The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 21
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In construction work silica is used in the form of stone, sand-lime brick, cement, mortar, concrete, etc. Large quant.i.ties of sand, or silica, are used for molds in foundries, for abrasives, for the manufacture of gla.s.s, for filters, and for a great variety of other purposes which readily suggest themselves (see pp. 84, 267).
For most uses of silica there are local supplies available. For certain purposes requiring material of a particular chemical composition or texture, however, satisfactory deposits are known in only a few places.
For example, the material for silica refractories is obtained in the United States chiefly from certain regions in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The United States has ample domestic supplies of silica for practically all requirements.
Ferrosilicon of the higher grades is manufactured in electric furnaces at Niagara Falls. The capacity is ample to meet all demands, but cheap ferrosilicon from Canada also enters United States markets.
Silicon and oxygen, making up the compound silica, are the two most abundant elements in the earth's crust, and quartz (SiO_2) is a very abundant mineral. The processes of weathering and transportation everywhere operative on the surface of the earth tend to separate quartz from other materials, and to concentrate it into deposits of sand.
Katamorphism is primarily responsible for most of the deposits of silica which are commercially used. Anamorphism--cementing and hardening the sands into sandstones and quartzites--has created additional value for certain uses, as in refractories, building stones, and abrasives (see pp. 84, 267).
[31] Report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission. Printed by order of the Legislative a.s.sembly of Ontario, Toronto, 1917.
[32] Campbell, J. Morrow, Tungsten deposits of Burma and their origin, _Econ. Geol._, vol. 15, 1920, p. 511.
The electrical industry is the largest consumer of copper. The manufacture of bra.s.s, bronze, and other copper alloys const.i.tutes another chief use for the metal. Considerable quant.i.ties of copper sheets, tubes, and other wares are used outside of the electrical industry, as for instance in roofing, plumbing, and s.h.i.+p bottoms. Copper is also used in coinage, particularly in China, where it is the money standard of the working population.
The average grade of all copper ores mined in the United States in recent years has been about 1.7 per cent metallic copper. Ores containing as low as 0.6 per cent have been mined in the Lake Superior country, and bonanza deposits containing 20 to 60 per cent have been found and worked in some places, notably in Alaska and Wyoming. The lower-grade ores, carrying 1 to 3 per cent copper, are usually concentrated before smelting, while the richer ores, carrying 3 to 5 per cent or more, are generally smelted direct. Many of the ores contain values in gold and silver, and also in lead and zinc. An average of about 40c. worth of gold and silver per ton is obtained from all the copper ores of the United States.
In other countries the average grade of copper ores mined is somewhat higher than in the United States,--where large scale operations, particularly the use of steam-shovel methods on extensive bodies of disseminated or "porphyry" copper ores, as well as improvements in concentrating and metallurgical processes, have made possible the use of low-grade ore.
The sources of copper are the North American continent, Chile and Peru, j.a.pan, south and central Africa, Australia, and Spain and Portugal. Smaller quant.i.ties are produced in Russia, Germany, Norway, Cuba, Serbia, and a number of other countries.
The United States normally produces nearly two-thirds of the world's copper and consumes only about one-third. In addition the great bulk of the South American, Mexican, and Canadian crude copper comes to the United States for refining. Through financial interests abroad and by means of refining facilities, the United States controls a quant.i.ty of foreign production which, together with the domestic production, gives it control of about 70 per cent of the world's copper. No other country produces one-sixth as much copper as the United States.
England, because of production in the British Empire (mainly Africa and Australia) and British financial control of production in various foreign countries, is not dependent upon the United States for supplies of raw copper. j.a.pan, Spain, Portugal, and Norway are able to produce from local mines enough copper for their own needs and for export. But France, Italy, Russia, Germany, and the rest of Europe normally are dependent upon foreign sources, chiefly the United States. South America, Mexico, Canada, Africa, and Australia are exporters of copper.
The control of these countries over their production in each case is political and not financial, except in the case of Canada, where about half the financial control is also Canadian. It is in these countries and in Spain that the United States and England have financial control of a large copper supply.
