A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature Part 53

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BEESLY, EDWARD SPENCER (1831).--Writer on history and philosophy.

_Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius_ (1878), _Queen Elizabeth_ (1892), has translated various works of Aug. Comte, etc.

BELL, HENRY THOMAS MACKENZIE (1856).--Poet and critic. _Spring's Immortality and other Poems_, _Christina Rossetti_, _Pictures of Travel and other Poems_ (1898), _Collected Poems_ (1901).

BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870).--Miscellaneous writer. _The Bad Child's Book of Beasts_ (1896), _More Beasts for Worse Children_ (1897), _The Moral Alphabet_, _Danton_ (1899), _Lambkin's Remains_ (1900), _Robespierre_ (1901), _Caliban's Guide to Letters_ (1903), _Mr. Burden_ (1904), _Esto Perpetua_ (1906), _The Historic Thames_ (1907), _The Path to Rome_, etc.

BENNETT, ENOCH ARNOLD (1867).--Novelist, etc. _A Man from the North_ (1898), _Polite Farces_ (1899), _Anna of the Five Towns_ (1902), _A Great Man_ (1904), _The Grim Smile of the Five Towns_ (1907), _Buried Alive_ (1908), _Old Wives' Tale_ (1908), etc.

BENSON, ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER (1862).--Poet, biographer and miscellaneous writer. _Poems_ (1893), _Lyrics_ (1895), _The Professor and other Poems_ (1900), _The House of Quiet_ (1903), _Peace and other Poems_ (1905), _From a College Window_ (1906), _Beside Still Waters_ (1907), books on Tennyson, Rossetti, E. Fitzgerald, Walter Pater, etc.

BENSON, EDWARD FREDERIC (1867).--Novelist. _Dodo_ (1893), _Rubicon_ (1894), _Judgment Books_ (1895), _The Babe B.A._ (1897), _Vintage_ (1898), _Scarlet and Hyssop_ (1902), _Image in the Sand_ (1905). Plays, _Aunt Jeannie_ (1902), _House of Defence_ (1907), etc.

BERDOE, EDWARD (1836).--Writer on Browning, etc. _Browning's Message to his Time_ (1890), _Browning Cyclopaedia_ (1891), _Biographical and Historical Notes to Browning's Complete Works_ (1894), _Browning and the Christian Faith_ (1896), _A Browning Primer_ (1904), and various books on medicine, etc.

BERENSON, BERNHARD (1865).--Writer on art. _Venetian Painters of the Renaissance_ (1894), _Lorenzo Lotto, an Essay on Constructive Art Criticism_ (1895), _Florentine Painters of the Renaissance_ (1896), _Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance_ (1897), _Study and Criticism of Italian Art_ (1901), _North Italian Painters of the Renaissance_, _A Sienese Painter of the Franciscan Legend_ (1910), etc.

BESANT, MRS. ANNIE (1847).--Theosophist. _Re-incarnation_ (1892), _Death and After_ (1893), _Karma_ (1895), _The Self and its Sheaths_ (1895), _Ancient Wisdom_ (1897), _Dharma_ (1899), _Esoteric Christianity_ (1901), _Pedigree of Man_ (1903), _Wisdom of the Upanishats_ (1906), etc.

BINYON, LAURENCE (1869).--Poet and art critic. _Lyric Poems_ (1894), _London Visions_, Book I. (1895), Book II. (1898), _The Praise of Life_ (1896), _Porphyrion and other Poems_ (1898), _Odes_ (1900), _Penthesilea_ (1905), _Paris and aenone_ (1906), etc.

BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE, M.P., LL.D. (1850).--Essayist, etc. _Obiter Dicta_ (1884), _Res Judicatae_ (1892), _Men, Women, and Books_ (1894), _Collected Essays_ (1900), _Miscellanies_ (1901). Books on Charlotte Bronte, Hazlitt, etc. Ed. Boswell's _Johnson_ (1907).

BLAIKIE, JOHN ARTHUR (1849).--Poet and journalist. _Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets_ (1870), _Love's Victory_ (1890), and _A s.e.xtet of Singers_ (1895).

BLAND, MRS. HUBERT ["E. NESBIT"] (1858).--Poet and novelist. _Lays and Legends_ (1886), second series (1892), _A Pomander of Verse_ (1895), _In Homespun_ (1896), _Secret of Kyriels_ (1898), _Book of Dragons_ (1900), _Five Children and It_ (1902), _The Phoenix and the Carpet_ (1904), _The Railway Children_ (1906), _Salome and the Head_ (1908), etc.

BLOUNDELLE-BURTON, JOHN EDWARD (1850).--Novelist. _Silent Sh.o.r.e_ (1886), _Desert s.h.i.+p_ (1890), _Denounced_ (1896), _A Bitter Heritage_ (1899), _A Branded Name_ (1903), _A Woman from the Sea_ (1907), and _Last of her Race_ (1908), etc.

BLUNT, WILFRID SCAWEN (1840).--Poet, etc. _Love Sonnets of Proteus_ (1880), _Future of Islam_ (1882), _The Wind and the Whirlwind_ (1883), _Esther_ (1892), _The Stealing of the Mare_ (1892), _Seven Golden Odes of Pagan Arabia_ (1903), _Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt_ (1907), etc.

BOAS, FREDERICK S. (1862).--Scholar. _Shakespeare and his Predecessors_ (1896), ed. works of T. Kyd, and of Giles and Phineas Fletcher, etc.

BODLEY, JOHN EDWARD COURTENAY, D.C.L. (1853).--Historian. _France_, vol.

i. _The Revolution and Modern France_, vol. ii. _The Parliamentary System_, _The Coronation of Edward VII._ (1903), _The Church in France_ (1906), etc.


