Works of John Bunyan Volume III Part 53
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[219] Here is a very striking lesson for professors. Talk not of your great knowledge, rich experience, comfortable frames, and joyful feelings; all are vain and delusive, if the Gospel has not a holy influence upon your practice. On the other hand, be not dejected if you are not favoured with these; for if a holy fear of G.o.d, and a G.o.dly jealousy over yourselves, possess your heart, verily you are a partaker of the grace of Christ--(Mason).
[220] Hatred to sin can only arise from the love of G.o.d. In vain do men think of deterring others from sin, or driving them to duty by low terrors, or low requirements. The strong man armed will keep his palace, till a stronger than he cometh and taketh from him the armour wherein he trusted. But herein they err, not knowing the Scriptures, which set forth love as the constraining motive to true obedience--(J.B.).
[221] Christians who resemble Fearing, are greatly r.e.t.a.r.ded in their progress by discouraging apprehensions; they are apt to spend too much time in unavailing complaints; yet they cannot think of giving up their feeble hopes, or of returning to their forsaken worldly pursuits and pleasures. They are indeed helped forward, through the mercy of G.o.d, in a very extraordinary manner; yet they still remain exposed to alarms and discouragements, in every stage of their pilgrimage. They are afraid even of relying on Christ for salvation, because they have not distinct views of His love, and the methods of His grace; and imagine some other qualification to be necessary besides the willingness to seek, knock, and ask for the promised blessings, with a real desire of obtaining them.
They imagine, that there has been something in their past life, or that there is some peculiarity in their present habits, and way of applying to Christ, which may exclude them from the benefit: so that they pray with diffidence; and, being consciously unworthy, can hardly believe that the Lord will grant their requests. They are also to overlook the most decisive evidences of their reconciliation to G.o.d; and to persevere in arguing with perverse ingenuity against their own manifest happiness. The same mixture of humility and unbelief renders persons of this description backward in a.s.sociating with their brethren, and in frequenting those companies in which they might obtain further instruction; for they are afraid of being considered as believers, or even serious inquirers; so that affectionate and earnest persuasion is requisite to prevail with them to join in those religious exercises, by which Christians especially receive the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Yet this arises not from disinclination, but diffidence; and though they are often peculiarly favoured with seasons of great comfort, to counterbalance their dejections, yet they never hear or read of those who 'have drawn back to perdition,' but they are terrified with the idea that they shall shortly resemble them; so that every warning given against hypocrisy or self-deception seems to point them out by name, and every new discovery of any fault or mistake in their views, temper, or conduct, seems to decide their doom.
At the same time, they are often remarkably melted into humble, admiring grat.i.tude, by contemplating the love and sufferings of Christ, and seem to delight in hearing of that subject above all others. They do not peculiarly fear difficulties, self-denial, reproaches, or persecution, which deter numbers from making an open profession of religion; and yet they are more backward in this respect than others, because they deem themselves unworthy to be admitted to such privileges and into such society, or else are apprehensive of being finally separated from them or becoming a disgrace to religion--(Scott).
[222] This is a solid, scriptural definition; pray mind it. Here conditions may safely be admitted; and happy is the Christian who keeps closest to these conditions, in order to enjoy peace of conscience, and joy of heart in Christ--(Mason).
[223] That heart, which is under the teaching and influence of the grace of G.o.d, will detect such horrid notions, and cry out against them. G.o.d forbid that ever I should listen one moment to such diabolical sentiments! for they are hatched in h.e.l.l, and propagated on earth, by the father of lies--(Mason).
[224] It is a horrible and blasphemous perversion of Scripture, to take encouragement in sin, from those sad examples of it in the saints, which are held up, in terrorem, as so many beacons by which we may avoid the same. To talk, and especially to act like Self-will affords the fullest proof that a man never came in at the gate. The Lord change every such perverse will, and preserve the church from principles and practices so diabolical--(Burder).
