Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc. Part 19

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The larger number of the species of _Boletus_ grow on the ground. Some change color when bruised or cut, so that it is important to note this character when the plant is fresh, and the taste should be noted as well.

=Boletus edulis= Bull. =Edible.= [_Ag. bulbosus_ Schaeff. Tab. 134, 1763. _Boletus bulbosus_ (Schaeff.) Schroeter. Cohn's Krypt, Flora.

Schlesien, p. 499, 1889].--This plant, which, as its name implies, is edible, grows in open woods or their borders, in groves and in open places, on the ground. It occurs in warm, wet weather, from July to September. It is one of the largest of the Boleti, and varies from 5--12 cm. high, the cap from 8--25 cm. broad, and the stem 2--4 cm. in thickness.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 56, FIGURE 164.--Boletus edulis. Cap light brown, tubes greenish yellow or yellowish; stem in this specimen entirely reticulate (natural size, often larger). Copyright.]

The =pileus= is convex to expanded, smooth, firm, quite hard when young and becoming soft in age. The color varies greatly, from buff to dull reddish, to reddish-brown, tawny-brown, often yellowish over a portion of the cap, usually paler on the margin. The flesh is white or tinged with yellow, sometimes reddish under the cuticle. The =tubes= are white when young and the mouths are closed (stuffed), the lower surface of the tubes is convex from the margin of the cap to the stem, and depressed around the stem, sometimes separating from the stem. While the tubes are white when young, they become greenish or greenish-yellow, or entirely yellow when mature. The =spores= when caught on paper are greenish-yellow, or yellow. They are oblong to fusiform, 12--15 long.

The =stem= is stout, even, or much enlarged at the base so that it is clavate. The surface usually shows prominent reticulations on mature plants near the tubes, sometimes over the entire stem. This is well shown in Fig. 164 from plants (No. 2886, C. U. herbarium) collected at Ithaca, N. Y.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 57, FIGURE 165.--Cap light brown, tubes greenish yellow or yellowish; stem in these specimens not reticulate (2/3 natural size). Copyright.]

Figure 165 represents plants (No. 4134, C. U. herbarium) collected at Blowing Rock, N. C., in September, 1899. The plant is widely distributed and has long been prized as an esculent in Europe and America. When raw the plant has an agreeable nutty taste, sometimes sweet. The caps are sometimes sliced and dried for future use. It is usually recommended to discard the stems and remove the tubes since the latter are apt to form a slimy ma.s.s on cooking.

=Boletus felleus= Bull. =Bitter.=--This is known as the bitter boletus, because of a bitter taste of the flesh. It usually grows on or near much decayed logs or stumps of hemlock spruce. It is said to be easily recognized by its bitter taste. I have found specimens of a plant which seems to have all the characters of this one growing at the base of hemlock spruce trees, except that the taste was not bitter. At Ithaca, however, the plant occurs and the taste is bitter. It is one of the large species of the genus, being from 8--12 cm. high, the cap 7--20 cm.

broad, and the stem 1--2.5 cm. in thickness.

The =pileus= is convex becoming nearly plane, firm, and in age soft, smooth, the color varying from pale yellow to various shades of brown to chestnut. The flesh is white, and where wounded often changes to a pink color, but not always. The =tubes= are adnate, long, the under surface convex and with a depression around the stem. The tubes are at first white, but become flesh color or tinged with flesh color, and the mouths are angular. The =stem= is stout, tapering upward, sometimes enlarged at the base, usually reticulated at the upper end, and sometimes with the reticulations over the entire surface (Fig. 166). The color is paler than that of the cap. The =spores= are oblong to spindle-shaped, flesh color in ma.s.s, and single ones measure 12--18 4--5 .

The general appearance of the plant is somewhat like that of the _Boletus edulis_, and beginners should be cautioned not to confuse the two species. It is known by its bitter taste and the flesh-colored tubes, while the taste of the _B. edulis_ is sweet, and the tubes are greenish-yellow, or yellowish or light ochre.

Plate 55 represents three specimens in color.

=Boletus scaber= Fr. =Edible.=--This species is named the rough-stemmed boletus, in allusion to the rough appearance given to the stem from numerous dark brown or reddish dots or scales. This is a characteristic feature, and aids one greatly in determining the species, since the color of the cap varies much. The cap is sometimes whitish, orange red, brown, or smoky in color. The plant is 6--15 cm. high, the cap 3--7 cm.

broad, and the stem 8--12 mm. in thickness.

