Works of John Bunyan Volume III Part 77

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Truth shall appear in its old and mature colours, and as such shall be embraced, and lived and delighted in, both by Jews and Gentiles, as I have showed.

But secondly, The twelve foundations that here you read of, they are the same with those twelve stones that long before were set in the breastplate of judgment, in which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, the names of which tribes did comprehend the whole body of the house of their fathers (Exo 28:16-21,29; 39:14). Now then, seeing these twelve are the same with those on the breastplate of judgment; and seeing also, that those on the breastplate did comprehend the whole of the twelve tribes, I conclude that for these foundations to be garnished with all manner of precious stones, it is as much as to say, they shall be garnished with abundance of converts; mult.i.tudes, and that of all sorts, both of Jews and Gentiles, Moors, Tartars, Turks, and those in the utmost parts of the world, shall now be entangled with the light and truth, with the glory and goodness of the doctrine of the twelve. And I the rather take it thus, 1.

Because, as the foundations themselves are said to be precious stones; so also the saints in general, they go under the same names too. As Jeremiah saith, the precious stones of the sanctuary are the precious sons of Zion (Lam 4:1-3). As Peter also saith, in alluding to the precious stones of the temple; the saints are lively, or living precious stones, built up a spiritual house, &c. (1 Peter 2:5). And the foundations of the wall were garnished with all manner of precious stones (1 Chron 29:2). That is, the doctrine of the twelve was garnished with all manner of precious souls; that is, converted by it, by which they become a glory and a garnis.h.i.+ng to it. 2. I take it to be the conversion of the precious ones of G.o.d; because that thus to understand it, is most like the phrase of the apostle Paul himself, saying, 'What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy' (1 Thess 2:19,20). Mark, in the text he saith, The foundations were garnished with all manner of precious stones, and here those precious stones, Paul accounts to be those that are converted by the Word: for what is our hope, or joy, or crown?

are not even ye that have been converted by us? Ye are our joy, ye are our crown, ye are our glory; it is with you that we shall be crowned, adorned, and garnished in the presence of our Lord Jesus. Mark, John saith, They are garnished, Paul saith, they are crowned; John saith, they are garnished with precious stones, and Paul saith, they are crowned with the conversion of sinners. Thus therefore as G.o.d will lay these stones with fair colours, so also he will lay these foundations with sapphires (Isa 54:11). That is, as he will beautify the doctrine of the twelve with its former glory, sweetness, and authority; so he will crown and garnish it with the conversion of many sinners. The elect are the jewels of G.o.d, and this is the day of his binding them up, even then when the antichrist falls, and the gospel breaks out in its primitive glory (Mal 3:16-18).

'And the foundations of the wall were garnished with all manner of precious stones.' In these words, there are yet two things considerable.

First Consideration. That all who go to the adorning of these foundations, they must be precious stones, not a common stone shall here be owned. And indeed what should pebbles do among the pearls and the diamonds of New Jerusalem; or the stones of blackness and emptiness, among the saints of light (Job 28:3). I tell you, that those which G.o.d doth reckon the adorning-stones, they are all and every one, precious stone; they must be all lively, glistering, and curious stones, though stones of divers colours (1 Peter 2:5; 1 Chron 29:2). Antichrist counts anything sufficient enough to garnish his apostles with, even the empty stones of confusion, the sinners that have no more grace in their souls then there is sap in a post that hath been this twenty years without either sap or water (Isa 34:11). But G.o.d will not count such for the beauty of his word, nor for the garnis.h.i.+ng and beautifying of the doctrine of the twelve, they are garnished with PRECIOUS STONES.

Second Consideration. As he saith the foundations are garnished with precious stones only, so he saith it is with ALL MANNER of precious stones: by which he would have us understand that all saints have not the same degree either of precious grace or gifts and virtue in them. There are some that excel and differ from the rest, even as one star differeth from another in glory (1 Cor 14:12). Some saints, as they have both more grace and also gifts than others; so too they are more laborious and painful in the work of G.o.d than their fellows, and therefore he saith, ALL MANNER of precious stones (Pro 31:29; 1 Cor 15:10,41).

