Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez Volume I Part 17

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"Sir H. Nelson consulted with some of the senior captains, who agreed with his opinion, that, in the uncertainty where the enemy were gone, the preservation of our possessions should be the first consideration. It may be worth remarking that our squadron was sent, on the application of the King of Naples, for the protection of his dominions. On our arrival there, and requiring the co-operation of his s.h.i.+ps, the reply was, that, as the French had not declared war against him, he could not commence hostilities; that if the Emperor declared war, he would also join against France. Should his territories be attacked, he has to thank himself for the event.

"We must hope that in England affairs prosper better than in this country; they are certainly _en fort mauvais train_ in this part of the world.

"Tuesday, 26th.--We are now within one day's sail of Alexandria, so that we hope soon to know whether the French fleet are in this direction; but having seen no appearance of any of their numerous convoy, we begin to fear they are gone some other way. I was this morning on board the Admiral; he has detached La Mutine for information. I hope she will not find the plague there, to which that country is very subject.

"Friday, 29th.--The weather did not permit us to get near Alexandria before yesterday. La Mutine's boat went on sh.o.r.e; and I find this morning from the Admiral that they took us for the French fleet, having had some intimation of their coming this way. We have now to use all despatch in getting back towards Naples; it is probable we shall learn something of them on our pa.s.sage. The squadron has captured a French s.h.i.+p this afternoon, which we suppose to be from Alexandria. I have pa.s.sed the day on board the Vanguard, having breakfasted and staid to dinner with the Admiral.

"Sunday, 1st July.--The wind continues to the westward, and I am sorry to find it is almost as prevailing as the trade-winds. The vessel captured the day before yesterday was set on fire, after taking out what could be useful for firewood.

"Sunday, 29th July: off Candia.--A small vessel, captured yesterday by the Culloden, gave some information of the enemy's fleet. The Admiral having made the signal that he had gained intelligence of them, we are proceeding with a brisk gale for Alexandria. If at the end of our voyage we find the enemy in a situation where we can attack them, we shall think ourselves amply repaid for our various disappointments.

The Alexander also spoke a vessel which gave information; but, having had no communication with the Admiral, we have not been able to learn the different accounts: we are however satisfied with the purport of the signal he made yesterday.

"Monday.--I find from Captain Ball that the enemy were seen steering towards Alexandria _thirty_ days ago, and we are once more making the best of our way for that place. I also understand that two of our frigates were seen a few days since at Candia; it seems decreed we shall never meet with them. I am rather surprised the Admiral did not endeavour to fall in with them, as they probably have certain information where the enemy's fleet are, from vessels they may have spoken with, and they otherwise would be a great acquisition to our squadron."

It may now be stated, that in the mean time the French expedition had landed the troops and taken possession, not only of Alexandria, but Cairo; and that their fleet, consisting of thirteen sail of the line, four frigates, two brigs, and several bombs and armed vessels, had taken up a position in the Bay of Aboukir, in which, according to the opinion of their admiral, they could "defy the British navy."

As a particular list of both fleets will be given in a subsequent place, I need now only mention that the force of the British fleet was fourteen s.h.i.+ps of seventy-four guns, one of fifty, and the Mutine brig. The fleet was manned with 7,000 men; but as the Culloden, which was not in the action, must not be included, the actual force may be estimated 6,300 men and 872 guns, while the enemy's force, actually opposed, may be reckoned 8,000 men, and 1,208 guns throwing a broadside of one-half more weight than the British.

On the junction of the squadron, the following orders were given by the Admiral:

Vanguard, at sea, 8th June 1798.


As it is very probable the enemy may not be formed in regular order on the approach of the squadron under my command, I may in that case deem it most expedient to attack them by separate divisions; in which case, the commanders of divisions are strictly enjoined to keep their s.h.i.+ps in the closest order possible, and on no account whatever to risk the separation of one of their s.h.i.+ps. The captains of the s.h.i.+ps will see the necessity of strictly attending to close order: and, should they compel any of the enemy's s.h.i.+ps to strike their colours, they are at liberty to judge and act accordingly, whether or not it may be most advisable to cut away their masts and bowsprits; with this special observance, namely, that the destruction of the enemy's armament is the sole object. The s.h.i.+ps of the enemy are, therefore, to be taken possession of by an officer and one boat's crew only, in order that the British s.h.i.+ps may be enabled to continue the attack, and preserve their stations.

