Works of John Bunyan Volume II Part 130

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that is, by faith, 'should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again' (2 Cor 5:14,15).

'Love,' saith the wise man, 'is strong as death; Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned'

(Song 8:6,7). Oh! when the broken, dying, condemned soul, can but see, by faith, the love of a tender-hearted Saviour, and also see what he underwent to deliver it from under that death, guilt, and h.e.l.l, that now it feels and fears; which also it knoweth it hath most justly and highly deserved; 'Then bless the Lord, O my soul'

(Psa 103:1,2,3); and 'What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits?' (Psa 116:1-14).

Thus is faith a prevailing argument to the sinner, whereby he is fetched off from what he was, and constrained to bend and yield to what before he neither would nor could (1 Cor 2:14; Rom 8:7).

And hence it is, that gospel obedience is called 'the obedience of faith,' as well as obedience to the faith (Rom 16:26). For it must be by the faith of Christ in my heart, that I submit to the word of faith in the Bible, otherwise all is to no profit: as saith the apostle, 'The word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it' (Heb 4:2). For faith alone can see the reality of what the gospel saith; and so I say, argue over the heart to the embracing of it.

Third, Faith is such a grace, as will represent to the soul all things in their proper colours. It doth not, as doth unbelief and ignorance, show us all things out of order; putting darkness for light, and bitter for sweet; but will set every thing in its proper place before our eyes; G.o.d and Christ shall be with it, the chiefest good, the most lovely and amiable; a heavenly life shall be of greater esteem, and more desirable, than all the treasures of Egypt! Righteousness and sanctification will be the thing after which it will most vehemently press; because it seeth not only death and d.a.m.nation as the fruits of sin, but sin also in itself, distinct from the punishment belonging to it, a detestable, horrible, and odious thing (Heb 11:25-27; Phil 3:7-12; Rom 12:9).

By faith we see that this world hath no abiding in it for us, nor no satisfaction if it were otherwise (Prov 3:35; Heb 11:15,16; 13:14; 1 Cor 7:9-31). And hence it is, that the people of G.o.d have groaned to be gone from hence, into a state that is both sinless and temptationless. And hence it is again that they have run through so many trials, afflictions, and adversities, even because of that love to holiness of life that faith being in their hearts did prompt them to, by showing them the worth and durableness of that which was good, and the irksomeness and evil of all things else (2 Cor 5:1-8; Heb 11:33-39).

Fourth, Faith layeth hold of that which is able to help the soul to bring forth good works: it layeth hold of, and engageth the strength of Christ, and by that overcometh that which oppresseth; 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me' (Phil 4:13).

In a word, a life of holiness and G.o.dliness in this world, doth so inseparably follow a principle of faith, that it is both monstrous and ridiculous to suppose the contrary. What, shall not he that hath life have motion! (Gal 2:20). He that hath by faith received the spirit of holiness, shall not he be holy? (Gal 3:2). and he that is called to glory and virtue, shall not he add to his faith virtue? (2 Peter 1:4,5). We are by faith made good trees, and shall not we bring forth good fruit? (Luke 6:43). They that believe are created in Christ Jesus unto good works; and G.o.d hath, before the world was, ordained that we should walk in them; and shall both our second creation, and G.o.d's foreordination be made frustrate? (Eph 1:4; 2:10). Besides, the children of faith are the children of light, and of the day (1 Thess 5:5). Lights upon a hill, and candles on a candlestick, and shall not they s.h.i.+ne? They are the salt of the earth, shall not they be seasoning? (Matt 5:13-16).

The believer is the alone man, by whom G.o.d showeth to the world the power of his grace, the operation of his people's faith, &c.

The unbelievers read indeed of the power of grace; of the faith, hope, love, joy, peace, and sanctification of the heart of the Christian; but they feel nothing of that sin-killing operation that is in these things; these are to them as a story of Rome or Spain.

