A California Girl Part 23
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About ten o'clock the next morning after the party, Mr. Herne was in the front yard, superintending some work, when he saw a buggy coming towards his house and he recognized the occupants as being Mr. Herbert Barker and Mr. Stanley Brookes, of Roseland. When the team stopped in front of the house. Mr. Herne was there to receive the two gentlemen.
After shaking hands and exchanging a few pleasant words, Mr. Barker asked: "Are Penloe and Stella here?"
Mr. Herne said: "Yes, they are, come in, gentlemen," and gave them seats in the parlor, saying, "You had better stay to dinner, and I will have a man take care of your team," an invitation which they gladly accepted.
Mr. Herne entered the sitting-room to tell Penloe and Stella that Barker and Brookes were in the parlor waiting to see them. Since those two gentlemen had become Stella's co-workers for s.e.x reform consequently they had seen much of each other, and had come to a mutual understanding that they would lay aside all formalities and act as brother and sister; therefore, instead of addressing each other as Mr. or Mrs., they called each other by their given names.
When Penloe and Stella entered the parlor, the two gentlemen rose from their seats and came forward to tender their congratulations to the newly married couple. After a lively social chat, Stanley Brookes made known the object of their morning call in the following words. Looking at Stella, he said: "Since you were with us last in Roseland, we have been receiving information through various channels concerning certain persons, in a number of towns and cities, who may be considered advanced enough to profit by our literature. In most cases the persons receiving it have written for more, to circulate among their friends.
Since sending a second lot, we have been in receipt of a number of letters, like the following, and here Brookes took one from a large package of letters, and read it to Penloe and Stella. It was as follows:
"_Stanley Brookes, Esq.,_ "_Roseland, Cal.:_
"DEAR SIR: The literature which you kindly sent me I placed where I knew it would do the most good. It gives me pleasure to inform you that the California idea is gaining ground here, and interest is growing faster than I antic.i.p.ated. I was not aware there were so many ready for the s.e.x reform thought; but in talking with some of the more advanced, they said that they had done a little thinking along this line for some time, but their ideas were only half formed, and this reading matter was just what they needed to let the light into their minds. They are all now anxious to have a meeting, and want to know if you could get Penloe and Stella to come here and speak. They think the largest hall in this city would not hold the crowd that would want to hear and see those two much-talked-of-and-written-about persons. I will see that all their expenses are paid, if you will see to getting them here. I know if they come it will give the movement a big lift. Write as soon as you know if they are coming.
"Yours for Reform, "HAROLD CHAMBERS."
At the conclusion of reading the letter Brookes said: "It seems that some of our literature got into the State of Colorado. The papers in that State called it the 'California Idea,' and as the 'C.I.' began to grow they called it the 'California Movement.' Some of the papers in this State have used the same expression, and the people in California seem to be pleased with the names given the new s.e.x thought."
Stella laughed, and said: "Well, Stanley, I rather like the names C.I.
and C.M. Don't you, Penloe?"
Penloe said: "Yes, the term or name 's.e.x Reform Thought' I think very ambiguous, but C.I. and C.M. are names which convey to the mind the ideas they are intended to express."
Brookes said: Stella, I will read you another letter I received from a friend of mine in Bakersfield:
"_Stanley Brookes, Esq.,_ "_Roseland, Cal.:_
"DEAR FRIEND BROOKES: Yes, it is just as you say, Bakersfield may be a very fast town, but there are some people here who are ripe for the 'C. Movement.' My experience and what I see here about me every day have made me so sick of the old ideas concerning s.e.x that it does me good to see the interest people are taking in the literature you sent me. One woman told me that the pamphlet I gave her had been read by nine persons. Say, old boy, don't you think you could get Penloe and Stella to come here and wake us up a little more. My, they would be a drawing-card! I will see that they are not out anything by coming. Now, do your level best to get them here, for they would start the ball a-rolling in fine shape.
"Yours for the 'C.I.,'
Holding up the package of letters, Brookes said: "Here are letters from Ventura, San Jose, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Oakland, Sacramento, and a number of other places, all asking the same question, 'Could I get you both to come to their places to speak.' They all seem so anxious to see and hear the leaders of the great C.M., and that is why Herbert and I are here this morning to see if you both will accept these pressing invitations to speak in a cause which is so dear to you."
