The Choctaw Freedmen Part 39

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(2) We give our heads (3) and our hearts (4) to our Country. (5) One country, one language (6) one flag.

1. All rise and extend right arm toward the flag. 2 Touch forehead with tips of the fingers. 3. Right palm over the heart. 4. Both hands extended upward. 5. Lean forward, hands at sides. 6. With emphasis, right hand pointing to the flag. Sing America.

"The red is for love that will dare and do The blue is the sign of the brave and true.

The white with all evil and wrong shall cope, And the silver stars are the stars of hope."


Good bye, Oak Hill; good bye; We're off to the fields and the open sky; But we shall return in the fall, you know, As glad to return as we are now to go.

Good bye, Oak Hill; Good bye,


The following is the course of study pursued at the academy, the high school course being added June 1, 1912.


First Grade: First Reader, Reading Chart, Primer, Printing, Numbers and Tables. Books of Bible, Memory Work.

Second Grade: Second Reader, Doubs Speller, Printing, Writing, Tables, Primary Arithmetic. Also the Bible, Shorter Catechism and Vocal Music in this and the subsequent grades.


Third Grade: Third Reader, Doubs Speller, (Smith's) Primary Arithmetic, Principles of Penmans.h.i.+p, (Spencer or Eaton), Introductory Language Work, Primary Geography.

Fourth Grade: Fourth Reader, Doubs Speller, Primary Arithmetic, Writing, (Thompson's) Principles of Drawing, Primary Geography, (Krohn's) First Book in Physiology.

Leslie's Music Chart and Ideal Cla.s.s Book; and Thwing's Voice Culture, are used weekly for instruction in the principles, and general drills in gesture, note reading and voice culture.


Fifth Grade: Fifth Reader, U. S. History, Doubs Speller, Primary Arithmetic, Reed & Kellogg's Graded Lessons in English, or Burt's Grammar, Physiology, Writing, Nature Study Chart.

Sixth Grade: Fifth Reader, History of United States or Oklahoma, Doubs Speller, (Smith's) Practical Arithmetic, Writing, Geography, Drawing, Burt's Grammar or Reed & Kellogg's Graded Lessons in English, Agriculture.

Seventh Grade: The Bible, Literary Readings, Doubs Speller, Arithmetic, Grammar, Agriculture, Civics, Writing, Geography Completed.

Eighth Grade: The Bible or Literary Readings, Doubs Speller, Grammar, Composition, (Carson's Handbook), Arithmetic, (Evans & Bunn's) Civics, Const.i.tution of Oklahoma and United States, Writing, Bookkeeping (Stephenson's), Thompson's Drawing for Rural Schools.

Wentworth's Mental Arithmetic is commended for use in the Sixth to Eighth grades.

Frequent reviews of the rules and definitions are essential to the attainment of a thorough knowledge of any textbook and the most rapid advancement in it.

Didactic Electives: Page's Theory and Practice in Teaching; Holbrook on the Teacher's Methods; Wickersham on School Government; Trumbull, the Teacher Teaching; or similar works.

This outline of grades and studies is intended to be suggestive and helpful to the teachers in the Academy in grading and promoting the pupils. The pupils should be arranged in according to their several abilities, rather than according to this outline in an arbitrary manner, in order that the at the time of recitation may be as large as possible rather than small. Their grade is ascertained by the majority of their studies, and their standing or rank by their percentage in each.

This course has been arranged in harmony with the outline course prepared in 1908 for the public and city schools of Oklahoma, and is intended to prepare pupils for entering the high school course consisting of the Ninth to Twelfth grades, or a normal course consisting of Didactics, Methods in Teaching and School Government.

A suitable certificate is issued to all pupils that complete, in a creditable manner, all the studies in this preparatory course ending with the Eighth grade.

The industrial work and training required of all the boarding pupils is intended to include a practical knowledge of agriculture, animal husbandry, apiculture, poultry raising, carpentry, cobbling, concrete, gardening, domestic science, sewing and laundry work, as the opportunity is afforded and the pupils discover fitness for these arts.


Ninth Grade: Grammar, Arithmetic, Composition, Civics, Elementary Algebra, Bookkeeping.

Tenth Grade: Algebra, Hill's Etymology, Physical Geography, General History, Rhetoric.

Eleventh Grade: Algebra, Rhetoric, Ancient History, American Literature (Abernathy), Composition, Botany, Plane Geometry.

Twelfth Grade: Solid Geometry, (Hessler & Smith's) Chemistry, Newcomber's English Literature, Political Economy.

Electives: Astronomy, Geology, Zoology, Trigonometry; Surveying, Stenography, Typewriting, Telegraphy.

In January 1908, when P. K. Faison, first superintendent of the public schools of McCurtain county, made his first visit to Oak Hill, he stated that Wheelock and Oak Hill Academies were the only graded schools in McCurtain county at that time.


As a help to young Sunday school teachers in the preparation of the lesson and its management before the cla.s.s Miss Saxe's method of five points of a.n.a.lysis and five points of application are given.


1. What is the subject?

2. What the leading lessons?

3. Which the best verse?

4. Who are the persons?

5. What teaching about Christ?


1. What example to follow?

2. What to avoid?

3. What duty to perform?

4. What promise to proclaim?

5. What prayer to echo?

The Choctaw Freedmen Part 39

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