The commanders of divisions are to observe that no consideration is to induce them to separate in pursuing the enemy, unless by signal from me, so as to be unable to form a speedy junction with me; and the s.h.i.+ps are to be kept in that order that the whole squadron may act as a single s.h.i.+p. When I make the signal No. 16, the commanders of divisions are to lead their separate squadrons, and they are to accompany the signal they may think proper to make with the appropriate triangular flag, viz. Sir James Saumarez will hoist the triangular flag, white with a red stripe, significant of the van squadron under the commander in the second post; Captain Troubridge will hoist the triangular blue flag, significant of the rear squadron under the commander in the third post; and whenever I mean to address the centre squadron only, I shall accompany the signal with the triangular red flag, significant of the centre squadron under the commander-in-chief.

2d. Div.

1st. Div. red. white with red stripe. 3d. Div. blue.

Vanguard. Orion. Culloden.

Minotaur. Goliath. Theseus.

Leander. Majestic. Alexander.

Audacious. Bellerophon. Swiftsure.



Vanguard, at sea, 8th June 1798.


As the wind may probably blow along sh.o.r.e when it is deemed necessary to anchor and engage the enemy at their anchorage, it is recommended to each line-of-battle s.h.i.+p of the squadron to prepare to anchor with the sheet-cable in abaft and springs, &c.--Vide Signal 54, and Instructions thereon, page 56, &c.

Article 37 of the Instructions.


To the respective Captains, &c.

Mem. P.S.--To be inserted in pencil in the Signal-Book, at No.

182. Being to windward of the enemy, to denote that I mean to attack the enemy's line from the rear towards the van, as far as thirteen s.h.i.+ps, or whatever number of the British s.h.i.+ps of the line may be present, that each s.h.i.+p may know his opponent in the enemy's line.

No. 183. I mean to press hard with the whole force on the enemy's rear.

The proceedings of Sir Horatio Nelson's squadron are now brought down to the moment when their united, ardent, and anxious wishes were to be realized. The disappointments they had met with during their hitherto fruitless pursuit,--the state of anxiety, of alternate hope and despair, in which they had been kept, had raised their feelings of emulation to a pitch far beyond description; this was soon to be manifested by the endeavours of each to close with the enemy.

Never could there have been selected a set of officers better calculated for such a service; Nelson was fortunate in commanding them, and they in being commanded by him. It is true, indeed, that his particular favourite, Captain Troubridge, was intended for his second-in-command, instead of Sir James Saumarez; and the latter would no doubt have been sent home, according to the orders he had received: but, with the chance of such an engagement as that which they antic.i.p.ated, the well-tried captain of the Orion and his highly disciplined crew could not be spared; and, although Nelson carefully concealed his feelings towards Saumarez, they were but too manifest by the chary manner in which he expressed himself on this and on former occasions.

In consequence of the before-mentioned information, the fleet bore up for Alexandria; and on the morning of the 1st of August the towers of that celebrated city, and Pompey's Pillar made their appearance. Soon after was discerned a forest of masts in the harbour, which they had previously seen empty; and, lastly, the French flag waving over its walls. A general disappointment was caused for a short time by a signal from the look-out s.h.i.+ps that the enemy's men-of-war did not form a part of the vessels at anchor there; but this was soon dispelled by a signal from the Zealous that the enemy's fleet occupied the Bay of Aboukir in a line of battle, thirteen s.h.i.+ps, four frigates, and two brigs, in sight on the larboard bow. At half-past two P.M. the British fleet hauled up, and steered directly for them with a fine N.N.W. breeze, carrying top-gallant sails.[13]

[13] In allusion to this memorable event, Sir James writes--"When on the morning of the 1st of August the reconnoitring s.h.i.+p made the signal that the enemy was not there, despondency nearly took possession of my mind, and I do not recollect ever to have felt so utterly hopeless, or out of spirits, as when we sat down to dinner; judge then what a change took place when, as the cloth was being removed, the officer of the watch hastily came in, saying--'Sir, a signal is just now made that the enemy is in Aboukir Bay, and moored in a line of battle.' All sprang from their seats, and only staying to drink a _b.u.mper_ to our success, we were in a moment on deck." On his appearance there his brave men, animated by one spirit, gave three hearty cheers, in token of their joy at having at length found their long-looked-for enemy, without the possibility of his again eluding their pursuit.

