicine that'll sober me up……"

Xiao Wu was silent for a little while and finally slowly said, "Ding. Xiao Wu thinks it's better for Master to not sober up for the time being."

He wanted to ask why, but in the next second, he was scooped up by the male lead in an extremely archetypical princess carry!

#My mind went completely blank when the male lead-daren embraced me in his hold#

#The scene is too beautiful, I dare not look#

#This dream seems so real, I'm a little freaked out#

"Fang Xu……What are you doing?"

The male lead-daren's face was virtuous as he answered, "The ground is chilly. If you lie there too long, you'll catch a cold."

Fan Yuan had suffered a round of torment. His already very dizzy head was getting more and more painful. He confusedly thought that Fang Xu's words seemed to have some merit and nodded his head. "Thank you."

Xiao Wu: "…………" It simply could not bear to look at this pitiful scene.

Fang Xu's lips slightly curved up, a gentle light emerging from the depths of his deep black eyes. His voice gentle, he replied, "You're welcome."

Fan Yuan was carried by Fang Xu into his room. The air in the bedroom was very warm. Having been frozen for a night, Fan Yuan was seriously exhausted and gradually entered a deep sleep.

Later, he faintly seemed to hear Xiao Wu calling him, but he didn't feel like heeding it. Afterwards, annoyed at being disturbed, he just directly muted it and stubbornly continued his mission of sleeping.

At the crack of dawn, a ray of early morning light shone through a gap in the curtains, dazzling Fan Yuan with its brightness. He wanted to reach out his hand to cover his eyes, but his arm was imprisoned and wouldn't budge. Puzzled, he opened his eyes. Right in front of him was a strong, sculpted chest. Its beautiful, well-proportioned lines of muscle proved a slight distraction, but in the very next moment, it was as if his brain had been fried.

He had shared a bed with the male lead yesterday!!!

He only vaguely remembered himself being lifted into the male lead's embrace and brought into his room. After that, it was as if he had blacked out. He couldn't remember anything. Sure enough, a hangover wasn't anything good. It was evil!

"Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! What's this all about?!"

After calling it for a long time to no avail, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have shut Xiao Wu in a dark little room last night……

Upon freeing Xiao Wu, his conscience felt a little guilty and he apologetically said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Wu ah. I should not have locked you in the dark yesterday. I was wrong QAQ"


"What the h.e.l.l happened yesterday? Why did I wake up in the male lead's embrace? He probably didn't do anything to me, right?……"


"What the h.e.l.l is going on, Xiao Wu? Please say something, I beg you /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~"

"Ding. Master was brought into the bathroom by the male lead. The male lead stripped Master naked, and then……"

Fan Yuan couldn't bear to hear any more and indignantly interrupted it. "F*ck! Fang Xu, that beast! That brute! I took him as a straight guy, but he wanted to do me! Xiao Wu, did you seriously watch unfeelingly as my innocence was s.n.a.t.c.hed away QAQ"

Xiao Wu: "…………" Suddenly it didn't feel so bad for him.

Fan Yuan felt a little guilty. No one had told him that foreign liquor would be even more potent than Shao Daozi. He pounded back that entire bottle and got drunk off his a.s.s. Where did he have room to care about the plot?? All he wanted to do was to hole up and take a long rest. Who could have predicted that someone would take advantage of his lapse in judgement? He wanted to run Fang Xu over with his car and just be done with it!

"Ding. Master, please calm down first. Yesterday when Xiao Wu was locked in the dark by Master, Xiao Wu saw Fang Xu was helping Master wash himself. He didn't take any liberties, so……"

It trailed off, but Fan Yuan understood what it was trying to say.

"Wash me……" Fan Yuan thought the odds of him being beyond help were pretty good. What would he accomplish by helping him get clean? Of course that was just an appetizer!

Poor Fan Yuan had carried out his a.s.signments for many years. He still hadn't even found a girl to properly fall in love with before he was topped by a man—and that guy was the main offender causing him to fail his mission!

He angrily stared at the man in front of him. He had every intention of taking down Fang Xu with him.

Xiao Wu hurriedly pacified him. "Ding. Although this section of the plot warped a bit at the end, the plot as a whole is still normal. As long as Master is able to resign without a hitch and trigger the female love rival to advance the next plot points, the completion rate of this a.s.signment will at least reach 80 percent. Master's mission is to complete the original host's plotline and ensure that he stays in character. As for whether the male lead is bent or straight, the potential collapse of the main plot isn't Master's responsibility."

Fan Yuan immediately bristled. "Not my responsibility? Is that not why the entirety of my reward energy was all taken away in the previous world?!"

"Ding. Last time, it was because of Master that the plot crumbled, so that's why Master had to take most of the responsibility. This time is different. Master didn't interfere with this world, so the male lead becoming bent and not following the plot isn't something which Master needs to take responsibility for."

Fan Yuan was silent for a good while and at last faintly said, "You said it. Don't break your promise, okay."

Xiao Wu: "……Okay."

Having received a guarantee, Fan Yuan came back to life. This body wasn't his after all. Although he would still be borrowing it for the next twenty years or so, he was also a man. There was no way to deal with this kind of thing……Such a thing as chast.i.ty, if he lost it, he lost it, I guess QAQ

Fan Yuan struggled to get free and pulled out of Fang Xu's embrace only to be drawn in even more tightly. He heard only Fang Xu mumbling, "Be quiet. You completely tired me out last night."

Fan Yuan: "!!!" This a.s.shole dares bring up yesterday night? Where's his sense of shame?!

Fan Yuan wanted to cry, yet had no tears. Unfortunately, his fighting ability was too low and he could only protest in a small voice, "Let me go, I want to go to the bathroom."