The =pileus= is rounded, becoming convex, smooth, or nearly so, sometimes scaly, and the flesh is soft and white, sometimes turning slightly to a reddish or dark color where bruised. The =tubes= are small, long, the surface formed by their free ends is convex in outline, and the tubes are depressed around the stem. They are first white, becoming darker, and somewhat brownish. The =stem= is solid, tapering somewhat upward, and roughened as described above.

The plant is one of the common species of the genus _Boletus_. It occurs in the woods on the ground or in groves or borders of woods in places. Writers differ as to the excellence of this species for food; some consider it excellent, while others regard it as less agreeable than some other species. It is, at any rate, safe, and Peck considers it "first-cla.s.s."

=Boletus retipes= B. & C.--This species was first collected in North Carolina by Curtis, and described by Berkeley. It has since been reported from Ohio, Wisconsin, and New England (Peck, Boleti of the U.

S.). Peck reported it from New York in the 23d Report, N. Y. State Mus., p. 132. Later he recognized the New York plant as a new species which he called _B. ornatipes_ (29th Report, N. Y. State Mus., p. 67). I collected the species in the mountains of North Carolina, at Blowing Rock, in August, 1888. During the latter part of August and in September, 1899, I had an opportunity of seeing quite a large number of specimens in the same locality, for it is not uncommon there, and two specimens were photographed and are represented here in Fig. 167. The original description published in Grevillea =1=: 36, should be modified, especially in regard to the size of the plant, its habit, and the pulverulent condition of the pileus. The plants are 6--15 cm. high, the cap 5--10 cm. broad, and the stem 0.5--1.5 cm. in thickness.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 58, FIGURE 166.--Boletus felleus. Cap light brown, tubes flesh color, stem in this specimen entirely reticulate (natural size, often larger). Copyright.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGURE 167.--Boletus retipes. Cap yellowish brown, to olive-brown or nearly black, stem yellow, beautifully reticulate, tubes yellow (natural size). Copyright.]

The =pileus= is convex, thick, soft and somewhat spongy, especially in large plants. The cap is dry and sometimes, especially when young, it is powdery; at other times, and in a majority of cases according to my observations, it is not powdery. It is smooth or minutely tomentose, sometimes the surface cracked into small patches, but usually even. The color varies greatly between yellowish brown to olive brown, fuliginous or nearly black. The =tubes= are yellow, adnate, the tube surface plane or convex. The spores are yellowish or ochraceous, varying somewhat in tint in different specimens. The =stem= is yellow, yellow also within, and beautifully reticulate, usually to the base, but sometimes only toward the apex. It is usually more strongly reticulate over the upper half. The stem is erect or ascending.

The plant grows in woods, in leaf mold or in places. It is usually single, that is, so far as my observations have gone at Blowing Rock. Berkeley and Curtis report it as cespitose. I have never seen it cespitose, never more than two specimens growing near each other.

=Boletus ornatipes= Pk., does not seem to be essentially different from _B. retipes_. Peck says (Boleti U. S., p. 126) that "the tufted mode of growth, the pulverulent pileus and paler spores separate this species"

(_retipes_) "from the preceding one" (_ornatipes_). Inasmuch as I have never found _B. retipes_ tufted, and the fact that the pileus is not always pulverulent (the majority of specimens I collected were not), and since the tint of the spores varies as it does in some other species, the evidence is strong that the two names represent two different habits of the same species. The tufted habit of the plants collected by Curtis, or at least described by Berkeley, would seem to be a rather unusual condition for this species, and this would account for the smaller size given to the plants in the original description, where the pileus does not exceed 5 cm. in diameter, and the stem is only 5 cm. long, and 6--12 mm. in thickness. Plants which normally occur singly do on some occasions occur tufted, and then the habit as well as the size of the plant is often changed.

A good ill.u.s.tration of this I found in the case of _Boletus edulis_ during my stay in the North Carolina mountains. The plant usually occurs singly and more or less scattered. I found one case where there were 6--8 plants in a tuft, the caps were smaller and the stems in this case considerably longer than in normal specimens. A plant which agrees with the North Carolina specimens I have collected at Ithaca, and so I judge that _B. retipes_ occurs in New York.

