Tales of the Shareem - Aiden and Ky Part 9

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Ky had brought her here to learn the reality of Shareem, believing shead grow fearful and race back home. She needed to show him she was serious, which meant she could not be shy.

She adjusted the controls on the bench to lower it horizontally and then she kept her finger on the control so the head end moved down farther than the foot. Perfect.

She moved to the end of the bench, bent over and hugged her arms around the middle. There. They should certainly be able to see all of her a.s.s.

Nothing but silence met her ears. She knew they were still in the room by the escalating tension in the air and the la.s.situde that eased over her, making her a.n.a.l star relax and open.

Ready for f.u.c.king. The thought danced through her head. Ready for a Shareem.

When the door opened, she almost jumped, but the heaviness in her limbs kept her in place. She knew instinctively that it was Aiden, knew the scent and the change in the air that meant him. She felt her quim open even more, liquid pooling inside.

aYum,a Aidenas voice rolled over her. aPretty.a She looked back as Aiden stepped into the light, his blue eyes almost luminous. He wore a sleeveless tunic similar to Reesa, his hair in a long blond braid to his hips. He approached the bench, the smile on his face chasing her remaining fears away.

ah.e.l.lo, love.a He placed his hand on her back just above her backside. His touch warmed her all the way through, the scent of jasmine and spice floating over her. Aiden always smelled so good.

Ky came and stood close to Aiden, the pair of them looking down at her. She felt suddenly right and complete that the two should be there, not just Ky, not just Aiden.

I need them both.

aRio is here,a Ky said in a low voice.

aI know,a Aiden answered. aHe and Nella came into Judithas bar right after you hightailed it out of there.a Kyas face set in a scowl. aDid he?a Aiden nodded. aI know you didnat call me to talk about Rio. I wouldnat have come down here for that.a Brianne heard Nella laugh, and Rioas voice rolled to them. aThanks a lot, Aiden. You really know how to hurt a Shareemas feelings.a aWhy did you call me?a Aiden asked, ignoring Rio.

Ky ran his hand down Brianneas back, making her open and lift even more. Maybe head put his fingers inside her again. Maybe he and Aiden both would. She groaned in antic.i.p.ation.

aShe mentioned shead never been with a man before, and her first time shouldnat be with a level three. I might hurt her.a Aiden looked surprised. aYou want her first time to be with me?a aYes.a aBrianne?a Aiden asked.

Ky interrupted. aShe is mine tonight. Sheall do what I tell her.a aBrianne?a Aiden repeated.

Trying not to look at Kyas scowl, Brianne nodded. aI thinka"I think Iad like that.a Ky went down on one knee beside her and put his face close to hers. aYouare very bold for a sub. But Iall let you pay for it later.a Brianne moved in excitement, no longer worried. aThank you. For bringing Aiden, I mean. I wonat be afraid with him.a aYou wonat be afraid with me,a Ky said, voice soft. aBut I might hurt you without meaning to. Iam bred to like it rough. You need a little more experience before you can take me.a That sounded nice. She could practice for a long time on Aiden and then move on to Ky. The perfect solution.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, her true self felt a stab of alarma"Aiden was a huge man, shead never done this before, shead never expected to do this, and Ky wanted her to practice until she was ready to take him? When had her life gotten so strange?

Aiden laid a hand on Kyas shoulder. aThank you, my friend. I wonat forget this.a Ky gave him a nod then returned to stroking Brianneas hair. aAre you ready?a Brianne swallowed. aI think so. What do you want me to do?a Aiden ran both hands down Brianneas back, drawing his palms in a curve over her backside. aTurn over,a he said, his voice gentle. aIall do the rest.a

Chapter Ten.


Brianne rose from the bench and repositioned herself on her back. Shead warmed the leather with her body, and it was comfortable against her skin. Her hips jutted upward with the angle of the bench, her legs parting naturally.

aSheas lovely,a Aiden said approvingly.

aShe wants to be shaved,a Ky said. aLike Jeanne.a Aidenas brows quirked. aReally?a aDid I say that?a Brianne wasnat certain any more what their conversation about shaving had been.

Ky ran his fingers down either side of her quim. aRight here, I think. Leave her a little, enough to be entrancing.a aSounds good to me.a Aidenas voice had deepened and softened, containing a warm, seductive note. His fingers joined Kyas in exploring her, moving back and forth until she squirmed with delight.

aI brought lotion.a Kyas voice grew rough, gentleness departing.

aSo did I,a Aiden answered. aAnd oils. Made especially for her.a Rees came out of the darkness with Aidenas carved rosewood box in his hands. aYou might want this.a aThank you,a Aiden said without either looking at Rees or ceasing his exploration of Brianne. aWhereas Talan?a aAsleep. She needs to rest.a Rees looked Brianne over, his expression neutral, then s.h.i.+fted his gaze to Aiden and Ky. His intelligent eyes seemed to see and understand everything without having to ask questions. He nodded once at Brianne then set down the box and disappeared back into darkness.

