Ideal Illusions Part 11

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129. "Huanqiu Journal Carries Signed Article Criticizing US Human Rights Diplomacy," April 12, 2004, WNC.

130. Zhang Binsen, "China Should Abandon the Foreign Policy of 'taoguang yanghui' ['Bide Our Time, Build Our Capacities'],

131. Cheng Gang and Xie Xiang, "Results of Public Opinion Poll on Chinese People's Att.i.tudes Towards U.S.," Renmin w.a.n.g, March 7, 2005.

132. Gao Fuqui, "The Real Purpose of the American March in Central Asia," Liaow.a.n.g, May 10, 2002, WNC.

133. As Yu Sui argues in "Rice's Trip Highlights Central Asia Hot Spots," Liaow.a.n.g, October 22, 2005, WNC, aid is provided to the local opposition and dressed up in human rights language. Ideological warfare is undertaken using NGOs to act as political vanguards and external funding to a.s.sist the process. Local rulers and critics of the United States are "vilified" as corrupt and repressive, creating "de jure" grounds for the opposition to seize power.

134. Yu Sui, "Rice's Trip Highlights Central Asia Hot Spots," Liaow.a.n.g, October 22, 2005, WNC.

135. Xu Jian, "Four Main Trends in Changes in the Asia-Pacific Situation," Liaow.a.n.g, October 24, 2005, WNC.

136. George Kennan, American Diplomacy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952), 82ff.

137. Dong Yunhu, "An Extremely Hypocritical Human Rights Report-Commenting on 'Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 20032004,'" Xinhua Domestic Service, May 21, 1004, WNC.

138. Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2003,"

139. Xinhua, Full text of "Human Rights Record of US in 2007,"

140. "A criticism of the views of Bourgeois International Law on the question of population," quoted in The Chinese Human Rights Reader, 242. And Shu Yun, "Who Are the True Defenders of Human Rights?" People's Daily, July 7, 1989. See also Xinhua, "Human Rights Record of US," WNC.

141. Aryeh Neier quoting Human Rights Watch, in Aryeh Neier, "Asia's Unacceptable Double Standard," Foreign Policy (Fall 1993): 45.

142. Human Rights Watch, World Report, 2001 (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2000), xix, HRWWS.

143. China Society for Human Rights Studies, "China: Human Rights in Name, Swaying Power in Reality," 1997 Human Rights Report of the US State Department, March 2, 1998, WNC.

144. Zhao Qizheng, director-general of the State Council Information Office (SCIO), "Different Views Between China and the West on Human Rights," November 24, 2003,

145. Ni Lexiong, "The Sino-U.S. Relation and Its Structural Clash," The Global Time (huanqiu),

146. J. William Fulbright, The Price of Empire (New York: Pantheon, 1989), 33.

147. China Society for Human Rights Studies, "China: Human Rights in Name, Swaying Power in Reality."

148. "No Foreign or Indigenous Dogmatism-China Should Have Its Own Definition of 'Democracy,'" Ta Kung Pao, September 11, 2002. An awareness of the unreasonable and unfair world order doesn't mean China can't use it for its own ends. "Although unreasonable and unfair by nature, [it does] present certain easy 'benefits' and 'advantages,' including providing the 'benefit of an easy ride' for China. We should not repel and reject everything outright." w.a.n.g Yizhou, "Multi-polarity Does Not Equal an Anti-US Position," The Global Times, Beijing, Summer 1999, WNC.

149. Wen Wei Po interviews PRC amba.s.sador on defeat of US's China Human Rights Resolution, in Chinese, April 17, 2004, WNC.

150. Zhao Qizheng, director-general of the State Council Information Office, "Different Views Between China and the West on Human Rights," November 24, 2003,

151. Wen Wei Po editorial on "US Voted Off UN Human Rights Commission," May 5, 2001, WNC.

152. Human Rights reports of the US, 2006, p. 8.

153. Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Critique: Review of the U.S. Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1995 (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1996), 27.

154. Xinhua, "US Human Rights," in English, March 1, 1999, WNC.

155. Ibid.

156. Xinhua, "China, United States: US Human Rights Record Attacked," March 4, 1997, WNC.

157. Henry Steele Commanger, Commanger on Tocqueville (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993), 96.

158. Dong Yunhu, Xinhua, "Inclusion of Human Rights in the Const.i.tution," March 14, 2004, WNC.

159. Ibid.

160. Dong Yunhu, Xinhua, "PRC Official Urges Respecting 'Different Modes' of Human Rights Development," November 22, 2006, WNC.

161. Liu Nanlai, "Developing Countries and Human Rights, Renquann de pubianxing he techusing," in The Chinese Human Rights Reader: Doc.u.ments and Commentary 19002000, ed. Stephne C. Angle and Marina Svensson (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 2001), 398399.


1. Strobe Talbott, The Russian Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy (New York: Random House, 2002), 134.

2. Anthony Lake, "From Containment to Enlargement," September 21, 1993,

3. USAID, "Foreign Aid in the National Interest: Promoting Freedom, Security, and Opportunity," 1,

4. Ibid.

5. Anthony Lake, Six Nightmares: Real Threats in a Dangerous World and How America Can Meet Them (Boston: Little, Brown, 2000), xv.

6. Amnesty International, 1994 Report on Human Rights Around the World (Alameda, Calif.: Hunter House, 1994), 13.

7. Rand Corporation Report, U.S. and Russian Policymaking with Respect to the Use of Force, eds. Jeremy R. Azrael and Emil A. Payin, Introduction, 1996,

8. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century (New York: Scribner's, 1993), 183.