[The Foundations, what they are, with their order of placing.]

Ver. 20. 'The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite'; &c. Thus having showed you the garnis.h.i.+ng and beautifying of the twelve foundations, he now comes to discover the foundations themselves, with reference to their order of placing and lying.

[The First Foundation.] Touching which order, he saith the first and bottom foundation is a jasper.

I have hitherto said that this jasper in both the two afore-mentioned places, both as to the light of this city, and also of the wall, it was Jesus Christ: Christ illuminating, and Christ defending.

But here the jasper is said to be one of the twelve foundations, even one of those foundations in which are writ the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, which one would think did put this jasper now into another state, even to be a representation of one of the twelve apostles, and not of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ himself. To which I shall yet say, that the jasper here in the order of the foundations, is to be understood of Christ, as well as in the other two places in this discourse; I say it is yet to be understood of representing the Lord Jesus, though it also doth bear the name of one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And in this very thing there is an infolding mystery wrapped up and inclosed. For,

First. In that the name of an apostle is writ in this stone, and yet that this jasper should represent Christ, it showeth unto us the agreement that is between the doctrine of the apostles and Christ himself, to wit, that they are one and the very same; and hence it is that the apostle saith, 'We preach Christ crucified'

(1 Cor 1:23,24). Christ in all his benefits is the very marrow, life, and sum of all their teaching. 'Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ' (1 Cor 3:11).

Wherefore the doctrine of the apostles being Christ itself, no marvel though the name of an apostle be writ upon this jasper; and again, no marvel though this jasper go yet under that name that represents him.

Second. In that it is said the names of the twelve are in these twelve foundations, and yet that the first of them should be the jasper, Christ; it argueth also, that whosoever receiveth the doctrine of the twelve, they must needs with that receive the Lord Christ himself. Receive the doctrine of the gospel, as it is held forth by the twelve in the word, and thou canst not miss of the Lord Jesus Christ himself; he will be found in the bottom of their doctrine. Ye 'are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone' (Eph 1:19,20).

Third. In that he saith in these twelve stones are the names of the twelve apostles, and yet that the first should be the jasper, Christ; it argueth also that wherever the doctrine of the twelve is preached, there is therewith the presence of Christ: the presence of his Spirit to teach and enlighten the ignorant and blind hearts of the unconverted; the presence also of his power to overcome them, and to make them fall under the glory and truth of his heavenly word. 'Lo,' saith he, 'I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.' 'And they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following'

(Matt 28:20; Mark 16:20).

Fourth. In that he saith the names of the twelve are in the foundations, and yet that Christ should be one of the twelve himself; it showeth to us the union that is between Christ and his holy people. Mark in the twelve foundations are placed all, even all manner of precious stones. Again, in the twelve is placed the jasper, Christ; by which we may see the nearness that is between Christ and his whole body. 'I in them, and thou in me,' saith Christ, 'that they may be made perfect in one' (John 17:23). Christ and his saints make but one temple, one man; being but one flesh, one nature, &c. (1 Cor 12:12).

Fifth. In that this jasper is said to be one of the foundations, and that too the first and undermost; he showeth farther, that Christ is the foundation of them before G.o.d, that are the foundation of him before men. The twelve do bear up Christ before the world, as the twelve brazen oxen did hold up the molten sea in the temple (1 Kings 7:25). And Christ doth bear up the twelve before his Father, as the high priests did carry the twelve stones on their breastplate of judgment, when they went to make an atonement for the sins of the people, into the holiest (Exo 28:29).

