Works of John Bunyan Volume II Part 35
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Yet the substance of my discourse then published by me, standeth uncontrolled by scripture, as from him or others. I do not say he doth not wrangle with them, but I say, he doth not by any one plain scripture contradict them. As for instance:
1. The first great thing that I do hold forth in that discourse, is this: That that babe that was born of the virgin Mary, and that at that time did give satisfaction for sin, was the very Christ of G.o.d, and not a type of anything afterward to be revealed for the obtaining redemption for sinners within them. Which thing my adversary can find no ground in scripture to build an opposition upon, see his book, page 12. but is forced to confess it in word, though he do deny the very same in doctrine, see his book p. 29.
at his 6th query. And p. 26. where in answer to this question of mine; Why did the Man Christ hang on the cross on Mount Calvary?
All the answer he gives, is this; Because they wickedly judged him to be a blasphemer; and as in their account (saith he) he died as and evil doer. And his is all the ground he giveth: See his answer to my second query in this my book, taken word for word as he laid them down.
2. The next thing I do prove in that book is, that that light which every one hath, is not the Spirit of Christ; because the scripture saith Some have it not (Jude 19). But Edward Borrough saith, It is given to every one; [p. 18. of his book:] And he saith, They have it within them too; [p. 26. of his book,] in answer to my first question, though he hath no scripture to confirm the same, as I have had to contradict it. See his book.
3. The next thing I prove, is That Jesus Christ did fulfil the law in his own person without us for justification, and that his blood then shed, hath washed away the sins of the children of G.o.d, as aforesaid. Which thing he would oppose, but finds no footing for his discourse. See his book, p. 12. where he saith, The law is not fulfilled: (read the latter end of that page) [which is] contrary to scripture (Col 2:14; Rom 10:4). which saith, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."
Another thing I prove in that book is, That Christ is ascended into that heaven without, above the clouds and stars; and that I prove by eight several scripture demonstration, of which not one is confuted by scripture, though secretly in his book smitten against. Read his whole book.
4. The next thing I prove, is, That the same Jesus that was born of Mary, laid in the manger, who is the Saviour, is at this day making intercession in that body he then took of Mary; which thing also is not confuted by him, by the scripture; though cunningly smitten against in his discourse, where he saith, It is only necessary to salvation to preach Christ within, laying aside all that Christ did when he was in his own person in the world. See p. 29. of his book, Qu. 6.
5. Another truth I prove, is, That the very same Jesus that was born of Mary, that very Man (that was also hanged on the cross) will come the second time, and that shall be to save his children, and to judge the world at the last day, that great day of judgment.
And though they will not own, that he shall so come as he went away, which was a very Man without; yet they could not at all by the scripture contradict it. But the very sum of his discourses is a wrangling with the thing laid down, as a dog with a bone; but hath not, nor cannot by scripture overcome the same. This have I written, that the reader into whose hand this book may come, may have the more certain information concerning the things before published by me, and also concerning the opposition made against them by the adversary. And here, because I am loath to be too tedious, I do conclude, and desire thy prayers to G.o.d for me (if thou be a Christian) that I may not only be preserved to the end in the faith of Jesus, cut that G.o.d would enable me to be an earnest contender for the same, even to the last; and rest,
The servant of the Lord JESUS,
John Bunyan.
We, whose names are here under-written, having (through grace) some blessed faith and experience of the truths declared in this book, and knowing them so to be; having tried them by the scriptures in the light of the Spirit, thought it our duty to bear witness thereunto, together with our brother, desiring the blessing of G.o.d may go along with these endeavours of his, for the doing good to our Christian brethren, of any other who may read it. Farewell.
Yours in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, for which faith we desire to contend,
Richard Spencly. John Burton. John Child.
