Better Meals for Less Money Part 47

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Mix in order given. Prepare paste, fill, and bake the same as Custard Pie (see No. 635).


1 cup raisins Juice and rind of 1 lemon 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup sifted crumbs

Seed and chop raisins, and mix with sugar, lemon, and crumbs. Roll paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in three-inch rounds; put half a tablespoon of raisin mixture on half of each round, moisten edges with water, fold double, and press edges firmly together. p.r.i.c.k with a fork, and bake in a hot oven about fifteen minutes.


Remove tops and stems from one pint of gooseberries; wash, add one-half cup water, and cook about fifteen minutes, or until soft and well broken; add one cup of sugar, and cool; line patty pans with paste, fill with gooseberries, cover with narrow strips of paste to form a lattice.

Bake in a hot oven twenty-five minutes.


Use recipe for Prune and Apple Shortcake (see No. 445), fill cooked paste, and garnish with bits of cooked paste.


Line patty pans with paste; prepare filling as for Prune Pie (see No.

642); mix, and fill pans; cover with a lattice-work of narrow strips of paste, and finish with a narrow strip of paste around the outer edge.

Bake in a hot oven about twenty-five minutes.


Roll paste one-eighth inch thick, cut into circles two and a half inches in diameter. Put a tablespoon of raspberry jam on half of them, and moisten the edges with water. With a small round cutter make three holes in each remaining circle, place on top of jam, press edges firmly together, and bake about fifteen minutes in a hot oven. Bake the small cut-out pieces of paste, and serve with soup.


2 cups rhubarb 1 egg yolk beaten 1/4 cup water 3 tablespoons sifted crumbs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon b.u.t.ter

Cut rhubarb in half-inch pieces and cook with water ten minutes; add sugar, egg yolk, crumbs, and b.u.t.ter, and cook five minutes; when cool, fill Patty (see No. 621), cover with One-egg Meringue (see No.

628), and bake ten minutes in a moderate oven.

653.--SQUASH PATTIES (without Eggs)

2 cups cooked and sifted squash 1 tablespoon dried and sifted crumbs 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract 2/3 teaspoon salt

Mix in order given. Line patty pans with paste, fill with squash, and bake in a hot oven about twenty-five minutes.


1/2 cup flour 1/8 teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon shortening 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 cup grated cheese 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt Ice water

Rub shortening into flour with finger tips; add cheese, seasonings, and baking powder, and mix to a stiff dough with ice water. Roll out, fold in four layers, roll out again and fold as before; put on ice to chill; roll out one-third inch thick, and cut into four-inch straws. Bake in a hot oven about twelve minutes.

655.--CHEESE STRAWS (Left-over Paste)

Roll of pastry into a thin sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and paprika; fold in four layers; repeat; chill, cut into straws, and bake in a hot oven about twelve minutes.


Prepare paste as for Cheese Straws (see No. 654); roll out very thin, cut with a two-inch cutter, and bake in a hot oven about six minutes.


Roll Rich Paste (see No. 620) very thin in an even rectangular shape; sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with a little cinnamon. The paste should be about twelve inches long. Fold each end toward the center two inches; fold each end again toward the center; fold double, and chill.

Cut in one-third-inch slices, place flat side down on a baking sheet two inches apart, and bake in a hot oven about eight minutes.




Wash thoroughly in two or three cold waters; put in granite kettle, cover with water, and soak twenty-four hours; cook very slowly two or three hours until tender; add sugar, and simmer half an hour.


Wipe and core apples, and place in baking dish (not tin); in each cavity put a stoned date, a tablespoon of sugar, and two tablespoons of boiling water; bake in a moderate oven about half an hour, basting often. Apple jelly may be used in place of dates, or sugar may be mixed with a little cinnamon or nutmeg.


1/2 peck grapes Sugar 3 tart apples

Pick over, stew, and mash grapes, put in kettle with apples, which have been coa.r.s.ely chopped, but not pared or cored; heat to boiling point, mash, and boil thirty minutes; strain through a jelly bag; measure juice, return to kettle, and boil five minutes; add an equal amount of heated sugar, and boil three minutes. Skim well and pour into


Wash apples, cut in quarters, cover with equal parts of water and vinegar, and cook half an hour; drain; and to each quart of juice add one-third cup of mixed spices (tied in a bag), and boil twenty minutes.

Remove spices. Add heated sugar, allowing one quart for each quart of juice. Boil ten minutes, and pour into When cold and firm cover with melted paraffin.

Better Meals for Less Money Part 47

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