Stella said: "I appreciate your kind thoughtfulness in coming out here to see us, and thus give us an opportunity of talking the matter over together." Then she was silent, and Barker and Brookes both said afterwards they never saw Stella look so serious and sober since they knew her as she looked then. It seemed as if a struggle was going on within her. After a few minutes' silence, there seemed to be a feeling in Stella's voice as she spoke. Looking straight at the two young men before her, she said: "To you I can speak in confidence. My aunt (Mrs.
Marston) has known for a year or two that I had a great desire to travel and see the world. Since I first met Penloe that desire has grown much stronger. On my wedding day, aunt gave me a bank book with ten thousand dollars placed to my credit, saying it was to be used for the purpose of enjoying our honeymoon on a long journey around the world. I can hardly tell you how delighted I was when I thought what had been only a dream to me was about to be realized. Next week we were going to Roseland to visit aunt, then we were going abroad. Yes, Penloe and I have had such delightful talks about the countries we were going to visit. We talked much about some of the places and people in India we expected to see.
Penloe has told me about the Sannyasins and the great Yogis of India, saying he could arrange matters so that we could live with some of them for a while. The thought of seeing and talking with those wonderful spiritual giants has kept me awake at night, my mind filled with joyous thoughts. He said, 'The great Yogi Kattakhan has conquered all nature, and at any time he could put himself in a mental condition so that he could give the contents of any book in any part of the world.'
"I remember the last time I was with you in Roseland, both of you were telling me you had read Burnette's book on 'The Freedom of the Women of Tiestan,' also Wharburton's 'The Land of Surprises.' Well, we had decided to visit the city of Semhee, in Tiestan, and see those remarkable people. Till now I had not thought of there being anything to prevent our going."
Barker said: "Well, Stella, all we had heard was that you were married, and we did not know anything about your contemplated tour."
Stella said: "It was quite right for you to come and see us, and I am very glad you have. Of course, we intended calling on you both before we left for the Orient. Now, what I have told you is that you may see and know exactly how we are situated in regard to accepting the invitation to speak in the various places. The C.M. is dear to me, yes, very dear.
I rejoice in the progress the movement is making through the efforts of you both, and before giving you an answer I must go and think it over, so you will please excuse me."
As her graceful figure was leaving the room, she said: "Penloe, come to our room about fifteen minutes before dinner. Clara told me that they were going to have dinner at one o'clock to-day."
After Stella had left the room, Penloe chatted with the young men about the C.M., and then said: "Would you like to take a walk about the place?" and they both said, "Yes, this is our first visit to Treelawn."
This was the first time Barker and Brookes had met Penloe. They had heard him deliver his address in Roseland, and were now pleased to have the opportunity of enjoying his company. Penloe was about their age, and the three became interested in relating some of their college experiences. Barker and Brookes were eager to have Penloe tell them all about the Hindu students, and what kind of men the Hindu professors are.
They had many a laugh while Penloe was relating some experiences which seemed very peculiar to them. Penloe's interesting conversation had made time pa.s.s very rapidly with them, and it was near the dinner hour before they were aware of it.
Penloe said: "Please excuse me, I hear Stella calling." Taking out his watch he said: "It is about time I was in the room; I did not think it was so late."
After Penloe had left them, Barker said to Brookes: "Did you hear Stella calling Penloe?"
"No," said Brookes, "did you?"
"No, I never heard her voice," said Barker, "but what did he mean by saying she called him?"
"He meant she called him by what they call mental telegraphy," said Brookes.
When Stella left the parlor and went to her room and had taken a seat, her mind was filled with many conflicting thoughts and emotions. She said to herself: "I was so unprepared for this; it was only last night I remarked to Penloe, in about two weeks we would be on the ocean going to j.a.pan." "And, why can you not go?" said a powerful voice within her.
"You surely are not going to disappoint your aunt, are you, by not going, after she has shown such love towards you as to give you ten thousand dollars to travel on?" A little voice spoke within her and said: "Are you and Penloe not the leaders of the C.M., and would it be right for you to leave just as an interest is being awakened?" The powerful voice said: "Stella, this is your wedding tour, and you have accepted the money given you to go and you would not be doing yourself justice to stay at home now." The little voice said: "Stella, what effect do you think your influence would have on Barker and Brookes and other young workers, if they see you indifferent to the calls? You have always talked as if you would be willing to sacrifice everything for the cause which is so dear to you." The strong voice said: "Yes, but if you put off going now you will have to return the money to your aunt, and when you are ready to go you may not have the money to go with." The little voice said: "Stella, can you not give up the pleasure of a wedding tour for the sake of helping others out of bondage into freedom, thus making their lives happier and brighter?" The powerful voice said: "It is only idle curiosity on the part of the people wanting to see you.
