Looking For You All My Life Part 150

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Maggie, thinking that Leah would surely hav~e more than

enough solitude there to keep her satisfied.

Leah shrugged. "Not really, but there's lots to do. I'm

keeping busy enough. And if Jed gets a lot of new jobs lined

up at this show, it'll be good for me to have the place all


organized." Her tone had an edge of defensiveness to it, and

Maggie wondered how or if she'd managed to offend her


"Would you like to join us in getting a Christmas tree

today?" offered Maggie brightly, determined to bridge this

rift that seemed to have fallen between them.

"No thanks. I have a lot to do around here." Leah

glanced around the building that had until today housed the

church. "Jed gave me a list of things to do to start getting

this place ready for remodeling, and I can't wait to start."

She smiled appreciatively as she looked around the big open

room. "This is going to be such a cool place to live."

"Yes, I'm sure Jed will make it really special."

"He has plans all drawn up for where the rooms will be

and everything. You won't even recognize this place by next


234Melody Carlson

- - "You sure you don't want to change your mind about

getting a tree with us?"

"No, but I think I'll cut one down to surprise Jed when

-~he gets home."

"Okay, then. Be sure and call if you need anything."

Then Sam came up to get a phone number from Leah so

-he could reach Michael and tell him the good news. ''I'd like

to hear his response before we plan our next service-just in

case he says no."

Audrey opted to pa.s.s on the tree-hunting expedition. She

wanted to get some things done in preparation for Christmas

as well as for the upcoming wedding. "I found an old recipe

for appetizers I want to try out again," she had explained

with enthusiasm. "And I thought I'd do some Christmas

-~baking to start stocking the freezer." But Maggie and

Spencer joined Rosa, Sam, and Sierra-all five riding in their

roomy sports utility vehicle.

Sam had gotten their tree permits and driven up to a por-

tion of the national forest where a nice variety of evergreens

grew in profusion. The woods were quiet and green as they

tramped along in search of perfect Christmas trees.

"Scott already helped Chloe set up a small tree in her

little apartment," explained Rosa as they hiked up a small

knoll with several good-looking fir trees near the top. "And

they're busily working on wedding plans this afternoon.''

Sierra and Spencer were dragging a little behind. "How's

-your ankle doing?" asked Maggie, pausing to catch her

breath as she neared the top.

"It's okay," he called back. "I figure this will be good - -

Looking For You All My Life Part 150

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