It is very expedient that there should be heresies amongst us, that thereby those which are indeed of the truth might be made manifest; and also that the doctrine of G.o.d, and his Son Jesus Christ, might the more cast forth its l.u.s.ter and glory. For the truth is of that nature, that the more it is opposed, the more glory it appears in; and the more the adversary objects against it, the more it will clear itself; which doth give me, and all that stand for it, and doth plead on its side in the wisdom of the Spirit, much boldness and encouragement, to venture without any slavish fear upon those that have already, or shall hereafter, stand up to oppose it. I did some few weeks past, put forth a small book, called, Some Gospel-Truths opened, and so forth; and the thing I looked for from them was, namely, opposition from the adversary, which hath been accomplished in that, namely, as I did look for it, so did it happen; not that it daunted me, for if it had so done, it might have made me kept those truths within my breast, which are now made manifest by me (as well as others) to the world.
Now I have not only met with some opposition from others face to face in secret, but there is one Edward Burrough (as I heard his name is so, by some of themselves) that hath ventured to stand up against the truth, with the rest of his companions, and hath published a book, called, "The true faith of the gospel of peace contended for, &c." In which book of his there is a very great number of heresies cunningly vented by him, and also many things there falsely reported of me, which things in this my discourse I shall very plainly discover; and the way that I shall take, shall be by laying down some of thy expressions, and also some of mine; and by inquiring into the truth of one, and the error of the other, through the a.s.sistance of the Spirit of Christ, and according to the scriptures. Only by the way, I think good to mind thee of thy clothing thyself with the words of the prophets and apostles, against whom thou dost fight (as will appear in my following discourse) and also of thy endeavouring to wrest the sword out of the hands of the saints, and art fighting against them bitterly, with a parcel of scolding expressions. But I wish thee to learn, (if thou canst) to be sober, and to keep under thy unruly spirit; and do not so much appear, at least not so grossly, a railing Rabshakeh; but contrariwise, if you would be looked upon to be holy, which ( we know and believe that ) as yet, many of you are not. Let at the least some appearance of moderation be manifest among you. After many words that are flung into the wind by thee my adversary, in the first and second page of thy book, thou couldst not be contented therewith, as being too few to vent thyself withal; but thou breakest out in page 3. with a small testimony of John Burton, and his fellow, saying,
"They have joined themselves with the broken army of Magog--And have shewed themselves in the defence of the dragon against the Lamb, in the day of war betwixt them." When alas! poor soul we do know, and are bold to declare, in the name of the Lord Jesus the Son of Mary, that our G.o.d hath owned us, with others of his servants, in his own work against the devil's devices and false doctrine; as instruments both for the comforting and establis.h.i.+ng of his own, and also for the convincing and converting of some of them, who aforetime was not converted. And friend, why dost thou say, that we join with Magog in the defence of the dragon against the Lamb, when thou seest the whole drift both of my brother's epistle, and also of my writing, is to exalt and advance the first-born of Mary, the Lord of glory, and to hold on his side, notwithstanding there are so many tempests go through the world, And the rather, because we know that it is he, and he alone, that did bear our sins in his own body on the tree (1Peter 2:24), for it is he that hath taken away the sins of the world. Now I say therefore, do not thou thus accuse the brethren, for speaking good of the name of Jesus, lest thou be troubled at thy end for thus spending thy beginning in taking part with the devil to accuse G.o.d's children.
Then in the same page thou sayest, thou hast numbered up part of our work, and the sum is, A corrupted grain of Babylon's treasure, &c. Ans. Friend, The sum of our discourse is of the birth, righteousness, death, blood, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second coming of the Son of Mary the virgin, by which righteousness, blood, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and intercession we are saved. And dost thou count this a corrupted grain of Babylon's treasure? Have a care what thou sayest, least thou utter that with thy mouth now, which will lie heavy on thy conscience for ever.
Then, as though this thy unwise speaking were too little, thou breakest out with a taunt, or a jeer, saying; A larger portion, and more to the purpose might have been brought in, but with such as you had, or could procure from your neighbours are you come. Ans.