When the Admiral made the signal to prepare for battle, at half-past three, the signal to haul the wind on the starboard tack, and for the Colossus to cast off her prize, the Swiftsure and Alexander, which had been recalled from looking out off Alexandria, were carrying all sail to join. At five, the Admiral made the signal that it was his intention to attack the van and centre of the enemy as they lay at anchor, which was repeated by the Orion. At forty-five minutes past five, he made the signal to form the line as most convenient. The fleet then formed in the following order:--Goliath, Zealous, Vanguard, Minotaur, Theseus, Bellerophon, Defence, Orion, Audacious, Majestic, and Leander. The Culloden was then astern the Swiftsure, and the Alexander to leeward, tacking to clear the reef. The Admiral hove to, to pick up a boat, and also the four next s.h.i.+ps astern of the Vanguard, which gave the Orion an opportunity, by standing on and pa.s.sing them, to get up with the Zealous at about half-past six.

In ten minutes afterwards the signal for close action was made, and repeated by most of the fleet; at the same time, the Goliath, having pa.s.sed round the enemy's headmost s.h.i.+p, anch.o.r.ed on the quarter of the second; while the Zealous took her position on the bow of the former s.h.i.+p; both anchoring by the stern. The batteries on the island of Bequir or Aboukir, and the headmost s.h.i.+ps, opened their fire as the leading s.h.i.+p approached; and they in return opened theirs on rounding the advanced s.h.i.+p of the enemy's line.

The Orion, after giving that s.h.i.+p her broadside, pa.s.sed round the Zealous and Goliath; and, as she was pa.s.sing the third s.h.i.+p of the enemy, the French frigate Serieuse approached, began to fire on her, and wounded two men. In reply to an observation of one of the officers, who proposed to return her fire immediately, Sir James said, "Let her alone, she will get courage and come nearer. Shorten sail."

As the Orion lost way by shortening sail, the frigate came up; and, when judged to be sufficiently advanced, orders were given to yaw the Orion, and stand by the starboard guns, which were double-shotted. The moment having arrived when every gun was brought to bear, the fatal order to fire was given; when, by this single but well-directed broadside, the unfortunate Serieuse was not only totally dismasted, but shortly afterwards sunk, and was discovered next morning with only her quarter above water.

On discharging this fatal broadside the helm was put hard a-starboard; but it was found that the s.h.i.+p would not fetch sufficiently to windward, and near to the Goliath, if she anch.o.r.ed by the stern. She stood on, and, having given the fourth s.h.i.+p her starboard broadside, let go her bower anchor, and brought up on the quarter of Le Peuple Souverain, which was the fifth s.h.i.+p, and on the bow of Le Franklin, the sixth s.h.i.+p of the enemy's line. The third and fourth s.h.i.+ps were occupied by the Theseus and Audacious on the inside, by pa.s.sing through; while they were attacked on the outside by the Minotaur, Vanguard, and Defence.

By the log of the Orion it was forty-five minutes past six o'clock when that s.h.i.+p let go her anchor, and, in "tending," poured her starboard broadside into the Franklin and L'Orient. The fire was then directed on Le Peuple Souverain, until she cut and dropped out of the line, totally dismasted and silenced.




A--Audacious. 1--Guerrier.

B--Bellerophon. 2--Conquerant.

C--Culloden (aground). 3--Spartiate.

D--Defence. 4--Aquilon.

E--Majestic. 5--Peuple Souverain.

F--Alexander. 6--Franklin.

G--Goliath. 7--L'Orient.

L--Leander. 8--Tonnant.

M--Minotaur. 9--Heureux.

O--Orion. 10--Mercure.

S--Swiftsure. 11--Guillaume Tell.

T--Theseus. 12--Genereux.

V--Vanguard. 13--Timoleon.

Z--Zealous. 14--Serieuse.

+*--Serieuse, dismasted by 15--Artemise.

the Orion, and sunk at 14. 16--Justice.

I--Island of Aboukir. 17--Diane.

Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez Volume I Part 17

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