What shall we say to these things? Lord, keep me!--(J.B.).
[225] It may be seriously inquired as to whether in all Satan's temptations, any one is so fatal to immortal souls as the idea of a death-bed repentance. Have not prayers against sudden death a tendency to interfere with or obstruct that daily walk with G.o.d, which alone can fit us to meet the king of terrors? When heart and strength fail; when the body is writhing in agony, or lying an insensible lump of mortality; is that the time to make peace with G.o.d? Such persons must he infatuated with strange notions of the Divine Being. No, my reader, life is the time to serve the Lord, the time to insure the great reward. Sudden death is a release from much pain and anxiety. It is the most merciful gate by which we can enter upon immortality--(ED).
[226] Pray attentively mind, and deeply consider the six following observations; they are just; they are daily confirmed to us in the different conduct of professors. Study, and pray to improve them to your soul's profit--(Mason).
[227] Adam hid himself because he was naked. But how could he be naked, when before he had made himself an ap.r.o.n? O! the approach of G.o.d consumed and burnt off his ap.r.o.n! His ap.r.o.n would not keep him from the eye of the incorruptible G.o.d. When G.o.d deals with such men for sin, a.s.suredly they will find themselves naked--(Bunyan on Genesis, vol. 2, p. 432). If the wicked flee when no man pursueth, how can they stand when G.o.d lets loose death and eternity upon their guilty souls?--(ED).
[228] Thou art bound to Heaven, but the way thither is dangerous.
It is beset everywhere with evil angels, who would rob thee of thy soul. If thou wouldest go on cheerfully in thy dangerous journey, commit thy treasure--thy soul, to G.o.d, to keep; and then thou mayest say with comfort, Well, that care is over; my soul is safe; the thieves, if they meet me, cannot come at that; G.o.d will keep it to my joy and comfort at the great day--(Bunyan's Advice to Sufferers, vol. 2, p. 701).
[229] The spiritual refreshment, arising from experimental conversation, seems to be especially intended; but the name of Gaius suggests also the importance of the Apostle's exhortation, 'Use hospitality without grudging.' This ought to be obeyed even to strangers, if they are certified to us as brethren in Christ--(Scott). Every Christian's house should, so far as ability is given, be an inn for the refreshment of weary fellow-pilgrims--(ED).
[230] This character is drawn from that of the well-beloved Gaius, in the third epistle of John. Although, in comparison with the great bulk of Christians, there are but few such in the church; yet in all ages, and in most churches, some hospitable Gaius is to be found. May their numbers be greatly increased--(ED).
[231] Ignatius, a bishop or pastor of a church in Antioch, cruelly martyred for the truth in the second century; not Ignatius Loyola, the Jesuit. Mr. Bunyan obtained all this information from Foxe's Book of Martyrs, which was written before Satan had introduced the Jesuits into the world--(ED).
[232] 'Marriage is honourable in all' (Heb. 13:4). Notwithstanding all the cares of a family, while the married have many troubles, the single have few, if any, real enjoyments of life. The will of our heavenly Father is here enforced upon the pilgrims by Gaius--only let pilgrims be united together, marry in the Lord, and we may expect his blessing to fit us to do His will. Vows of celibacy are from beneath, from the father of lies--contrary to the order of nature, and the expressed will of G.o.d. 'It is not good to be alone.'--(ED).
[233] The different parts of social wors.h.i.+p and Christian fellows.h.i.+p are here allegorically described. The heave-shoulder and wave-breast typify the power and love of our great High Priest; that we should devote to Him our whole heart, with fervent prayer, and grateful praise. The wine represents the exhilarating effects of the shedding of Christ's blood, and its application to us by living faith. The milk is the simple instruction of the Scriptures. The b.u.t.ter and honey are animating views of G.o.d and heavenly joy. The apples are the promises and privileges of Christians (see Song. 2:3; Prov.