Friend, Who hath despised the day of small things? But again, we desire not to bring to others, no nor to know ourselves, anything else but Jesus Christ (the Son of Mary) and him crucified for our sins (1Cor 2:2). Then thou sayest further in the same page, that though thou hast not seen our faces, yet our spirit is tried, and we are clearly described to thee, (sayest thou) to be of the stock of Ishmael, and of the seed of Cain, whose line reacheth to the murdering priests, &c. Ans. Friend, thou art very censorious, and utterest many words without knowledge. We bless G.o.d, for the most part of our line, we do labour to stretch it out, either in building up and exhorting the saints of the most High, to cleave close to their Jesus, or else as much as in us lies, we labour to convince poor souls of their lost condition, according to the word of G.o.d, and not to murder any. Nay contrariwise, we desire through grace, if at any time we chance to see any of Christ's lambs in the teeth of any wolf or bear, be they never so terrible in appearance; I say, we desire, we labour, we strive, and lay out ourselves, if it be possible, to recover the same, though with the hazard of our lives, or whatsoever may befall us in doing our duty. And whereas thou sayest in the 4th page, that we are found enemies to Christ, revealed in his saints. Ans. Thou dost us wrong, for we labour all that we may to countenance the same, where he doth indeed appear: and if at any time we do see or discern, that any soul hath any breathing after the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are so far from disowning or discountenancing of the same, that we give them all the encouragement we may: Nay, and we are so far from discountenancing the doctrine of G.o.d, and his Son Jesus Christ, that we say plainly, some have not the Spirit of Christ in them, and they are reprobates, according to that scripture (Rom 8:9). "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." And again, Some are "sensual, having not the Spirit" (Jude 19). And again, we are so far from being against the doctrine of the Spirit of Christ in his saints, we bless G.o.d that we say, It is the distinguis.h.i.+ng character of a true believer, from others: All which things do I also affirm in my book, and hold forth, as doth also my brother in his epistle. Therefore, I marvel, that you should be overseen, as to utter so many false things together, in less than four sides of paper, I wonder what will be the end of your discourse.
Well, now thou dost come and fall a wrangling with some of the words of my brother Burton, which are to this purpose, (he speaking before of the doctrine of Jesus) and this is quite contrary (saith he) to those commonly called Familists, Ranters, Quakers, and others, who on the other hand either deny Christ to be a real man without them, blasphemously fancying him to be only G.o.d manifest in their flesh; or else make his human nature with the fulness of the G.o.dhead in it, to be but a type of G.o.d to be manifested in the saints. Now first of all, the great offence thou takest of some of these words, is, because he doth join in his discourse, Familists, Ranters, and Quakers together. Friend, what harm is it to join a dog and a wolf together? A fawning dog and a wolf in sheep's clothing; they differ a little in outward appearance, but they can both agree to worry Christ's lambs. But again, friend, let us a little compare the principles of a Ranter and a Quaker together, and it will clearly appear, that in many of their principles (at least) they agree, or jump in one: As
1. The Ranters will own Christ no otherwise, than only within; and this is also the principle of the Quakers, they will not own Christ without them. 2. The Ranters, they cry down all teaching, but the teaching within: and so do the Quakers (witness thousands) and yet condemn their principles by their practice, as the Ranters also did and do. Now the apostle saith the contrary, saying, "He that knoweth G.o.d heareth us; (meaning himself with the rest of the apostles and servants of Christ.) He that is not of G.o.d heareth not us" (1John 4:6). Again, 3. the Ranters are neither for the ordinance of baptism with water, nor breaking of bread. And are not you the same? 4. The Ranters would profess that they were without sin: and how far short of his opinion are the Quakers? 5.
The Ranters would not own the resurrection of the bodies of the saints after they were laid in the graves: And how say you, Do you believe that the very bodies of the saints, as the very body of Abraham, and the body of Isaac, with the bodies of all the saints, notwithstanding some of them have been in the graves thousands of years. others hundreds, some less: I say, Do you believe the resurrection of these very bodies again, which were buried so long since; or do you hold, as the Ranters do, nothing but the resurrection from a sinful to an holy state in this life.
