The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 17
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With ores, as with merchandise, custom and sentiment play their part,--with the result that two ores of identical grade mineralogically and chemically may have quite a different vogue and price, simply because of the fact that furnace men are used to one and not to the other and are not willing to experiment.
The geologist is ordinarily concerned merely with finding an ore of as good a general grade as possible; but he often finds to his surprise that his efforts have been directed toward the discovery of something which, due to some minor defect in texture, in mineralogical composition, or in chemical composition, is difficult to introduce on the market. There is here a promising field, intermediate between geology (or mineralogy) and metallurgy, for the application of principles of chemistry, metallurgy, and mineralogy, which is occupied at the present time mainly by the ore salesman. Both the mineralogist and metallurgist touch the problem but they do not cover it. With increasingly precise and rapidly changing metallurgical requirements, this field calls for scientific development.
=Geographic distribution of iron ore production.= Iron ores are widely distributed over the world, but are produced and smelted on a large scale only in a few places where there is a fortunate conjunction of high grades, large quant.i.ty, proximity of coal, cheap transportation to markets, and manufacturing enterprise. Over 90 per cent of the iron ore production of the world is in countries bordering the North Atlantic basin. The United States produces about 40 per cent, France about 12 per cent, England about 10 per cent, Germany before the war 15 to 20 per cent, and Spain, Russia, and Sweden each about 5 per cent. Lesser producing countries are Luxemburg, Austria-Hungary, Cuba, Newfoundland, and Algeria; and insignificant amounts are produced in many other parts of the world. Of the world's iron and steel manufacturing capacity, the United States has about 53 per cent, Germany 16 per cent, England 14 per cent, France 10 per cent, the remainder of Europe (chiefly Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Belgium) 7 per cent. The absence of important iron ore production and of iron and steel manufacture either in the southern hemisphere or in any of the countries bordering the Pacific is a significant feature, when we remember what part iron plays in modern civilization. j.a.pan, however, is beginning to develop a considerable iron and steel industry, which promises to use a large amount of ore from China, Manchuria, and Korea, and possibly to compete in American Pacific Coast markets.
In the United States about 85 per cent of the production, or one-third of the world's production, comes from the Lake Superior region, a large part of the remainder from the Birmingham district, Alabama, and smaller quant.i.ties from the Adirondacks. For the rest of the North American continent, the only largely producing deposit is that at Belle Isle, Newfoundland, which is the basis of the iron industry of eastern Canada.
Cuba supplies some ore to the east coast of the United States.
In Europe there are only three large sources of high-grade iron ore which have heretofore been drawn on largely,--the magnet.i.te deposits of northern Sweden, the hemat.i.tes and siderites of the Bilbao and adjacent districts of northern Spain, and the magnet.i.te-hemat.i.te deposits of southern Russia. The first two of these ores have been used to raise the percentage of iron in the low-grade ores which are the reliance of western Europe. The Swedish ores have also been necessary in order to raise the percentage of phosphorus and thus make the ores suitable for the Thomas process; on the other hand the Spanish ores and a small part of the Swedish material have been desired because of their low phosphorus content, adapted to the acid Bessemer process and to the manufacture of low-phosphorus pig. The Russian ores have largely been smelted in that country.
The largest of the western European low-grade deposits is a geographic and geologic unit spreading over parts of Lorraine, Luxemburg, and the immediately adjacent Briey, Longwy, and Nancy districts of France. The ores of this region are called "minette" ores. This unit produces about a fourth of the world's iron ore. Low-grade deposits of a somewhat similar nature in the Cleveland, Lincolns.h.i.+re, and adjacent districts of England form the main basis for the British industry. There is minor production of iron ores in other parts of France and Germany, in Austria-Hungary, and in North Africa (these last being important because of their low phosphorus content).
Comparison of figures of consumption and production of iron ores indicates that the United States, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary are self-supporting so far as quant.i.ty of materials is concerned.
Certain ores of special grades, and ores of other minerals of the ferro-alloy group required in steel making, however, must be imported from foreign sources; this matter has been discussed above. Great Britain and Germany appear to be dependent on foreign sources, even under pre-war conditions, for part of the material for their furnaces.
During the war there was considerable development of the low-grade English ores, but this does not eliminate the necessity for importing high-grade ores for mixture. Belgium produces a very small percentage of her ore requirements and is practically dependent on the Lorraine-Luxemburg field.
