Works of John Bunyan Volume III Part 84
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For these carvings and inlayings, with all other beautifications, were types of the extraordinary gifts and graces of the apostles.
Hence the apostle calls such gifts signs of apostles.h.i.+p (Rom 15:19; 2 Cor 12:12; Heb 2:4). For as the foundation stones of the temple were thus garnished, so were the apostles beautified with a call, gifts, and graces peculiar to themselves. Hence he says, 'First apostles'; for that they were first and chief in the church of Christ (1 Cor 12:28).
Nor were these stones only laid for a foundation for the temple; the great court, the inner court, as also the porch of the temple, had round about them three rows of these stones for their foundation (1 Kings 7:12). Signifying, as it seems to me, that the more outward and external part, as well as that more internal wors.h.i.+p to be performed to G.o.d, should be grounded upon apostolical doctrine and appointments (1 Cor 3:10-12; 2 Thess 2:15, 3:6; Heb 6:1-4).
IX. Which way the face or front of the Temple stood.
1. The temple was built with its face or front towards the east, and that, perhaps, because the glory of the G.o.d of Israel was to come from the way of the east into it (Eze 43:1-4, 47:1). Wherefore, in that its front stood toward the east, it may be to show that the true gospel church would have its eye to, and expectation from, the Lord. We look, said Paul, but whither? We have 'our conversation,' said he, 'in heaven,' from whence our expectation is (2 Cor 4:18; Phil 3:20; Psa 62:5).
2. It was set also with its face towards the east, to keep the people of G.o.d from committing of idolatry; to wit, from wors.h.i.+pping the host of heaven, and the sun whose rising is from the east. For since the face of the temple stood toward the east, and since the wors.h.i.+ppers were to wors.h.i.+p at, or with their faces towards the temple, it follows that both in their going to, and wors.h.i.+pping G.o.d towards that place, their faces must be from, and their backs towards the sun.[3] The thus building of the temple, therefore, was a snare to idolaters, and a proof of the zeal of those that were the true wors.h.i.+ppers; as also to this day the true gospel-inst.i.tuted wors.h.i.+p of Jesus Christ is. Hence he is said, to idolaters, to be a snare and trap, but to the G.o.dly a glory (Isa 8:14, 60:19).
3. Do but see how G.o.d catched the idolatrous Jews, by this means, in their naughtiness: 'And he brought me,' saith the prophet, 'into the inner court of the Lord's house, and behold at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces towards the east' (Eze 8:16). It was therefore, as I said, set with its face towards the east, to prevent false wors.h.i.+p, and detect idolaters.
4. From the east also came the most blasting winds, winds that are destructive to man and beasts, to fruit and trees, and s.h.i.+ps at sea (Exo 10:13; Job 27:21; Eze 17:10, 19:12; Psa 48:7; Eze 27:26). I say, the east wind, or that which comes from thence, is the most hurtful; yet you see, the temple hath set her face against it, to show that the true church cannot be blasted or made turn back by any affliction. It is not east winds, nor none of their blastings, that can make the temple turn about. Hence he saith that Jacob's face shall not wax pale. And again, 'I have made thy face strong against their faces,' and that 'the gates of h.e.l.l shall not prevail against it' (Isa 29:22; Eze 3:8; Matt 16:18).
5. It might be also built with its face towards the east, to show that the true church looketh, as afore I hinted, for her Lord and King from heaven; knowing, that at his coming he will bring healing in his wings; for from the east he will appear when he comes the second time without sin unto salvation, of which the sun gives us a memento in his rising there every morning. 'For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and s.h.i.+neth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be' (Matt 24:27; Mal 4:2; Heb 9:28; Col 3:4; 2 Peter 3:11-14).
6. Christ, as the north pole, draws those touched with the load-stone of his word, with the face of their souls towards him, to look for, and hasten to his coming. And this also is signified by the temple standing with its face towards the east.