Aiden opened the lid and drew out a cut gla.s.s bottle that caught the light and s.h.i.+mmered in rainbow colors.

aHow pretty,a Brianne breathed.

Aiden chuckled. aWeave got her relaxed.a aSheall need to be.a Aiden opened the bottle, sending out a waft of mellow spice similar to the smell of the oil head used before. He poured some of the lotion into his hand and then smeared it on the outside of her quim, rubbing firmly but gently.

Ky had pulled a black leather bag out of his pocket, which he now opened. He drew out a slim silver device that Brianne a.s.sumed was a shaver. She wriggled a little, the practical part of her brain worried. She usually removed hair from her body with a depilatory cream that she had applied at a salon, the results guaranteed for a year. Shavers were considered risqu, for people who wanted the sensation of dragging them across their skin. And shead never ever dreamed of letting someone remove the hair from between her legs.

Ky flicked a switch and the device made a small, pleasant hum. aMove your thighs farther apart,a he instructed. aAnd lie very still.a aPerhaps we should tie her hands so she doesnat jerk,a Aiden suggested.

aGood idea.a Ky turned off the device and proceeded to fit strips of leather into the rings on the cuffs that adorned her wrists.

aHold on to the handles,a Aiden said. He gently guided her arms over her head and her fingers around the handholds above the bench. Ky threaded the leather through rings, tying them securely.

Brianne gulped as she felt the leather close on her wrists. Though she shook on the inside, a part of her hoped Aiden and Ky liked what they saw, that they thought her body was pretty.

She knew that Rees and Rio and their ladies likely watched from the shadows, but her excitement didnat stem from being watched by strangers. The way Aiden and Ky looked at her, blue eyes burning, made her extremely happy.

aGood,a Aiden breathed. He pressed her thighs even farther apart and pushed his palm against her pelvis, making her hips rock back.

Ky rested one hand against her left thigh and brought the shaver around. He stroked it once against her quim, a cool band of movement between thigh and p.u.s.s.y.

Brianne expected to feel somethinga"a sting, a pulla"but there was nothing but a pleasant, tingling sensation, then it was gone.

Ky lifted the shaver and pressed his hand against her right thigh, gently moving it aside. He repeated the stroke against the fold between leg and quim. Aiden watched with avid eyes, his gaze riveted to what Ky did. When Ky moved away, finished, Aiden brought out a fold of silk which he wiped gently across Brianneas skin.

aAll done,a he said. aYouare beautiful.a Brianne pulled a little against her bonds. aThank you,a she said shyly.

aHave you ever used a vibrator?a Brianne shook her head, her hair sliding against the bench.

aIall use one on you before I enter you,a Aiden said. aIt will open you and make you more ready for me. Shareem are big.a She smiled. aI know.a Aiden chuckled and winked at Ky. aI think she enjoyed riding back with us on the train.a aGet on with it,a Ky growled.

aLevel threes are always impatient,a Aiden said. aLevel ones take their time, savor every minute of it.a aI want to savor every minute of s.e.x,a Ky said. aNot you talking.a Ignoring him, Aiden reached back into his box and removed, not the long wand that Brianne expected, but a small, ruby-colored plastic sphere that fit into his palm. He straddled the bench in front of her and looked her over, his appreciative look making her blush.

aI thought vibrators were p.e.n.i.s-shaped,a she stammered.

He gave her a slow smile. aI thought you hadnat ever used one.a aI havenat. Iave read about them.a His smile widened. aNext time you read about s.e.x toys, invite me over.a aIt wasnat for fun, it was research.a aFine by me.a He winked. aInvite me over when you do youra"research. I have my vibrators designed in special shapes. Most level ones do.a aLike you design your oils?a aExactly.a Aiden draped her feet over his spread thighs and ran his thumb over her now-shaved p.u.s.s.y. aThis vibrator fits right against my hand.a He showed her the sphere pressed in his palm, anch.o.r.ed by a strap to his middle finger. aIt lets me give you added sensation when I stroke you.a aDo you need to?a she asked breathlessly.

He chuckled. aLetas just say it will be nice for you.a Ky moved to straddle the bench. He rested Brianneas head in his lap, fingers trailing through her long hair.

aAny time you want to start,a he said to Aiden.

