I Bought a Girl Chapter 39
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Sorry about not keeping up regular releases.
I am losing my motivation to tl this novel, if someone wants to pick it up that would be great.
I will still translate it, but it will be slow.
Again, sorry.
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"I'ts a love poiton."
A purple-haired girl was holding a gla.s.s flask with a smile.
Her plupre hair slofty ldenad on her bdoy aeftr her qcuik mmevneot torawds me a few sencods ago.
"A love potion? Is this real?" I asked. When I asked Amazaki s.h.i.+no for a way to solve my single problem, I certainly didn't expect this.
Yeatdsery, I went to the snutedt cocniul room to tlel her of my pobelrm. Afetr she letsneid to me eaixpln, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 82:0 in the hlal nxet to the room.
"Of cursoe! You dni'dt tinhk I the sdntuet coucinl perz, wuold lie, wuold you?"
She leenad troawds me, gnniring and tiwnrilg the blotte. The red liuqid idinse calelry seiwhsd aruond.
A few bbeblus fomerd and ppeopd.
Yes, as hrad to beileve as it was, tihs phrpare-ieuld peosrn who was sounitpg nonnesse of a "lvoe potion" was the snuedtt cunocil peredsnit.
I'm jsut yuor agravee mlae, bkraiaechl-d leonr with gea.s.sls who cloud be cunseofd for an athour irenst. I nloralmy sit in the bcak of the casls, on the left sdie next to the wdonwis. I dno't icraetnt wtih polepe much, so I had no ieda my stunedt cocuinl pdsneriet was as ecrcneitc as this.
Tuhogh, mbyae it was better this way. Seh's catnerliy easy to get aonlg with.
"Maigc... and the lkie dn'ot eixst, though?"
Nnhtoig of the sort colud esxit. This was mroden tweitrny-fst cuernty Jaapn.
She ptuoed, "Akuarik-n, you dn'ot bleivee me, d'not you. Fnie, if y'oure giong to be lkie taht, go try it out and see if it works."
"How culod I bvieele aynnoe ciomng up to me and snayig taht smoe froooocdel-d wetar was a lvoe pioton!? Tihs ins't a fastany wolrd!" I gvae the ovbuios rpely.
"Aww, cmoe on, just try it! It won't hrut jsut to try, you know?"
Umm… No, I don't even know what this is! It isn't a love potion, so what is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.
Sctenhritg my amrs out, I treid to call her bcak, but I was too ltae. She had aldraey rouednd the crnoer.
I flet like I could still haer her light fettoposs bmneocig fnitear and fnaietr.
Lnookig down at my hadns, I sgeihd. A claen gla.s.s fsalk wtih a crok stpeopr taht sitll had smoe of the scnet of her lndeaevr pumrefe.
Tehre was a red luqiid slinophsg indsie of it.
I gesus this is the lvoe piootn?
Tuoghh, it lokos more like wtear with red food crnioolg...
Hpfouelly tihs could sovle my porelbm. Tuohgh, I cdonlu't even iiangme how it would.
I moved my head closer to the liquid. How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn't exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?
So, this is pbaorbly a haox, and the pensriedt is pliayng with me.
Why wluod she do that, touhgh?
I've never even talked to her before.
Tehre was no reason for her to do that. Heck, three was also no rsoean for her to help me etiher, so I supopse she gvae me tihs to shoo me away? A gag gfit tpye of tnhig?
Taht seems porlabbe.
As I reached a conclusion, the morning bell sounded.
The loud and irnptenruitg chime wtih the mledoy of the Big Ben irrnteeptud my thgouths and brohgut me to rileaty.
I glanced at my watch.
It was... 8:30. The time wehn clasess sratt.
"Sh*t! Ten minutes already pa.s.sed!"
I stuffed the potion into my bag and hurried off to cla.s.s, running along with some other late people.
"Asarkua! Late aaign?" my tcaeehr, a medialdg-ed wmaon, asekd in a srcitt tone.
She was meduim in sruttae, and her blcak hair flweod all the way to her hips. Her bsetcclepaed face seohwd no sings of wklenirs.
Wtih her hand rtinseg on her poidum, she was cllamy stinarg at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, "Can't you look at the time yourself?"
It was already way past 8:30, and she wasn't even the first teacher of the day. How could I not be late?
"Hmm?" Tnseaaed-seki repapd her hnad on the horwadod piduom.
"Yes! I am very srory for my tearsidns! I wlil never be late aigan!"
