Hotel Andromeda Part 5
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"This function is for emergencies only. If you need secu- THE ROOM KEY 27.
rity, please use that function. If this is not an emergency, please do not use this function."
"But the terminal says that access to that function is blocked'"
"I am sorry, honored guest. Unless this is an emergency, I must terminate this call." There was a click.
"d.a.m.n computer." She stared at the blank display.
'Terminal, my clothes were not returned from Laundry Ser- vices last night."
"I'm sorry, honored guest, but you "must access Laundry Services for a.s.sistance in locating lost items."
"But access to that function is blocked," she wailed. She leaned her head against the cool surface of the wall above the terminal in exasperation. Terminal," she said quietly.
"Yes, honored guest?"
"Why are functions blocked at this terminal?"
"The party booking this room requested that all functions be disabled."
"That's nonsense," she said, shocked. "I made no such re- quest." She chewed on a fingernail for a moment as she thought. 'Terminal, what about Emergency Services? I called them."
"Emergency Services cannot be blocked. All other services are blocked."
"But this is my room. I did not request that calls be blocked. I order you to remove the blocks."
"I'm sorry, honored guest, but access to that function from this terminal is blocked. If you desire to change the terminal settings, you must make that request to the registration desk."
Arguing with the terminal was useless, she knew. It would simply parrot back similar responses to her questions. 'Termi- nal, get me the front desk."
"I'm sorry, honored guest, but access to that function from this terminal is blocked."
Pat slammed her hand against the terminal in frustration.
She was stuck. Access to any function that might lead her to a sentient being was blocked. In the meantime, she was naked in her room with three furry aliens- She turned to look at the aliens, and nervously chewed her lip. They sat by the bed, looking for all the world like they were waiting for her to say or do something important.
28 Jerry Kepner She took a deep breath. Naked she may be, but she wasn't going to let that stop her; she had to get her clothes. Making her parade through the hotel naked to get to a working termi- nal would just cost the hotel that much more in court. She walked over to the door and put her hand on the handle. She steeled herself for the upcoming ordeal, then opened the door.
Or, at least, she tried to open the door. The handle refused to move. She pushed harder. No reaction. She put her full weight on the handle. It still did not move.
The door was security-locked both ways. No key, no open door. She was locked in. Why would Terran Stellar Lines keep a block of rooms with such a security lock?
"d.a.m.n!" She leaned her head against the door, struggling to keep control. A quick look at her wrist.w.a.tch revealed she was already an hour late for her noon report-in time, and had only an hour before her s.h.i.+p left.
If she could make it to the s.h.i.+p before it left, she might be able to talk her way around her late arrival and convince her supervisor to either overlook her infraction or, at least, merely mark it down as reprimand instead of a dismissal. While a re- placement copilot may have been requested, her showing up could still save her job.
If she didn't make it to the terminal before then, her con- tract would automatically be terminated. Only a proven med- ical emergency or rare special circ.u.mstance could get her contract reinstated.
With a contract termination on her record, getting another of the major carriers to accept her services would be almost impossible. She would be stuck on the second-tier job level, with short-haul small s.h.i.+ps, tramp freighters, and other less desirable posts for the rest of her career.
The aliens' Maybe one of them had a key.
She took a moment to compose herself and put her plastic smile in position. She turned slowly and faced them. Speak- ing carefully, she asked in Universal, "Excuse me, but do any of you have a key to the door?"
All three froze and their tails stopped in mid-swing. The humming trailed off into silence. They stared back at her, clearly not having understood her question.
"Key? Door?*' She pantomimed holding something against the door and opening it.
They looked from her to the door, then to each other. Fi- nally, each gave a whole-body convulsive s.h.i.+ver, and simply gazed back at her.
While there were ten major languages in this quadrant, she had studied only the three that TSL regularly traded with. She started with s.p.a.cer's Talk, sort of a polyglot that had evolved over the last few hundred years. "My name is Pat McCreney.
What are your names?"
No response was forthcoming.
"I'm a pilot for Terran s.p.a.ce Lines. Actually I'm a copi- lot," she said, hoping they might recognize some of the words. "I just came in last night from Terra on the Terran s.p.a.ce Lines California. I'm supposed to transfer to the TSL Star Cruiser Africa for the next three years."
They blankly stared back at her.
She sighed, then tried Mulphridean. "I don't know how we came to be in the same room. I know I was really tired last night when the supervisor in the TSL offices here in Hotel Andromeda gave me a registration pa.s.s." Blondie's ears twitched at the mention of Andromeda.
For a moment, she thought they might have understood her.
but she realized the only thing they had understood was the name of the station. She tried Universal Language next.