=Boletus chromapes= Frost.--This is a pretty boletus, and has been reported from New England and from New York State. During the summer of 1899 it was quite common in the Blue Ridge mountains, North Carolina.

The plant grows on the ground in woods. It is 6--10 cm. high, the cap is 5--10 cm. in diameter, and the stem is 8--12 mm. in thickness. It is known by the yellowish stem covered with reddish glandular dots.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 59, FIGURE 168.--Boletus chromapes. Cap pale red, rose or pink, tubes flesh color, then brown, stem yellowish either above or below, the surface with reddish or pinkish dots (natural size).


The =pileus= is convex to nearly expanded, pale red, rose pink to vinaceous pink in color, and sometimes slightly tomentose. The flesh is white, and does not change when cut or bruised. The =tube= surface is convex, and the tubes are attached slightly to the stem, or free.

They are white, then flesh color, and in age become brown. The =stem= is even, or it tapers slightly upward, straight or ascending, whitish or yellow above, or below, sometimes yellowish the entire length. The flesh is also yellowish, especially at the base. The entire surface is marked with reddish or pinkish dots.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 60, FIGURE 169.--Boletus vermiculosus. Cap brown to gray or buff; tubes yellowish with reddish brown mouths; flesh quickly changes to blue where wounded (natural size, sometimes larger).


Figure 168 is from plants (No. 4085 C. U. herbarium) collected at Blowing Rock, N. C., during September, 1899.

=Boletus vermiculosus= Pk.--This species was named _B. vermiculosus_ because it is sometimes very "wormy." This is not always the case, however. It grows in woods on the ground, in the Eastern United States.

It is from 6--12 cm. high, the cap from 7--12 cm. broad, and the stem 1--2 cm. in thickness.

The =pileus= is thick, convex, firm, smooth, and varies in color from brown to yellowish brown, or drab gray to buff, and is minutely tomentose. The flesh quickly changes to blue where wounded, and the bruised portion, sometimes, changing to yellowish. The =tubes= are yellowish, with reddish-brown mouths, the tube surface being rounded, free or nearly so, and the tubes changing to blue where wounded. The =stem= is paler than the pileus, often dotted with short, small, dark tufts below, and above near the tubes abruptly paler, and sometimes the two colors separated by a brownish line. The stem is not reticulated.

Figure 169 is from a photograph of plants (No. 4132 C. U. herbarium) collected at Blowing Rock, N. C., during September, 1899.

=Boletus obsonium= (Paul.) Fr.--This species was not uncommon in the woods at Blowing Rock, N. C., during the latter part of August and during September, 1899. It grows on the ground, the plants usually appearing singly. It is from 10--15 cm. high, the cap 8--13 cm. broad, and the stem 1--2 cm. in thickness, considerably broader at the base than at the apex.

The =pileus= is convex to expanded, vinaceous cinnamon, to pinkish vinaceous or hazel in color. It is soft, slightly tomentose, and when old the surface frequently cracks into fine patches showing the pink flesh beneath. The thin margin extends slightly beyond the tubes, so that it is sterile. The flesh does not change color on exposure to the air. The =tubes= are plane, adnate, very slightly depressed around the stem or nearly free, yellowish white when young, becoming dark olive green in age from the color of the spores. The tube mouths are small and rotund. The =spores= caught on white paper are dark olive green. They are elliptical usually, with rounded ends, 12--15 4--5 . The =stem= is white when young, with a tinge of yellow ochre, and pale flesh color below. It is marked with somewhat parallel elevated lines, or rugae below, where it is enlarged and nearly bulbous. In age it becomes flesh color the entire length and is more plainly striate rugose with a yellowish tinge at the base. The stem tapers gradually and strongly from the base to the apex, so that it often appears long conic.

The plant is often badly eaten by snails, so that it is sometimes difficult to obtain perfect specimens. Figure 170 is from a photograph of plants (No. 4092 C. U. herbarium) from Blowing Rock, N. C.

=Boletus america.n.u.s= Pk.--This species occurs in woods and open places, growing on the ground in wet weather. It occurs singly or cl.u.s.tered, sometimes two or three joined by their bases, but usually more scattered. It is usually found under or near pine trees. The plant is 3--6 cm. high, the cap 2--7 cm. broad, and the stem is 4--8 mm. in thickness. It is very slimy in wet weather, the cap is yellow, streaked or spotted with faint red, and the stem is covered with numerous brown or reddish brown dots.