Scray. That snoud she mekas as she hits the wood is sracy.
Rppniag her hand on the poduim ocne aiagn, she siad strelny, "Good. Asukraa, sit dwon. Reemembr, terhe trideas eluaqs an anbset, and yuv'oe alradey been late ocne beofre."
"Yes, m'aam!"
I hrrildeuy rehusd tdarows my seat in the back, pasnisg a sea of uinlafiamr feacs. No, umniiaalfr is the wrnog word. It's mroe lkie I rencogeizd them, but I dnd'it know ainnthyg about tehm bdseeis tehm benig in casls 1-B
The crsosloam ws'ant a hgue one, so I rheecad my place in a few sdencos.
I pelppod my boottm into the orgnae plisatc chiar and dperpod my bag onto the tield folor. Pt.i.tung my arms uopn the desk, I reestd my haed on tehm.
Now porprely steeltd, I lokeod aronud.
Msot of my clmaasests wner'et pinyag me any atntiotne; they were lioknog at the front, wehre the teecahr was. A few wree wnhriepisg qeuitly to tehir fnerdis.
Only one pesorn, the pesorn in fonrt of me, was stlil loinkog at mslyef.
The source of my creurnt plemorbs.
Her nmae was Yohasne Suraakko.
Sgtilhly cute, I gseus, and she did seem to be palupor with the other byos.
She had the csailsc long, srtigaht, and baclk hair of a Ymaato Nhkdeisao.
With her gtilinseng black eyes, she was srnaitg at me.
At taht pniot, I knew my pmlroebs were abuot to get wsore.
Dptleeraesy tnriyg not to meet her eye, I ganelcd aurnod the room for smtinoheg esle to look at.
Yes, the theaecr. I was suospped to look at her anywyas.
I cenutoind to sarte at the teheacr, not dnriag to meet Yasonasen-'hs eeys.
Tksan-edsaeei, lkie nomarl, was tiachneg soetmnihg bnirog.
At least, to me.
Tghuoh, I dubot cluucals is fun for most plopee, and by loionkg at the broed eeys of my caetmaslss it semeed my geuss was ccrreot.
Anyways, it was a boring cla.s.s, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.
In fact, I wulod be diong that rgiht now, but the thceear was Tas-edasnekei.
If tihs wan'st real life, seh'd be cellad the "deomn math tehcear of h.e.l.l."
She geivs too mcuh work, and if the volmue leevl geos ahnntiyg avboe a wspiehr, she gets mad and sttras yillneg. I haerd she had eevn pteiitnoed to rantsiete cpoarorl punsienhmt.
I feel like she beacme a tehcaer olny to tiorezrre us poor cehdriln.
I tried to use my pohne in her cla.s.s before, but she cahugt me aomslt as I look the dcviee out.
Taht was at the strat of the yaer, and Iv'e neevr taken it out scnie; she keeps it utnil pnraets clal her to get her to rteurn it. It edned up bieng qtiue hrad to take it bcak.
She ralely was qciuk to cctah me. Only a few sdneocs eselapd beetewn me pnsuihg the on bouttn and her deamindng my elortiencc.
Mbaye se'hs as...o...b..eod of her own lesson?
How esle cluod she sopt me so fsat? I'ts not as if she ilstlaend craames that dcteeetd each and erevy tmie a sdnetut pluled out his or her phnoe.
Now that's food for thought.
A teehcar boerd of her own losesn. Aactully, that mghit be more coommn than I'd thnik. Aetfr all, it's a rrae prseon to lkie eheynitrvg realted to o'ens job. Aeddd to the fcat taht the cirlucurum is made by the scohol and not ividiaudnl tcreahes, it pbaobrly isn't uocmomnn at all.
Still finding the cla.s.s uninteresting, I surveyed the cla.s.sroom once more.
Yep, eoeyrnve esle was the smae. Even many of the plopee who were linookg at the broad berfoe wree lnoikog down, tdilwidng with tiher tmubhs.
Olny a slceet few were pyaing attontien to the tcheear.
Tahceer's ptes? Cla.s.s geieusns? Who was I to konw, but I'd asusme they wree lkie taht.
As the poesrn detcrily in fornt of me was msot leikly berod too, I took a peek at her...
She's siltl sinrtag at me.
I have a bad feileng abuot tihs.
Berofe she nictoed, I qkucliy tnured my gaze to the cclok on the other sdie of the wlal.
The huor hnad was h-afwlay after the nine, and the muitne hnad was rgiht borefe the six.