X. Of the courts of the Temple.
I perceive that there were two courts belonging to the temple. The first was called the outward court (Eze 40:7, 46:21).
1. This was that into which the people of necessity first entered, when they went to wors.h.i.+p in the temple; consequently that was it, in and by which the people did first show their desires to be the wors.h.i.+ppers of G.o.d. And this answers to those badges and signs of love to religion, that people have in face, or outward appearance (Matt 23:27; 2 Cor 10:7).
2. In this, though there may sometimes be truth, yet oftener lies and dissimulation: wherefore commonly an outward appearance is set in opposition to faith and truth, as the outward is in opposition to the inner court, and outward to the inner man; and that is, when it is by itself, for then it profits nothing (Rom 2:28; 1 Cor 13:1-3; 2 Cor 5:12).
3. Hence, though the outward court was something to the Jews, because by outward bodies they were distinguished from the Gentiles; yet to us it is little, for now 'he is not a Jew who is one only outwardly.' Therefore all the time of the Beast's reign, this court is given to be trodden under foot; for, as I said, outward show will avail nothing, when the Beast comes to turn and toss up professors with his horns (Rev 11:10-12).
4. But as there was an outward, so there was an inner court, a court that stood nearer the temple; and so to the true practical part of wors.h.i.+p, than that outward court did (Eze 10:3, 46:1; 1 Kings 6:36).
5. This inner court is that which is called 'the court of the priests,'
because it was it in which they boiled the trespa.s.s-offerings, and in which they prepared the sin-offering for the people (2 Chron 4:9; Eze 46:20).
6. This court, therefore, was the place of practice and of preparation to appear before G.o.d, which is the first true token of a sincere and honest mind. Wherefore here, and not in the outward court, stood the great brazen altar, which was a type of Christ, by whom alone the true wors.h.i.+ppers make their approach with acceptance unto G.o.d. Also here stood the great brazen scaffold, on which the king kneeled when he prayed for the people, a type of Christ's prayers for his when he was in the world (2 Chron 6:13; John 17).
7. Wherefore this court was a type of practical wors.h.i.+p, and so of our praying, hearing, and eating, before G.o.d. There belonged to this court several gates, an east, a south, and a north gate; and when the people of the land went into this court to wors.h.i.+p, they were not to go out at that gate by which they came in, but out of the gate over against it, to show that true Christians should persevere right on, and not turn back, whatever they meet with in the way. 'He that entereth in by the way of the north gate to wors.h.i.+p, shall go out by the way of the south gate; and he that entereth in by the way of the south gate, shall not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in, but shall go forth over against it' (Eze 46:9).
8. These courts were places of great delight to the Jews, as both feigned and sincere profession is to those that practice therein.
Wherefore, when the Jews did enter into these, they did use to do it with praise and pipe, as do both hypocrites and sincere one.
So then, when a man shall tread in both these courts, and shall turn what he seems to be, into what he should be in reality; then, and not till then, he treads them as he should; for then he makes the outward court, and his treading there but a pa.s.sage to that which is more inward and sincere. But he that stays in the outward one is but such an one as pleases not G.o.d, for that he wants the practice of what he professes with his mouth.
XI. Of the great brazen altar that stood in the inner court of the Temple.
1. In the inner court stood the great brazen altar which Solomon made. This is evident; for that when he kneeled upon the scaffold there to pray, he kneeled before this altar. See Exodus 40:6, 29; 2 Chronicles 6:13; 2 Kings 16:14; Joel 2:17.
2. This altar seems to be placed about the middle of this court over against the porch of the house; and between it and the temple was the place where Zechariah was slain. This altar was called 'the altar of burnt-offering,' and therefore it was a type of Christ in his divinity. For Christ's body was our true burnt-offering, of which the bodies of the sacrificed beasts were a type; now that altar upon which his body was offered was his Divinity or G.o.dhead; for that, and that only, could bear up that offering in the whole of its suffering; and that therefore, and that only, was to receive the fat, the glory. Hence it is said he, 'through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to G.o.d' (Heb 9:14).