Before the war German interests had a considerable control over the American copper industry through close working arrangements with electrolytic refineries. Germany was the largest foreign consumer of copper, and German companies bought large quant.i.ties of the raw copper in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America, had it refined, and sold the finished material in both the American and foreign markets.
During the war this control was broken up.
In view of the importance of copper metal as a raw material, particularly in the electrical industry, the strength of the United States in copper as a key resource ranks even above its control of petroleum.
In the United States in recent years about 40 per cent of the annual production of copper has come from Arizona, chiefly from the Bisbee, Globe, Ray-Miami, Jerome, and Morenci-Metcalf districts; about 18 per cent has come from the b.u.t.te district of Montana; about 12 to 15 per cent from Keweenaw Point, Michigan; and about 12 per cent from Bingham, Utah. From 3 to 5 per cent of the country's output comes from each of the states of New Mexico, Nevada, Alaska, and California. All other states together produce only a little over 2 per cent of the total.
The so-called "porphyry" coppers in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, described below, are the source of about 35 per cent of the present production of the United States. The deep mines of b.u.t.te and Michigan are responsible for about 30 per cent of the production, and the ore bodies of Arizona (other than porphyry) and of Alaska produce about 25 per cent.
Reserves of copper ore are such as to give no immediate concern about shortage, nor to indicate any large s.h.i.+ft in the distribution of production in the near future. Development is on the whole considerably in advance of present demands. The measured reserves are in the so-called porphyry coppers of the United States and Chile. In the United States the life of these reserves now estimated is approximately 25 years. The reserves of the Chile Copper Company are the largest of any known copper deposit in the world, and the Braden copper reserve (also in Chile) is among the largest. For the deep mines of the United States, the developed reserves have a life of perhaps only five years, but for most of these mines the life will be greatly extended by further and deeper development. The porphyry coppers, because of their occurrence near the surface and the ease with which they may be explored by drilling, disclose their reserves far in advance. The deep mines are ordinarily developed for only a few years in advance of production.
The copper minerals may be cla.s.sified into the sulphide group, the oxide group, and native copper. Native copper, mined in the Lake Superior region, is the source of 8 to 10 per cent of the world's copper supply. The oxide group of minerals--including the copper carbonates, azurite and malachite; the silicate, chrysocolla; the oxide, cuprite; the sulphates, chalcanthite and brochant.i.te; and some native copper a.s.sociated with these minerals--probably supplies another 5 per cent.
The remaining 85 per cent is derived from the sulphide group. Of the sulphide group by far the most important mineral is chalcocite (cuprous sulphide), which supplies the bulk of the values in the majority of the mining camps of the western hemisphere. Locally, as at b.u.t.te, enargite (copper-a.r.s.enic sulphide) is of great value. Other minerals of considerable importance in some districts are chalcopyrite and bornite (copper-iron sulphides), tetrahedrite (copper-antimony sulphide), and covellite (cupric sulphide). Very commonly the copper sulphides are a.s.sociated with large quant.i.ties of the iron sulphide, pyrite, as well as with varying amounts of lead and zinc sulphides and gold and silver minerals.
The copper ores originate in the earlier stages of the metamorphic cycle, in close a.s.sociation with igneous activity.
Katamorphism or weathering, in place, has played an important part in enriching them. The processes of transportation and sedimentary deposition, which have done so much toward making valuable iron ore deposits, have contributed little to the formation of copper ores.
=Copper deposits a.s.sociated with igneous flows.= The copper ores of the Lake Superior district, and of a few small deposits in the eastern United States, contain small percentages of native copper in pre-Cambrian volcanic flows or in sediments between the flows. The ore bodies have the form of long sheets parallel to the bedding, the copper and a.s.sociated minerals filling amygdaloidal openings and small fissures in the flows, and replacing conglomeratic sediments which lie between the flows. The copper was probably deposited by hot solutions related to the igneous rocks, either issuing from the magmas or deriving heat and dissolved material from them. Secondary concentration has not been important. There is practically none of it near the present erosion surface; but it appears in one part of the district near an older erosion surface covered by Cambrian sediments, suggesting a different climatic condition at that time.