Fang Xu finally opened his eyes to look at Fan Yuan. A keen brilliance flashed in his dark eyes, not at all looking as if he had just woken up. "You're not thinking of running away, are you?"

Fan Yuan was shocked. This guy was really too sharp. He was just thinking that.

It was as if Fang Xu had read his mind. He grasped his chin and, voice extremely cold, said, "Your actions toward me yesterday went too far. If you dare run away,  I will leave no stone unturned and will definitely find you."

Fan Yuan ((⊙_⊙)): Excuse me???

Who was the one going too far here?! Running around chasing (and catching!) tail yet still playing the role of the victim. Seriously so freaking shameless!

But Fan Yuan knew very well that there was abso-f*cking-lutely no use in reasoning with him. He could only swallow his anger and say,  "I won't run away."

At this, Fang Xu finally released his chin. Patting his fair, tender cheek, he smiled gently. "Finally listening to me. Remember to make some congee later."

Fan Yuan nodded. Seeing Fang Xu loosening his iron grip, Fan Yuan immediately jumped out of his arms, sprinted into the bathroom, and locked it carefully.

Fang Xu looked at the tightly closed door, and the corners of his mouth twitched with a glimpse of a helpless smile.

Fan Yuan was only able to feel relieved when he confirmed that the door couldn't be broken down through sheer strength. He suddenly felt that something seemed wrong. He took a few more steps and realized that a certain part of himself felt fine. What did that mean? Was the male lead a pencil? No, of course that must be impossible. For a male lead, no matter whether it was hardware or software, they were both absolute luxury standard editions, so there was only one possibility—Fan Yuan had not been you know'd last night.

Fan Yuan said in happy surprise, "Xiao Wu, I really hadn't expected that douche would be so unexpectedly gentlemanly, ya know. I seem to have judged him unfairly."

As Fan Yuan spoke, he faced the mirror and peeled off his clothes. He wore Fang Xu's s.h.i.+rt. He was about 3 inches shorter than Fang Xu and his frame was also a lot smaller, so the clothing was very loose and he was easily able to lift it up.

Fan Yuan looked at the red love bites spread all across his originally flawless and delicate skin. The cherry-colored nipples on his chest that were so swollen that the blood was pooling in them. His jaw almost dropped in shock, and he hurriedly looked at his back. He couldn't see it at first. He was so angry that he almost exploded in a stream of curse words. Even if he was dumped into a gra.s.sland in the middle of summer, the mosquitoes wouldn't bite him into such a state. He seriously couldn't find one patch of unblemished skin; it was all densely-packed hickeys!

He immediately threw Xiao Wu into the dark little room and took off his pants to check that area. Luckily, it looked normal. It was just that his inner thighs, calves, and well-proportioned little white b.u.t.tcheeks were all changed beyond recognition.

Lastly, he spotted his tender white toes that had obviously been bitten and nibbled on. Fan Yuan was finally horrified beyond all words. He mumbled, spitting out a single word. "Pervert……"

He stayed in the bathroom just zoning out for a long time. He did not dare to go out no matter what, up until Fang Xu knocked on the door. He was so startled he backed up a few paces. He huddled against the wall and cried out for help. "Xiao Wu, what do I dooo, Fang Xu is a pervert ah!"

"Ding. Next time Master wants to shut Xiao Wu up in the dark, please notify Xiao Wu in advance, thank you."

"…………" Was this…anger?

Fan Yuan was still reeling, but he saw the door open from the outside. Fang Xu saw his astonishment and waggled the key in his hand. Tears immediately poured down Fan Yuan's face—he had forgotten it was his home QAQ

Fang Xu pulled down his zipper and started to pee, a tremendous and enormous sight like no other. Fan Yuan couldn't help casting a glance over and immediately blanched, scared sh*tless. If that thing were to enter his body, perhaps he would just have to punch out and get his paycheck ahead of schedule.

#If the male lead says bend, then there's just no guarding against bending QAQ#

#The gay male love rival is absolutely a hazardous occupation!!! smashes phone#

It was plain that the male lead-daren had obediently followed the plot the whole time, so why had he gone off the rails so suddenly? Fan Yuan reflected on his actions. Was it because he kissed the male lead yesterday? Did he actually carry around his own male-arousing halo? If not, how could he account for the fact that he had bent two male leads in a row?

Fang Xu looked him up and down from the corner of his eye. He put away that lethal weapon of his and walked over to the sink. Was.h.i.+ng his hands, he asked, "Did you see it?"

Fan Yuan swallowed his saliva and carefully asked, "Did I see……what?"

Fang Xu's lips quirked up in a smirk and he grabbed a paper towel to dry off his hands. He turned his body and trapped Fan Yuan against the wall with one arm on either side of him. "Did you see the marks on your body?"

"…………" F*cking h.e.l.l, man, do you have no sense of shame? Even if you don't care, I do! He turned his head. Gritting his teeth, he forced out, "I saw."

Fang Xu raised Fan Yuan's face and forced him to meet his gaze. He looked as if he had a headache. His voice soft, he said, "What's wrong? You're unhappy that I didn't finish the job? I was a straight guy before, you know. I was willing to try it because it was you. That said, you have to give me a little time to adjust, so don't be so insatiable, okay?"

Insatiable your sister! Everywhere on laozi's body was gnawed on by you. Can I ask you to not be so thirsty?!

Fan Yuan met the male lead-daren's intense stare head on, but in the end he was still gutless. He remained silent and stared. Choking, he said, "………Okay."

#The male lead-daren is a pervert, whaddo I dooooo /(ToT)/~~#

#I feel a deep sense of malice coming from this world#

#If I were to say I actually didn't like you, would you believe me?#

As The Minor Gay Rival In Het Novels Chapter 2 Part9

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As The Minor Gay Rival In Het Novels Chapter 2 Part9 summary

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