Wherefore to show them in others, what they find not in themselves, G.o.d worketh faith, hope, love, &c., in a generation that shall serve him; and by them they shall see what they cannot find in themselves; and by this means they shall be convinced, that though sin, and the pleasures of this life, be sweet to them, yet there is a people otherwise minded; even such a people, that do indeed see the glory of that which others read of, and from that sight take pleasure in those things which they are most averse unto. To this, I say, are Christians called; herein is G.o.d glorified; hereby are sinners convinced; and by this the world condemned (1 Thess 4:7; 1 Peter 2:12; 3:1; Heb 11:7).

Object. But if faith doth so naturally cause good works, what then is the reason that G.o.d's people find it so hard a matter to be fruitful in good works?


1. G.o.d's people are fruitful in good works according to the proportion of their faith; if they be slender in good works, it is because they are weak in faith. Little faith is like small candles, or weak fire, which though they s.h.i.+ne and have heat; yet but dim s.h.i.+ning and small heat, when compared with bigger candles and greater fire.

The reason why Sardis had some in it whose works were not perfect before G.o.d, it was, because they did not hold fast by faith the word that they had formerly heard and received (Rev 3:1-3).

2. There may be a great mistake in our judging of our own fruitfulness.

The soul that indeed is candid and right at heart, is taught by grace to judge itself, though fruitful, yet barren upon two accounts.

(1.) When it compareth its life to the mercy bestowed upon it: for when a soul doth indeed consider the greatness and riches of the mercy bestowed upon it, then it must needs cry out, 'O wretched man that I am,' (Rom 7:24) for it seeth itself wonderfully to fall short of a conversation becoming one who hath received so great a benefit. (2.) It may also judge itself barren, because it falleth so far short of that it would attain unto, 'it cannot do the thing that it would' (Gal 5:17).

3. The heart of a Christian is naturally very barren; upon which, though the seed of grace, that is the fruitfullest of all seeds, be sown, yet the heart is naturally subject to bring forth weeds (Mat 15:19). Now, to have a good crop from such ground, doth argue the fruitfulness of the seed. Wherefore I conclude upon these three things, (1.) That the seed of faith is a very fruitful seed, in that it will be fruitful in so barren a soil. (2.) That faith is not beholden to the heart, but the heart to it, for all its fruitfulness. (3.) That therefore the way to be a more fruitful Christian, it is to be stronger in believing.


Now for the second thing, to wit, That every one that believeth should be careful that their works be good. This followeth from what went just before; to wit, That the heart of a Christian is a heart subject to bring forth weeds.

There is flesh as well as spirit in the best of saints: and as the spirit of grace will be always putting forth something that is good, so the flesh will be putting forth continually that which is evil.

'For the flesh l.u.s.teth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh' (Gal 5:17).

Now this considered, is the cause why you find so often in the Scriptures so many items and cautions to the Christians to look to their lives and conversations. As, 'Keep thy heart with all diligence' (Prov 4:23). 'Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong' (1 Cor 16:13). 'Be not deceived; G.o.d is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting' (Gal 6:7,8).

All works are not good that seem to be so. It is one thing for a man's ways to be right in his own eye, and another for them to be right in G.o.d's. Often 'that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of G.o.d' (Prov 30:12; Luke 16:15).

Seeing corruption is not yet out of our natures, there is a p.r.o.neness in us to build [even] upon the right foundation, wood, hay, and stubble, instead of gold and silver, and precious stones (1 Cor 3:11-15). How was both David the king, Nathan the prophet, and Uzza the priest, deceived, touching good works! (1 Chron 17:1-4; 13:9-11). Peter also, in both his defending his Master in the garden, and in dissuading of him from his sufferings, though both out of love and affection to his Master, was deceived touching good works. (Matt 16:22,23; John 18:10,11). Many have miscarried both as to doctrine, wors.h.i.+p, and the prosecution of each.

