Good Calories, Bad Calories Part 20

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Epigraph. "The world...": Furnas and Furnas 1937: 6263.



Epigraph. "The potato...": Sai 1967.

Schweitzer in Lambarene: Schweitzer 1998:13639.

Appendicitis, "On my arrival in Gabon...": Schweitzer 1957.

Hutton's experience: Hutton n.d. ("The Eskimo...," 9; "tea, bread...," 36; "The most striking...," 35; "living on a 'settler' dietary," 37; "...puny and feeble," 21 22).

WHO on "nutrition transition": WHO 2003.

Keys on isolated populations: Keys in Blix 1964:5455. Few likely to live long enough: Keys 1975.

"nasty, brutish, and short": Hobbes 1997:100.

Diseases of civilization: Trowel and Burkitt 1981b. 91 Tanchou's observations: Quoted in Barker 1924:5051.

"natives mingled...": Hol ander 1923. "dietetic and other...": Blair 1923. Fouche reported: Fouche 1923.

Hrdli ka described: Hrdli ka 1908:18791.

Native Americans lived longer: Ibid.:3941.

Levin's survey: Levin 1910.

The question of cancer: Hoffman 1915; Wil iams 1908:1249, 5078 (Fiji and Borneo, 42; New York and Philadelphia, 76).

Cancer and Diet: Hoffman 1937. "at a more or less alarming...": Hoffmann 1915:3033.

"Among some 63,000...": Hoffman 1915:151.

" known reasons...": Ibid.:147.

"It is commonly stated...": Brown et al. 1952. See also Fog-Pulson 1949. Canadian physicians: Schaefer et al. 1975. The most comprehensive discussion of cancer in the Inuit is Stefansson 1960a.

"In a series of one hundred...": Orenstein 1923. "It ran an uninterrupted course...": Prentice 1923.

"to whom the fleshpot...": Anon. 1899. Cancer absent in carnivorous populations: Wil iams 1908:4445. "hardly holds good...": Levin 1910.

"demanding conservation...": Hoffman 1937:118.

"far-reaching changes": Ibid.

Flour, sugar, and appendicitis: Rendle Short 1920. For an intel igent, early discussion of diseases of civilization, see Rabagliati 1897.

White flour had its proponents: For a good review of the refining of cereal grains, see Davidson and Pa.s.smore 1963:26282 ("more attractive to the eye," 265; "less liable than...," 267).

Sugar consumption skyrocketed: Friend et al. 1979. The English were already eating: Aykroyd 1967:105. Asian nations: Davidson and Pa.s.smore 1963:275.

Darwin tel s: Darwin 1989:291. "acquired a fondness...": Murdoch 1892. Primary items of trade: Mountford 1960:1416. Footnotes. In Across Australia: Spencer and Gil en 1912:230. "consisted of white flour...": Ibid.

"The true staff...": Quoted in Le Fanu 1987:52. "One great curse...": Quoted in Kel ock 1985:128. Lane's hypothesis: Lane 1929.

Era of nutritional research: For a review of the early vitamin research, see McCol um 1957:201318. Cancer as a deficiency disease: Barker 1924.

"...use of vitamin-poor white flour...": McCarrison 1961:64. McCarrison's 1921 lecture: McCarrison 1922.

McCarrison's research and observations: McCarrison 1961:2326.

Enrichment of white flour in the United States: Levenstein 1993:22. In England: Davidson and Pa.s.smore 1963:26970. "protective foods": McCarrison 1922.



Epigraphs. "The consumption of sugar...": Al en 1913:14647. "Sugar and candies...": Duncan 1935:59.

Hindu physicians: Trowel 1975a.

"This ancient belief...": Al en 1913:147.

The leading authorities: Ibid.:14849.

"in the absence...": Ibid.:150.

"If he is a poor laborer...": Ibid.:152.

Diabetes a disease of civilization, "the rich ones...": Ibid.:148. Footnote. Donnison 1938:2324.

British Medical a.s.sociation symposium: Charles 1907.

Physicians increasingly diagnosed diabetes: Joslin et al. 1935.

At Johns Hopkins and Ma.s.sachusetts General Hospital: Gale 2002. Death rate from diabetes: Emerson and Larimore 1924 ("It is apparent...").

"synonymous": Interview, Ronald Arky, former president of the ADA. Al en's declining reputation: Bliss 1982:239.

Joslin on apple consumption: Emerson and Larimore 1924. Emerson countered: Ibid.

"A high percentage..." and "must stand in some relation": Joslin 1923:145. A third factor: Joslin 1927.

"painstakingly acc.u.mulated": White and Joslin 1959:70.

Joslin and Himsworth piggybacked: See White and Joslin 1959:7071; Himsworth 1935; Joslin et al. 1934; Mil s 1930. Joslin on insulin and leveling-off of mortality rates: Joslin et al. 1933. Footnote. Himsworth 1936.