The Kennecott copper deposits of Alaska have a number of resemblances to the Lake Superior copper deposits, suggesting similarity in origin. The Kennecott deposits occur exclusively in limestone, which rests conformably on a tilted surface of igneous flows ("greenstones") not unlike those of Lake Superior. The flows carry native copper and copper sulphides in minutely disseminated form and in amygdules, but apparently not in quant.i.ties sufficiently concentrated to mine. The flows are supposed to be the original source of the copper now in the limestone.
The primary copper mineral in the limestone is chalcocite, in exceptionally rich and solid, showing no evidence of having replaced earlier sulphides. It is regarded as a product of primary deposition, under the influence of hot solutions related in some way to the igneous flows; but whether the solutions were magmatic, originating in the lavas or below, or whether they were meteoric waters rendered hot by contact with the extrusives, and thereby made effective in leaching copper from them, is not clear. The oxidation of the Kennecott copper ores is not extensive. It presents an interesting feature, in that since glacial time the ground has been frozen and the moisture is now present in the form of ice. The oxidation clearly took place before glacial time. Abundant fragments of both the oxide and the sulphide ores are mined from the lateral moraine of a nearby glacier. This is a good ill.u.s.tration of the cyclic nature of secondary concentration which is coming to be recognized in so many camps.
The Boleo copper deposits of Lower California occur in volcanic tuffs and a.s.sociated conglomerates of Tertiary age. They have certain peculiar mineralogic a.s.sociations--the ores containing large quant.i.ties of all the common copper oxide minerals, and a number of rare oxide minerals of copper, lead, silver, and cobalt, together with gypsum, sulphur, and much iron and manganese oxide. The copper oxides and carbonates are in places gathered into rounded concretions called "boleos" (b.a.l.l.s).
Sulphides are present in the lowest beds and may represent the form in which the copper was originally deposited. The copper-bearing beds have been much silicified, and it has been suggested that mineralization was accomplished by hot-spring waters, probably of igneous origin. These deposits have a few marked similarities to the Lake Superior copper ores.
=Copper veins in igneous rocks.= A second group of copper ores in igneous rocks is made up of deposits in distinct fissure veins and as replacements along such veins. The chief deposits of this type are at b.u.t.te, Montana--which is, from the standpoint of both past and present production, the greatest single copper district in the world. Here a large batholith of Tertiary granite was intruded by porphyry dikes; and faulting, accompanying and following the intrusions of the dikes, developed numerous fissures. The fissures were mineralized with copper sulphides and a.r.s.enides, iron sulphides, and locally with zinc sulphide and manganese carbonate,--all in a matrix of quartz. At the same time the wall rocks were extensively mineralized and altered; the fissure veins grade off into the wall rock, and in fact the larger part of the ore is simply altered granite with disseminated sulphides. The solutions which deposited the ores are inferred to have been hot from the nature of the wall-rock alterations, from the presence of hot-water minerals like fluorite, ca.s.siterite, and others, and from the general a.s.sociation of the ores in time and place with the porphyry intrusions. The solutions are believed to have originated from the porphyry and possibly from other intrusives.
In the b.u.t.te district, and in the great majority of copper sulphide vein ores throughout the world, secondary concentration by surface waters has played a considerable part in developing ores of commercial value. Near the surface the copper is leached out and carried down by waters containing various solvents, particularly sulphuric acid from the oxidation of pyrite. A leached zone is formed containing the ordinary products of rock weathering,--rusty quartz and clay, sometimes black with manganese oxides. A small part of the copper remains in this zone as oxides, carbonates, and silicates. Below the oxidized and leached zone there is evidence of deposition of a large amount of secondary copper sulphide in the form of chalcocite. This is supposed to have been formed by the leaching of copper from above as soluble copper sulphate, and its precipitation below by iron and other sulphide minerals which the solutions meet on their downward course--a reaction which has been demonstrated experimentally. It was formerly supposed that most of the chalcocite was of this origin; but as chalcocite is found in important amounts with enargite and chalcopyrite to great depths (now 3,500 feet), where the veins are still rich and strong, it begins to appear that much of the chalcocite is of primary origin.
