Musical Myths and Facts Volume II Part 22
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at Leyden | | (1745). | | From about the middle of the | | eighteenth century, the sonata-form German poets: | | in instrumental compositions (sonatas, Salis, Matthison, | | symphonies, quartetts, etc.) becomes Pfeffel, | | much developed, especially through Kind, Langbein, | | Joseph Haydn.
Seume, | | Schubert, | | Tiedge, etc. | | | | Lima and Callao | | are destroyed | | by an earthquake | | which | | buries 18,000 | | persons in the | | ruins (1746). | | | | Linnaeus, naturalist | 1750 | The flouris.h.i.+ng period of the (1750). | | Italian operatic music dates from | | about the year 1700 to 1780. The most The Academy of | | celebrated writers of libretti were Sciences at | | Apostolo Zeno and Metastasio. The most Stockholm, | | celebrated female singers: Faustina, and the Royal | | Cuzzoni, Mattei, Scotti,, Society at Gottingen, | | Gabrieli, Agujari, Danci, Allegrante, are founded (1750). | | Storace, etc. The most celebrated Samuel Johnson | | male singers: Lovattini, Guarducci, commences the | | Farinelli, Nicolini, Guadagni, publication of | | Millico, Pacchiarotti, Morelli, his 'Rambler' | | Marchesi, Salimbeni, Crescentini, etc.
(1750). | | | | Lady W. Montague, | | Martini (Giovanni Battista), Padre, and Lord | | born 1706 at Bologna, died 1784.
Chesterfield, | | Many sacred compositions, History of miscellaneous | | Music, School of Harmony, and other writers (1750). | | literary works on music.
| | New style introduced | | Perez (Davide), born 1711 at Naples, into | | died 1778. Composed 31 Operas.
England (1752). | | | | Jomelli (Nicolo), born 1714 at Death of Montesquieu | | Aversa, died 1774. Composed 40 Operas, (1755). | | 4 Oratorios, several, Requiems, | | etc.
Great earthquake | | at Lisbon (1755). | | Rousseau (Jean Jacques), born 1712 | | at Geneva, in Switzerland, died 1778.
Voltaire at the | | Author. Some French Operas. Many Court of Frederick | | Treatises on Music. Musical of Prussia | | Dictionary. Invention of the melodrama (from 1750 until | | ascribed to him.
1753). | | | | Arne (Thomas Augustus), born 1710 Benjamin Franklin, | | in London, died 1778. Composed 23 in America, | | Operas, 3 Oratorios, and many other invents the | | vocal pieces, etc.
lightning conductor | | (1755). | | Boyce (William), born 1710 in | | England, died 1779. Organist. Several | | dramatic compositions, an Oratorio, | | sacred songs, many organ pieces.
| | Conquest of | | Bach (Friedemann), son of J. S.
India under | | Bach, born 1710 at Weimar, died Colonel, afterwards | | 1784. Compositions for the organ, Lord, | | clavichord, and harpsichord.
Clive (1757). | | | | Bach (Carl Philipp Emanuel), son of Death of General | | J. S. Bach, born 1713 at Weimar, Wolfe at the | | died 1788. Oratorios, cantatas, sacred Battle of Quebec | | songs, many compositions for the (1759). | | clavichord. Instruction Book for | | playing the clavichord.
| | The Seven Years' | 1760 | Fiorillo (, born 1715 at War in Germany | | Naples, died 1787. Several Operas, an (1756-1763). | | Oratorio, a Requiem,
| | George III., King | | Alembert (Jean-le-Rond d'), born of Great Britain, | | 1717 in Paris, died 1783. Author of a grandson of | | System of Composition, and of other George II. | | theoretical works on music.
(1760). | | | | Marpurg (Friedrich Wilhelm), born Moses Mendelssohn, | | 1718 in Prussia, died 1795. Organ and philosopher. | | clavichord compositions. Treatises | | on the Theory of Music.
Winckelmann, | | antiquarian. | | Mozart (Leopold), father of the | | great Mozart, born 1719 at Augsburg, Garrick, actor. | | died 1789. Composed 4 Operas, 12 | | Oratorios, many symphonies, and other Joseph II., Emperor | | instrumental and vocal music. Also a of Austria | | Violin School.
(1765). | | | | Gerbert (Martin), Abbot, born 1720 Mesmer, a German | | in Austria, died 1792. History of physician, | | sacred music.
publishes his | | 'Theory of | | Animal Magnetism' | | (1766). | | | | Blackstone publishes | | Benda (Georg), born 1721 in Bohemia, his 'Commentaries | | died 1795. Composed 14 Operas, on | | some melodramas, cantatas, and the Laws of | | instrumental music.
