The Rotten Girl Chapter 7 Part1

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When a man, for no reason, proactively takes the initiative to lend money to a woman, what is the meaning of that?

A - Man uses money to express his sincerity, and this makes the woman feel touched. When a woman is in her most helpless moment, man without a word offers a helping hand, after that taking advantage of her. ( Referring to Song Si Ming and Hai Zao in “Dwelling Narrowness” )

B - Man uses money wanting to put pressure on the woman, thus making her feel compelled to use her body in order to settle the debt. ( Referring to Xie Er and Huang s.h.i.+ Ren in “The White-Haired Girl” )

C - Man in order to get profit rolling, forces the woman to sell herself to make money for him. ( Referring to Boss and the Lead Role in “Autobiography of A Prost.i.tute” )

D - This man is sick in the head. ( Referring to “The Patient Medical History in Mental Hospital” )

On the way to visit Director Zhang with VP Ren, I sat in his BMW, looking at this beautiful man sitting beside me, while he concentrates on driving, my mind pondering.

The four options of ABCD doesn’t seem to add up with the facts. I really cant figure out what VP Ren is actually thinking. Why at first he forced me to settle the payment, and then in the next second he takes the initiative to pay the money on my behalf ?

Therefore, after a long time of inner struggle, I finally opened my mouth to break the silence. I poked him with my finger and said, “En…. VP Ren, the ¥10,000 that I owe you, I promise to pay off within 6 months.”

After listening to these words, Ren Han who was driving, sighed and said: “Don’t worry, you can slowly pay.”

I seem to understand Ren Han’s intention.

Could it be that this handsome man with a monthly salary of ¥40,000, thought that ¥10,000 for us small workers is also just a small matter, which is why he forced me to pay. In the end, when he realised that both my salary and bonus added together was only ¥2,000 per month, he finally found his conscience, helped me to pay first.

At this very moment, his words warmed my heart. ¥10,000 to him is merely just one branded s.h.i.+rt plus one simple meal, so don’t have to worry, little friend you can slowly pay me back.

“Really?” My eyes were as bright as stars, as I wished I could immediately grow a tail and exert all my strength to wag it.

In fact Ren Han is not so cold and ruthless as what the rumours instigate, neither is he a prodigal son who only knows how to fool around with women. He’s actually a rich “good silver man”.

But just as I was preparing to praise this benefactor, Ren Han said: “Of course it’s real, I’ve already informed the Finance Department. Later on, ¥1,500 of your monthly salary will be deducted, directly transferred to my account for 10 months to pay off.”

“…..……” And thus, I have actually underestimated the ability of VP Ren.

This is what you call a Boss, this is what you call a Superior, a person that you will never be able to win against. Moreover, he at all times will always be pressing you, and yet you will still have to wag your tail at him.

“It seems that’s not right? Every month ¥1,500, ten months isn’t it ¥15,000?” In fact, what I really want to say is, Ren Han your mathematics in primary school must have failed, why should I let you earn ¥5,000 more from me? That money is mine, my hard-earned money, you dare to take? How can you take it?

But who will expect that after Ren Han heard what I said, he just smirked slightly, eyes didn’t glance sideways and once again said, “That ¥5,000 is interest, perhaps….. Bai Ning you think that it’s too little?”

“VP Ren, do you know what is my total salary every month?”

“I know, around ¥2,000, left ¥500 not enough? I remember the company provides lunch, could it be that you can really eat a lot? Uh?”

“VP Ren, that ¥5,000 you slowly spend.”

I curse you, to take this ¥5,000 and spend it all to buy lubricants and anti-inflammation drugs, after that use all of it to wipe your Chrysanthemum.

The Rotten Girl Chapter 7 Part1

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The Rotten Girl Chapter 7 Part1 summary

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