And really I tell thee (reader) plainly, that for the generality, the very opinions that are held at this day by the Quakers, are the same that long ago were held by the Ranters. Only the Ranters had made them threadbare at an alehouse, and the Quakers have set a new gloss upon them again, by an outward legal holiness, or righteousness. But again, Why should you be so angry with my brother, for joining of a sinner and a liar together? Is there any great harm in that? Surely no. And the joining Ranters and Quakers together, is but so. The Quakers themselves confess, the Ranters are to be disowned, page 4. Nay if they would not, yet G.o.d hath disowned them in the open view of the nations. Now that the Quakers are liars, I shall prove from their own mouth. As first, from the several things that I did oppose even now, page 1-4, of this book, called, "the true Faith of the Gospel of Peace," &c.
Now lest they should be slighted and set at nought, I shall shew you clearly this man's lies manifestly laid down in his book, page 11, 12. That I said positively, the blood of Christ was shed before the world began. Whereas I said only this, That in the account of G.o.d (mark it, in the account of G.o.d) his blood was shed before the world was, according to that scripture (Rev 13:8). "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world," in my book, page 3 [141]. Secondly, he saith, that I cry aloud against Christ within, in page 24. Of his book. And again he saith, "That all my work is an obscure shooting against the manifestation of Christ within."
Where he speaks very falsely of me, for I confess and own G.o.d's Christ within as well as without, as appears in my book, page 206.
towards the end [173]. And in the epistle to my book you may find the same held out by me for two or three leaves together; besides, many other places of my book dith testify of the same; therefore, doth not he lie miserably in this also?
Again, he saith, that I am one of those that do preach for hire, through covetousness, making merchandise of souls, page 23. of book, which is also an untruth, as I shall shew further when I come to the place.
Again he saith, in page 30, that I said "Christ's coming in the Spirit was no coming." Here also he uttereth falsehood. I never said so, as many or our brethren can witness. But of his also in its place, when I come to it, with many other things which he hath very untruly vented of me, which I fear not but they shall be cleared, both now, and also at the second appearance of the man Christ Jesus. And therefore friend (I say to thee) be not so pharisaical as to say within thine heart, "I am not as this publican." Why am I reckoned with the Ranters? thou art, both thou and thy fellows, of the same mind with them in many things, and shall a.s.suredly partake of the same plague with them, if they and you repent not speedily.
Again, in page7, thou wouldest make us believe, that the Quakers do really and truly lay the Christ of G.o.d, G.o.d-man, for their foundation. Saying, "We prize the Lord Jesus Christ, G.o.d-man, to be precious to us, and to all that do believe, and have owned him to be the foundation," &c. Now friend, this is fairly spoken; but by word in general we may be deceived, because a man may speak one thing with his mouth, and mean another thing in his heart; especially it is so with those that use to utter themselves doubtfully; therefore we will a little enquire what it is to lay Christ, G.o.d-man for a foundation.
1. Then, to lay G.o.d's Christ, G.o.d-man, for a foundation, is to believe that man that was born of the Virgin Mary, to be the saviour.
How he was and is the saviour, and therefore if you do indeed lay him for your foundation, then you do believe that when the man Christ did hang on the cross on Mount Calvary, that then your sins were satisfied for at that time, as it is written, "Who his ownself bare our sins in his own body on the tree" (1Peter 2:24).
2. If the Christ of G.o.d, G.o.d-man, be indeed your foundation, then you do believe, that that very man in that very body, did fulfil all the law, in the point of justification, as it is written, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth" (Rom 10:4). So that now, believe aright in what the Son of Mary hath done without on the cross, and be saved.