The fissures along which the b.u.t.te ores occur are in three main sets, which in order of age strike roughly east-west, northwest-southeast, and northeast-southwest. Two-thirds of the ore is in the first set, about 30 per cent in the second, and the remainder in the third. The mineralization of the several vein systems cannot be discriminated, and it is thought that it was accomplished as a more or less continuous and progressive process. There is some evidence, also, that the fracturing in the several fracture systems was likewise a nearly continuous progressive process, contemporaneous with the ore deposition, and perhaps developing under a single great shear which caused more or less simultaneous and overlapping systems of fractures in the various directions.
="Porphyry coppers."= Another type of copper deposits in igneous rocks is the disseminated or "porphyry" deposits. The term "porphyry" as commonly used includes true porphyries, monzonites, granites, and other igneous rocks. Ores of this type are represented by the great deposits of Bingham, Utah; Ray, Miami, and the New Cornelia mine of Arizona; Ely, Nevada; Santa Rita, New Mexico; Cananea, Sonora, Mexico; northern Chile; and many other districts of importance. They form the greatest known reserves of copper ore. These deposits contain copper minerals, usually in the marginal portions of acid porphyries, in many irregular, closely s.p.a.ced veins, and in minute seams and spots disseminated through the ma.s.s of the rock. In the Ray and Miami and other districts the mineralization has spread largely through adjacent schists, but these deposits are included with the porphyry copper deposits in commercial parlance. The porphyry deposits are of an undulating blanket form of considerable areal extent and shallow depth. At the surface is a leached and weathered zone, often containing more or less of the oxides, carbonates, and silicates of copper, ranging in thickness up to 1,000 feet, but averaging 200 feet or less. Below this is a zone carrying copper in the form of chalcopyrite, enriched by chalcocite deposition from above, ranging in thickness up to 400 feet. The ore in this zone varies from one-half of 1 per cent to 6 per cent of copper and ordinarily averages between 1 and 2 per cent. The use of ore of this grade is made possible by the large quant.i.ties and by the cheap and efficient mining and metallurgical practices. The ore body grades below into a zone characterized by lean chalcopyrite, which is supposed to represent original or primary deposition from hot waters a.s.sociated with the porphyry intrusion. This primary ore, or protore, was clearly formed after the solidification of the igneous rocks, though soon after, by solutions from igneous sources which followed fractured and shattered zones.
=Copper in limestone near igneous contacts.= Another great group of copper deposits occurs as replacements of limestone adjacent to porphyry or granitic intrusives. This type is ill.u.s.trated by some of the deposits at Bingham, Utah, and at Bisbee, Arizona. The primary deposition was of chalcopyrite and other copper sulphides, together with garnet, diopside, and other minerals known to have required high temperature in their formation. The ore fills fissures and replaces extensive of the limestone. It is likely to show a fairly sharp contact on the side toward the intrusive, and to grade off into the country rock on the other side with numerous embayments and irregularities. These deposits have been enriched by weathering in the same manner as indicated above for the porphyry coppers, but to highly varying degrees. In the Bisbee deposits large values were found in the weathered zone, and secondary sulphide enrichment below this zone is also important. In the Bingham camp, on the other hand, the weathered zone is insignificant and most of the ore beneath is primary. The weathering of the silicated limestone gangue results in great of clay which are characteristic features of the oxide zones of these deposits.
=Copper deposits in schists.= Other copper deposits, as at Jerome, Arizona, in the Foothill and Shasta County districts of California, at Ducktown, Tennessee, etc., are irregular lenticular bodies in schists and other rocks, but all show relations.h.i.+p to igneous rocks. The Rio Tinto ores of Spain and Portugal, which belong in this group, have been referred to on page 108.
