Torrent of Portyngale Part 6

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[Linenotes: 30. _fede_] _Downe_ MS.

31. _whyte ase fame_] _feyer ase flowyr_ MS.

32. _Dyscenys_, MS.

35. _swete_] _swet_, MS.

_wyght_] _wyte_ MS.

36. _lede_] _londe_ MS.]


[Sidenote: and for her, unhorses many knights.]

For love of thys lady Deyr~ In dede of armys far and nere Aventorr{es} gan he take W{i}t{h} heve tymbyr and ovyr-Ryde, 40 Ther myght no man~ hys dent a-bydde, But to the Erthe he them str{a}ke.

Her father and other knyghtt{es} mo Had farly, how he Ryd soo, And on a day to hyme spake, 45 He Seyd: 'Torrent, howe may thys byne, That thow Dysp{i}syst thes knyghtt{es} kene And ordurr{es} non woll take?'

[Linenotes: 39. _A ventorres_ MS.

42. _stroke_ MS.

47. _dysplesyst_ MS.]


[Sidenote: The King knows that Torrent loves his daughter,]

Torrent sayd: 'So mvt I the, An other sayment woll I {s}ee, 50 Ore I take ordor of knyght.'

Tho he sware be hevyn kyng, Ther wase told hym a wondyr-thyng~ In hys chambyr to nyght: 'For~ the love of my doughter dere 55 Thow makyst good far and nere In~ Dedde of armys bryght; And wyt thow wyll, so G.o.d me saue, Thow schalt her~ wyne, yf thow her haue, Be thow neuyr so wy{g}ht!' 60

[Linenotes: 50. _And_ MS.

_see_] _bee_ MS.

60. _wyght_] _wyttht_ MS.]



[Sidenote: and asks him if, for her sake, he'll fight]

Torrent sayd: 'Be Marry dere, And I were off armyse clere, f. 77a.

Yowr Dowghttyr me leve were.'

The kyng seyd: 'Yf yt be soo, Ore VII yere be a-go, 65 More schall we here: Durst thow, for my dowghttyr sake, A poynt of armys for to take W{i}t{h}-owt helpe of fere?'

Than seyd Torrant: 'So G.o.d me sped, 70 W{i}t{h} anny man~ that syttythe on stede Other far ore nere!'

[Linenotes: 61. _Marry_] _e_ corrected into _y_.

65. _a-go_] _a gone_, _ne_ struck out, MS.]


Ther-of the kyng~ for tene wax wode: 'Yf thow wylt make thy body good, Be trew and hold thy cont{ena}nce . . . . . . . 75 Tho seyd Torrant: 'So G.o.d me sped ere!

And I wyst, in~ what sted they were, Fore no man~ wold I cha{u}nce.'

[Linenotes: 75. _contnnce_ MS.

78. _chaunce_] corrected out of _change_ MS.]


[Sidenote: a Giant in the Greek sea.]

'In to the Grek{es} see a mylle Ther ly{v}ythe a gyant {in an} yle, 80 Full Euyll thow dourst hyme stond.

My fayer~ forest{es} fellythe downe he And Ryche castell{es} in~ that contre, No ston lettythe he stond.'

[Linenote: 80. _lyvythe_] _lyghttythe_ MS.

_in an yle_] _mauyle_ MS.]



[Sidenote: Torrent agrees to fight]

+T+errent sayd: 'Be Marre bryght, 85 Yt ys gret sorrow that he hathe syght, The devyll of h.e.l.l hym blynd!'

The {kyng} sayd: 'P{ar} la-more de dewe, Thow darryst full evyll w{i}t{h} thy Ey hym sewe, He wold fell the w{i}t{h} hys wynde.' 90 'Now, be my trowthe,' seyd Torrent than~, 'Ase I ame a jentylman~, Yf I may hym fynd, Won fot woll I not fro hym pase, Thow he be stronger~ than Samson~ wase, f. 77b. 95 Or anny man~ of {hys} kynd!'

[Linenotes: 86. _he_] written above the line, MS.

88. _kyng_] _knyght_ MS.

96. _hys_] om. MS.]


[Sidenote: the Giant Begonmese, and sets out.]

Hys squyerys, they mornyd s{a}re, W{i}t{h}-owt fere that he schold fare To that gret iorney, W{i}t{h} the gyant heygh for to fyght. 100 Be-gon~-mese that gyant hyght, That fyndd{es} f{e}re for aye.

To arme hyme Torrant g{a}s, Hys good stede w{i}t{h} hym he ta{s}, W{i}t{h} owt squyer~ that Day. 105 He takythe leve at lorddys hend, And on hys wey gan he wynd, For hym all they p{ra}y.

[Linenotes: 97. _sore_ MS.

102. _fare_ MS.

103. _gas_] _goos_ MS.

104. _tas_] _takythe_ MS.

108. _pray_] _prayd_ MS.]


[Sidenote: Desonell knows not that it is for love of her. G.o.d give Torrent victory!]

Lytyll wyst Desonell that jente, For whos love that he went 110 To fyght w{i}t{h} that knave.

Now G.o.d, that Dyed appon a Rode, Strengithe hym bothe bone and blod, The fyld for to haue!

He that schall wend soche a wey, 115 Yt were nede for hym to p{ra}y, That I{es}u hym schuld saue.

Yt ys in~ the boke of Rome, Ther was no knyght of kyrstendome, That jorney Durst crave. 120



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