3. If you have laid Christ that man aright for your foundation, then you do believe, that when he was raised out of the sepulchre into which Joseph had laid him, then at that time was accomplished your justification (Rom 4:25). How say you to these things, Do you make an open profession of them without dissembling? Or do you not (notwithstanding your talk of Christ) in very deed deny the virtue of the death and blood of Christ without, as for justification and life? If so, you have not laid him for your foundation.
4.I you have indeed laid Christ, G.o.d-man for your foundation, then you do lay the hope of your felicity and joy on this, That the son of Mary is now absent from his children in his person and humanity, making intercession for them and for thee, in the presence of his Father (2 Cor 5:6). And the reason that thou canst rejoice here at is, because thou hast not only heard of it with thine ear only, but dost enjoy the sweet hope and faith of them in thy heart; which hope and faith is begotten by the Spirit of Christ, which Spirit dwelleth in thee, (if thou be a believer) and sheweth those things to thee to be the only things. And G.o.d having shewn thee these things, thus without thee by the Spirit that dwelleth in thee, thou hast mighty encouragement to hope for the glory that shall be revealed at the coming again of the man Christ Jesus, of which glory thou hast also greater ground to hope for a share in, because that that Spirit that alone is able to discover to thee the truth of these things, is given to thee of G.o.d, as the first fruits of that glory which is here-after to be revealed, being obtained for thee by the man Christ Jesus's death on Mount Calvary, and by his blood that was shed there, together with his resurrection from the dead, out of the grave where they had laid him. Also, thou believest that he is gone away from thee in the same body which was hanged on the cross, to take possession of that glory, which thou, through his obedience, shall at his (the very same man's) return from heaven the second time, have bestowed upon thee, having all this while prepared and preserved it for thee, as he saith himself: "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:2,3).
5.If thou hast laid Christ, G.o.d-man, for thy foundation, though thou hast the Spirit of this man Christ within thee, yet thou dost not look that justification should be wrought out for thee, by that Spirit of Christ that dwelleth within thee, for thou knowest that salvation is already obtained for thee by the man Christ Jesus without thee, and is witnessed to thee by his Spirit which dwelleth within thee. And thus much doth this man Christ Jesus testify unto us where he saith he shall glorify me; mark, "He shall glorify;"
(saith the Son of Mary)but how? Why, "he shall receive of mine (what I have done, and am doing in the presence of the Father) and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:14). I have been a little the larger in this, because it is of weight.
But again, thou sayest further, The rest of this first epistle I shall say little to; only thus much is the mind of the penman's spirit, secretly smiting at the doctrine of true faith and salvation, (to wit) Christ within. Ans. My friend, by saying that my brother doth strike at the doctrine of true faith and salvation, thou dost him a great deal of wrong; for it is so far from him so to do, that he telleth souls plainly, that without true faith in the blood of the Son of Mary, who was crucified on Mount Calvary, there is no remission; for saith he, it is only through that one offering then given up to the Father, that you must be justified. And that is according to the whole stream of scripture: For by one offering, What was that? Why, the offering up of the body of Jesus once for all (Heb 10:10), he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
"But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down." Mark it: "this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, for ever sat down on the right hand of G.o.d" (verse 19).
And as for thy saying, that salvation is Christ within; if thou mean in opposition to Christ without; instead of pleading for Christ, thou wilt plead against him; for Christ, G.o.d-man, without on the cross, did bring in salvation for sinners. And the right believing of the, doth justify the soul. Therefore Christ within, of the Spirit of him who did give himself a ransom, doth not work out justification for the soul in the soul; but doth lead the soul out if itself, and out of that that can be done within itself, to look for salvation in that man that is now absent from his saints on earth (2Cor 5:6). Why so? For [because] it knoweth that there is salvation in none other (Acts 4:12). And therefore I would wish thee to have a care what thou dost, for I tell thee, that man who is now jeered by some, because he is preached to be without them, will very suddenly come the second time, to the great overthrow of those, who have spoken, and shall still speak against him (Jude 14,15).
