Woman's Work in the Civil War Part 50
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Mrs. Streeter was the wife of the late Hon. S. F. Streeter, Esq., a well-known citizen of Baltimore, a member of the city Government during the war, an active Union man, devoted to the cause of his country and her defenders as indefatigably as his admirable wife. Working in various organizations, he was made an almoner of the city funds bestowed upon the families of soldiers, and upon hospitals, and afterwards appointed in conjunction with George R. Dodge, Esq., to distribute the appropriation of the State, for the families of Maryland soldiers. Thus the two were continually working side by side, or in separate spheres of labor, for the same cause, all through the dark days of the rebellion.
Mrs. Streeter was born in Plymouth, Ma.s.sachusetts, her ancestors, the Jacksons, having been among the original settlers of the old Colony, and she has doubtless inherited the ancestral love of freedom. For thirty years she has been a resident of Baltimore.
On the 16th of October, 1861, she originated the Ladies' Union Relief a.s.sociation, of Baltimore, and in connection with other zealous loyal ladies, carried on its operations for more than a year with great success. From this as a center, sprang other similar a.s.sociations in different parts of the city, and connected with the various hospitals.
After the battle of Antietam, Mrs. Streeter, with Mrs. Pancoast, a most energetic member of the a.s.sociation, spent some time on the field dispensing supplies, and attending to the wants of the wounded, suffering and dying.
Exhausted by her labors and responsibilities, at the end of a year, Mrs.
Streeter resigned her official connection with the Ladies' Relief a.s.sociation, and after a brief period of repose, she devoted herself to personal visitation of the hospitals, dispensing needed comforts and delicacies, and endeavoring by conversation with the inmates to cheer them, stimulate their patriotism, and to make their situation in all respects, more comfortable.
Subsequently, she connected herself with the hospital attached to the Union Relief a.s.sociation, located at 120 South Eutaw Street, Baltimore.
Up to the time of the discontinuance of the work of the a.s.sociation, she gave it her daily attendance, and added largely to its resources by way of supplies.
At this time, Baltimore was thronged by the families of refugees, who were rendered insecure in their homes by the fact of their entertaining Union sentiments, or homeless, by some of the bands of marauders which followed the advance of the Confederate troops when they invaded Maryland, or, who perhaps, living unfortunately in the very track of the conflicting armies, found themselves driven from their burning homesteads, and devastated fields, victims of a wanton soldiery.
Dest.i.tute, ragged and shelterless, their condition appealed with peculiar force to the friends of the Union. State aid was by no means sufficient, and unorganized charity unavailable to any great extent.
Mrs. Streeter was one of the first to see the need of systematic a.s.sistance for this cla.s.s. On the 16th of November, 1863, the result of her interest was seen in the organization of the "Ladies' Aid Society, for the Relief of Soldiers' Families," which included in its efforts the relief of all dest.i.tute female refugees. A house was taken more particularly to accommodate these last, and the a.s.sociation, which consisted of twenty-five ladies, proceeded to visit the families of soldiers and refugees in person, inquiring into their needs, and dispensing money, food, clothing, shoes, fuel, etc., as required. Over twelve hundred families were thus visited and relieved, in addition to the inmates of the Home. For this purpose they received from the city and various a.s.sociations about seven thousand dollars, and a large amount from private contributions. In this and kindred work, Mrs.
Streeter was engaged till the close of the war.
The second report of the Maryland Committee of the Christian Commission thus speaks of the services of the devoted women who proceeded to the field after the battle of Antietam, and there ministered to the wants of the suffering and wounded soldiers.
"Attendance in the hospitals upon the wounded at Antietam, was required for several months after the battle. Services and supplies were furnished by the Committee, princ.i.p.ally through the agency of the ladies of the Relief a.s.sociations, to whom the Committee acknowledge its indebtedness for important and necessary labors, which none but themselves could so well perform. The hospitals were located near the battle-field, and the adjacent towns, and in Baltimore and Frederick cities. Connected with each of them there was a band of faithful and devoted women, who waited about the beds of the suffering objects of their concern, and ministered to their relief and comfort during the hours of their affliction. Through the months of September, October, and November, these messengers of mercy labored among the wounded of Antietam, and were successful in saving the lives of hundreds of the badly wounded. They had not yet cleared the hospitals, when other battles added to their number, and made new drafts for services, which were promptly and cheerfully rendered."
Many times the Committee take occasion to mention the valuable services of the loyal ladies of Baltimore, and the services of Mrs. Streeter are specially noticed in the third report in connection with the Invalid Camp Hospital located at the boundary of the city and county of Baltimore in the vicinity of Northern Avenue.
