The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 13
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_Value at _Value at point of mine 1915_ _Quant.i.ty_ production, 1915_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ton (2,000 pounds) |(1,500 pounds smokeless fuel $5.00[2]
bituminous coal |(10,000 cubic feet gas, at contains $1.13 | 90c. per 1,000 9.00[3]
|(22 pounds ammonium sulphate at 2.8c. .61 |(2-1/2 gallons benzol, at 30c. .75[4]
|(9 gallons tar, at 2.6c. .23[4]
Total $1.13[5]| $15.59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Gilbert, Chester G., and Pogue, Joseph E., The energy resources of the United States--A field for reconstruction: _Bull. 102, U. S.
National Museum_, vol. 1, 1919, p. 11.
2: Figure based upon approximate selling price of anthracite.
3: Figure based upon average price of city gas.
4: These figures would be much higher if an adequate coal products industry were in existence.
5: This figure shows clearly that lowering the cost of production cannot be expected to lower the price of coal. Even if the cost of production were eliminated, the price of coal would merely be a dollar less.
=Cla.s.sification of coals.= The accurate naming and cla.s.sification of different varieties of coal is not an easy matter. The three main,--anthracite, bituminous, and lignite,--have group characteristics determined by their composition, color, texture, origin, and uses, and for general purposes these names have reasonably definite significance. However, there is complete gradation in coal materials from peat through lignite to bituminous and anthracite coals; many varieties fall near the border lines of the main groups, and their specific naming then becomes difficult. In addition, coal is made up of several substances which vary unequally in their proportions. It is difficult to arrange all of these variables in a graded series in such a fas.h.i.+on as to permit of precise naming of the coal. Furthermore, the scientific naming of a coal may not serve the purpose of discriminating coals used for different commercial purposes. Even the commercial names vary among themselves, depending on the use for which the coal is being considered.
Thus it is that the naming and cla.s.sification of coals is a perennial source of difficulty and controversy. The earliest and most widely used cla.s.sification is based on the ratio between fixed (or non-volatile) carbon and volatile const.i.tuents, called the "fuel ratio." For this purpose "proximate" a.n.a.lyses of coal are made, in terms of fixed carbon, volatile matter, moisture, ash, and sulphur. Anthracite has a higher fuel ratio than bituminous coal; that is, it has more fixed carbon in relation to volatile matter. Similarly bituminous coal has a higher fuel ratio than lignite. The fuel ratio measures roughly the heat or calorific power of the coal, in other words, its fuel value. However, some bituminous coals have a higher calorific power than some anthracites, because a large part of their volatile matter is combustible and yields more heat than the corresponding weight of fixed carbon in the anthracite. The fuel ratio pretty well discriminates coals of the higher ranks, and gives a cla.s.sification corresponding roughly with their commercial uses. For the lower ranks of coal it is not so satisfactory, because the volatile const.i.tuents of such coals contain large and varying percentages of non-combustible hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Also such coals contain larger and more variable amounts of moisture, which is inert to combustion and requires heat for its evaporation. Two coals of the lower ranks with the same fuel ratio may have very different fuel qualities and different commercial uses, because of their different amounts of inert volatile matter and of water. For these coals it is sometimes desirable to supplement the chemical cla.s.sification by physical criteria. For instance, subbituminous coal may be distinguished from lignite, not by its fuel ratio alone, but by its s.h.i.+ny, black appearance as contrasted with the dull, woody appearance of lignite. Bituminous may be distinguished from subbituminous by the manner of weathering. Other cla.s.sifications have attempted to recognize these difficulties and still maintain a purely chemical basis by considering separately the combustible and non-combustible volatile const.i.tuents. For this purpose, it is necessary to have not merely approximate a.n.a.lyses, but the ultimate a.n.a.lyses in terms of elements.
Definitions of the kinds of coal by Campbell,[18] of the United States Geological Survey, are as follows:
_Anthracite._ Anthracite is generally well known and may be defined as a hard coal having a fuel ratio (fixed carbon divided by the volatile matter) of not more than 50 or 60 and not less than 10.
_Semianthracite._ Semianthracite is also a hard coal, but it is not so hard as true anthracite. It is high in fixed carbon, but not so high as anthracite. It may be defined as a hard coal having a fuel ratio ranging from 6 to 10. The lower limit is uncertain, as it is difficult to say where the line should be drawn to separate "hard" from "soft" coal and at the same time to divide the two ranks according to their fuel ratio.