Thou sayest also the next thing thou mindest, is this in the second epistle,1 where a questions asked, Who are the men that at this day are so deluded by the Quakers, and other pernicious doctrines, but they that counted it enough to be talkers of the gospel, &c.
And why? because he saith the Quakers are those deceivers that at this day beguile poor souls by their doctrine. Alas poor man, why shouldest thou be angry for my speaking the truth, in saying: The Quakers are deceivers, this will easily appear.
1. They deny the man Christ to be without them, and own Christ no otherwise, but as he is within, contrary to that scripture, which saith, for "while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord." This is touching his bodily presence. And again, he was parted from them, "and a cloud received him out of their sight."
And he was carried away from them, and so received up into heave (Acts 1:9-11). Now he that denieth this, is a deceiver, as is clear, in that he doth speak against the truth laid down in the scripture.
2. The Quakers are deceivers, in that they persuade souls that Christ is crucified in them, dead within them, and kept down with some thing within them, which was never taught by those that spoke the scripture from the Spirit of G.o.d. Shew me a scripture to confirm such a doctrine as this, which hath been avouched over and over by the Quakers.
3. The Quakers are deceivers, because they do persuade souls, that that man that was born of the Virgin Mary, is not above the clouds and the stare, when the scripture saith, "a cloud received him out of the sight of his saints." And again, that he is above the highest heavens, which must needs be above the stars, for they are not the highest.
4. The Quakers are deceivers, because they persuade souls not to believe, that that man that was crucified, and rose again flesh and bones (Luke 24:38-40). shall so come again, that very man, in the clouds of heaven to judgment as he went away; and at the very same time shall raise up all the men and women out of their graves, and cause them to come to the valley of Jehoshaphat; because there will he, that very man, sit to judge all the heathen round about.
I say, they strive t beat souls off from believing this, though it be the truth of G.o.d witnessed by the scripture (Joel 3:11,12; Acts 1:10,11). "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come (mark, the very same) in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." "And his feet shall stand in that day (the day of his second coming) upon the Mount of Olives" (Zech 14:4). Where is that? Not within thee, but that which is without Jerusalem, before, it on the east side. I say now, he that persuades souls not to believe this, but makes them believe there is no such thing, as the Quakers do, he is a deceiver. Again, the Quakers make no difference between that light wherewith Christ, as he is G.o.d, hath enlightened all; and the Spirit of Christ he gives not to all; and the Spirit of Christ he gives not to all, which I shall show by and by to be a deceit.
5. The Quakers are deceivers, because they say, That every one hath that which is like the Spirit of Christ, even as good as the Spirit of Christ, page 10 of his book, which is desperate blasphemy.
The scripture saith plainly, "That some are sensual, having not the Spirit." And yet though they have not that, they have, says the Quakers, that which is as good as that. O wonderful deceit, as I shall farther show by and by when I come to the place. But to cover himself, and so his deceit, he doth apply that to himself that should be applied for the encouragement of the children of G.o.d: saying, the children of G.o.d was always counted deceivers, we (saith he) have a cloud of witnesses. Answer, friend, they were called deceivers, and were not so; but you are rightly called so, as I have already showed, and shall show farther by and by. In the meantime, know, that the devil knows how to take children's bread, and cost it to the dogs.
Then the next thing that he is grieved with, is, because I said, there are none but a company of light notionists, ranters, with here and there a legalist, that was shaking in their principles, that were carried away by the Quakers, &c. When this appears in all men's sight that can see, though you would not have it so (it is like.) And as for your saying, because all sorts of people are brought to G.o.d, I am offended therewith; I answer, No friend, I bless G.o.d my soul can rejoice that souls come in to Jesus Christ, though it grieves me to see, how some with a spirit of delusion are deceived, and destroyed, by its coming unto them as an angel of light. And whereas thou sayest I am like the Pharisees, who said, none believe, but a company of poor people, which know not the law. Answ. I bless G.o.d, I do know they are I bless G.o.d, I do know they are the poor that receive the gospel; but friend, I must tell you, that you and your fellows may seek for justification from the law, and yet have no better a recompense, than to be condemned by the law.