"I was tired because most of the command crew of the TSL California came down sick about four days ago, and the rest of us had to work double and triple s.h.i.+fts. Because we started docking at the end of my s.h.i.+ft, I had to stay on duty for a third s.h.i.+ft. I went without sleep for almost twenty-four hours."
While they were paying close attention to her every word, they clearly did not understand a single one of them. Actu- ally, this was also helping her to retrace her steps from last night. Maybe she could figure out how they came to be in her room. She switched to Persiean.
"I almost didn't find the TSL offices, I was so tired. But I did remember to check the a.s.signments board." She smiled wanly. "The TSL Star Cruiser Africa had come in that day and would be leaving at fourteen hundred hours tomorrow; that is, today. I was supposed to check in at least two hours before then." She sighed and glanced at her watch again.
"Unfortunately, Registration never gave me my wake-up call, 30 Terry Kepner and I seem to have overslept by a wide margin. Now I only have an hour before the s.h.i.+p leaves."
Again, they merely stared at her. She couldn't begin to imagine what they must think she was doing. Only Altairian was left of the spoken languages she knew.
"Anyway, after I picked up my key from Registration, I got on an elevator, but I dropped the key and it rolled under the bench at the back. I had to reach under it pretty far to get it back." She paused as what she had said repeated itself in her memory.
"d.a.m.n. That must have been it," she muttered, "when I dropped my key. I must have found a lost key." And because the room keys also doubled as destination designators for the elevators, it had brought her to this room, already occupied by the three aliens. They must have been out when she arrived, returning after she fell asleep.
Why they had let her sleep on, or why they didn't leave and bring back Security was a mystery. However, they were aliens. They probably had their reasons, strange though they may be to her. They were polite, though. They were still lis- tening attentively- If it were not for their lack of reactions, she would think they knew exactly what she was saying. They were cute, too.
She licked her lips hesitantly. Her getting the wrong room key certainly explained why the hallway outside had been so opulent. She had thought TSL was giving her a perk for working so hard the last few days.
That her luggage, left with the registration clerk, had not been here when she walked in should have tipped her off that something was wrong. And then she had been dumb enough to drop her clothes in the cleaning bin with the cleaning tag supplied by the clerk. That tag had probably returned her clothes to her real room, leaving her naked and without a key.
If she had not been so tired she would have realized that the hotel clerk would never have given her a room that wasn't propped for a Terran. While the bed had been comfortable and ready to use, it had not had any blankets or pillows. And the computer terminal/table in one comer had not had a chair to match it Instead of immediately trying to call Room Service for some blankets, she had decided to wait for them to deliver her THE ROOM KEY 31.
luggage. And had fallen asleep waiting for a delivery not des- tined to arrive.
She tried s.p.a.cer's Sign Language, usually used in emer- gency situations where speaking was impossible. Clearly, the three aliens hadn't a clue as to what she was doing waving her hands and arms around. Blondie seemed quite taken with what she was doing and started mimicking her until Calico whispered something to him. Then he stopped and looked em- barra.s.sed.
Universal Sign Language, developed for communicating with most races incapable of speech, garnered her just as little understanding. Whoever these aliens were, they were remark- ably ignorant of any method of communication to outsiders of their group. Just how they had managed to get to Hotel An- dromeda and in this room mystified her.
She leaned back against the door. Great, she thought, what now? If this really was their room, then Security would-be more than a little displeased with her. Instead of suing An- dromeda, she might be looking at a difficult time herself. If nothing else, the time she lost explaining what had happened would cause her to miss her posted a.s.signment.
She could not afford to have Hotel Security find her. She had to get out, and get out now. Her stomach flip-flopped at the prospect of going it alone, but to stay and wait for rescue was worse.
She continued pacing and thinking. Like automatons, the three aliens watched her. She stopped and looked down at them. "Well," she asked rhetorically, "do any of you know where we are and how I can get out?"
They looked at each other briefly, and s.h.i.+vered. "We are in oar room," the middle one said.
"You speak Englis.h.!.+"
"Yez," he said proudly. "We prakdessed long dime do speek so good. Nod even Modher speeks id so guod."
"Why didn't you answer me when I asked you if you had a key to the door? Or when I tried all those other languages."
She stood squarely before them, staring down Blondie.
"We no speek dhose dongues, yesd dees one." The other two agreed.
She frowned. Why would they go to the trouble of learning English and not Universal? "Why English?"
32 Terry Kepner "Zo we cud bond propoorly," said Calico.
"Modher sad we had doo," added the blonde. "Zhe said it waz ..." He stopped and consulted with his two friends. "Zhe sad it waz good edikid."
They all grinned at her.
She swallowed, a little intimidated at the sight of all those sharp, s.h.i.+ny teeth. "Oh." Obviously, she wasn't going to make any sense of their explanations. They clearly did not un- derstand her question, just as she didn't understand their an- swer.