In the Jerome or Verde district of central Arizona, folded pre-Cambrian greenstones and sediments were invaded by of quartz-porphyry, and after further deformation, rendering many of the rocks schistose, were intruded by an augite-diorite. Contact metamorphism along both the quartz-porphyry and the diorite contacts was practically lacking. The ore bodies were formed as irregular pipe-like replacements of the schists, being localized in one case by a steeply pitching inverted trough of impervious diorite, and in other cases by shear zones which favored vigorous circulation. A later series of small diorite or andesite dikes cut the ore bodies. The primary ores consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and other sulphides, with large amounts of jaspery quartz and some calcite and dolomite. They were clearly formed by replacement of the schists particle by particle, as shown by the frequent preservation of the schist structure in a banding of the sulphide minerals, the residual shreds of unreplaced schist material in the ores, and the usual gradual transition from unreplaced schists to those completely replaced by ma.s.sive sulphides. The localization of the most important mineralization in an inverted trough is good evidence that the solutions came from below, and the nature of the mineral a.s.sociations suggests an origin through the work of hot waters a.s.sociated with igneous intrusives. The diorite, being most closely related in time and s.p.a.ce with the ore bodies, seems the most logical source of the ore materials.
Secondary concentration of the Jerome ores has proceeded along the general lines previously outlined (pp. 46-50, 202). Here again the evidence is clear that the ores were concentrated in an earlier period, in this case in pre-Cambrian times, probably during the long interval required for the base-leveling of the pre-Cambrian mountains. Since Cambrian times the deposits have been for the most part buried by later sediments. Some of the deposits are still protected by this overlying blanket and mining has not yet reached the zone of altogether primary sulphides. Others have been faulted up and again exposed by erosion; but since being uncovered, steep slopes and rapid erosion have apparently favored the scattering of the copper rather than its concentration and enrichment. In the United Verde Mine, oxidizing conditions at present prevail to the bottom of the chalcocite zone.
The very large reserves of the Katanga copper belt of the Belgian Congo are in the form of tabular in schistose and highly metamorphosed Paleozoic sediments. The ore bodies are roughly parallel to the bedding, but in instances follow the schistosity which cuts across the bedding.
They consist dominantly of the oxide minerals, though in several ore bodies sulphides have been shown by diamond-drilling. The ores have a high content of cobalt and also carry precious metals. The origin of the deposits is not known, but has been ascribed to granitic intrusive into the schists.
=Sedimentary copper deposits.= In the later phases of the metamorphic cycle, the agencies of transportation (in solution) and sedimentary deposition have resulted in some low-grade deposits of copper sulphides in sedimentary rocks. Deposits of this type are found in the Rocky Mountain region, where they are referred to as the "Red Beds" coppers, but are of no commercial importance. Similar deposits in Germany, the Mansfield copper-bearing shales, have been worked for some time, and during the war were Germany's main source of copper. On Keweenaw Point, Michigan, deposits of native copper formed in this manner in the "Nonesuch" beds have been worked on a commercial scale. Other copper ores on Keweenaw Point are replacements of conglomerate beds between igneous flows, and are of a different origin already described (p. 200).
While much of the copper of sedimentary beds gives evidence that it was deposited from solution in cracks and as replacements of the wall rocks, often through the agency of abundant organic material in the beds, and while also comparatively little of this copper can be identified as having been deposited in detrital flakes or fragments along with the other mineral fragments, there is, nevertheless, considerable evidence that some of these deposits were formed essentially during the sedimentation of the enclosing beds and as incidents to this process.
Such evidence consists of a close limitation of the copper to certain beds, its wide and uniform distribution within these beds, its absence in similar beds near at hand, the absence of evidence of feeding and escape channels of the kind which would be necessary in case the solutions were introduced long afterward, and often a minute partic.i.p.ation of the copper minerals in the minor structures of bedding, false-bedding, and ripple-marks, which would be difficult to explain as due to secondary concentration.
The Corocoro copper deposits of Bolivia occur in beds of sandstone with no igneous rocks in the vicinity. However, they are all closely a.s.sociated with a fault plane, igneous rocks occur at distances of a few miles, and the general mineralization is coextensive with the belt of igneous rocks; the deposits are therefore ascribed to a magmatic source rather than to sedimentary processes. Toward the surface the copper is in part in the form of sulphides, somewhat altered to oxide minerals, and farther down it is entirely native copper, a.s.sociated with gypsum.
This is the only district outside of Lake Superior where native copper has been mined on an important scale.
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