_Semibituminous._ The name "semibituminous" is exceedingly unfortunate, as literally it implies that this coal is half the rank of bituminous, whereas it is applied to a kind of coal that is of higher rank than bituminous--really superbituminous. Semibituminous coal may be defined as coal having a fuel ratio ranging from 3 to 7. Its relatively high percentage of fixed carbon makes it nearly smokeless when it is burned properly, and consequently most of these coals go into the market as "smokeless coals."
_Bituminous._ The term "bituminous," as generally understood, is applied to a group of coals having a maximum fuel ratio of about 3, and hence it is a kind of coal in which the volatile matter and the fixed carbon are nearly equal; but this criterion cannot be used without qualification, for the same statement might be made of subbituminous coal and lignite. As noted before, the distinguis.h.i.+ng feature which serves to separate bituminous coal from coals of lower rank is the manner in which it is affected by weathering.
_Subbituminous._ The term "subbituminous" is adopted by the Geological Survey for what has generally been called "black lignite," a term that is objectionable because the coal is not lignitic in the sense of being distinctly woody, and because the use of the term seems to imply that this coal is little better than the brown, woody lignite of North Dakota, whereas many coals of this rank approach in excellence the lowest grade of bituminous coal. Subbituminous coal is generally distinguishable from lignite by its black color and its apparent freedom from distinctly woody texture and structure, and from bituminous coal by its loss of moisture and the consequent breaking down of "slacking" that it undergoes when subjected to alternate wetting and drying.
_Lignite._ The term "lignite," as used by the Geological Survey, is restricted to those coals which are distinctly brown and either markedly woody or claylike in their appearance. They are intermediate in quality and in development between peat and subbituminous coal.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 5. Diagrams showing the chemical composition and heat efficiency of the several ranks of coal. Upper diagram: Comparative heat value of the samples of coal represented in the lower diagram, computed on the ash-free basis. Lower diagram: Variation in the fixed carbon, volatile matter, and moisture of coals of different ranks, from lignite to anthracite, computed on samples as received, on the ash-free basis. After Campbell.]
Geologic features of coal may be conveniently described in terms of origin or genesis. Coal has essential features in common with asphalt, oil, and gas. They are all composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with minor quant.i.ties of other materials, combined in various proportions. They are all "organic" products which owe their origin to the decay of the tissues of plants and perhaps animals. They have all been buried with other rocks beneath the surface. The common geologic processes affecting all rocks have in the main determined the evolution of these organic products and the forms in which we now find them.
Originating at the surface, they have partic.i.p.ated in the constructive or anamorphic changes of the metamorphic cycle, which occur beneath the surface, and under these influences have undergone various stages of condensation, refinement, distillation, and hardening.
All stages in the development of coal have been traced. In brief, the story is this:
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 6. Origin and development of coal. After Gilbert.]
This exhibit shows the successive chemical stages in the evolution of coal. The striking qualities of the original are lost in the reproduction through the use of designs in the place of realistic coloring, but the effect is retained sufficiently to indicate the nature of the sequence and the directness with which it leads back to an origin in vegetal acc.u.mulations. The evolutionary process is seen to take the form of increasing density through the progressive expulsion of volatilizable matters in the course of geologic time. This inference is substantiated beyond reasonable question by the actual presence of organic remains in coal beds., trees, and other plants growing in swamps and bogs decay and form a vegetable mold in the nature of _peat_. A peat bog from the top downward consists of (1) living plants, (2) dead plants, and (3) a dense brownish-black ma.s.s, of decayed and condensed vegetable material, in which the vegetable structure is more or less indistinct. Peat consists chiefly of fixed carbon and volatile matter, also of sulphur, moisture, and ash. The volatile matter consists mainly of various combinations of hydrogen and carbon, called hydrocarbons; it goes off in gas or smoke when the peat is heated to a red heat. The fixed carbon is the carbon left after the volatile matter has been driven off. The ash represents the more incombustible mineral matter, usually of the nature of clay or slate. The moisture in peat may be as high as 90 per cent.