She shook her head. Maybe they could get her out of here before Andromeda Security found her. "Do you have a key to tfiat door?" She pointed at the door behind her.
He leaned sideways to look at the door. "No," he said sadly. "Modher dhook oar key. Zhe sad we musd sday."
Her hopes crushed, she said, "Oh. d.a.m.n. I gotta get out of here."
"Oou wand oud? Oou wand do teeve?" The three of them exchanged glances.
"Yes! I have to go to my own room and gel some clothes, and then I have to get to my s.h.i.+p. It's very important." She gave them what she hoped was a winning smile.
"Oou wands to leaf?" asked Blondie. The edges of his mouth curved down. "Oou does nod like usz? I dod oou liked uz." The black-and-brown one looked similarly upset, and started to s.h.i.+ver. "And oou dhook oar bregsdad opering, doo."
Pat saw her position slipping. For some reason it was im- portant to them that she like them. Maybe it had to do with that little ceremony earlier. If she lost their trust, they might not help her. "Oh, no," she said quickly, "I do like you. You are all very nice." She gave them another smile. "It's just that I have to get to my s.h.i.+p. First, though, I must get to my room."
"Oou like uz?"
"Oh, yes," she said, trying to make it sound convincing. "If I did not have to get to my s.h.i.+p, I wouldn't mind staying here all day. But, I have to get to my s.h.i.+p." While that was stretch- ing the truth, it wasn't by much. They had her curiosity up.
Just how had they managed to get here, and why was the only language they knew-besides their own, of course-English?
Were they part of'a group on the way to Earth? If so, they THE ROOM KEY 33.
were probably going to be on the TSL California. But if that were so, why hadn't they recognized the s.h.i.+p's name when she had mentioned it earlier?
"Ooooh," Blondie said happily, "Zhee wands do go do her sheep. Zhee ha.s.s a sheep." He bounced up and down several times. He began chattering excitedly in his own language, but suddenly stopped. "Bud we kan nod leaf. Modher dold us do sday," he said.
Calico turned and pushed Blondie lightly, making him sway in place. "Dhad does nod madder," he said. "She dhook oar bond." He grinned. "She likez uz, zo she wands do leeve wid uz."
Btondie's eyes opened wide. "Ooooh. Oou is ride."
All three turned and stared at her like she was the most im- portant person they had ever seen. Their expressions made Pat uncomfortable. They reminded her, for some reason, of her best friend on her wedding day and the way she had looked at her husband after the ceremony. It had been the summer af- ter graduation, just before Pat left for college.
Pat wasn't sure she was understanding properly. It sounded like they thought they were going to go with her. She defi- nitely did not want them following her back to her room, or to the s.h.i.+p. On the other hand, would they still help her if they knew she didn't want them following her?
But maybe she had better find out why "Modher" didn't want them leaving. "Um, if you don't mind, and if it is not an intrusion, why doesn't 'Modher' want you to leave?"
They looked at each other for a moment, then Blackie cleared his throat. "Id was nod oour fauld. We were eggsplorin and fond a brojen wader hole," Calico said.
"Ya." Blondie flashed her a quick grin.
A broken water hole?
Blackie sighed. "Dhe being dold us id wash zuppozed do blow bubbles in wader, bud id no wordk. Zo we dhook id apard."
Blondie interrupted. "Id was nod oor fauld dhe water sprayed oud. We did nod know id had, um, how oou sad, prezzure."
Oh, G.o.d. They had tried to fix a jammed whirlpool pump.
She could just see the three of them getting soaked as water 34 Terry Kepner sprayed everywhere while they frantically tried to stop it She smiled at the image.
"We had just done id when all dhese hodel being came,"
Blackie continued. "Id wordk, bud we had a few pards lefd over."
"I dhink dhey were upsed dhad we mad id wordk bedder dhan dhey could," Blondie put in, shaking his head.
They actually got it back together? In spite of the water pressure? She was impressed. To repair something they knew nothing about while wading through water was quite an ac- complishment.
"Den we found a Der-ran in a, um, place full of eading macines."
Eading machines? She frowned as she tried to figure out what he meant. Oh- One of the many cafeterias scattered throughout hotel complexes like Hotel Andromeda. And Der- ran might be Terran. They had encountered another Terran in the cafeteria. What could have happened there to upset "Modher"?
"Dhe Der-ran complaned dhad dhe macine dhook his mony, bud no gebe food." Blackie gave his friends a guilty look. "We wanded do help, zo we dhook id apard." He gazed down at the floor as his tail wrapped around his ankle. "We pud id bak, but hodel beings were nod happy. Even dough id worghed."
Hotel Andromeda Part 5
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