"The services to this camp, usually performed by ladies, were under the supervision of Mrs. S. F. Streeter, who visited the grounds daily, on several occasions several times a day. The Secretary of the Committee has frequently met Mrs. Streeter on her errand of benevolence, conveying to the sufferers the delicacies she had prepared. Her active and faithful services were continued until the breaking up of the camp."
The ladies of Baltimore worked in connection with the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, both of which organizations take occasion frequently to acknowledge their services.
Late in 1864, Mrs. Streeter was called to deep affliction. Her n.o.ble-hearted and patriotic husband, who had been as active as herself in all enterprises for the welfare of the soldiers, and the promotion of the cause for which the war was undertaken, was suddenly taken from her, falling a victim to fever contracted in his ministrations to the sick and wounded of the Army of the Potomac, and the home and city where his presence had been to her a joy and delight, became, since he was gone too full of gloom and sorrow to be borne. Mrs. Streeter returned to her New England home in the hope of finding there some relief from the grief which overwhelmed her spirit.
Two other ladies of Baltimore, and doubtless many more, deserve especial mention in this connection, Miss TYSON, and Mrs. BECK. Active and efficient members of the Ladies' Relief a.s.sociation of that city, they were also active and eminently useful in the field and general hospitals. To the hospital work they seem both to have been called by Mrs. John Harris, who to her other good qualities added that of recognizing instinctively, the women who could be made useful in the work in which she was engaged.
Miss Tyson was with Mrs. Harris at French's Division Hospital, after Antietam, and subsequently at Smoketown General Hospital, and after six or eight weeks of labor there, was attacked with typhoid fever. Her illness was protracted, but she finally recovered and resumed her work, going with Mrs. Harris to the West, and during most of the year 1864, was in charge of the Low Diet Department of the large hospital on Lookout Mountain. Few ladies equalled her in skill in the preparation of suitable food and delicacies for those who needed special diet. Miss Tyson was a faithful, indefatigable worker, and not only gave her services to the hospitals, but expended largely of her own means for the soldiers. She was always, however, disposed to shrink from any mention of her work, and we are compelled to content ourselves with this brief mention of her great usefulness.
Mrs. Beck was also a faithful and laborious aide to Mrs. Harris, at Falmouth, and afterwards at the West. She was, we believe, a native of Philadelphia, though residing in Baltimore. Her earnestness and patience in many very trying circ.u.mstances, elicited the admiration of all who knew her. She was an excellent singer, and when she sang in the hospitals some of the popular hymns, the words and melody would often awaken an interest in the heart of the soldier for a better life.
Berks.h.i.+re County, Ma.s.sachusetts, has long been noted as the birth-place of many men and women distinguished in the higher ranks of the best phases of American life, literature, law, science, art, philosophy, as well as religion, philanthropy, and the industrial and commercial progress of our country have all been brilliantly ill.u.s.trated and powerfully aided by those who drew their first breath, and had their earliest home among the green hills and lovely valleys of Berks.h.i.+re.
Bryant gained the inspiration of his poems--sweet, tender, refined, elevating--from its charming scenery; and from amidst the same scenes Miss Sedgwick gathered up the quiet romance of country life, often as deep as silent, and wove it into those delightful tales which were the joy of our youthful hearts.
The men of Berks.h.i.+re are brave and strong, its women fair and n.o.ble. Its mountains are the green altars upon which they kindled the fires of their patriotism. And these fires brightened a continent, and made glad the heart of a nation.
Berks.h.i.+re had gained the _prestige_ of its patriotism in two wars, and at the sound of the signal gun of the rebellion its sons--"brave sons of n.o.ble sires"--young men, and middle-aged, and boys, sprang to arms. Its regiments were among the first to answer the call of the country and to offer themselves for its defense. Let Ball's Bluff and the Wilderness, the Chickahominy, and the deadly swamps and bayous of the Southwest, tell to the listening world the story of their bravery, their endurance and their sacrifices.
But these men who went forth to fight left behind them, in their homes, hearts as brave and strong as their own. If Berks.h.i.+re has a proud record of the battle-field, not less proud is that which might be written of her home work. Its women first gave their best beloved to the defense of the country, and then, in their desolate homes, all through the slow length of those horrible, sometimes hopeless years, by labor and sacrifice, by thought and care, they gave themselves to the more silent but not less n.o.ble work of supplying the needs and ministering to the comforts of the sick and wounded soldiery.
Foremost among these n.o.ble women, as the almoner of their bounty, and the organizer of their efforts, stands the subject of this sketch, Mrs.