25:11). And the nuts those difficult doctrines, which amply repay us the trouble of penetrating their meaning. Christians so employed have far sweeter enjoyments than they ever had in the mirth, diversions, and pleasures of the world--(Scott).
[234] Bunyan takes advantage of the common past-time of solving riddles, to teach important truth in a way calculated to be impressed on the memory. Thus, in the treatise on the Covenants of the Law and Grace, the second Adam was before the first, and also the second covenant before the first. This is a riddle--(Vol. 2, p.
524)--(ED). Observe here, the feast of pilgrims was attended with mirth. Christians have the greatest reason to be merry; but then it ought to be spiritual mirth, which springs from spiritual views and spiritual conversation--(Mason).
[235] When Christian intercourse is conducted with gravity and cheerfulness united, it is both pleasant and instructive. Speech should be 'always with grace, seasoned with salt, that it may minister grace to the bearers,' and thus 'provoke one another unto love, and to good works'; thus are the young encouraged to follow that which is good--(Ivimey).
[236] Here is a genuine discovery of a gracious heart; when it is delighted with spiritual company and conversation, and longs for its continuance. Is it so with you?--(Mason).
[237] If our love to sinners be only shown by seeking their spiritual good, it will be considered as a bigoted desire to proselyte them to our sect; but uniform diligent endeavours to relieve their temporal wants are intelligible to every man, and bring a good report on the profession of the Gospel (Matt. 5:16)--(Scott).
[238] O, this dying to self, to self-righteous pride, vain confidence, self-love, and self-complacency, is hard work to the old man; yea, it is both impracticable and impossible to him. It is only grace that can conquer and subdue him; and where grace reigns, this work is carried on day by day. And yet the old man of sin, and self-righteousness, still lives in us--(Mason).
[239] Old age affords advantage in overcoming some propensities, yet habits of indulgence often counterbalance the decays of nature; and avarice, suspicion, and peevishness, with other evils, gather strength as men advance in years. Some old men may imagine that they have renounced sin, because they are no longer capable of committing the crimes in which they once lived--(Scott).
[240] The refreshment of Divine consolations, and Christian fellows.h.i.+p, are intended to prepare us for vigorously maintaining the good fight of faith; not only against the enemies of our own souls, but also against the opposers of our most holy religion.
We are soldiers, and should unite together under the Captain of Salvation, to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints, by every method authorized by the Word of G.o.d; nor must we shrink from danger and contumely in so good a cause--(Scott).
[241] It may he asked, how for it is right to expose ourselves to danger and difficulties, since it is rashness, not courage, to expose ourselves to unnecessary danger, or to give unnecessary offence. I would answer, It can never be improper to expose error, or oppose a prevailing vice, by which G.o.d's children are in danger of being beguiled--(J.B.).
[242] Giant Slay-good represents a wicked, cruel man--a mere cannibal, invested with judicial authority--a selfish, malignant persecutor, who intimidated feeble-minded professors by fines and imprisonments, to the hazard of their souls. By the thieves, of whom he was master, were perhaps intended the common informers, who got their living by giving evidence against Nonconformists; some cruel magistrates pursued them to death. The attack was by scriptural and rational arguments, which led to a great alteration in these accursed laws--(Ivimey and Scott).
[243] All pilgrims are not alike vigorous, strong, and lively; some are weak, creep and crawl on, in the ways of the Lord. No matter, if there be but a pilgrim's heart, all shall be well at last; for Omnipotence itself is for us, and then we may boldly ask, 'Who shall be against us?'--(Mason). Const.i.tutional timidity and lowness of spirits, arising from a feeble frame, give a peculiar cast to the views and nature of religious profession, which unfits for hard and perilous service. The difference between Feeble-mind and Fearing seems to be this--the former was more afraid of opposition, and the latter more doubtful about the event, which perhaps may intimate, that Slay-good rather represents persecutors than deceivers--(Scott).