Sixth. It showed us further, that though the apostles shall be adorned with the conversion of those that they shall win to the Lord Christ; yet they will never be able to stand under that glory and honour unless they are supported and upheld by Christ, as their foundation. Sirs, as Christ is the strength of his people in their work for him in this world, so he must be their strength by which they must stand under the reward they shall have for their labour when this world is ended. And hence it is, that the prophet saith, 'They shall hang upon him all the glory of his Father's house, the offspring and the issue; all vessels of small quant.i.ty, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons' (Is 22:24), and again, 'He shall build the temple of the Lord, and he shall bear the glory' (Zech 6:13). He shall bear the glory of our salvation from sin, preservation in the midst of all temptations, and of our going to glory; also he shall bear the glory of our labour in the gospel, of our gifts and abilities, of making our labour and work effectual to the saving of sinners, 'that in all things he might have the pre-eminence' (Col 1:18).

Seventh. In that the foundations are twelve, and Christ the undermost of them; it signifieth, that all that are converted by the twelve, as they shall be for the garnis.h.i.+ng of the twelve, so also both the twelve, with all that they are garnished with, shall be for garnis.h.i.+ng of Christ. We shall stick like perarls in the crowns of the twelve apostles, and they again with all their glory shall stick in the crown of Christ. And hence it is that you find the four and twenty elders, which four and twenty do, as I conceive, hold for the twelve, both in the first and second Jerusalem. I say, hence it is that you find them take their crowns from off their heads, and cat them down before the throne of G.o.d and of the Lamb, crying, 'Blessing, and honour, and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever' (Rev 4:9-11; 5:11-14).

Eighth. One thing more of this goodly jasper, and then to the rest; which thing is this, that jasper that here you find to be the first in the twelve foundations, even that jasper you find to be the last of all among the stones in the breastplate of judgment (Exo 28:20). From whence you may note, 1. That Christ, as he is to be the author, or first of our faith, so also he is to be the finisher, or last of our faith (Heb 12:2). 2. That as he is to be the captain and leader of his people, so he is to be the rereward and bringer up of his people (Heb 2:10; Isa 52:12). He is to go before them to lead them the way; and to come behind them to bring them all up (Isa 58:8; Exo 14:19). 3. Again, forasmuch as he is said to be last before he is first; that is, last in Exodus, and after that, first in the Revelation, it may be to show us, that Christ was first to be least, lowest, and last, and then to be greatest, highest, and first. He first humbled himself to the death, even to the shameful death of the cross; and then was by G.o.d his Father exalted and placed above every name; as he also himself doth witness, saying, 'Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?' (Luke 24:26; Phil 2:6-11).

[The other foundations.] 'The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz,' &c. Touching the jasper you see what I have said. Now all I have to say to the rest of them, it is in general these three things.

First, In that the foundations are all and every one of them precious stones, it signifieth that all the doctrines of the New Jerusalem will be only the precious doctrine of the twelve apostles, not common stuff, not raked out of the dunghills and muck-heaps of this world, and from among the toys of antichrist, but spiritual, heavenly, and glorious. He that hath his word shall then speak it faithfully, for 'what is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord'

(Jer 23:28,32).

Second, In that they are called after the names of precious stones, it signifieth also that at that day none shall be used or put into the ministry but these that have received spiritual and heavenly gifts from above. It is not every babbling fellow, not those that look for their abilities from the rudiments of the world, that then shall be of any value or account. He must be a costly stone, a stone about which the Lord Jesus hath bestowed the cost of his heavenly abilities, even he whom the Lord Jesus shall appear unto for that very purpose, to make him a minister. HE shall be a minister, and none else at that day. The other shall be ashamed every one of his vision; yea, and shall in those days be so contemptible, that their father and their mother shall reprove them, and count them liars; yea, and shall be ready to run them through while they are prophesying in their rough garments to deceive (Zech 13:3-5).