Himsworth on insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes: Himsworth 1936.

"a smal er proportion of carbohydrate...": Himsworth 1935:142.

"striking," "The progressive rise...," and "The diabetic mortality rate...": Himsworth 1949a.

Himsworth on "...coloured races...": Himsworth 1935:13435.

Himsworth on Inuit: Ibid. 12224. Diabetes among Alaskan Eskimos in 1956: Scott and Griffith 1957. Baffin Island study: Heinbecker 1928.

"fisherfolk" study: Mitchel 1930. "It would thus appear...": Himsworth 1935.

In the 1946 and 1959 editions: Joslin et al. 1946:7576; Joslin et al. 1959:7071. Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus: Marble et al. 1971.

"Though the consumption of fat...": Himsworth 1949b.

Cohen reported: Cohen 1963. "a significantly greater prevalence": Cohen et al. 1961.

"The quant.i.ty of sugar...": Ibid.

Prior studied Maoris: Prior et al. 1964.

Campbel 's research: Campbel 's testimony in Select Committee 1973a:20818.

"remarkable difference..." and "country cousins": Ibid.

Campbel 's surveys of Natal population: Campbel 1963; Cleave and Campbel 1966 ("veritable explosion...," 25; numbers in India, 1924; diabetes among Zulu, 3435).

"a figure in many countries..." and "were enormously fat...": Campbel in Select Committee 1973a:213.

Zulus eating excessive amounts of sugar: Campbel 1963.

Campbel 's research on sugarcane cutters: Truswel et al. 1971. "diabetes is virtual y absent," "huge output...," and "...few occupations...": Cleave and Campbel 1966:35. Later generations of diabetologists: Interview, Ron Arky.

"remarkably constant period...": Campbel 1963. See also Cleave and Campbel 1966:4649.

"acute excess": White and Joslin 1959:70. Footnote. Joslin et al. 1946:76.

"related to sugar": Cleave and Campbel 1966: iv.

"His ideas deserved...": Quoted in Galton 1976:17.

Cleave was an outsider: See Wel come Library n.d.

H. L. Cleave spent the war years: Galton 1976:15; Cleave 1962:6870.

Cleave's intuition: Cleave and Campbel 1966:613.

Cavities like the canary: Ibid.:1112.

Diabetics to heart disease: Joslin 1927; Wahlberg and Thoma.s.son 1968. Diabetes, gal stones, and obesity: Joslin 1927. "The destruction of teeth...": Joslin et al. 1946:532. See also Shlossman et al. 1990.

"The Law of Adaptation...": Cleave and Campbel 1966:1. "Whereas cooking...": Quoted in Galton 1976:8.

"eating of a smal ..." and "A person can take down...": Cleave 1975:8.

Peptic ulcers and lack of protein: Cleave and Campbel 1966:8588.

"a.s.sume that what strains...": Ibid.:18.

"insufficient appreciation..." and "While the consumption...": Ibid.:iii.

Cleave contested Joslin's belief: Cleave 1956. "what was the opposite...": Cleave and Campbel 1966:16.

Saturated fat increases: Friend et al. 1979.

Increase in sugar consumption: c.u.mmings 1940:236. Chart. Cleaveland Campbel 1966: 16.

NAS authors did not differentiate: NRC 1989:27390.

Keys on the 1950s j.a.panese: Keys, Kimura, et al. 1958. Sugar consumption in j.a.pan: Insul et al. 1968. In the United States: c.u.mmings 1940:236. In the U.K.: Aykroyd 1967:105.

Our understanding of the Mediterranean diet: See Wil ett et al. 1995. The Seven Countries Study on Crete: Kafatos et al. 1997. The Rockefel er study: Al baugh 1953 (sugar and flour, 18 and table a.51).

Similar studies in China: See, for instance, You et al. 2000; Chen et al. 1990. Dol and Armstrong's a.n.a.lysis: Armstrong and Dol 1975. "The degree to which...": World Cancer Research Fund and American Inst.i.tute for Cancer Research 1997:379.

"they wouldn't have a sweet tooth...": Cleave's testimony in Select Committee 1973a:248.

Yudkin's nutrition department first in Europe: Galton 1976:99. This Slimming Business: Yudkin 1958.

"remarkable relations.h.i.+p": Keys and Anderson 1955:189. Yudkin took Keys to task: Yudkin 1957. Yudkin distanced himself from Cleave: Yudkin testimony in Select Committee 1973a:225. Joslin on diabetics and triglycerides: Joslin 1927. Yudkin's sugar studies: Akinyanju et al. 1968; Yudkin et al. 1969; Szanto and Yudkin 1969.

"Although there is...": Masironi 1970.

Keys went after Yudkin: Keys 1971. The Seven Countries Study on sugar: Keys 1980:25253.

Truswel on fat, sugar, and onions: Truswel 1977.

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