Torrent of Portyngale Part 10

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_hym_] _y_ corrected out of _e_ MS.

_thay_] corrected from _that_.

_yare_] _ther_ MS.

371. _Vn_ (!) MS.

_thei_] _i_ written above the line.

_hed_ MS.

372. _ther_ MS.]



[Sidenote: He goes back to Portugal.]

But ore III wek{es} wer~ com{m}yn~ to End, To Portynggall gan he wend, Ther~ ase the kyng gan {lend}; 375 The porter~ sawe {hym} ther he stood, He fled a wey, ase he were wod, Flyngyng ase a fynd. f. 82b.

'Syr kyng,' he seyd, 'be G.o.dd{es} dede, Torrant bryngythe a devyll ys hed, 380 Ther w{i}t{h} he woll yow present.'

Desonell seyd: 'Porter~, be styll!' . . .

In hys walke ther ase he went.

[Linenotes: 373. _wer{e}_] _ther_, struck out, and _were_ written over.

375. _lend_] _lye_ MS.

376. _sawe h. th._] _ther sawe he_ MS.]


[Sidenote: The King and his Lords are afraid of the lions. Torrent kisses the King of Portugal.]

The kyng to the gatys gan pase, Gret lord{es} that ther wase, 385 Bothe knyght{es} and squyerr{e}, Lord{es} wase full sore a-dred Fore the lyonys, {a}t he had, They durst not come hyme ner~.

The kyng seyd: 'I wyll {the} kysse, 390 Durst I for~ thy best{es}, Iwysse.'

Torrent dyd them ly ther~, And kyssyd the kyng w{i}t{h} joy and blyse; And aftyr, other lord{es} of hys, And aftyr, ladys {clere}. 395

[Linenotes: 386. _squyerres_ MS.

390. _the_] _hym_ MS.

395. _aftyr_] _other_ add. (!) MS.

_clere_] _jent_ MS.]



[Sidenote: The King of Provyns is glad of his son Verdownys's safety]

Messengyr{es} {went} the weye, To the kyng of P{ro}vyns to sey, Hys sone ys owt of hold: 'Yyng Torrent of Portynggall Hathe browght hym owt of balle 400 And slayne the jeyant bold.'

Lytyll and mykyll {a}t ther wer~, All they mad good cher f. 83a.

Her~ prynse fayne se wold.

The kyng {seyd}: 'So mot I the, 405 I woll geff the towynnys thre For~ the tall{es} thow hast me told.'

[Linenotes: 396. _went_] _to_ (!) MS.

397. after _Provyns_ _I_ MS.

399. _Yoyng_ MS.

405. _kyng seyd_] _kynges messengere_ MS.

405-7 put before 402-4.]


[Sidenote: and promises Torrent gifts. The King of Gales offers Torrent his daughter.]

Tha{n seyd} they, tha{t} to Gales yede, Yeftys to {take} were h{e}m no ned, Then {Ver}downys had they. 410 Ase they seylyd on a tyde, At Perrown~ on the see syd . . . . . . . . . . .

The kyng of P{ro}vy{n}se seyd: 'So mot I the, Yftles schall they not be, 415 That dare I sothely sey.'

The kyng of Gales proferd hym feyer~: 'Wed my dowghttyr and myn Eyer~, When so euyr~ thow may! . . . . .

[Linenotes: 408. _Than--that_] _That they than_ MS.

_Gales_] with paler ink corrected from _Calles_.

_yede_] corrected from _went_.

409. _take_] om. MS.

_hym_ MS.

410. _Then Downys_ MS.

417. _gales_] _g_ with paler ink corrected from _c_.]

[[seylyd _printed as shown, with line through single "l"_]]



[Sidenote: The King of Provyns gives Torrent his Sword made by Weland,]

The kyng of Perve{n}se seyd: 'So mot I the, 420 Thys seson~ yeftles schall thow not be, Haue here my Ryng of gold, My sword, that so wyll ys wrowyt; A bett{er} than~ yt know I nowght W{i}t{h} in~ crystyn~ mold; 425 Yt ys ase glemyrryng ase the glase, Thorrow Velond wroght yt wase, Bettyr ys non~ to hold.

I have syne sum tyme in~ lond, Whoso had yt of myn~ hond, 430 Faw{e} the{y were} I-told.'

[Linenotes: 429. _Loke thou hold yt with full{e} hond_, add. MS.

431. _I fawght therfore I told_ MS.]


[Sidenote: and named Adolake. A fortnight's Feast is held.]

Tho wase Torrent blythe and glad, The good swerd ther he had, The name wase Adolake.

A gret mayne{re}y let he make {ryght} 435 That lest all a fortnyght, Who so will hys met take. f. 83b.

Euyry man toke ys leve, ase {I} yow say, Hom-ward to wend ther wey, Eu{er}y man ys Rest to take. 440 Tyll yt be-fell vppon a day, Ase they went be the wey, The kyng to hys dowghttyr spake:

[Linenotes: 435. _mayn._] _mayne let_, with paler ink corrected into _mayney_.

_ryght_] om. MS.

438. _I_] om. MS.

440. _to take ys Rest_ MS.]



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