The effect of the war on iron ore production was the occupation of the great French mining and smelting field by the Germans, thereby depriving the French of their largest source of iron ore. Since the war the situation has been reversed, France now possessing the Lorraine field, which formerly supplied Germany with 70 per cent of its iron ore. As the German industrial life is largely based on iron and steel manufacture, the problem of ore supplies for Germany is now a critical one. It has led to German activity in Chile and may lead to German developments in eastern Europe and western Asia, particularly in the large and favorably located reserves of southern Russia. It seems likely, however, that arrangements will also be made to continue the export of ore from the Lorraine field down the Rhine to the German smelting centers. France needs the German coal for c.o.king as badly as Germany needs the French iron ore. The Rhine valley is the connecting channel for a balanced movement of commodities determined by the natural conditions. These basic conditions are likely in the long run to override political considerations.
The Lake Superior deposits, the Swedish magnet.i.tes, the Spanish hemat.i.tes, and the Russian ores carry 50 to 65 per cent of metallic iron. The Birmingham deposits of southeastern United States, the main British supplies, and the main French and German supplies contain about 35 per cent or less. It is only where ores are fortunately located with reference to consuming centers that the low-grade deposits can be used.
For outlying territories only the higher-grade deposits are likely to be developed, and even there many high-grade deposits are known which are not mined. The largest single group not yet drawn on is in Brazil.
Others in a very early stage of development are in North Africa and Chile.
=World reserves and future production of iron ore.= The average rate of consumption of iron ore for the world in recent years has been about 170 million tons per year. At this rate the proved ore reserves would last about 180 years. If it be a.s.sumed that consumption in the future will increase at about the same rate as it has in the past, the total measured reserve would still last about a century. These calculations of life, however, are based only on the known reserves; and when potential reserves are included the life is greatly increased. And this is not all; for beyond the total reported reserves (both actual and potential), there are known additional large quant.i.ties of lower-grade ores, at present not commercially available, but which will be available in the future,--to say nothing of expected future discoveries of ores of all grades in unexplored territories. Both geological inference and the history of iron ore exploration seem to make such future discoveries practically certain. Iron ore const.i.tutes about 4 per cent of the earth's sh.e.l.l and it shows all stages of concentration up to 70 per cent. Only those rocks are called "iron ores" which have a sufficiently high percentage of iron to be adapted to present processes for the extraction of iron. When economic conditions demand it, it may be a.s.sumed that iron-bearing rocks not now ordinarily regarded as ores may be used to commercial advantage, and therefore will become ores.
Not only is an indefinitely long life a.s.sured for iron ore reserves as a whole, but the same is true of many of the groups of deposits.
The question of practical concern to us, therefore, is not one of total iron ore reserves, but one of degrees of _availability_ of different ores to the markets which focus our requirements for iron.
The annual production of ore from a given district is roughly a measure of that ore's ability to meet the compet.i.tive market, and therefore, of its actual immediate or past availability. Annual production is the net result of the interaction of all of the factors bearing on availability.
It may be argued that there are ores known and not yet mined which are also immediately available. On the whole, they seem to be less available than ores actually being produced; otherwise general economic pressure would require their use and actual production.
In considering the future availability of iron ores, it is obvious that tables of past production afford only a partial basis for prediction.
Presumably districts which have produced largely in the past may be expected to continue as important factors. In these cases production has demonstrated availability. Continued heavy production may thus be expected from the ores of the Lake Superior region, from the Clinton hemat.i.tes of Alabama, from the ores of the Lorraine-Luxemburg-Briey district, from the Cleveland ores of England, from the Bilbao ores of Spain, from the high-grade magnet.i.tes of northern Sweden, and (a.s.suming political stability) from the ores of southern Russia.
Similarly, also, recent increases in production from certain districts are probably significant of increased use of such ores in the future.
Among these developments are the increasing production of Swedish ores and their importation into England and Germany, and the increasing use of Clinton hemat.i.tes and Adirondack magnet.i.tes in the United States.
Low-grade ores from the great reserves of Cuba are being mined and brought to the east coast of the United States in increasing amounts, and it is highly probable that they will take a larger share of the market. A similar project in Chile, which lay dormant during the war because of restricted s.h.i.+pping facilities, is expected in the near future to yield important s.h.i.+pments to the United States. In none of these cases will production be limited in the near future by ore reserves. Increased production and use of iron ores are also to be looked for in Newfoundland, North Africa, China, India, Australia, and South Africa.
On the commercial horizon are ores of still newer districts, the availability of which may not be read from tables of production. Their availability must be determined by a.n.a.lysis and measurement of the factors entering into availability. Availability of iron ore is determined by percentage of iron, percentages of impurities, percentages of advantageous or deleterious minor const.i.tuents, physical texture, conditions for profitable mining, adaptability to present furnace practice, distance from consuming centers, conditions and costs of transportation, geographical and transportational relation to the coal and fluxes necessary for smelting, trade relations, tariffs and taxes, inertia of invested capital, and other considerations. All of these factors are variable. A comparison of ores on the basis of any one of these factors or of any two or three of them is likely to be misleading.
