Life of John Milton Part 10

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Landor, his Latin verse compared with Milton's, 43

Latin grammar by Milton, 188

Latin Secretarys.h.i.+p to the Commonwealth, Milton's appointment to, 102

Laud, Archbishop, Church government of, 30; Milton's veiled attack on, 49

Lawes, Henry, writes music to "Comus" and "Arcades," 44; edits "Comus," 47

Lee, Nathaniel, his verses on Milton, 188

Lemon, Mr. Robert, discovers MS. of "State Letters" and the "Treatise on Christian Doctrine," 191

Letters, Milton's official, 123

Logic, Milton's tract on, 188

Long Parliament, meeting of the, 68; licensing of books by, 78

Lucifer, Vondel's, 170

Ludlow Castle, "Comus" first performed at, 46

"Lycidas," origin of, 40, 48; a.n.a.lysis of, criticism on, 50, 52


Manso, Marquis, poem on, 64

Marshall, Milton's portrait engraved by, 97

Marriage, Milton's views on, 94

Martineau, Harriet, reads "Paradise Lost" at seven years of age, 176

Mason, C., Milton's MSS. preserved by, 129

Ma.s.son, Prof. David, his monumental biography of Milton, 14; on Milton's ancestors, _ib._; on Milton's college career, 23, 25; on the scenery of Horton, 35; on date of Divorce pamphlet, 87; on date of "Paradise Lost," 147; on money received for "Paradise Lost," 150; on Milton's cosmogony, 156; his description of Chalfont, 173; on Milton's portrait, 189

Milton, Christopher, John Milton's younger brother, birth of, 16; a Royalist, 91; a Roman Catholic, and one of James the Second's judges, 194

Milton, John, the elder, birth, 15; a scrivener by profession, _ib._; musical compositions of, 18; retirement to Horton, 33; his n.o.ble confidence in his son, 37, 45; comes to live with his son, 91; dies, 98

Milton, John, birth, 11; genealogy of, 14; birthplace, 16; his father, 17; his education, 18-27; knowledge of Italian, 21; at Cambridge, 22-28; rusticated, 25; his degree, 1629; 25; will not enter the church, 29; early poems, 32; writes "Comus," 38; required incitement to write, 40, 48; correctness of his early poems, 42; his life at Horton, 44-55; his "Comus" and "Arcades," 44-48; his "Lycidas," 48; his mother's death, 55; goes to Italy, 56; his Italian friends, 59; visits Galileo, 61; Italian sonnets, 64; educates his nephews, 65; elegy to Diodati, 67; eighteen years' poetic silence, 68; takes part with the Commonwealth, 68; pamphlets on Church government, 72; tract on Education, 75; "Areopagitica," 79; Italian sonnet, 85; his first marriage, 86; deserted by his wife, his treatise on Divorce, 87; his pupils, 91; return of his wife, 96; his daughter born, 98; becomes Secretary for Foreign Tongues, 102; his State papers, 104; licenses pamphlets, 105; answers "Eikon Basilike," 108; answers Salmasius, 111; loses his sight, 114; death of his wife, 116; reply to Morus, 119; his official duties 122; his retirement and second marriage, 125; projected ninety-nine themes preparatory to "Paradise Lost," 129; wrote chiefly from autumn to spring, 132; his views of a republic, 136; escapes proscription at Restoration, 139; unhappy relations with his daughters, 141; third marriage, 143; writing "Paradise Lost," 147-150; a.n.a.lysis of his work, 152-172; compared with modern poets, 166; his indebtedness to earlier poets, 169; retires to Chalfont to escape the plague, 173; he suffers from the Great Fire, 175; his "Paradise Regained," 177; his "Samson Agonistes," 180-85; his later life, 186; his later tracts, 188, 190; his "History of Britain," 189; his Arian opinions, 192; his death, 193; his will, 194; his widow and daughters, 195; estimate of his character, 196

Milton, Richard, Milton's grandfather, 14, 15

Minshull, Elizabeth, Milton's third wife, 143; Milton's will in favour of, 194; death, _ib._

Monk, General, character of, 135

Morland, Sir Samuel, on "Paradise Lost," 163

Morus, A., his controversy with Milton, 118-119

Myers, Mr. E., on Milton's views of marriage, 91


Newton, Bishop, benefits Milton's granddaughter, 195


Ochino, B., Milton's indebtedness to, 171

"On a fair Infant," 33


Paget, Dr., Milton's physician, 143, 145

Palingenius, Marcellus, Milton borrows from, 164

Pamphlets, Milton's, 72, 75, 78, 79, 87, 99, 100, 108, 113, 132, 133, 136-8

"Paradise Lost," 128; four schemes for, 129; first conceived as drama, 130; manner of composition, 147; dates of, 147-150; critique of, 152-172; successive publications of, 176

"Paradise Regained," 177; criticism on, 178-180

"Pa.s.sion of Christ," 32

Pattison, Mark, on "Lycidas," 51; on Milton's political career, 68; on fanaticism of Commonwealth, 133; on "Paradise Lost," 159; on Milton's diction, 165

"Penseroso, Il," 40, 49

Pepys, S., on Restoration, 135, 138

Petty France, Westminster, Milton's home in, 117

Philaras, Milton's Greek friend, 114

Phillips, E., Milton's brother-in-law, 22, 65

Phillips, Edward, Milton's nephew, on Milton's ancestry, 14; educated by his uncle, 65; his account of Milton's separation from his first wife, 87; of their reconciliation, 96; becomes a Royalist, 129; his attention to his uncle, 145; on "Paradise Lost," 176; on "Paradise Regained," 177

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