3. For Christ is priest, and sacrifice, and altar, and all. And as a priest he offered, as a sacrifice he suffered, and as G.o.d he supported his humanity, in that suffering of all the pains it underwent (Gal 1:4, 2:20; 1 Peter 3:18; Heb 9:14).
4. It was then Christ's G.o.dhead, not the tree, that was the altar of burnt-offering, or that by which Christ offered himself an offering and a sacrifice to G.o.d for a sweet-smelling savour.
5. That it was not the tree, is evident, for that could not sanctify the gift, to wit, his body; but Christ affirmeth, 'that the altar sanctifieth the gift.' And by so saying, he affirmeth that the altar on which he offered his offering was greater than the offering itself (Matt 23:19). Now the body of Christ was the gift; for so he saith, I give my flesh for the life of the world (John 6).
But now, what thing is that which is greater than his body, save the altar, his Divinity on which it was offered? The tree then was not the altar which sanctified this gift, to make it of virtue enough to make reconciliation for iniquity (John 6:51, 17:19; Heb 9:14; Col 1:19-21). Now, since this altar of burnt-offering was thus placed in the inner court, it teaches us several things:
First, That those that come only into the outward court, or that rest in a bare appearance of Christianity, do not, by so doing, come to Jesus Christ; for this altar stands not there. Hence John takes notice only of the temple and this altar, and them that wors.h.i.+p therein, and leaves out the outward court, and so them that come no farther (Rev 11:1,2).
Second. This teaches us also that we are to enter into that temple of G.o.d by blood. The altar, this altar of burnt-offering, stood as men went into the temple; they must go by it; yea, there they must leave their offering, and so go in and wors.h.i.+p, even as a token that they came thither by sacrifice and by blood.
Third. Upon this altar Solomon, at the dedication of the temple, offered thousands, both of oxen and of sheep, to signify, surely, the abundant worth and richness that would be in the blood of Christ to save when it should be shed for us. For his blood is spoken of with an 'how much more.' 'For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to G.o.d, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living G.o.d!' (Heb 9:13,14, 11:12; 2 Chron 7:5-8).
Let us then not dare to stop or stay in the outward court, for there is not this altar. Nor let us dare, when we come into this court, to be careless whether we look to this altar or no. For it is by blood we must enter; 'for without shedding of blood is no remission.' Let us always then, when we come hither, wash our hands in innocency, and so compa.s.s this holy altar: for that by Christ, who is the altar indeed, we are reconciled to G.o.d. This is looking to Jesus; this is coming to G.o.d by him, of whom this altar and the sacrifice thereon was a type.
XII. Of the pillars that were before the porch of the Temple.
There were divers pillars belonging to the temple; but in this place we are confined to speak of only two; namely, those which stood before the temple.
These pillars stood before the porch or entrance into the temple, looking towards the altar, the court, and them that were the wors.h.i.+ppers there; also they were a grace and beauty to the front of the house.
1. These pillars stood, one on the right hand and the other on the left, at the door of the porch of the temple, and they had names given them, you may be sure, to signify something. The name of that on the right hand was called Jachin, [G.o.d] shall establish; and the name of that on the left hand was Boaz, in it is strength (1 Kings 7:21; 2 Chron 3:17).
2. These two pillars were types of Christ's apostles; of the apostles of circ.u.mcision, and of the uncirc.u.mcision. Therefore the apostle Paul also calleth them pillars (Gal 2), and saith that that pillar on the right hand was a type of himself and his companions, who were to go to the uncirc.u.mcised, and teach the Gentiles the way of life. When James, Cephas, and John, saith he, 'who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellows.h.i.+p, that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circ.u.mcision' (Gal 2:9).