A comparison based on the quant.i.tative consideration of all of the several factors seems to be made practically impossible by the difficulty of ascertaining accurately the quant.i.tative range and importance of each factor, and by the difficulty of integrating all of the factors even if they should be determined. However, their combined effect is expressed in the cost of bringing the product to market; and comparison of costs furnishes a means of comparing availability of ores.
A high-grade ore, cheaply mined and favorably located with reference to the points of demand, will command a relatively high price at the point of production. The same ore so located that its transportation costs are higher will command a lower price; or it may be so located that the costs of mining and bringing it to places where it can be used are so high that there is no profit in the operation. There are known high-grade iron ores which, because of cost, are not available under present conditions.
The availability of an ore, then, depends on its relation to a market,--whether, after meeting the cost of transportation, it can be sold at prevailing market prices at the consuming centers, and can still leave a fair margin of profit for the mining operation. The price equilibrium between consuming centers affords a reasonably uniform basis against which to measure availability of ores.
Figures of cost are obtainable as a basis for comparison of availability of iron ores of certain of the districts, but not enough are at hand for comparison of the ores of all districts. Careful study of costs has demonstrated the availability in the near future of the Brazilian high-grade Bessemer hemat.i.tes; and projects which are now under way for exportation to England and the United States will doubtless make this enormous reserve play an important part in the iron industry. Iron ore is known but not yet mined in many parts of the western United States and western Canada. With the increasing population along the west coast of North America, projects for smelting the ore there are becoming more definite. Establishment of smelters on the west coast would make available a large reserve of ore (see also, however, p. 155).
The list of changes now under way or highly probable for the future might be largely extended. The use of iron and steel is rapidly spreading through populous parts of the world which have heretofore demanded little of these products. This increased use is favoring the development of local centers of smelting, which will make available other large reserves of iron ore. The growth of smelting in India, China and Australia ill.u.s.trates this tendency.
Iron ore reserves are so large, so varied, and so widely distributed over the globe, that they will supply demands upon them to the remote future. Reserves become available and valuable only by the expenditure of effort and money. Ores are the multiplicand and man the multiplier in the product which represents value or availability. Iron ore can be made available, when needed, almost to any extent, but at highly varying cost and degree of effort. The highest grade ores, requiring minimum expenditure to make them available, are distinctly limited as compared to total reserves. Any waste in their utilization will lead more quickly to the use of less available ores at higher cost. One of the significant consequences of the exhaustion of the highest grade reserves will be an increased draft upon fuel resources for the smelting of the lower grade ores. Availability of iron ores is limited, not by total reserves, but by economic conditions.
Iron rarely exists in nature as a separate element. It occurs mainly in minerals which represent combinations of iron, oxygen, and water, the substances which make up iron rust. Very broadly, most of the iron ores might be crudely cla.s.sified as iron rust. In detail this group is represented by several mineral varieties, among which are hemat.i.te (Fe_{2}O_{3}), magnet.i.te (Fe_{3}O_{4}), and limonite (hydrated ferric oxide). Iron likewise combines with a considerable variety of substances other than oxygen; and some of these compounds, as for instance iron carbonate (siderite), iron silicate (chamosite, glauconite, etc.), and iron sulphide (pyrite), are locally mined as iron ores. While an ore of iron may consist dominantly of some one of the iron minerals, in few cases does it consist exclusively of one mineral.
Most ores are mixtures of iron minerals.
Fully nine-tenths of the iron production of the world comes from the so-called hemat.i.te ores, meaning ores in which hemat.i.te is the dominant mineral, though most of them contain other iron minerals in smaller quant.i.ties. About 5 per cent of the world's iron ores are magnet.i.tes, and the remainder are limonites and iron carbonates.
Iron ores are represented in nearly all phases of the metamorphic cycle, but the commercial values have been produced by processes of weathering and sedimentation at and near the surface.
=Sedimentary iron ores.= Over 90 per cent of the world's production of iron ore is from sedimentary rocks. The deposits consist in the main either of beds of iron ore which were originally deposited as such and have undergone little subsequent alteration, or of those altered portions of lean ferruginous beds which since their deposition have been enriched or concentrated sufficiently to form ores. A minor cla.s.s of iron ores in sediments consists of deposits formed by secondary replacement of limestones by surface waters carrying iron in solution.