The essential condition for thick acc.u.mulation of peat seems to be abundance of moisture, which favors luxuriant growth and protects the plant remains from complete oxidation or decay. Without moisture the vegetable material would completely oxidize, leaving practically no residue, as it does in dry climates. For the formation of thick peat beds, there seems to be implied some sort of a balance between the slow building up of organic acc.u.mulations and the settling of the area to keep it near the elevation of the water table. Present day bog deposits are known in some cases to have a thickness of forty feet. This thickness is not enough to account for some of the great coal seams within the earth; but there seems to be no escape from the conclusion that the same sort of deposits, formed on a larger scale in the past, were the first step in the formation of the coal seams. Flat, swampy coastal plains are believed to furnish the best conditions for thick acc.u.mulation of peat. There is good evidence that most of the deposits acc.u.mulate essentially in place, without appreciable transportation.
In time these surface acc.u.mulations of vegetable material may subside and be buried under clay, sand, or other rock materials. The processes of condensation begun in the peat bog are then carried further. They result in the second stage of coal formation, that of _lignite_ or _brown coal_. This is brown, woody in texture, and has a brown streak.
It has a higher percentage of fixed carbon, and less volatile matter and water, than peat.
Continuation of the processes of induration produces _subbituminous coal_, or _black lignite_, which is usually black and sometimes has a fairly bright l.u.s.ter. It is sometimes distinguished from bituminous coal, where weathered or dried, by the manner in which it checks irregularly or splits parallel to the bedding,--the characteristic feature of bituminous coal being columnar fracture.
The next stage in coal formation is _bituminous coal_. It has greater density than the lignites or subbituminous coals, is black, more brittle, and breaks with a cubical or conchoidal fracture. It is higher in fixed carbon, lower in volatile matter and water. A variety of bituminous coal, called _cannel coal_, is characterized by an unusually high percentage of volatile matter, which causes it to ignite easily.
This material has a dull l.u.s.ter and a conchoidal fracture. It is composed almost entirely of the spores and spore cases, which are resinous or waxy products, of such plants as lived in the parent coal swamp.
There are gradations from bituminous coal into _anthracite coal_.
_Semibituminous_ and _semianthracite_ are names used to some extent for these intermediate varieties. The final stage of coal formation is anthracite,--hard, brittle, black, with high l.u.s.ter and conchoidal fracture. It has a higher percentage of fixed carbon and correspondingly less of the volatile const.i.tuents, than any of the other coals.
The coals form a completely graded series from peat to the hard anthracite. Comparison of the compositions of the coal materials at different stages shows clearly what has happened. Moisture has diminished, certain volatile hydrocarbons have been eliminated as gases, and oxygen has decreased. On the other hand, the residual fixed carbon, sulphur, and usually ash, have remained in higher percentage. This change in composition is graphically represented in Figure 6.
During this process volume has been progressively reduced and density increased. Five feet of wood or plant may produce about one foot of bituminous coal, or six-tenths of a foot of anthracite.
The exact physical conditions in the earth which determine the progressive changes in coals, above outlined, cannot be fully specified.
Time is one of the factors--the longer the time, the greater the opportunity for accomplis.h.i.+ng these results. Another factor is undoubtedly pressure, due to the weight of overlying sediments, or to earth movements. In peat condensational changes of this nature are accomplished artificially by the pressure of briquetting machines.
Another factor is believed to be the heat developed by earth movements and vulcanism, which presumably facilitates the elimination of volatile materials, and thus accelerates the gradational changes above described. This is suggested by the fact that in places where hot volcanic lavas have gone through coal beds they have locally produced coals of anthracitic and varieties. In general, however, it has not been possible to determine the degree to which heat has been responsible for the changes. Coals which have been developed in different localities, under what seem to be much the same heat conditions, may show quite different degrees of progress toward the anthracite stage. Another factor that has been suggested as possibly contributing to the change, is the degree of permeability of the rocks overlying the coal to the volatile materials which escape from the coal during its refinement. It is argued that in areas of folding or of brittle rock where the cover is cracked, volatile gases have a better chance to escape, and that the change toward anthracite is likely to advance further here than elsewhere.
Bacterial action is an important factor in the earlier stages, in the partial decay of vegetable matter to form peat; acc.u.mulation of waste products from this action, however, appears to inhibit further bacterial activity.