Third, In that these precious stones are not all of one and the same nature, but every one of them several, and diverse one from another; it argueth that the gifts of the apostles, and so of the ministers of the New Jerusalem, shall be differing one from another in glory and operation; yet mark, as in these stones, so in every one of them shall be perfect glory, according to the nature of G.o.d's working by his Spirit; as the nature of the jasper is perfect in his kind, and the nature of the sapphire is perfect in his. These stones, some of them are of greater light and clearness than others; and so some of the apostles are chiefest (2 Cor 11:5).

Some of these stones, again, they are of a more fiery and burning colour than others, they being bright also, but of a more mild brightness. Therefore some of the ministry are called the sons of thunder, when others are styled by the name of the sons of consolation (Mark 3:17; Acts 4:36). The gifts are differing, being diverse, their administrations are differing, and the operations of them also are differing, though all those things are from that one and the self-same Spirit, working in every one severally as he pleases (Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:4-6). All these things will spangle in the New Jerusalem, and carry their full breadth and sway as in the days of old.

To conclude this, in that he here saith, that the foundations of the wall are these twelve stones, he doth it to show that now also the former ministration that was in the apostles' days will be the same and in full force again. For their gifts of knowledge, judgment, and authority, they are such as have to this day lain buried, as it were with the apostles themselves. But now they shall show themselves again, even these foundation-stones, stones that are great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits (1 Kings 7:10). Thus much of the glory of the foundations.

[The glory of the gates.]

Ver. 21. 'And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, every several gate was of one pearl; and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent gla.s.s.' Having thus showed us the glory of this city, wall, and foundations, he now comes to show us the glory of the gates and of the street of the city.

'And the twelve gates are twelve pearls.' The gates, I told you before, they signify Christ, both as he is the way to communion with the G.o.d of this city, and with the inhabitants thereof, that so they may have a share in the privileges of the same. I told you also then, that though he tells us exactly of the measure both of city and wall, yet he tells us nothing of the measure of these twelve gates and goings in thereat, and the reason is, because Christ, as he is the way to grace, he is beyond all measure both as to fulness and freeness (Eph 3:8). And now again he puts us to the same plunge with the unsearchable riches of the Lord Christ; for who can count the worth of pearl as big as the gates of a city?

As, indeed, when Christ himself doth speak of the parable of the pearl in the field, he only telleth us that there is such a one, but never valueth the worth thereof, only he saith, a pearl of great price, and so leaveth it (Matt 13:35,36). Now, when he saith that the gates are pearls, he thereby insinuates several things.


First. To show us how rich a treasure Christ Jesus our Lord is, and will be to all those that by him shall enter in through the gates into this city, 'riches and honour are with me,' saith he, even 'durable riches and righteousness. My fruit [or the fruit of entering in by me] is better than gold, and my revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment; that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance, and I will fill their treasures' (Pro 8:18-21; Eph 3:8).

Christ is rich indeed, both in his blood, resurrection, intercession, and all his offices, together with his relations and all his benefits; all which he bestoweth upon every one that receiveth him, and maketh them unspeakably wealthy.

Second. The pearl, as it is rich, and so worth much, so again it is beautiful and amiable, even to take the eyes of all beholders.

It hath, I say, a very sweet and sparkling light and glory in it, enough to take the eye and affect the heart of all those that look upon it. And thus is Christ to all that come to him, and by him to the Father, &c. 'My beloved,' saith she, 'is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.' 'His mouth is most sweet, yea, he is altogether lovely' (Cant 5:10,16).

The mother of harlots had some knowledge of the beauty and glory of this stone, and knew that it had a very taking and drawing glory in it, and therefore she gets it for some time to adorn herself withal; she was decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (Eze 16:17), and was therefore called 'the well-favoured harlot'

(Nahum 3:4; Rev 18:4). By which means she hath drawn into her lewdness the kings and kingdom of the world; who have in such sort been entangled with her beauty, and with her fornication, that they have been adulterated from G.o.d and their own salvation. For indeed she used this pearl but for to get them to drink of her fornication, that they might drink and spew, and fall and never rise more. But now when he saith, the gates are pearl, it is as if he had said, this woman is stript of her beauty and delicate ornaments; the pearl is taken from her, and is set in its right place, even to be for the gates of Jerusalem (Rev 18:12,22,23).