9. Ibid., 115.

10. Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Hostility to America Has Never Been So Great," New Perspectives Quarterly (Summer 2004): 7.

11. John C. Gannon, NIC chairman: "The CIA in the New World Order," February 1, 2000,

12. Ibid., 71. "Despite the potential benefits of globalization and technological change," concludes a World Bank evaluation, "world poverty has increased and growth prospects have dimmed for developing countries during the 1980s and 1990s." Nagy Hanna, 1999 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE), OED Working Paper Series, no. 11, Summer 2000. Also, CIA, "Global Trend 2015," 31.

13. John C. Gannon, "The CIA in the New World Order."

14. Ibid. and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Out of Control, 191.

15. John C. Gannon, "The CIA in the New World Order."

16. NIC, "Global Trends, 2020," 33.

17. Ibid., 29.

18. Samantha Power, "Force Full," New Republic, March 3, 2003, 28.

19. National Intelligence Council, "Mapping the Global Future," report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project, December 2004, 104.

20. See Department of State, "Description of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization," http://www.state,gov/s/crs/c12936.htm.

21. "The Failed States Index," Foreign Policy (July/August 2005): "About 2 billion people live in countries that are in danger of collapse. In the first annual Failed States Index, FOREIGN POLICY and the Fund for Peace rank the countries about to go over the brink,"

22. State Failure Task Force, "Phase II Findings," July 31, 1998, ix,

23. Samuel Berger and Brent Scowcroft, In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2005),

24. USAID, "Strategic Framework for Africa," February 24, 2006, 7,

25. CIA a.n.a.lyses also point to the increased pressure "on behalf of humanitarian responses" from "the dominance of the democratic states," heightened public awareness, the s.h.i.+fts with the ending of the Cold War, and growing NGO pressures." CIA, "Global Humanitarian Emergencies: Trends and Projections, 19992000, August 1, 1999. CIA website (accessed June 3, 2007).

26. Reed Brody, "Right Side Up: Reflections on the Last Twenty-Five Years of the Human Rights Movement," Human Rights Watch World Report, 2004,

27. Ibid.

28. Quoted in "Preventative Diplomacy: Revitalizing A.I.D. and Foreign a.s.sistance for the Post-Cold War Era," The New USAID Background Package, July 1994, 26.

29. Reed Brody, "Right Side Up."

30. Ibid.

31. Irene Khan, The Unheard Truth (New York: W. W. Norton, 2009), 118.

32. Reed Brody, "Right Side Up."

33. Irene Khan, The Unheard Truth, 119.

34. Ibid., 113.

35. Jack Donnelley, quoted in David Chandler, From Kosovo to Kabul: Human Rights and International Intervention (London: Pluto Press, 2002), 5.

36. Micheline R. Ishay, The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004), 2.

37. Lynne H. Henderson, "The Wrongs of Victim's Rights," Stanford Law Review 37, no. 4 (April 1985): 948.

38. Michael Ignatieff, The Warriors Honor: War and the Modern Conscience (New York: Henry Holt, 1998), 23.

39. Wendy Brown, "The Most We Can Hope For: Human Rights and the Politics of Fatalism," South Atlantic Quarterly 103, no. 23 (2004): 453.

40. Reed Brody, "Right Side Up."

41. USAID, "Foreign Aid in the National Interest."

42. USAID, "Mitigating and Managing Conflict,"

43. USAID, "Mitigating and Managing Conflict," 109.

44. USAID, "Field Presence and Agency Reorganization: A Bibliography 1975Present," October 21, 2001,

45. USAID Global Development Alliance, "Predecessor Inventory Activity, 1990Present," October 1, 2001,

46. USAID, Providing Humanitarian Aid, Chapter 5, 120,

47. USAID, Providing Humanitarian Aid, Chapter 5, 121.

48. David Chandler, "The Road to Military Humanitarianism," Human Rights Quarterly 23, no. 3 (2001).

49. USAID, Providing Humanitarian Aid, Chapter 5, 118.

50. Benenson quoted in Stephen Hopgood, Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2006), 24.

51. USAID, Providing Humanitarian Aid, Chapter 5.

52. Ibid.

53. For a notable exception, see Holly Burkhalter, "Transcript of Seminar Three," Bard College, December 16, 1999,

54. Human Rights Watch, Human Rights World Report, Introduction, 2000.

55. Rony Brauman and Joelle Tanguy, "The Medecins Sans Frontieres Experience," quoted in Kimberly Salome Greenberg, "Medecins Sans Frontieres," Concord Review 13, no. 2 (2002): 58.

56. "MSF Principles and Ident.i.ty: The Challenge Ahead," International Activity Report 2005,

57. Jean-Herve Bradol, "Challenges to Humanitarian Action: The Impact of Political and Military Responses to International Crises," March 31, 2004,

58. Jean-Herve Bradol, "In the Shadow of Just Wars," March 31, 2004.

59. Nicolas de Torrente, MSF-United States, "Not So Benign: When Lofty Political Goals Have Bad Humanitarian Consequences," 2003,

60. "MSF Principles and Ident.i.ty: The Challenge Ahead," International Activity Report 2005,

61. Ibid.

62. Fabrice Weissman, "Humanitarian Action and Military Intervention: Temptations and Possibilities," Disasters 28, no. 2 (2004): 210.

63. Ibid., 208, 211.

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