1. Deposits of the first cla.s.s,--originally laid down in much their present form,--are usually either oolitic, _i. e._, containing great numbers of flat rounded grains of iron minerals like flaxseeds, or consist in large part of fossil fragments of sea, replaced by iron minerals. The Clinton ores of the Birmingham district, the Wabana ores of Newfoundland, the minette ores of the Lorraine district in central Europe, and the oolitic ores of northern England are all of these types. Their iron mineral is hemat.i.te, although the English ores also contain considerable iron carbonate or siderite. The cementing or gangue materials are chiefly calcite and quartz, in variable proportions.
The large reserves of high-grade hemat.i.te in the Minas Geraes district of Brazil are also original sediments, but lack the oolitic texture.
An insignificant proportion of the world's iron is obtained from "bog ores," which are sedimentary deposits of hydrated iron oxide in swamps and lakes. These ores have been used only on a small scale and chiefly in relatively undeveloped countries. They are of particular interest from a genetic standpoint in that they show the nature of some of the processes of iron ore deposition as it is actually going on today.
None of the ores of this cla.s.s, with the exception of the iron carbonates, have undergone any considerable surface enrichment since their primary deposition. Neither, with the exception of the Brazilian ores, have they undergone any deep-seated metamorphism. The shapes, sizes, and distribution of the deposits may be traced back to the conditions of original deposition. In England and western Europe the deposits have been only slightly tilted by folding. In the United States the Clinton ores have partaken in the Appalachian folding.
In Brazil, the ores have undergone close folding and anamorphism.
2. Deposits of the second cla.s.s, which owe much of their value to further enrichment since deposition, are represented by the hemat.i.te ores of the Lake Superior district. These may be thought of as the locally rusted and leached portions of extensive "iron formations," in which oxidation of the iron, and the leaching of silica and other substances by circulating waters, have left the less soluble iron minerals concentrated as ores. The Lake Superior iron formations now consist near the surface mainly of interbanded quartz (or chert) and hemat.i.te, called _jasper_ or _ferruginous chert_ or _taconite_. These are similar in composition to the leaner iron ores of Brazil, called _itabirite_, but differ in that the silica is in the form of chemically deposited chert, rather than fragmental quartz grains.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 11. Alteration of Lake Superior iron formation to iron ore by the leaching of silica.]
When originally deposited the iron was partly hemat.i.te (perhaps some magnet.i.te) and largely in the form of iron carbonate (siderite) and iron silicate (greenalite), interbanded with chert. The original condition is indicated by the facts that deep below the surface, in zones protected from weathering solutions, siderite and greenalite are abundant, and that they show complete gradation to hemat.i.te in approaching the surface. The ore has been concentrated in the iron formation almost solely by the process of leaching of silica by surface or meteoric waters, leaving the hemat.i.te in a porous ma.s.s. Figure 11 ill.u.s.trates this change as calculated from a.n.a.lyses and measurements of pore s.p.a.ce. During this process a very minor amount of iron has been transported and redeposited. In short, the Lake Superior iron ores are residual deposits formed by exactly the same weathering processes as cause the acc.u.mulation of clays, bauxites, and the oxide zones of sulphide deposits. The development of an iron ore rather than of other materials as an end-product is due merely to the peculiar composition of the parent rock. The solution of silica on such an immense scale as is indicated by these deposits has sometimes been questioned on the general ground that silica minerals are insoluble. However, there is plenty of evidence that such minerals _are_ soluble in nature; and the a.s.sumption of insolubility, so often made in geologic discussions, is based on the fact that most other minerals are _more_ soluble than silica minerals, and that in the end-products of weathering silica minerals therefore usually remain as important const.i.tuents. Iron oxide, on the other hand, is _less_ soluble even than silica,--with the result that when the two occur together, the evidence of leaching of silica from the mixture becomes conspicuous.
The fact that these deposits are almost exclusively residual deposits formed by the leaching of silica has an important bearing on exploration. If they have been formed by the transportation and deposition of iron from the surrounding rocks, there is no reason why they should not occasionally be found in veins and dikes outside of the iron formation. As a matter of fact they do not transgress a foot beyond the limits of the iron formation. Failure to recognize the true nature of the concentration of these ores has sometimes led to their erroneous cla.s.sification as ores derived from the leaching and redeposition of iron from the surrounding rocks.
The distribution and shapes of ore deposits of this cla.s.s are far more irregular and capricious than those of the primary sediments, as would be expected from the fact that their concentration has taken place through the agency of percolating waters from the surface, which worked along devious channels determined by a vast variety of structural and lithological conditions. The working out of the structural conditions for the different mines and districts const.i.tutes one of the geologic problems in exploration. These conditions have been fully discussed in the United States Geological Survey reports, and are so various that no attempt will be made to summarize them here.