BOURDILLON, F.W. (1852).--Poet, etc. _Among the Flowers_ (1878), _Sursum Corda_ (1893), _Nephele_ (1896), etc.

BRADDON, MARY ELIZABETH (1837).--Novelist. _Lady Audley's Secret_, _Aurora Floyd_ (1862), _Henry Dunbar_ (1864), _Only a Clod_ (1865), _The Lady's Mile_ (1866), _Dead Sea Fruit_ (1869), _Robert Ainsleigh_ (1872), _Hostages to Fortune_ (1875), _Vixen_ (1870), _Wyllard's Weird_ (1886), _Rough Justice_ (1898), _His Darling Sin_ (1895), _The White House_ (1906), and many others.

BRADLEY, ANDREW CECIL, L.L.D., Litt.D., etc.--Critic. _A Commentary on Tennyson's In Memoriam_ (1901), _Shakespearian Tragedy_ (1904), _Oxford Lectures on Poetry_ (1909).

BRADLEY, FRANCIS HERBERT (1846).--Philosopher. _The Presuppositions of Critical History_ (1874), _Ethical Studies_ (1876), _The Principles of Logic_ (1883), and _Appearance and Reality_ (1893).

BRIDGES, ROBERT (1844).--Poet. _Essay on Milton's Prosody_, _Critical Essay on Keats_. Poems, _The Growth of Love_, _Prometheus the Firegiver_, _Eros and Psyche_. Plays, _Nero_, _Ulysses_, _Christian Captives_, _Achilles in Scyros_, _Feast of Bacchus_, etc.

BROOKE, REV. STOPFORD AUGUSTUS, LL.D. (1832).--Writer on English literature and theology, etc. _Theology of the English Poets_ (1874), _Primer of English Literature_ (1876), _Riquet of the Tuft_ (1880), (drama), _Unity of G.o.d and Man_ (1886), _Poems_ (1888), _History of Early English Literature_ (1892), _History of English Literature_ (1894), and _Gospel of Joy_ (1898).

BROUGHTON, RHODA (1840).--Novelist. _Cometh up as a Flower_ (1867), _Not Wisely but too Well_ (1867), _Red as a Rose is She_ (1870), _Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye_ (1872), _Dr. Cupid_ (1886), _Scylla or Charybdis?_ (1895), _Dear Faustina_ (1897), _The Game and the Candle_ (1899), _Foes in Law_ (1901), etc.

BROWN, PETER HUME, LL.D. (1850).--Historian. _George Buchanan, Humanist and Reformer_ (1890), _Early Travellers in Scotland_ (1891), _Scotland before 1700_ (1893), _John Knox, a Biography_ (1895), _History of Scotland_ (1898-1909), etc.

BROWNE, THOMAS ALEXANDER (1826).--Australian novelist. _Robbery under Arms_ (1888), _The Miner's Right_ (1890), _A Sydney-side Saxon_ (1891), _A Modern Buccaneer_ (1894), _The Squatter's Dream_, _The Crooked Stick_, _Old Melbourne Memories_ (1895), _A Canvas Town Romance_ (1898), _Babes in the Bush_ (1900), _A Tale of the Golden West_ (1906), etc.

BROWNING, OSCAR (1837).--Historian, etc. _Modern England_ (1879), _Modern France_ (1880), _England and Napoleon in 1803_ (1887), _History of England_, in four vols. (1890), _True Stories from English History_ (1886), _Guelphs and Ghibellines_ (1894), _Wars of the Nineteenth Century_ (1899), _History of Europe_ 1814-1843 (1901), and also Lives of George Eliot, Dante, Goethe, Bartolommeo Colleoni, and Napoleon.

BRYCE, RIGHT HON. JAMES, P.C., D.C.L., etc. (1838).--Historical and political writer, etc. _The Holy Roman Empire_ (1862), _Transcaucasia and Ararat_ (1877), _The American Commonwealth_ (1888), _Studies in History and Jurisprudence_ (1901), _Studies in Contemporary Biography_ (1903), etc.

BUCHAN, JOHN (1875).--Novelist, etc. _Musa Piscatrix_ (1896), _Scholar-Gipsies_ (1896), _John Burnet of Barns_ (1898), _The Watcher by the Threshold_ (1902), and _A Lodge in the Wilderness_ (1906).

BUDGE, ERNEST A. WALLIS, Litt.D., etc.--Orientalist, etc. Has produced ed. of numerous a.s.syrian and Egyptian texts. _The Dwellers on the Nile_ (1885), _Excavations at Aswan_ (1888), _Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys, etc._ (1891), _Book of the Dead_ (1895), _The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus_ (1896), _A History of Egypt, etc._ (1902), _The G.o.ds of Egypt_ (1903), _The Egyptian Sdan_ (1907), etc.

BULLEN, ARTHUR HENRY (1857).--Ed. of Old English writers. Ed. Works of John Day, dramatist (1881), _Collection of Old English Plays_ (1882-84), _Selections from Poems of Michael Drayton_ (1883), ed. Works of Marlowe, Middleton, Marston, Peele, Campion, _Lyrics from the Song Books of Elizabethan Age_ (1886), _England's Helicon_ (1887), works of Thos.

Traherne, W. Strode, etc.

BULLEN, FRANK THOMAS (1857).--Writer of nautical romances. _The Cruise of the Cachalot_, _Idylls of the Sea_, _With Christ at Sea_, _A Whaleman's Wife_, _Sea Wrack_, _Sea Puritans_, _A Son of the Sea_, _Frank Brown_, etc.

A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature Part 53

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