Torrent of Portyngale Part 36

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[_Desonell bears twins. All are sent out to sea. They reach land._]

[Sidenote: Desonell is delivered of 2 male children like Torrent. Her Father says she shall be sent out to sea.]

Thus the lady dwelled there, 1807 Tyll that she delyuered were Of men chyldren two. 1809 Of all poyntes were they gent, Lyke were they to Sir Torent, For his loue suffred they wo. 1812 The kynge sayd, 'so mote I the, Thou shalt into the se Without wordes mo. 1815 Every kynges doughter fer and nere At the they shall lere, Agaynst right to do!' 1818

[Sidenote: She is led from his land. The Queen bewails her daughter's fate.]

Great ruthe it was to se, Whan they led that lady fre Out of hir faders lande. 1821 The quene, hir moder, was nere wode For hir doughter, that gentyll fode, Knyghtes stode wepynge.[F8] 1824

[Footnote F8: wepande.]

[Sidenote: Desonell is sent to sea.]

A clothe of sylke toke they tho, And departed it bytwene the chyldren two, Therin they were wonde. 1827 Whan they had shypped that gentyll thynge, Anone she fell in swownynge At Peron on the sonde. 1830 Whan that lady was downe fall, On Iesu Cryste dyd she call.

To defende hir with his honde: 1833

[Sidenote: She prays to Christ for her children.]

'Rightfull G.o.d, ye me sende Some good londe on to lende, That my chyldren may crystened be[n].' 1836 She sayd, 'ladyes fayre and gent, Great well my lorde Sir Torent, Yf euer ye hym se[n]!' 1839 The wynde arose on the myght, Fro the londe it blewe that lady bryght Into the se so grene. 1842


[Sidenote: Desonell and her twin babes reach land. She stills her crying child,]

Wyndes and weders hathe hir dryuen, That in a forest she is aryuen, Where wylde bestys were. 1845 The se was ebbe and went hem fro And left hir and hir chyldren two [Alo]ne without any fere. 1848 Hir one chylde began to wepe, The lady awoke out of hir slepe And sayde, 'be styll, my dere, 1851 Ihesu Cryste hathe sent vs lande, Yf there be any Crysten man at hande, We shall haue socoure here.' 1854

[Sidenote: goes up a mountain, and sits down.]

The carefull lady then was blythe, To the londe she went full swythe, As fast as she myght. 1857 Tyll the day began to sprynge, Foules on trees merely gan synge Delicyous notes on hyght. 1860 To a hyll went that lady fre, Where she was ware of a cyte With toures fayre and bryght. 1863 Therof I-wys she was fayne, She set hir downe, as I herd sayne, Hir chyldren for to dyght. 1866

Torrent of Portyngale Part 36

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