Wherefore it is to be expected, that many should be taken with the way of entrance into this beloved city in the day that she shall be set up and appear in her heavenly beauty (Pro 8:35; 3:35). The glory of that city must needs be great whose wall is jasper and gates are pearl (1 Cor 2:9; John 17:24).

'And the twelve gates were twelve pearls.' Not pearls and other precious stones commixed, but pearl only. To signify that Christ only can let in souls into this city, that they may partake of the goodness and privileges thereof. It is not he and saints together, neither is it all the saints and angels in heaven without him, he alone 'hath the key of David, and that openeth, and no man shutteth; and that shutteth, and no man openeth' (Rev 3:7; 22:12).

Secondly, As he saith, the several gates are each of them pearls, so he saith that every several gate was of one pearl, of one entire pearl. By which he would have us to understand also, that as none can enter in but by Christ, so none can enter in but by whole Christ. Christ must be helpful to thee every way, or he will be helpful to thee no way; thou must enter in by every whit of Christ, or thou shalt enter in by never a whit of him. Wherefore look not to have him thy Saviour, if thou take him not for king and prophet; nay, thou shalt not have him in any one, if thou dost not take him in every one of these. Wherefore the prophet saith, 'He shall build the temple of the Lord [that is, by his prophetical office]--and shall sit and rule upon his throne, and he shall be a priest upon his throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both'

(Zech 6:13).

[The glory of the street.]

'And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent gla.s.s.' In these words there are four things to be enquired into.

First. What this street is? Second. Why he saith not streets, but street, as of one? Third. Why this street is called by the term of pure gold? Fourth. And why it should look like transparent gla.s.s.

For the

First, A street ordinarily is the place of common concourse, and the place of continual open salutation, and taking acquaintance one of another; and as touching this street, we are also to understand it of the open and common place or way of G.o.d's wors.h.i.+p, in which saints salute each other and acquaint themselves together; also here the world are converted, saints built up and edified, &c.

'Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets,'

saith Solomon; 'she crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates; in the city she uttereth her words' (Pro 1:20,21). That is, in the public and righteous ordinances of the Lord Jesus, which he hat ordained in his church, for men to travel and trade in,[16] for the good and wholesome merchandize of heaven, as the men of this world do for the things thereof in the streets and open places of their cities and places of privilege (Pro 8:1-3; 9:1-3).

Thus it was in the figure when the city Jerusalem was built after the captivity, as ours shall be at and after the overthrow and downfall of antichrist, for then it is said that the people, to hear the law, were gathered together in the street, even in the water street; there they heard the sense given, and there they were convinced of their wickedness; also thee they received the knowledge of G.o.d's goodness to them, and there they received power to eat the fat and drink the sweet, to eat and drink and be merry, and to cast away sadness and fear (Neh 8). This, by way of allegory, is called the way for the wayfaring men, even the way of holiness, over which the unclean shall not in anywise pa.s.s. The way in which they learn to know G.o.d and themselves, and the way of newness of life, in which every one walks that entereth in by the gates of New Jerusalem. And it is most suitable to the matter that went before to understand the street to be the way of G.o.d, the way of holiness and newness of life; because as it is natural for the stranger, so soon as ever he is entered the gates of a city, to have his feet in the streets of the city, so it is natural for the sinner, so soon as ever he is entered into the church by Christ, to have his feet treading in the way and paths of holiness. Wherefore it is usual in the Holy Scripture to call the transformation of the sinner from Satan to G.o.d a holy way, and also to admonish him that is so transformed to walk in that way, saying, Walk in the faith, love, spirit, and newness of life, and walk in the truth, ways, statutes, and judgments of G.o.d (Psa 86:11; 143:8; Eze 11:20; 37:24; Gal 5:25; Rom 4:12).