Aiden gently rubbed Brianneas quim. aLevel ones can bring a woman to climax just by talking,a he said in a teasing voice. aBut not with a level three hovering nearby growling at them to get on with it. Have I mentioned theyare impatient?a Brianne looked up at Ky, who shot Aiden an annoyed look. Brianne started to smile, then let out a sigh instead. Aidenas quiet fingers coupled with the cool surface of the sphere made her quim part and swell.

She well believed that a level one could make a woman come just by talking to her. The timbre of his voice and the vibrations it set off inside her heated her entire body. Ky stroking her hair didnat hurt either. She rested her head in his lap and looked up at him, trying to connect with his enigmatic eyes.

He kept his emotions shuttered around her, but she sensed he was a man of deep feeling. He nearly betrayed himself whenever he looked at Aiden, showing his caring, his growing l.u.s.t and his anger at himself. Or maybe only Brianne saw it because she was looking.

Once or twice when head looked at her shead seen a flash, just a flash, of longing. She pretended to herself that his longing was more than a Shareem needing to sate himself on a woman. She pretended he truly wanted her. It was a fantasy, but shead live it as long as she could.

Bound, she couldnat touch him or reach for him, but she turned her head and lightly kissed his fingers.

A spark jumped in his eyes. aHurry up,a he said to Aiden.

aPatience,a Aiden said without looking up.

Aidenas blue gaze focused on Brianneas quim. His incredibly handsome face stilled in concentration as he stroked the sphere across her opening. She squirmed, loving the hard thing against her. She was getting it all wet.

aGood,a Aiden murmured. aSheas doing well.a Brianne opened her mouth to reply when a little buzz ran through the sphere and across her p.u.s.s.y. aOhhh.a aThatas why I have these custom-made. Enjoy it, Brianne. Open yourself to it.a The small pulsation enhanced the feel of the cool plastic against her quim, made Aidenas finger that teased her c.l.i.t vibrate with it. Her hips rose, seeking the sensation as Aiden traced patterns around her nub.

aPlease,a she begged. aI want it inside me.a aItas too big,a Aiden whispered.

aI donat care. Open me with it. I want it in.a aHow about me instead?a Aiden asked.

She hesitated. Would he feel as good as this hard thing that she wanted to thrust against?

Aiden seemed to know her thoughts. aIt will be better,a he said. aI promise.a Better? This was already very good.

She nodded.

Aiden removed the sphere and dropped it back into his box. Before Brianne could form a whimper of loss, the sphere was replaced by his blunta"equally as hard and almost as largea"tip.

Head lifted his tunic and stripped off his loincloth. Straddling the bench let him put his c.o.c.k right against her without him having to move.

aYes,a she said. aThatas wonderful. Does it vibrate?a He chuckled. aOnly if I laugh.a Ky leaned down, his heat covering her. aIt can do many things, sweetheart. Let my friend please you with it. Let him f.u.c.k you.a aYes.a Aiden skimmed his tunic off his body, his blond braid landing against his back. Sitting spread in front of Brianne in all his nakedness he was absolutely, incredibly delectable.

She ran a hungry gaze over him, and noticed Ky doing the same.

If Aiden noticed their scrutiny, he didnat acknowledge it. aReady?a he asked softly.

Something in Brianne wanted to tense, wanted to reject that this large man was going to touch her more intimately than anyone had in her life. But her body was relaxed and open from his ma.s.sage with the vibrator, and she moved her legs farther apart, nodding silently.

Aiden slid his hands under her hips to position her. aBreathe out,a he instructed.

Ky sat still behind her, waiting. He stroked her hair, his gaze on her face. She exhaled slowly as Aiden commanded, and Aiden slipped himself inside.

He stretched and widened her far more than the vibrator had, and he was just as hard. Shareem were twelve inchesa"shead looked it upa"one standard foot, and she felt every inch carefully penetrate her.

She moaned and lifted her hips to him. He caught them in his hands, steadying her while his long hard stem pushed in and in. She wanted to pull him down to her, rake her fingers across his back. She pulled on her tethers, frustrated.

Aiden dropped his head back, his bare throat damp. aYouare tight, baby. I love it. Ky, d.a.m.n, you have to feel how tight she is.a aLater. When sheas ready.a Brianne studied Aidenas body as he began to gently thrust into her. His tail of blond hair dragged across his shoulders, the curls on his chest a darker blond. His biceps played as he steadied her on him, his naked hips rocking. He bit his lip, brow furrowing in concentration.