First, For doctrine. Christ tells the Jews, that they taught for the doctrines of G.o.d the doctrines and traditions of men (Matt 15:9; Mark 7:7). As also, saith the apostle, They teach 'things they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake' (t.i.tus 1:11).

Second, Also touching worsphip, we find how frequently men have mistaken, both for time, place, and matter, with which they wors.h.i.+pped.

1. For time. It hath been that which man hath devised, not which G.o.d hath commanded (1 Kings 12:32). They 'change the ordinance,'

saith Isaiah, 24:5. They change G.o.d's 'judgments into wickedness,'

saith Ezekiel 5:6.

2. For place. When they should have wors.h.i.+pped at Jerusalem, they wors.h.i.+pped at Bethel, at Gilgal and Dan, in gardens, under poplars and elms. (1 Kings 12:26-30; Hosea 4:13-15; Isa 65:2-5).

3. For the matter with which they wors.h.i.+pped. Instead of bringing according to the commandment, they brought the lame, the torn, and the sick; they would sanctify themselves in gardens, with swine's flesh and mice, when they should have done it at Jerusalem, with bullocks and lambs (Isa 66:17).

Third, Again, touching men's prosecuting their zeal for their wors.h.i.+p, &c., that they do think right; how hot hath it been, though with no reason at all? Nebuchadnezzar will have his fiery furnace, and Darius his lions' den for Nonconformists (Dan 3:6; 6:7, &c.) Again, they have persecuted men even to strange cities; have laid traps and snares in every corner, to entrap and to entangle their words; and if they could at any time but kill the persons that dissented from them, they would think they did G.o.d good service (Acts 26:11; Luke 11:53,54; John 19:1,2). But what need we look so far from home, were it not that I would seal my sayings with truth. We need look no farther to affirm this position, than to the Papists and their companions. How many have they in all ages hanged, burned, starved, drowned, racked, dismembered, and murdered, both openly and in secret? and all under a pretence of G.o.d, his wors.h.i.+p, and good works. 5 Thus you see how wise men and fools, saints and sinners, Christians and heathens, have erred in the business of good works; wherefore every one should be careful to see that their works BE good.

Now, then, to prevent, if G.o.d will, miscarriage in this matter, I shall propound unto you what it is for a work to be rightly good.

First, A good work must have the word for its authority. Second, It must, as afore was said, flow from faith. Third, It must be both rightly timed and rightly placed. Fourth, It must be done willingly, cheerfully, &c.

First, It must have the word for its authority. Zeal without knowledge is like a mettled horse without eyes, or like a sword in a madman's hand; and there is no knowledge where there is not the word: for if they reject the word of the Lord, and act not by that, 'what wisdom is in them?' saith the prophet (Jer 8:9; Isa 8:20).

Wherefore see thou have the word for what thou dost.

Second, As there must be the word for the authorising of what thou dost, so there must be faith, from which it must flow, as I showed you before: 'for whatsoever is not of faith is sin;' and 'without faith it is impossible to please G.o.d.' Now, I say, without the word there is no faith, (Rom 10:17), as without faith there is no good, let men's pretences be what they will.

Third, As it must have these two aforenamed, so also it must have, 1. Right time; and, 2. Right place.

1. It must be rightly timed. Every work is not to be done at the same time; every time not being convenient for such a work; There is a time for all things, and every thing is beautiful in its time (Eccl 3:11). There is a time to pray, a time to hear, a time to read, a time to confer, a time to meditate, a time to do, and a time to suffer. Now, to be hearing when we should be preaching and doing, that is, yielding active obedience to that under which we ought to suffer, is not good. Christ was very wary, that both his doings and sufferings were rightly timed (John 2:3,4; 13:1,2). And herein we ought to follow his steps. To be at plough in the field, when I should be hearing the word, is not good; and to be talking abroad, when I should be instructing my family at home, is as bad: 'Whoso keepeth the commandment, shall feel no evil thing: 'and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment' (Eccl 8:5).

Good things mistimed, are fruitless, unprofitable, and vain.