Coal deposits have the primary shapes of sedimentary beds. They are ordinarily thin and tabular, and broadly lenticular,--on true scale being like sheets of thin paper. At a maximum they seldom run over 100 feet in thickness, and they average less than 10 feet. Seldom is a workable coal bed entirely alone; there are likely to be several superposed and overlapping seams of coal, separated by sandstones, shales, or other rocks. In Illinois and Indiana there are nine workable coal seams, in Pennsylvania in some places about twenty, and in Wales there are over one hundred, many of which are worked. Some of the seams are of very limited extent; others are remarkably persistent, one seam in Pennsylvania having an average thickness of 6 to 10 feet over about 6,000 square miles of its area. Only 2 per cent of the coal-bearing measures of the eastern United States is actually coal.
Even where not subsequently disturbed by deformation, coal beds are not free from structural irregularity. They are originally deposited in variable thicknesses on irregular surfaces. During their consolidation there is a great reduction of volume, resulting in minor faults and folds. Subsequent deformation by earth forces may develop further faults and folds, with the result that the convolutions of a coal bed may be very complex. The beds of a coal-bearing series are usually of differing thickness and competency, and as a consequence they do not take the same forms under folding. Shearing between the beds may result in an intricate outline for one bed, while the beds above and below may have much more simple outlines. In short, the following of a coal seam requires at almost every stage the application of principles of structural geology. It is obvious, also, that the identification and location of sedimentary geologic horizons are essential, and hence the application of principles of stratigraphy.
The folios of the United States Geological Survey on coal-bearing areas present highly developed methods of mapping and representing the geologic features of coal beds. On the surface map are indicated the topography, the geologic horizons, and the lines of outcrop of the coal seams. In addition, there are indicated the sub-surface contours of one or more of the coal seams which are selected as datum horizons. The sub-surface structure, even though complex, can be readily read from one of these surface maps. With the addition of suitable cross sections and comparative columnar sections, the story is made complete. In the study of the occurrence of coal seams, the reader cannot do better than familiarize himself with one or more of the Geological Survey folios.
The high-grade coals of the eastern and central United States are found in rocks of Carboniferous age. The very name Carboniferous originated in the fact that the rocks of this geologic period contain productive coal beds in so many parts of the world. The coal measures of Great Britain, of Germany, Belgium, and northern France, of Russia, and the largest coal beds of China are all of Carboniferous age. Deposits of this period include the bulk of the world's anthracite and high-grade bituminous coal. Coal deposits of more recent age are numerous, but in general they have had less time in which to undergo the processes of condensation and refinement, and hence their general grade is lower. In the western United States there are great quant.i.ties of subbituminous coal of Cretaceous age, and of Tertiary lignites which have locally been converted by mountain upbuilding into bituminous and semibituminous coals. Jura.s.sic coals are known in many parts of the world outside of North America, and lignites of Tertiary age are widely distributed through Asia and Europe.
Petroleum is second only to coal as an energy resource. The rapid acceleration in demand from the automobile industry and in the use of fuel oil for power seems to be limited only by the amounts of raw material available.
=Production and reserves.= The distribution by countries of the present annual production of petroleum, the past total production, and the estimated reserves, is indicated in terms of percentages of the world's total in the table[19] on the opposite page.
This table indicates the great dominance of the United States both in present and past production of petroleum, as well as the concentration of the industry in a few countries. In addition the United States controls much of the Mexican production as well as production in other parts of the world, making its total control of production at least 70 per cent. of the world's total. Notwithstanding its large domestic production, the United States has recently consumed more oil than it produces. Imports of crude oil are about balanced by exports of kerosene, fuel oils, lubricants, etc. The per capita consumption of petroleum in the United States is said to be twenty times greater than in England. On the other hand, the remaining producers consume far less than they produce, the excess being exported.
The oil from the United States, Russia, the Dutch East Indies, India, Roumania, and Galicia is for the most part treated at refineries near the source of supply or at tidewater, and exports consist of refined products. The Mexican oil is largely exported in crude form to the United States though increasing quant.i.ties are being refined within Mexico.
The figures shown in the table for oil reserves are of course the roughest approximations, particularly for some of the less explored countries. However, they are compiled from the best available sources and may serve at least to show the apparent relative positions of the different countries at this time. Further exploration is likely to change the percentages and add very greatly to the totals. The significant feature of these figures is the contrast which they indicate between distribution of reserves and distribution of past production.
Particularly do they show that the reserves of the United States, which are more closely estimated than those of any other country, are in a far lower ratio to past production than are the reserves in other countries.
It was estimated in 1920 that about 40 per cent of the United States reserves are exhausted.[20]
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