She saw where they joined, his staff outlined by curls that blended with her darker ones. The sight increased her excitement. She looked back at Ky, his dark hair hanging loose, his leather tunic open to show a V of brown chest.

aI want to see you,a she whispered. aLet me see you.a He knew what she meant. For a moment she thought head refuse, or maybe mention that subs shouldnat give orders, but then he rose from the bench and began to remove his clothes.

Her gaze riveted to him as his body came into view. His chest was powerful and heavily muscled, resembling Rioas more than Aidenas. A gold ring hung from his flat, brown nipple, making her want to flick her tongue over it.

His chest and abdomen tapered to narrow hips and muscled thighs, between which his c.o.c.k extended, his b.a.l.l.s lifted tight.

Brianne sighed happily. aThat looks so nice.a aYou bet it does,a Aiden agreed.

Aiden lifted Brianneas hips and withdrew himself, sliding smoothly out. Brianne whimpered, then moaned out loud when he laid his body full length on top of her and entered her again.

He went deep inside, stretching her walls, making her want to squeeze. His Shareem body warmed her, his touch sending smiling la.s.situde through her.

aThatas it,a he told her in a low voice. aYouare getting it.a aHold him tight with your p.u.s.s.y,a Ky instructed. aMake him feel it.a It surprised Brianne that she could pleasure Aiden just by lifting her hips and pressing the muscles inside her quim. Aidenas eyes glazed over, a half groan sliding from his throat. aIam in love.a aDo you like it, Brianne?a Ky asked.

He stood next to the bench, his c.o.c.k at their eye level. It jutted toward them, as though interested in what they did.

aYes, I like it,a she breathed.

aI like it too,a Aiden said. aYouare beautiful, Brianne.a No one had ever called her beautifula"good-looking or attractive perhaps, but said only in a businesslike way, satisfaction that shead look good on digitals. Dranis had certainly never mentioned her looks.

No man in her life had told her, with that catch in his voice, that he thought her beautiful.

She touched his face and kissed him. Aiden returned the kiss with practiced lips and tongue, teaching her to use hers. But he was no less enthusiastic for knowing how to do it. He kissed her for the joy of kissing her, while his huge Shareem c.o.c.k stroked her from the inside out.

aSuck me.a Kyas voice next to them was a harsh rumble.

Brianne and Aiden both broke the kiss and turned to study Kyas c.o.c.k that hovered within reach. aSuck me while Aiden f.u.c.ks you.a Brianne moved in excitement, her smile wide. She reached out with her tongue and licked Kyas tip, enjoying the familiar taste of salt and him.

She wet the tip thoroughly, tracing the f.l.a.n.g.e and playing a little just under the head. Aiden watched, his cheek pressed to hers as she opened her mouth and took Ky inside.

Ky was big, filling her mouth. Aiden kissed her cheek where Ky pressed it, and when she drew back to take a breath, Aiden swiped his tongue up the side of Kyas shaft.

Ky stilled a moment, then he reached down and smoothed the hair from Aidenas brow. aSuck,a he commanded. aBoth of you.a Brianne opened lips for another mouthful of him. Aiden licked where her mouth closed around Ky, tongue teasing and snaking between her lips.

Aiden continued riding her, his slow penetration making her want to scream. She lost her hold on Ky, and she and Aiden began licking him. They went about it thoroughly, tasting and wetting him from b.a.l.l.s to tip and back again. Aidenas tongue tangled with hers and he laughed.

aThis,a Ky said hoa.r.s.ely. aThis I can do.a Brianne dimly wondered what he meant. She loved the taste of his hardness against her lips and the taste of Aiden as their tongues met.

It should always be this way.

She didnat understand the thought and didnat pursue it. She didnat need confusion right now, she needed to lick Ky and f.u.c.k Aiden. Hopefully soon theyad reverse and shead be f.u.c.king Ky and licking Aiden.

She laughed inside, knowing shead never have used the work f.u.c.k before she met Aiden and Ky. She wanted with all her strength to be with these two powerful men, one who soothed her and the other who commanded her and excited her beyond belief.

Ky slid his hand between their bodies, his fingers finding Brianneas swollen c.l.i.t. Ky knelt beside them, putting his c.o.c.k out of reach, but his mouth was available for kissing. Both she and Aiden enjoyed themselves, thrusting tongues between his lips, tasting him while he did the same to them.

It was so beautiful, and the hot friction on her c.l.i.t and the huge hardness inside her tangled into one dark, shuddering wave of feeling.

Tales of the Shareem - Aiden and Ky Part 9

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