2. As things must have their right time, so they must be rightly placed; for the misplacing of any work is as bad as the mistiming of it. When I say, things, if good, must be rightly placed, I mean, we should not give to any work more than the word of G.o.d alloweth it, neither should we give it less. Mint, anise, and c.u.mmin, are not so weighty matters as faith and the love of G.o.d; as in (Matt 23:23). For a pastor to be exercising the office of a deacon, instead of the office of a pastor, it is misplacing of works (Acts 6:2). For Martha to be making outward provision for Christ, when she should have sat at his feet to hear his word, was the misplacing a work; and for her sister to have done it at her requestthough the thing in itself was goodhad been her sin also (Luke 10:39-42).

Now, to prevent the misplacing of good works,

(1.) They misplace them that set them in the room of Christ (Rom 10: 1-3).

(2.) They also misplace them that make them copartners with him (Rom 9:31,32; Acts 15:1). This is setting up our post by G.o.d's posts, and man's righteousness by the righteousness of Christ (Eze 43:7,8).

These are said to be teachers of the law, not knowing what they say, nor whereof they affirm (1 Tim 1:7).

(3.) They also misplace works, who ascribe to a work of less moment that honour that belongeth to a work more n.o.ble. And such are (a) Those who count the ceremonial part of an ordinance as good as the doctrine and signification of it. 6 (b) Such who account the dictates and impulses of a mere natural conscience, as good, as high, and divine, as the leadings and movings of the Spirit of Christ.

(c) Those also who count it enough to do something of what G.o.d hath commanded, and that something, possibly the least, instead of all, and the things more necessary and weighty. (d) They also much misplace them, who count things indifferent as high as those that are absolutely necessary in the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d. (e) But the grosser, who place men's traditions above them. (f) And they greatest of all, who put bitter for sweet, and darkness for light.

All these things we must shun and avoid, as things absolutely obstructive to good works.

Wherefore touching good works; obedience is better than sacrifice; that is, to do things according to the word of G.o.d, is better than to do them according to my fancy and conceit (1 Sam 15:22).

'Wherefore, let all things be done decently and in order' (1 Cor 14:40).

Fourth, Again, as good works should be ordered and qualified, as before is touched, so they should be done from the heart, willingly, cheerfully, with simplicity and charity, according to what a man hath (1 John 5:3; 2 Cor 9:7; Rom 12:8; Col 3:12; 1 Cor 10:24; 2 Cor 8:12).

Farther, there are three things that a man should have in his eye in every work he doth. 1. The honour of G.o.d (1 Cor 6:20). 2. The edification of his neighbour (1 Cor 14:26). 3. The expediency or inexpediency of what I am to do (1 Cor 6:12). And always observe it, that the honour of G.o.d is wrapped up in the edification of thy neighbour; and the edification of thy neighbour in the expediency of what thou dost.

Again, if thou wouldst walk to the edification of thy neighbour, and so to G.o.d's honour, in the midst of thy observers, beware,

1st. That thou in thy words and carriages dost so demean thyself, that Christ in his precious benefits may be with clearness spoken forth by thee; and take heed, that thou dost not enter into doubtful points with them that are weak (Rom 15:1). But deal chiefly, lovingly, and wisely, with their consciences about those matters that tend to their establishment in the faith of their justification, and deliverance from death and h.e.l.l. 'Comfort the feeble-minded,'

confirm the weak (1 Thess 5:14).

2ndly. If thou be stronger than thy brother, take heed that thou do not that before him, that may offend his weak conscience; I mean, things that in themselves may be lawful. All that is lawful is not expedient; all that is lawful edifieth not (1 Cor 6:12). Wherefore here is thy wisdom and love, that thou in some things deny thyself for thy brother's sake. 'I will eat no flesh while the world standeth,' saith Paul, 'lest I make my brother to offend' (1 Cor 8:13). Wherefore have this faith to thyself before G.o.d (Rom 14:22).

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