Do not be influenced by them; just think how it will help you in your future labors to have visited the Oriental countries and sat at the feet of those great Spiritual luminaries of India. If you go now, you have got the money and you have got Penloe, who is the most interesting traveling companion you could have. He knows many languages and can master the j.a.panese and Chinese in a month or two. If you don't go now, but postpone it till you think you can go, then perhaps Penloe might be dead and how could you enjoy traveling without him?" That suggestion touched Stella very deeply. After awhile the little voice said: "Stella, dear, have the people of j.a.pan, of China, of Persia, or of India sent an invitation to come and speak to them? Are the great Sannyasins and Yogis looking forward to receiving a visit from you? If the people of the Orient had given you a special call, it would be right for you to go now. They have not called you at all; but the people of California have.
They want you to follow up the grand n.o.ble work you so heroically commenced, a work so dear to you that you were willing to make every sacrifice in order to be true to yourself and thus free others from bondage. Go into the silence, Stella, ask the Blessed Spirit for light and knowledge and he will show you which path to choose."
And that is just what Stella did. When she came out of the silence her face was radiant and her mind settled and clear.
When Penloe entered the room Stella spoke in a serious tone and said: "I have half a mind to be just a wee bit put out with you, because you have acted so indifferently in regard to our wedding tour. Why, it does not seem to concern you whether we go or stay here." With a half twinkle in her eye she said: "I must say, you don't act like most men would who had just married a young lady with ten thousand dollars to spend on a wedding tour."
Penloe said: "I will answer you, Stella, dear, as if you spoke in earnest."
Stella said: "That is just what I want you to do, Penloe."
He said: "Stella, why should I care whether I am here or going on a wedding tour through the Orient with you? All I have to do is to realize and manifest the Divine. Stella, I have learned this one lesson, _that I am not in it_, for it is He that is doing it all. It was He that placed me in certain environments in India for my spiritual unfoldment. It was He that brought me to Orangeville. It was He that caused you and me to come together as co-workers in a cause which is so dear to us. It was He that made us man and wife. It was He that caused you to pa.s.s through this struggle which you have just had with yourself and brought you out victorious. It was He that caused you just now to cut the last cord of attachment and made you free."
Penloe had been standing while he talked and just here Stella rose from her seat and, going up to him, put her arms round his neck and said: "Yes, dear, it is He, it is He. He hath done it all and He has given me you as my husband and spiritual teacher." She kissed him and said: "Bless you, dear."
Continuing, she said: "Do you know that the fight I have just had has been the most trying and severe I ever experienced?"
"Yes, dear," said Penloe, "I know all about it, and when a youth I thought I was free from all attachment, till I pa.s.sed through the most trying experience in my life, which showed me I was not free from all desire and attachment. In coming out of that struggle I cut the last cord which bound me to the external, and since then I have been free, and illumination followed, and that is why I have received light, and knew before I rose the next morning after our wedding we would not go now on a wedding tour, but would speak all through the State of California. I knew what a struggle you were going to have, and I knew it was necessary in order that you might be free from all attachment, for the love of traveling through the Orient owned you just a little, and now that you have become truly free illumination will be yours." He ceased speaking and kissed her.
Stella said: "I must take care and let nothing own me, for I see that as soon as I allow myself to be owned I become its slave, and you know, dear, that freedom from everything is my goal."
Penloe and Stella entered the dining-room just as Mrs. Herne had seated Barker and Brookes at the table. As Stella took her seat the two young men thought they had never seen her face so beautiful, with its sweet smile and calm expression. Her vivacity brought out the wit and humor of the two guests, who were always considered good company at any one's table. Penloe said little, because he saw how the two young men were enjoying Stella's bright conversation. After dinner the company adjourned to the parlor.
Stella seated herself between her two friends, and looking at Barker she said: "I must tell you and Stanley that we have given up going on our wedding tour through the Oriental countries. We both feel we are wanted here and we will stay where our work calls us."
Barker replied saying: "Your decision is grand and we will feel much encouraged in having you with us."
Stella said: "We will spend a week with aunt before starting out to speak. During our stay in Roseland we will see much of each other and have opportunities for perfecting our plans."
Two days later Penloe and Stella became the guests of Mrs. Marston, arriving at that lady's house about four in the afternoon, which was an hour before Stella's aunt dined. Mrs. Marston was delighted to receive her niece and her husband, for she was at her best when she had company.
After dinner, as it was a little chilly, a fire was lit in the open grate and the three sat round to enjoy a social time.
A California Girl Part 23
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