Nicolo Paganini: His Life and Work Part 15

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Believe me, yours sincerely, ALFRED PIATTI.

_Copy of Letter received by the Author from the eminent 'cellist, HERR DAVID POPPER._

Budapest, February 22nd, 1898.

DEAR SIR,--In sending me your book on "The Technics of Violoncello Playing" you have given me a real and true pleasure. I know of no work, tutors and studies not excepted, which presents so much valuable material, so much that is absolutely to the point, avoiding--I might say, on principle--all that is superfluous and dispensable. Every earnest thinking violoncello student will in future make your book his own and thereby receive hints which will further and complete the instructions of his master.

I congratulate you and ourselves most heartily on the new violoncello book. With kind regards, Yours most sincerely,



_Crown 8vo., Cloth, 2/6, Post Free, 2/9._




INTRODUCTORY--Qualities indispensable to the ideal Violinist--Hints on the Choice of a Teacher--Some Tricks of pretending professors exposed.

ON THE CHOICE OF A VIOLIN AND BOW--Advice regarding general adjustment and repairs.

ON THE CHOICE OF STRINGS--Stringing the Instrument and keeping the Pegs in Order.

ON THE GENERAL POSTURE--The manner of holding the Violin and Bow as accepted by the leading artists of the day.

ON FINGERING GENERALLY--The various positions--Scales recommended--The Modern Orchestral "" or (so-called) Leader.

ON GLIDING--Special Characteristics of some of the most Eminent Players.

DOUBLE STOPPING--The main difficulty in Double Stopping--How to gain Independence of Finger.

BOWINGS--Smooth Bowings--Solid Staccato--Spiccato--Spring Bow--Mixed Bowings.

TONE PRODUCTION--Character of Tone--Rules and Conditions necessary to produce a good tone--Style and Expression.


_Crown 8vo., Cloth, 2/6, Post Free, 2/9._

Chats to 'Cello Students


"Musicians, devotees of the 'cello in particular, will welcome the latest volume of THE 'STRAD Library,' 'Chats to 'Cello Students,' by Arthur Broadley.... Mr. Broadley not only knows what he is talking about, but has practised what he says. From the choice of an instrument to finished delivery and orchestral playing, 'Chats to 'Cello Students'

leaves nothing undiscussed. The treatment is simple and practical. The exhaustive chapter on 'bowing' should be an invaluable aid to students.

In the last chapter of his book, 'On Delivery and Style' Mr. Broadley has given a lucid expression to a subject which has sadly needed voicing."--_The Tribune, Nuneaton._

"Is a brightly written little volume filled with practical information for those who seek to bring out the wealth of expression of which the violoncello is capable. The instruction is presented in homely, common-sense fas.h.i.+on, and there are upwards of fifty examples in music type to ill.u.s.trate the author's meaning."--_Lloyd's Weekly._

"Every kind of bowing and fingering, the portamento, harmonic effects, arpeggios and their evolution from various chords, are all ably treated, and the work concludes with a few remarks on orchestral playing which are of especial interest."--_Musical News._

"As a writer on the technique of his instrument Mr. Broadley is known all over the world, perhaps his most successful work being a little book published by THE STRAD, 'Chats to 'Cello Students.'"--_The Violinist._


_Crown 8vo., Cloth, 2/6, Post Free, 2/9._



_Of the Music Jury, International Inventions Exhibition, South Kensington, 1885; International Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1890; Expert in Law Courts, 1891; President of the Cremona Society._


"This is the history of the life-work of the great Italian stringed musical instrument maker.... There is a most interesting a.n.a.lysis of Stradivari's method of mechanical construction which again is ill.u.s.trated by original drawings from the many Strads which it has been Mr. Petherick's privilege to examine. All lovers of the king of instruments will read this delightful little volume."--_Reynolds._

"Among makers of violins Stradivari perhaps occupies the premier position, and this account of his work, designs, and variations in finish of details will afford pleasure to many readers."--_Morning Post._

"This is a monograph which all students of the violin will be happy to possess. The author is a connoisseur and expert, and his account of the great Cremonese master and his life-work, is singularly well and clearly told, whilst the technical descriptions and diagrams cannot fail to interest everyone who has fallen under the spell of the violin.... Mr.

Petherick traces the career of Stradivari from his earliest insight into the mysteries of the craft to his highest achievements. Numerous ill.u.s.trations lend attraction to the volume, not the least being a view of Stradivari's atelier, from a painting by Rinaldi, the sketch of which was made on the premises."--_Music._

"Mr. Petherick is well known in the musical world as a violin expert with a special knowledge of the instruments made by the Cremonese master, whose biography he has here given us. He tells us how the master worked, what his pupils did, and where their work differs from that of their preceptor. In fact, the volume is as much a dissertation on the violins of Stradivari as a biography of the master, and is full of deeply interesting matter."--_Lloyds._


_Crown 8vo., Cloth, 5/-, Post Free, 5/4._


Nicolo Paganini: His Life and Work Part 15

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