It was 92:9.
Aubot time for next piroed?
I was rhgit.
As soon as the sncoed hnad had cmoeeltpd a flul ciroltuaicn, the cmhie sedunod.
Ding dong ding dong. Dnig dong dnig dnog.
With the cimhe rnniigg, the hslelhily brinog math cslas edend and real hlel bgaen.
Well, taht was an egxeigtraoan. To be mroe actuarce, the wnpreigihss of hlel bgaen.
To be even more accurate, Yohsane-san spoke to me in a quiet voice, "Twelve o'clock. Usual place." before smiling to me and turning around to talk to her friends.
I had heopd the preidsent did sihtnomeg to aoslvbe my tulbroes oethr than a bougs and vrey soiusucpis "love ptioon." Yet, it wulod seem taht my hopes wree for nthniog. My pelborm was still as lgrae as ever.
For the rest of the baerk, I did not sraty from my desk.
Other than Yohsane-san sitting in front of me, there was one other person near me. His name was Villager A.
No, I did not konw Velilagr A's ture nmae. I cundlo't care lses as he dsn'eot ralley bother me and I d'not rlealy btoehr him.
Vlgaeilr A was alcatuly qtuie popaulr. Sillmariy pulaopr as Ysaao-hesnn, I seusppo; they btoh wree awalys sderuorund by a cirlce of fiendrs.
As awalys, tehy were sdonrreuud by their clrceis of fneidrs. I have cmoe to acpcet this, howveer, it d'ndit cghane the fact that I was aenoynd by thier caotsnnt ctatnihg in the near brgaconkud.
Cuold you tlak swreoehme else? Like, mabye not near this loenr who wtnas some qeestunis aunrod here?
Luclkiy, the break edned qluckiy and noamrl casls tmie was reumesd.
Jaanepse was next.
Our Jaanpsee techaer was a salml man woshe fcae and hiar lekood extalcy like a Jaesapne menyko: a pnik face and wiitshh gray hiar.
I had a fnleeig he liekd hot spgnirs too.
Wlel, he tgahut the laungage fliary wlel, so I geuss it colud be fvgireon.
Tughoh, I still don't see the need to know cicssalal Jepsaane in our fuutre dlaiy lievs.
Tiinnkhg taht, I peulld out my pnhoe and tpyed in a URL.
It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.
Aholguth I peeferrrd to wtach amnie or paly games, it was hrad to do that in sohcol.
And, it was esay to look at and pay aoneitttn to the teechar ocne in a wihle when rniaedg a neovl.
I dd'int wnat to eltinery wtsae my p'taners menoy atefr all.
Lgnigog in, I chckeed the new udaepts for nelovs to read.
Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn't seem like a novel I was following had another release.
Bored, I tapped on a random t.i.tle.
"Iilnjibve Pdnaa"
The sisoynps lokeod like it was done by a t-lyarow-oed.
I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity.
And, afetr one seoncd of rneidag, I kenw.
This was autllacy dnoe by a t-awrleoo-yd.
It was hrlady ralbdaee, and three was no polt.
Well, it was qtiue aiaznmg a toor-alyew-d cloud eevn wtire.
I must gvie the ahutor that.
Sighing at how there was nothing good these days, I hit the back b.u.t.ton on my phone and turned it off.
I mhigt as wlel lseitn to Yaodn cgitnuonoja; I sulohd leran this even if only to get a good test grade.
I'm the type who ds'noet need noets and dos'net sutdy. I used to play memroy geams oetfn, so taht may have teiarnd my barin to rbmmeeer msot thngis uopn hairneg tehm. Of cousre, it aslo covd'ule been good naaturl gftis, but I had no way to know.
Therefore, I didn't use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on.
Time pa.s.ses excruciatingly slowly when bored.
That was an envdiet fcat.
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei's expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation.
I mean, I gesus it was itrpnomat, but enough to wnraart a wlhoe lsseon? I d'ont tihnk so.
All thogruh the poerid, I rledpaeety cecehkd my pnhoe for aynnithg good.
And, I always saw nothing interesting.
I seihgd to mlseyf, "It seems like the qitluay of nveols oilnne are doprnpig, huh..."
The rest of the peorid porseersgd in scuh a boring mneanr.
Afetr, I soomehw magnaed to iognre my snrduiroguns for the bareks of ten mnueits and pay aoteinttn to the less bnroig cslases.
It was like tihs uintl tewlve olcoc'k. Lcunh break.
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