C. T. Fenn, of Pittsfield, whose devotion to the work during the entire war was unintermitted and untiring.
Mrs. Fenn, whose maiden name was d.i.c.kinson, was born in Pittsfield just before the close of the last century, and with the exception of a brief residence in Boston, has pa.s.sed her entire life there. Her husband, Deacon Curtis T. Fenn, an excellent citizen, and enterprising man of business, in his "haste to be rich," was at one time tempted to venture largely, and became bound for others. The result was a failure, and a removal to Boston with the idea of retrieving his fortunes in new scenes. Here his only son, a promising young man of twenty-two years, fell ill, and with the hope of arresting his disease, and if possible saving his precious life, his parents returned to his native place, giving up their flattering prospects in the metropolis. It was in vain, however--in a few months the insidious disease, always so fatal in New England, claimed its victim, and they were bereaved in their dearest hopes.
This affliction did not change, but perhaps intensified, the character of Mrs. Fenn. She was now called to endure labor, and to make many sacrifices, while her husband was slowly winning his way back to competence. But ever full of kindness and sympathy, she devoted her time more unsparingly to doing good. Her name became a synonym for spontaneous benevolence in her native town. By the bed-sides of the sick and dying, in the home of poverty, and the haunts of disease, where sin, and sorrow and suffering, that trinity of human woe are ever to be found, she became a welcome and revered visitant. All sought her in trouble, and she withheld not counsel nor aid in any hour of need, nor from any who claimed them.
This was the prestige with which she was surrounded at the opening of the war, and her warm heart, as well as her patriotic instincts were at once ready for any work of kindness or aid it should develop. The following extract from the Berks.h.i.+re County Eagle, of May, 1862, tells better than we can of the estimation in which she was held in her native town.
"Mrs. Fenn, as most of our Pittsfield readers know, has been for many years the kind and familiar friend of the sick and suffering. Familiar with its shades, her step in the sick chamber has been as welcome and as beneficial as that of the physician. When the ladies were appealed to for aid for our soldiers suffering from wounds or disease, she entered into the work with her whole soul and devoted all her time and the skill learned in years of attendance on the sick to the new necessities.
Possessing the entire confidence of our citizens, and appealing to them personally and a.s.siduously, she was met by generous and well selected contributions which we have, from time to time, chronicled. In her duties at the work room, in preparing the material contributed, she has had constant and reliable a.s.sistance, but very much less than was needed, a defect which we hope will be remedied. Surely many of our ladies have leisure to relieve her of a portion of her work, and we trust that some of our patriotic boys will give their aid, for we learn that even such duties as the sweeping of the rooms devolve upon her.
"Knowing that Mrs. Fenn's entire time had been occupied for months in this great and good cause, and that all her time was not adequate to the manifold duties imposed upon her, we were somewhat surprised to see a letter addressed to her in print a few weeks since, complimenting her upon her efforts for the soldiers and asking her to give her aid in collecting hospital stores for the clinic at the Medical College. Surely thought we, there ought to be more than one Dorcas in Pittsfield.
Indeed, it occurred to us that there were ladies here who, however repugnant to aid the soldiers of the North, could, without violence to their feelings so far as the object is concerned, gracefully employ a share of their elegant leisure in the service of the Medical College.
But Mrs. Fenn did not refuse the new call, and having let her charity begin at home with those who are dearest and nearest to our hearts, our country's soldiers, expanded it to embrace those whose claim is also imperative, the poor whom we have always with us, and made large collections for the patients of the clinic.
"We have thus briefly sketched the services of this n.o.ble woman, partly in justice to her, but princ.i.p.ally as an incentive to others."
Very early in the war, a meeting of the ladies of Pittsfield was called with the intention of organizing the services, so enthusiastically proffered on all hands, for the benefit of the soldiers. It was quite numerously attended, and the interest and feeling was evidently intense.
But they failed to organize anything beyond a temporary a.s.sociation. All wanted to work, but none to lead. All looked to Mrs. Fenn as head and leader, while she was more desirous of being hand and follower. No const.i.tution was adopted, nor officers elected. But as the general expression of feeling seemed to be that all should be left in the hands of Mrs. Fenn, the meeting adjourned with a tacit understanding to that effect.
And so it remained until the close of the work. Mrs. Fenn continued to be the life and soul of the movement, and there was never any organization. In answer to her appeals, the people of Pittsfield, of many towns in Berks.h.i.+re, as well as numbers of the adjoining towns in the State of New York, forwarded to her their various and liberal contributions. She hired rooms in one of the business blocks, where the ladies were invited to meet daily for the purpose of preparing clothing, lint, and bandages, and where all articles and money were to be sent.
Such was the confidence and respect of the people, that they freely placed in her hands all these gifts, without stint or fear. She received and disbursed large sums of money and valuable stores of all kinds, and to the last occupied this responsible position without murmur or distrust on the part of any, only from time to time acknowledging her receipts through the public prints.
