Old Gold Part 3

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Wise people say that one ought to get up very early in the morning, and that it makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

It is a matter to be settled to a great extent by climate, and Brace Leigh wanted no urging to hurry out of--or, rather, off from his--bed just as the stars were beginning to pale, and open his window more widely, to breathe in the comparatively cool air.

His first thought was, of course, a bath or a plunge into the river for a swim.

But the latter was not to be thought of, for more than one reason. Mud was one, but that might have been borne; another reason was that certain loathsome lizardy creatures lurked about in those waters on the look-out for food.

It a pity, for the hotel was rather a primitive place, and did not boast a bath-room, nor even a good tub or a large basin, and the young fellow had to sigh and make believe with a sponge before dressing hurriedly and going out to wait for the sun's rising and the first notes of the birds.

"Morning is the time out here in the tropics," he said to himself, as he stepped out into the cool darkness, apparently the first person up that morning, for all was very still.

"I'll go down to the waterside and have a good look at Captain Banes's vessel."

He found out directly, though, that he was not the first person up, for the door was open, and as he was in the act of stepping out a peculiarly harsh, wiry voice said:

"Good morning!"

The young man felt taken aback, for he dimly made out the figure of the thin, inquisitive-looking personage who had hung about them the previous day during the interview with the captain.

"I thought you'd be up early, so I waited for you."

"What for?" said Brace sharply.

"Just for a chat. Folks get friendly when they're thrown together in an out-of-the-way place like this. I took to you as soon as I saw you.

Brother up yet?"

"No, he is not," said Brace surlily.

"Ha, ha!" laughed the man. "You want your breakfast."

"Do I?" said Brace. "You seem to know."

"A man don't want to be very knowing to find out that. One always feels a bit snappish first thing. You're going down to have a look at the skipper's brig."

"Well, really--," began Brace.

"Don't be huffy, squire. It's quite natural that you should."

"And pray why, sir? I saw the vessel lying moored yonder yesterday."

"Of course, but when one's going for a voyage in a s.h.i.+p one likes to look at her a bit."

"Then I'm going on a voyage in that s.h.i.+p, am I?" said Brace.

"Of course--you and your brother. Up the Amazons, eh?"

This was said in a questioning tone, but Brace made no reply.

"Well, of course you've a right to choose, but I say you ought to go up the Orinoco. Deal more to see there, I believe. Dessay, though, there's plenty up the Amazons. They'll do."

"That's a comfort," said Brace, smiling in spite of his annoyance, for the man was as cool as he was imperturbable.

"Is it?" he said. "Glad of it. Glad too that you young Englishmen are so enterprising. As a rule you're downright sleepy and leave nearly everything in the finding out way to us Amurricans. Didn't know I was an Amurrican, did you?"

"I never doubted it from the moment you spoke."

"Didn't you, now? Well, that is curious. It's my pus.h.i.+ng way, perhaps."

"Yes, that was it," said Brace, laughing.

"Well, there's nothing like it if you want to get ahead. So you're going up the big rivers, are you?"

"Look here, sir," said Brace: "my brother will be down soon. Wait a little while, and then you can ask him about his plans."

"No, thankye, sir," said the man. "He's short and sharp, and maybe he wouldn't like it. You're easier to deal with. Don't be huffy. Two fellows meeting out here in a place like this ought to help one another."

"I see," said Brace good-humouredly. "Now then, you want me to help you in something?"

"To be sure. That's it exactly."

"Well, sir, what is it?"

"Look here, never mind the _sir_. That's so English. Now you're getting stand-offy again, as if you thought I was a sharper with a story about being hard up."

"H'm!" coughed Brace.

"Hah! that's what you did think?"

"Well, perhaps so."

"No perhaps about it, squire. But you're wrong. I am hard up, but it isn't for dollars."

"Then what help do you want?"

"Friendly help. I'm down in a hole, and I want you and your brother to pull me out."

"Please explain."

"Don't be in a hurry. You've been too sharp for me as it is."

"How? I never saw you till yesterday, when you came hanging about our table."

"Enough to make any man hang about. It made me wild, squire, to see the ground cut from under my feet. I'm not used to it."

Old Gold Part 3

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