One of the interesting features of the concentration of Lake Superior iron ores is the fact that it took place long ago in the Keweenawan period, preceding the deposition of the flat-lying Cambrian formations, at a time when the topography was mountainous and the climate was arid or semi-arid. These conditions made it possible for the oxidizing and leaching solutions to penetrate very deeply, how deeply is not yet known, but certainly to a depth below the present surface of 2,500 feet.
At present the water level is ordinarily within 100 feet of the surface, and oxidizing solutions are not going much below this depth. This region, therefore, furnishes a good ill.u.s.tration of the intermittent and cyclic character of ore concentration which is now coming to be recognized in many ore deposits.
Subsequent changes far beneath the surface have folded, faulted, and metamorphosed some of the Lake Superior iron ores but have not enriched them. The same processes have recrystallized and locked together the minerals of some of the lean iron formations, making them hard and resistant, so that subsequent exposure and weathering have had little effect in enriching them to form commercial ores.
The weathering of limestones containing minor percentages of iron minerals originally deposited with the limestones may result in the residual concentration of bodies of limonite or "brown ores" a.s.sociated with clays near the surface. This process is similar in all essential respects to the concentration of the Lake Superior ores. Such limonitic ores are found rather widely distributed through the Appalachian region and in many other parts of the world. Because of the ease with which they can be mined and smelted on a small scale they have been used since early times, but have furnished only a very small fraction of the world's iron.
3. In a third cla.s.s of sedimentary ores, the iron minerals are supposed to have been introduced as replacements of limestones subsequent to sedimentation. Such ores are not always easy to discriminate from ores resulting primarily from sedimentation. This cla.s.s is represented by the high-grade deposits of Bilbao, Spain, Austrian deposits, and by smaller deposits in other countries. The Bilbao ores consist mainly of siderite, which near the surface has altered to large bodies of oxide minerals.
They occur in limestones and shales and are not a.s.sociated with igneous rocks. The deposits are believed to have been formed by ordinary surface waters carrying iron in solution, and depositing it in the form of iron carbonate as replacements of the limestones. The original source of the iron is believed to have been small quant.i.ties of iron minerals disseminated through the ordinary country rocks of the district. The action of surface waters, in thus concentrating the iron in certain localities which are favorable for precipitation, is similar to the formation of the lead and zinc ores of the Mississippi valley, referred to in the next chapter. Deposits formed in this manner may be roughly tabular and resemble bedded deposits, or they may be of very irregular shapes.
The sedimentary iron ores in general evidently represent an advanced stage of katamorphism, and ill.u.s.trate the tendency of this phase of the metamorphic cycle toward simplification and segregation of certain materials. The exact conditions of original sedimentation present one of the great unsolved problems of geology, referred to in Chapter III.
=Iron ores a.s.sociated with igneous rocks.= About five per cent of the world's production of iron ore is from bodies of magnet.i.te formed in a.s.sociation with igneous rocks. These are dense, highly crystalline ores, in which the iron minerals are tightly locked up with silicates, quartz, and other minerals, suggestive of high temperature origin. The largest of these deposits is at Kiruna in northern Sweden; in fact this is the largest single deposit of high-grade ore of any kind yet known in the world. Here the magnet.i.te forms a great tabular vertical body lying between porphyry and syenite. In the Adirondack Mountains of New York and in the highlands of New Jersey, magnet.i.tes are interbedded and infolded with gneisses, granites, and metamorphic limestones. In the western United States there are many magnet.i.te deposits, not yet mined, at contacts between igneous intrusives and sedimentary rocks, particularly limestones (so-called "contact-metamorphic" deposits). The ores of the Cornwall district of Pennsylvania and some of the Chilean, Chinese, and j.a.panese ores are of the same type.
Magnet.i.tes containing t.i.tanium, which prevents their use at the present time, are known in many parts of the world as segregations in basic igneous rocks. They are actually parts of the igneous rock itself (p.
34). Among the large deposits of this nature are certain t.i.taniferous ores of the Adirondacks, of Wyoming, and of the Scandinavian peninsula.
In all of these cases, it is clear that the origin of the ores is in some way related to igneous processes, and presumably most of the ores are deposited from the primary hot solutions accompanying and following the intrusion of the igneous rocks; but thus far it has been difficult to find definite and positive evidence as to the precise processes involved. None of these deposits have undergone any important secondary enrichment at the surface. Their sizes, shapes, and distribution are governed by conditions of igneous intrusion, more or less modified, as in the Adirondacks, by later deformation.
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