The =pileus= is rounded, then convex, becoming nearly expanded and sometimes with an umbo. It is soft, very slimy or viscid when moist, yellow. When young the surface gluten is often mixed with loose threads, more abundant on the margin, and continuous with the veil, which can only be seen in the very young stage. As the pileus expands the margin is sometimes scaly from remnants of the veil and of loose hairs on the surface. The cap loses its bright color as it ages, and is then sometimes streaked or spotted with red. The =tube= surface is nearly plane, and the tubes join squarely against the stem. The tubes are rather large, angular, yellowish, becoming dull ochraceous. The =stem= is nearly equal, yellow, and covered with numerous brownish or reddish brown glandular dots. No ring is present.

This species grows in the same situations as the _B. granulatus_, sometimes both species are common over the same area. Figure 171 is from plants (No. 3991 C. U. herbarium) collected at Blowing Rock, N. C., September, 1899. The species is closely related to _B. flavidus_ Fr., and according to some it is identical with it.

=Boletus granulatus= L. =Edible.=--This species is one of the very common and widely distributed ones. It grows in woods and open places on the ground. Like _B. america.n.u.s_, it is usually found under or near pines. It occurs during the summer and autumn, sometimes appearing very late in the season. The plants are 3--6 cm. high, the cap is 4--10 cm.

broad, and the stem is 8--12 mm. in thickness. The plants usually are cl.u.s.tered, though not often very crowded.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE 61, FIGURE 170.--Boletus obsonium. Cap cinnamon to pink or hazel in color, slightly tomentose; stem white, then pale flesh color (natural size). Copyright.]

The =pileus= is convex to nearly expanded, flat. When moist it is very viscid and reddish brown, paler and yellowish when it is dry, but very variable in color, pink, red, yellow, tawny, and brown shades. The flesh is pale yellow. The =tubes= are joined squarely to the stem, short, yellowish, and the edges of the tubes, that is, at the open end (often called the mouth), are dotted or granulated. The =stem= is dotted in the same way above. The =spores= in ma.s.s are pale yellow; singly they are spindle-shaped.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGURE 171.--Boletus america.n.u.s. Cap slimy, yellow, sometimes with reddish spots, tubes yellowish (natural size).


The species is edible, though some say it should be regarded with suspicion. Peck has tried it, and I have eaten it, but the viscid character of the plant did not make it a relish for me. There are several species closely related to the granulated Boletus. _B. brevipes_ Pk., is one chiefly distinguished by the short stem, which entirely lacks the glandular dots. It grows in sandy soil, in pine groves and in woods.

=Boletus punctipes= Pk.--This species has been reported from New York State by Peck. During September, 1899, I found it quite common in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina, at an elevation of between 4000 and 5000 feet. It grows on the ground in mixed woods. The plants are 5--8 cm. high, the caps 5--7 cm. broad, and the stem 6--10 mm. in thickness.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGURE 172.--Boletus punctipes. Cap viscid when moist, reddish brown, pink, yellow, tawny, etc., tubes yellowish, stem dark punctate (natural size). Copyright.]

The =pileus= is convex, sometimes becoming nearly plane, and it is quite thick in the center, more so than the granulated boletus, while the margin is thin, and when young with a minute gray powder. The margin often becomes upturned when old; the cap is viscid when moist, dull yellow. The =tubes= are short, their lower surface plane, and they are set squarely against the stem. They are small, the mouths rounded, brownish, then dull ochraceous, and dotted with glandules. The =stem= is rather long, proportionately more so than in the granulated boletus. It distinctly tapers upwards, is "rhubarb yellow," and dotted with glandules. This character of the stem suggested the name of the species.

The =spores= are 8--10 4--5 . Figure 172 is from plants (No. 4067 C.

U. herbarium) collected at Blowing Rock, N. C. It is closely related to _B. granulatus_ and by some is considered the same.

=Boletus luteus= Linn. (_B. subluteus_ Pk.) This species is widely distributed in Europe and America, and grows in sandy soil, in pine or mixed woods or groves. The plants are 5--8 cm. high, the cap 3--12 cm.

in diameter, and the stem 6--10 mm. in thickness. The general color is dull brown or yellowish brown, and the plants are slimy in moist weather, the stem and tubes more or less dotted with dark points. These characters vary greatly under different conditions, and the fact has led to some confusion in the discrimination of species.

Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc. Part 19

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