[244] What a sweet simple relation is here! Doth it not suit many a feeble mind? Poor soul, weak as he was, yet his Lord provided against his danger. He sent some strong ones to his deliverance, and to slay his enemy. Mind his belief, even in his utmost extremity.
Learn somewhat from this Feeble-mind--(Mason).
[245] O how sweet to reflect, that the most gigantic enemies shall be conquered, and their most malicious designs be overruled for our good; yea, what they intend for our ruin shall be made to work for our health and prosperity--(Mason).
[246] 'Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it' (Matt. 16:25)--(ED).
Here is a contrast between a feeble believer and a specious hypocrite; the latter eludes persecutions by time-serving, yet perishes in his sins; the former suffers and trembles, yet hopes to be delivered and comforted. The frequency with which this is introduced, and the variety of characters by which it is ill.u.s.trated, show us how important the author deemed such warnings--(Scott).
[247] Events, which at first appear big with misery and misfortune, have been found afterwards to have been as so many dark pa.s.sages, to lead into brighter and more glorious displays of the Divine power, wisdom, and goodness--(J.B.).
[248] 'Marriage is honourable in all'; nor will Christian females find such a state any hindrance to their abounding in works of charity and mercy. By fulfilling the duties of the married life, they will cause the ways of G.o.d to be well spoken of. The desire of Paul was, 'That the younger women marry, be sober, love their husbands, love their children, be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of G.o.d be not blasphemed' (t.i.tus 2:4, 5)--(Ivimey).
[249] What an open, ingenuous confession is here! though feeble in mind, he was strong in wisdom and sound judgment--(Mason). Woe be to those who offend one of these little ones; no less dear to G.o.d than the most eminent and distinguished saints--(J.B.).
[250] O that this were more practised among Christians of different standings, degrees, and judgments! If they who are strong were thus to bear with the weak, as they ought, how much more love, peace, and unanimity would prevail!--(Mason).
[251] Excellent! See the nature of Christian love; even to be ready to spare to a brother, what we ourselves have occasion for. Love looketh not at the things of our own, but to provide for the wants of others--(Mason).
[252] The character of Feeble-mind seems to coincide, in some things, with that of Fearing, and in others with the description of Little-faith. Const.i.tutional timidity and lowness of spirits, arising from a feeble frame, and frequent sickness, while they are frequently the means of exciting men to religion, give also a peculiar cast to their views and the nature of their profession--tend to hold them under perpetual discouragements, and unfit them for hard and perilous services. This seems implied in the name given to the native place of Feeble-mind; yet this is often connected with evident sincerity, and remarkable perseverance in the ways of G.o.d--(Scott).
[253] Here, very ingeniously, an a.s.sociate is found for poor Feeble-mind; in one equally weak, lame, and limping in his religious sentiments, who, instead of forming his own sentiments from the Word of Truth, leant upon the sentiments and opinions of others.
The hesitation of Feeble-mind to accept one of his crutches, is humourously conceived. He would, weak as he was, think for himself; though he had no objection to quote the opinion of another Christian against an adversary--(Ivimey). 'As iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.' How great a comfort to find a fellow-pilgrim whose experience agrees with our own, and with whom we can take sweet counsel! Still all our dependence must be on Ready-to-halt's crutches--'the promises.'--(ED).
[254] The near prospect of persecution is formidable even to true believers, notwithstanding all the encouragements of G.o.d's Word.
It is useful to realize such scenes, that we may pray, without ceasing, for wisdom, fort.i.tude, patience, meekness, faith, and love sufficient for us, should matters come to the worst--(Scott).
[255] How happy to find a family, in Vanity Fair, whose master will receive and entertain pilgrims. Blessed be G.o.d for the present revival of religion in our day, and for the many houses that are open to friends of the Lamb--(Mason).
[256] The inquiry of disciples, after suitable company, discovers that they, with David, love the Lord's saints; and in the excellent of the earth is all their delight (Psa. 16:3). A genuine discovery this of a gracious heart--(Mason).