He that entereth not by these gates into the city, he cannot walk in newness of life; but he that entered in by them, he cannot but walk in newness of life. The next thing then that a man pa.s.seth into when he is entered into the New Jerusalem, is to walk in the STREET thereof, the way of holiness, even the way in which men learn to fear G.o.d, and to believe in and love the Lord Jesus, &c.

(Eph 5:1,2; 2 John 4; Rom 6:4).

Second. Now this street or way of holiness, it is on purpose called not many, but one, to show us the perfection of light, grace, faith, and spiritual comfort, that the inhabitants of this city shall then enjoy. Daniel also calleth it one street, to signify the same thing (Dan 9:25). Wherefore from hence I gather, that then all saints shall walk-as before I have made appear-even in one street, in one way, and in one light. It is antichrist that hath brought in all those crossings, bye-lanes, and odd nooks, that to this day many an honest heart doth greatly lose itself in; but at this day they shall be otherwise minded, that is, made all to savour one thing, and to walk one way, not biting and devouring each other as now. And indeed there is all reason it should be thus, for the street itself is but one. There is but ONE G.o.d, ONE Lord Jesus, ONE Spirit, ONE faith, ONE baptism, even as we are also called in ONE hope of our calling (Eph 4:5,6; Acts 2:27,32,33; Phil 1:27; Rom 15:6). Now, therefore, when saints have the rubbish of antichristian darkness and trumpery removed, then they shall have, as they also had of old, but one heart, one soul, one judgment, one mind, and shall with one heart and mouth glorify G.o.d. The which also shall be prayed for of all the saints, even of all that have received the pure language before these things come to pa.s.s. They shall 'call upon the name of the Lord' with One lip, 'to serve him with One consent' (Zeph 3:9). O! the heavenly spiritual harmony that will be in the city of G.o.d in those days, when the trumpeters and singers shall be as one, to make one sound, then the house shall be filled with a cloud' (2 Chron 5:13).[17]

Third. When he saith that the street of the city was pure gold, he alludes to the floor in Solomon's temple, which was overlaid with gold (1 Kings 6:30). He alludes to Solomon's chariot also, whose bottom was paved with love, and overlaid with gold (Can 3:10). By the floor of the temple, we are to understand the way of holiness; and by the chariot of Solomon, the triumphant glory of that way.

Again, in that he saith this street is gold, he would have us to understand the worth and treasure that is laid up in the ways of G.o.d, and of a truly gracious heart. First for the worth and treasure that is laid up in the ways of G.o.d. They beget light (Psa 119:130), they change the heart, they lead from death, the devil, and h.e.l.l, to life, G.o.d, and the kingdom of heaven (Psa 119:9; Pro 2). In them G.o.d walks, and those that walk there also are sure to meet with him (Isa 64:5). O this way, it is the way which 'no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen'; 'It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.--The gold and the crystal cannot equal it; and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of pearls; for the price of wisdom is above rubies'

(Job 28:7,15-18,28). All the ways of G.o.d they are pleasantness, and all his paths are peace, and ought to be preferred before our necessary food (Pro 3:17).

Again, as the ways of G.o.d are thus rich, and so far above the gold and rubies of the world, so also is that sanctified and gracious heart, without which no man can walk in this golden street. It is not every clown with his clumping dirty shoes that is admitted into kings' privy-chambers and private palaces; neither doth, or will G.o.d, at the day of New Jerusalem, suffer any to trace about this golden street, but such as have golden feet, and that beautified with goodly shoes. For as for this street, all that walk in it, they must be golden men, with golden hearts, and with graces that are 'much more precious than of gold that perisheth' (Cant 7:1; 1 Peter 1:7; Rev 3:18).

Further, in that he saith this street is gold, 'pure gold,' he giveth us to understand also what great delight and pleasure the Lord's people will take in his ways and ordinances in that day.

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