Now pa.s.sing many railings, I come to the next thing that thou dost stumble at, which is in that I say, some of those delusions the devil doth deceive poor souls withal, is first, in that he doth persuade them, that salvation was not completely wrought out for sinners by the man Christ Jesus, though he did it gloriously upon the cross without the gates of Jerusalem. Now these words, "he did it gloriously on the cross, without the gates of Jerusalem,"
thou leavest out. Therefore I ask, do you believe that at that time, when he did hang upon that cross on Mount Calvary, that he did by that death he died there, redeem all his elect from eternal vengeance? If not, whatever thou sayest, thou wilt certainly see, that Satan hath caught thee in his snare, notwithstanding thy railing against the Lord Jesus. And friend, thou mayest call thy conscience the man Christ Jesus, or the light (as thou callest it) in thy conscience the man Christ Jesus; which if thou do, this is a delusion, and a dangerous doctrine. For a Spirit hath not flesh and bones, and so hath the man Christ Jesus. Now it may be, you think farther that the church, with the Spirit of Christ, is the man Christ Jesus, which is also a d.a.m.nable heresy. Therefor, speak plainly; Dost thou believe that that man Christ Jesus is ascended from his people in his person? And again, dost thou believe that he which ascended from his disciples, did bring in everlasting salvation for them, in that his body which ascended from them? An answer to this might give great satisfaction to souls, if also it might be made in words easily to be understood. Again,
Thou art also offended with the second deceit which I lay down in my epistle, which is (say I) for the devil to bid souls follow that light which they brought into the world with them, telling them, that that will lead them to the kingdom. Now thou seemest gravelled, because I said, which they brought into the world with them. If thou art offended at that, show me when, and at what time every soul receives a light from Christ after it comes into the world. Now this I say, That every man hath not the Spirit of Christ within him (Jude 19). And that there is nothing that can show the soul the things of Christ savingly, but the Spirit of Christ (1Cor 2:11). Then will not you yourself confess, that he is deluded, that is persuaded to follow that light that cannot reveal Christ unto him? But I must mind you of one filthy error also which thou layest down in page 10. Corrupting the scripture to make it good, but in vain; where thou sayest, That light which every man is lightened withal, will lead unto the kingdom of peace and righteousness. And then thou addest, for saith Christ, "I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not [abide in darkness, or] walk in darkness." Pray mark, First, thou callest it the light of Christ, where with he hath lightened every one; and here thou comest a step higher, and callest it, Christ himself; and then corruptest that scripture, where the Son of Mary saith, "I am the light of the world," &c. Here thou wouldest very willingly have room to broach they folly, but it may not be; for though Christ be the light of the world, yet he is not in every one in the world. But secondly, I pray where was Christ when he spake those words? was he I say, within his disciples, or without them, when he said, "I am the light of the world?" He was without them, and walked up and down in the world with them from place to place, a very man.
Therefore he did not mean at that time any light within, but himself who was without. And indeed, they who will follow Christ aright, must follow him without, to the cross without, for justification on Mount Calvary without, (that is, they must seek for justification by his obedience without.) To the grave without, and to his ascension and intercession in heaven without; and this must be done through the operation of his own Holy Spirit, that he hath promised shall show these things unto them, being given within them for that purpose (John 16:14). Now the Spirit of Christ that leads also, but whither? I leads to Christ without, which said, being without, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). Deny this, that Christ was without when he spake those words (I am the light of the world) if you can.
But to come more close, to the thing. That light wherewith Christ, as he is G.o.d, hath lightened every one that cometh into the world, is the soul of man, which is the life of the body, and yet itself is but a creature, and made by the creator of all things (Isa 57:16).
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