[257] Great, indeed, was the change in the town of Vanity, when Christiana and her party of pilgrims arrived, compared with the but recent period when Faithful was martyred. The declaration of liberty of conscience had rendered the profession of vital G.o.dliness more public, still there was persecution enough to make it comparatively pure. Dr. Cheever has indulged in a delightful reverie, in his lecture on Vanity Fair, by supposing, at some length, how our glorious dreamer would now describe the face of society in our present Vanity Fair. After describing the consequences that had arisen from religion having become FAs.h.i.+ONABLE, he hints at the retrograde movement towards Popery, known under the name of Puseyism. 'It happened, in process of time, that a part of the pilgrims who remained in Vanity Fair, began to visit the cave of Giant Pope, and it became a sort of fas.h.i.+onable pilgrimage to that cave. They brushed up the giant, and gave him medicines to alleviate the hurts from those bruises which he had received in his youth; and, to make the place pleasanter, they carefully cleared away the remains of the bones and skulls of burned pilgrims, and planted a large enclosure with flowers and evergreens.' 'The cage in which the Pilgrims were once confined was now never used; some said it was consecrated for church purposes, and put under the cathedral, in a deep cell, from which it might again be brought forth if occasion required it.' The Doctor's description of the present state of Vanity Fair is very deeply interesting and amusing--(ED).
When religion is counted honourable, we shall not want professors; but trying times are sifting times. As the chaff flies before the wind, so will the formal professors before a storm of persecution--(J.B.).
[258] Kindness to the poor increases and builds up the church. It conquers the prejudices of the worldly, secures their confidence, and brings them under the preaching of the Gospel. They rationally conclude that they cannot be bad people who do so much good--(Ivimey).
[259] This monster is Antichrist. The devil is the head; the synagogue of Satan is the body; the wicked spirit of iniquity is the soul. The devil made use of the church [the clergy] to midwife this monster into the world. He had plums in his dragon's mouth, and so came in by flatteries. He metamorphosed himself into a beast, a man, or woman; and the inhabitants of the world loved the woman dearly, became her sons, and took up helmet and s.h.i.+eld to defend her. She arrayed herself in flesh-taking ornaments--gold, and precious stones, like an harlot. She made the kings drunken, and they gave her the blood of saints and martyrs until she was drunken, and did revel and roar. But when her cup is drunk out, G.o.d will call her to such a reckoning, that all her clothes, pearls, and jewels shall not be able to pay the shot. This beast is compared to the wild boar that comes out of the wood to devour the church of G.o.d (Psa. 80:13). The temporal sword will kill its body, but spirit can only be slain by spirit; the Lord the Spirit will slay its soul--(Bunyan on Antichrist, vol. 2, p. 47). Is not Antichrist composed of all the State religions in the world?--(ED).
[260] For this woman's name and costume see Revelation 17:1-4. She has just sent one of her illegitimate sons to England, under the impudent a.s.sumption of Archbishop of Westminster--(ED).
[261] And that you may be convinced of the truth of this, look back and compare Antichrist four hundred years ago, with Antichrist as he now is, and you shall see what work the Lord Jesus has begun to make with him; kingdoms and countries He hath taken from her.
True, the fogs of Antichrist, and the smoke that came with him out of the bottomless pit, has eclipsed the glorious light of the Gospel; but you know, in eclipses, when they are recovering, all the creatures upon the face of the earth cannot put a stop to that course, until the sun or the moon have recovered their glory. And thus it shall be now, the Lord is returning to visit this people with His primitive l.u.s.tre; he will not go back until the light of the sun shall be sevenfold--(Bunyan's Antichrist and his ruin, vol. 2, p. 48).
[262] When nations have restored to the people the property of which they have been plundered, under the pretence of a.s.sisting to obtain the pardon of sin and the favour of G.o.d, the monster will soon die; when neither rule, nor honour, nor pelf is to be gained by hypocrisy--(ED).
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