England' (1767). | | | | Kirnberger (Johann Philipp), born Corsica becomes | | 1721 in Thuringia, Germany, died 1783.
French (1768). | | Composed fugues and other pieces | | for the clavichord and pianoforte.
Napoleon Buonaparte | | Author of several works on the born at | | theory of music.
Ajaccio, in Corsica | | (1769). | | | | Death of Emanuel | 1770 | The Pianoforte begins to supersede Swedenborg, | | the clavichord and clavicembalo founder | | (English harpsichord).
of a new religious | | sect | | Piccini (Nicolo), born 1728 at (1772). | | Naples, died 1800. Composed above 130 | | Operas, several Oratorios, psalms, | | etc.
Sheridan publishes | | his first | | GLUCK (CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD VON), drama, 'The | | born 1714 at Weidenw.a.n.g, Germany, died Rivals' (1775). | | 1787. Composed 21 Operas, 8 of which | | are to Italian words, and 13 are to Pestalozzi founds | | French words. A De Profundis, a Ballet the Reformatory | | ent.i.tled 'Don Juan,' some secular School at | | songs, a few instrumental pieces, etc.
Neuhoff, in | | Switzerland | | (1775). | | | | Adam Smith | | Sarti (Giuseppe), born 1730 at publishes his | | Faenza, died 1802. Composed 44 'Wealth of | | Operas, and several sacred pieces.
Nations' (1776). | | | | Necker, Minister | | Lolli (Antonio), born about 1730 at of Finance in | | Bergamo, died 1802. Violinist. Many France (1777). | | compositions for his instrument.
| | The Sandwich | | Majo (Francesco de), born 1745 at Islands are | | Naples, died 1774. Composed 13 Operas, discovered by | | many, Vespers, etc.
Captain Cook | | (1778). | | Arteaga (Steffano), born about 1730 | | at Madrid, died 1799. Author of a Death of William | | History of the Italian Opera.
Pitt, first Earl | | of Chatham | | Philidor (Francois Andre), born 1727 (1778). | | at Dreux, died 1795. Composed 22 | | Operas, of which 11 are to Italian Captain Cook is | | words, and 11 to French words.
killed by the natives | | Philidor is also celebrated as a of Owyhee | | chess-player.
(1779). | | | | Monsigny (Pierre Alexandre), born | | 1729 at St. Omer, died 1817. Composed J. Priestley, | | 17 Operas, ballets, etc.
chemical philosopher | | (1733-1804). | | Gossec (Francois Joseph), born 1733 | | at Hainault, died 1829. Composed 28 Hunter, surgeon | | Operas, and many sacred compositions.
(1728-1793). | | | | Hawkins (John), born 1720 in Sir W. Jones, | | England, died 1791. Author of a orientalist | | History of Music.
(1746-1794). | | | | Burney (Charles), born 1726 at Horace Walpole | | Shrewsbury, died 1814. Author of a (1717-1797). | | History of Music, and some other | | works.
Boswell, biographer | | of Dr. | | Abel (Carl Friedrich), born 1725 at Johnson. | | Kothen, in Germany, died 1787 in | | London. Viola-da-Gambist and composer.
Cowper, poet. | | | | Bacon, sculptor. | | | | Josiah Wedgewood, | | Hiller (Johann Adam), born 1728 in improver | | Lusatia, Germany, died 1804. Composed of pottery | | 18 Operettas, many psalms, manufacture | | sacred and secular songs, symphonies, (1730-1795). | | sonatas, and musical treatises.
| | Alfieri publishes | | his first tragedy | | 'Cleopatra' | | (1773). | | HAYDN (JOSEPH), born 1732 at | | Rohrau, in Austria, died 1809.
Benjamin Franklin, | | Composed 24 Operas (10 with German American | | words, and 14 with Italian words), 4 philosopher | | Oratorios, 19, several Te and statesman | | Deums, a Stabat Mater, Salve Regina, (1706-1790). | | many motetts and other sacred music, | | 118 symphonies, 83 quartetts, 44 Pope Clement | | sonatas, and many other instrumental XIV. suppresses | | and vocal compositions.
the Order of the | | Jesuits, founded | | in the year | | 1540 (1773). | | J. Haydn wrote in 1783 the Oratorio | | The Seven Words, for Cadix; in 1800, The Jesuits were | | The Creation; in 1803, The Seasons; expelled from | | in 1791 and 1793; the twelve so-called England in | | English symphonies, in London.
1604; from | | France, in | | 1764; from | | Kittel (Johann Christian), born 1732 Spain, in 1767. | | at Erfurt in Germany, died 1809.