Pittsfield is a wealthy town, with large manufacturing interests, and Mrs. Fenn was well sustained and aided in all her efforts, by valuable contributions. She received also the most devoted and efficient a.s.sistance from numerous ladies. Among these may be named, Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. Oliver, during the whole time, Mrs. Brewster, Mrs. Dodge, Mrs.
Pomeroy, and many others, either constantly or at all practicable periods. Young ladies, reared in luxury, and unaccustomed to perform any laborious services in their own homes, would at the Sanitary Rooms sew swiftly upon the coa.r.s.est work, and shrink from no toil. A few of this cla.s.s, during the second winter of the war manufactured thirty-one pairs of soldiers' trowsers, and about fifty warm circular capes from remnants of heavy cloth contributed for this use by Robert Pomeroy, Esq., a wealthy manufacturer of Pittsfield. The stockings, mittens of yarn and cloth, and hospital clothing of every variety, are too numerous to be mentioned.
Meanwhile supplies of every kind and description poured in. All of these Mrs. Fenn received, acknowledged, collected many of them by her own personal efforts, and then with her own hands arranged, packed, and forwarded them. During the war more than nine thousand five hundred dollars' worth of supplies thus pa.s.sed directly through her hands, and of these nothing save one barrel of apples at David's Island, was ever lost.
During the entire four years of the war, she devoted three days of the week to this work, often all the days. But these three she called the "soldiers' days," and caused it to be known among her friends that this was not her time, and could not be devoted to personal work or pleasure.
The Sanitary Rooms were more than half a mile distant from her own home.
But on all these mornings, immediately after breakfast, she proceeded to them, on foot, (for she kept no carriage), carrying with her, her lunch, and at mid-day, making herself that old lady's solace, a cup of tea, and remaining as long as she could see; busily at work, receiving letters, supplies, acknowledging the same, packing and unpacking, buying needed articles, cutting out and preparing work, and answering the numerous and varied calls upon her time. After the fatiguing labors of such a day, she would again return to her home on foot, unless, as was very frequently the case, some friend took her up in the street, or was thoughtful enough to come and fetch her in carriage or sleigh. When we reflect that these tasks were undertaken in all weathers, and at all seasons, by a lady past her sixtieth year, during so long a period, we are astonished at learning that her health was never seriously injured, and that she was able to perform all her duties with comfort, and without yielding to fatigue.
In addition to these labors, she devoted much time and personal attention to such sick and wounded soldiers as fell in her way cheered and aided many a raw recruit, faltering on the threshhold of his new and dangerous career. Twice, at least, in each year, she herself proceeded to the hospitals at New York, or some other point, herself the bearer of the bounties she had arranged, and in some years she made more frequent visits.
Early in her efforts, she joined hands with Mrs. Col. G. T. M. Davis, of New York, (herself a native of Pittsfield, and a sister of Robert Pomeroy, Esq., of that place), in the large and abundant efforts of that lady, for the welfare of the sick and wounded soldiers. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Park Barracks' Ladies' Aid Society, and through her a large part of the bounty of Berks.h.i.+re was directed in that channel. The sick and weary, and fainting men at the Barracks, at the New England Rooms, and Bedloe's Island, were princ.i.p.ally aided by this a.s.sociation, which were not long in discovering the great value of the nicely selected, arranged and packed articles contained in the boxes which had pa.s.sed through the hands of Mrs. Fenn, and came from Pittsfield.
But the ladies of this a.s.sociation, were desirous of concentrating all their efforts upon the sufferers who had reached New York, while Mrs.
Fenn, and her a.s.sociates in Berks.h.i.+re, desired to place no bound or limit to their divine charity. The soldiers of the whole army were their soldiers, and all had equal wants, and equal rights. Thus they often answered individual appeals from a variety of sources, and their supplies often helped to fit out expeditions, and were sent to Sherman's and Grant's, and Burnside's forces--to Annapolis, to Alexandria, to the Andersonville and Libby prisoners, and wherever the cry for help seemed most importunate.
Among other things, Mrs. Fenn organized a plan for giving refreshments to the weary soldiers, who from time to time pa.s.sed through Pittsfield.
A signal gun would be fired when a transport-train reached the station at Richmond, ten miles distant, and the ladies would hasten to prepare the palatable lunch and cooling drink, against the arrival of the wearied men, and to distribute them with their own hands.
In the fall of 1862, Mrs. Fenn, herself, conveyed to New York the contribution of Berks.h.i.+re, to the Soldiers' Thanksgiving Dinner at Bedloe's Island. Among the abundance of good things thus liberally collected for this dinner, were more than a half ton of poultry, and four bushels of real Yankee doughnuts, besides cakes, fruit and vegetables, in enormous quant.i.ties. These she greatly enjoyed helping to distribute.
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