Torrent of Portyngale Part 33

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[Sidenote: King of Nazareth's Castle. Desonell sits by Torrent.]

To the castell they toke the way, There the kyng of Na?areth lay, With hym~ to speke on high~.

At none the quene ete in~ the hall, 2530 Amongist the ladyes ou{er} all, [2631]

That couth moche curtesye.

Desonell wold not lett, By s{ir} Torent she her sett, There of they had {envye} . . . . . . 2535

[Linenote: 2535. _envye_] _wonder_ MS.]



[Sidenote: She tells the Lords how her Father sent her and her 2 Boys to sea;]

Whan~ eyther of hem other be-held, Off care no thyng they ffeld, f. 117b.

Bothe her hert{es} were blithe.

Gret lordys told she sone, What poyntes he had for her done, 2540 They be-gan to be blithe; [2641]

And how her {fader} in the see did her do, With her she had men~ childre two; They waried hym~ fell sithe.

'Sir kyng, in this wildernes, 2545 My two children~ fro me revid w{e}s, I may no lenger hem~ hide.

[Linenotes: 2542. _fader_] om. MS.

2546. _was_ MS.]


[Sidenote: and how one was carried off by a Griffin, and the other by a Leopard. Leobertus and Antony are these boys.]

'The knyght yaue me ryng{es} two, Euerich of hem~ had one of thoo, Better saw I never none. 2550 A Gryffon~ bare the one away, [2651]

A liberd the other, p{ar}maffay, Down~ by a Roche of stone.'

Than~ said the kyng of Ierusalem~: 'I ffound one by a water streme, 2555 He levith w{i}t{h} blood & bone.'

The kyng of Grece said: 'My brother, Antony my son~ brought me ano{ur}e.'

She saith: 'Soth, be seynt Iohn~?'

[Linenote: 2556. _levith_] _yet_ add. MS.]

[['The knyght yaue me... _open quote invisible_]]



[Sidenote: Torrent's 2 Sons kneel and ask his blessing. He rejoices in them and their Mother,]

The kyng said: 'Sith it is so, 2560 Kys ye youre fader bo, [2661]

And axe hym~ his blessyng!'

Down~ they knelid on~ her knee: 'Thy blessing, ffader, for charite!'

'Welcom~, children~ y{i}ng!' 2565 Thus in armes he hem~ hent, A blither man~ than~ s{ir} Torent Was there none levyng; f. 118a.

It was no wonder, thou?e it so were; He had his wiffe and his children~ there, 2570 His joye be-gan~ to spryng. [2671]

[Linenotes: 2561. _bothe_ MS.

2565. _yong_ MS.]


[Sidenote: and thanks the Kings for taking care of them. He asks the Kings to Portugal.]

Of all the justis, that were thare, A way the gre his sonnys bare, That doughty were in dede.

Torent knelid vppon~ his knee 2575 And said: 'G.o.d yeld you, lordys ffree, Thes children~ that ye haue ffed: Euer we will be at youre will, What jurney ye will put vs tyll, So I{es}u be oure spede, 2580 With that the kyng thre [2681]

In to my lond will wend w{i}t{h} me, For to wreke oure stede.'


[Sidenote: All agree to go. Their s.h.i.+ps arrive at Portugal.]

They graunted that there was, Gret lordys more and lesse, 2585 Bothe knyght and squiere; And with Desonell went Al the ladyes, that were gent, That of valew were.

s.h.i.+ppis had they stiff and strong, 2590 Maistis gret and sayles long, [2691]

Hend, as ye may here, And markyd in to Portingale, Whan~ they had pullid vp her sayll, With a wynd so clere. 2595



[Sidenote: The Queen]

The riche quene of that lond In her castell toure gan stond And be-held in~-to the see.

'Sone,' she said to a knyght, 'Yonder of s.h.i.+ppis I haue a sight, f. 118b. 2600 For sothe, a grett meyne.' [2701]

The quene said: 'Verament, I se the armes of s{ir} Torent, I wott well, it is he.'

He answerid and said tho: 2605 'Madam, I will, that it be so, G.o.d gefe grace, that it so be!'

[Linenote: 2605-7 put before 2602-4 MS.]


[Sidenote: welcomes Torrent and his friends, and swoons when she sees her daughter Desonell.]

A blither lady my?t none be, She went ageyn hym~ to the see With armed knyght{es} kene. 2610 Torent she toke by the hond: [2711]

'Lordys of vncouth lond, Welcom muste ye bene!'

Whan she sye Desonell, Swith in~ sownyng she fell 2615 To the ground so {gr}ene.

Torent gan~ her vp ta: 'Here bene her children~ twa, On lyve thou shalt hem see{ne}!'

[Linenotes: 2616. _grene_] _kene_ MS.

2619. _see_ MS.]



[Sidenote: Torrent holds a great feast, and weds Desonell.]

Torrent of Portyngale Part 33

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