So then, these two pillars were types of these two order of the apostles in this their divers service for G.o.d.[4]
3. And that Paul and Barnabas were signified by those on the right hand, to wit, to be the apostles of the Gentiles, he showeth again, where he saith, I am 'the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of G.o.d, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost' (Rom 11:13, 15:16).
4. And since the name of this pillar was Jachin, shall attend it; so also, that G.o.d would bless his word preached by them to the Gentiles, to the conversion of numbers of them, maugre the opposition of the enemy.
5. This is further implied, for that they were made of bra.s.s; as he saith of the prophet, I have made thee a fenced brazen wall, an iron pillar; and their fighting against thee shall nothing at all prevail (Jer 15:20). Wherefore Paul says of himself, 'I am set for the defence of the gospel,' 'that the truth thereof might continue with you' (Phil 1:17; Gal 2:5).
XIII. Of the height of these pillars that thus stood before the porch of the door of the Temple.
The pillars were eighteen cubits high apiece, and that is as high, yea, as high again as the highest giant that ever we read of in the Word; for the highest of which we read was but six cubits and a span. True, the bedstead of Og was nine cubits long, but I trow the giant himself was shorter (Deut 3:11; 2 Chron 3:15).[5] But put the longest to the longest, and set the one upon the shoulders of the other, and yet each pillar was higher than they.
We have now, as I know of, but few that remain of the remnant of the giants; and though they boast as if they were higher than Aga, yet these pillars are higher than they. These pillars are the highest; you may equal them; and an inch above is worth an ell below. The height therefore of these pillars is, to show us what high dignity G.o.d did put upon those of his saints whom he did call to be apostles of the Lamb: for their office and call thereto is the highest in the church of G.o.d. These men, I say, were made thus high by their being cast in such a mould. Of that which added yet further to their height we will speak anon: we only speak now of the high call by which they, and only they, were made capable of apostolic authority. The apostles were sent immediately,[6] their call was extraordinary, their office was universal; they had alike power in all churches, and their doctrine was infallible (Acts 26:16; 1 Cor 9:1; Gal 1:1; 1 John 1:1; 3 John 2:23).
And what can our pretended giants do or say in comparison of these? The truth is, all other men to these are dwarfs, are low, dark, weak, and beneath, not only as to call and office, but also as to gifts and grace. This sentence, 'Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ,' drowneth all! What now are all other t.i.tles of grandeur and greatness, when compared with this one sentence?
True, the men were but mean in themselves; for what is Paul or what Apollos, or what was James or John? Yet by their call to that office they were made highest of all in the church. Christ did raise them eighteen cubits high; not in conceit; for so there are many higher than they, but in office, and calling, and Divine authority.
And observe it, these stand at the door, at the entering into the temple of G.o.d, at which they enter that go in thither to wors.h.i.+p G.o.d, to shew that all right wors.h.i.+p, and that which will be acceptable to G.o.d, is by, or according to, their doctrine.
XIV. Of the chapiters (capitals) of the pillars of the Temple.
There were also two chapiters made for the pillars of the temple; for each, one; and they were five cubits high apiece. These were for the adorning of the pillars, and therefore were types and shadows of that abundance of grace which G.o.d did put upon the apostles after the resurrection of our Lord. Wherefore, as he saith here, the chapiters were upon the pillars; so it saith that great grace was upon all the apostles (Acts 4:33).
These chapiters had belonging to them a bowl made pummil-fas.h.i.+on,[7]
and it was placed upon the head of them, perhaps to signify their aptness to receive, and largeness to contain of the dew of heaven; that shadow of the doctrine of the gospel; which doctrine the apostles, as the chief, were to receive and hold forth to the world for their conversion. Hence, as the bowls were capable to receive the dew of heaven, these are said to receive 'grace and apostles.h.i.+p for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name' (Rom 1:5; 1 Kings 7:16,42; 2 Chron 4:13; Deut 32:10; Rom 15:29).
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