The Order was | | Many organ compositions.
restored by | | Pope Pius VII. | 1774 | GLUCK in Paris, from 1774 to 1779.
in 1814. | | Representations of his Operas. Reform | | of the French dramatic music. Rivalry Death of Lord | | between Gluck and Piccini in Paris.
Clive (1774). | | First performance of Orpheus and | | Euridice, Vienna 1762; of Alceste, The American | | Vienna, 1767; of Iphigenia in Aulis, Colonies deny | | Paris, 1774; of Armida, Paris, 1777; the right of the | | of Iphigenia in Tauris, Paris, 1779.
British Parliament | | to tax | | them (1774). | | | | The first battle of | | the American | | The Operas by Gluck are the n.o.blest war at Lexington | | musical dramas in existence. They (1775). | | have served as models for the most | | eminent operatic composers whose Voltaire (1694-1778). | | works have been written subsequently | | to those of Gluck.
W. Herschel, | | astronomer | | (1738-1822). | 1780 | Sacchini (Antonio Maria Giuseppe), | | born 1735 at Naples, died 1786.
W. Herschel discovers | | Composed 50 Operas, several Oratorios, the | | with double choruses, a planet Ura.n.u.s, | | Miserere, several other sacred or Georgium | | compositions, sonatas, violin-trios, Sidus (1781). | | etc.
| | Mail Coaches are | | Anfossi (Pasquale), born about 1736 first set up at | | at Naples, died 1797. Many Operas Bristol by Mr. | | and sacred compositions.
Palmer, and are | | soon in use all | | Traetta (Tomaso), born 1738 at through England | | Naples, died 1786. Operas and Church (1784). | | music.
| | The Crimea is | | Sabbatini (Luigi Antonio), born 1739 given up by | | at Albano, died 1809. Church music Turkey to | | and several theoretical works.
Russia (1784). | | | | The power-loom | | Boccherini (Luigi), born 1740 at for weaving is | | Lucca, died 1806. Many symphonies, invented by E. | | quintetts, quartetts, sonatas, and Cartwright | | other instrumental compositions.
(1785). | | | | Watt greatly | | Paesiello (Giovanni), born 1741 at improves the | | Taranto, died 1816. Composed 94 Steam Engine | | Operas, an Oratorio, a Requiem, (1736-1819). | | many, a Te Deum, and other | | sacred music.
Watt's double | | Steam Engine | | Great popularity of the Operas by (about 1780). | | Paesiello, Cimaroso, Sacchini, | | Piccini, etc.
The Steam | | Engine is | | Langle (Onorio Francesco), born applied to | | 1741 at Monaco, died 1807. Composed cotton spinning | | 8 Operas (with French words), and (1785). | | wrote several theoretical works on | | music in French.
Lessing (1729-1781). | | | | Gretry (Andre-Ernest-Modeste), born The United | | 1741 at Liege, died 1813. Composed States of | | 59 Operas, several, motetts, America declare | | symphonies, quartetts, their | | pianoforte-sonatas, etc. Also Essays independence | | on Music.
(1776). | | | | Battis.h.i.+ll (Jonathan), born 1738 in | | London, died 1801. Many sacred vocal Alliance between | | compositions, and some Operas.
France and | | the United | | Arnold (Samuel), born 1740 in States (1778). | | London, died 1802. Composed 40 | | Operas and Operettas (with English Spain and | | words), 7 Oratorios, etc.
Holland in | | favour of the | | Bach (Johann Christian), son of J.
United States. | | S. Bach, born 1735 at Leipzig, died (1779). | | 1782 in London. Composed 15 Operas | | (with Italian words), 18 concertos for United States of | | the harpsichord, sonatas, trios, and North America | | other instrumental pieces.
independent. | | | | Albrechtsberger (Johann Georg), born Was.h.i.+ngton their | | 1736 in the neighbourhood of Vienna, President | | died 1809. Composed 26, 43 (1783). | | graduales, 34 offertories, and other | | sacred compositions, many Was.h.i.+ngton | | organ-fugues, etc. Author of a work on (1732-1799). | | the Theory of Music.
| | Frederick-William | | II., | | King of Prussia, | | nephew of | | Frederick the | | Great (1786). | | | | The Quakers at | | Haydn (Michael), brother of Joseph Philadelphia | | Haydn, born 1737 in Rohrau, died 1806.
emanc.i.p.ate | | Many, Offertories, Te Deums, their slaves | | etc.
(1788). | | | | First English | | Dittersdorf (Carl Ditters von), born settlement in | | 1739 at Vienna, died 1799. Composed Australia, at | | 37 Operas, 41 symphonies, many Botany Bay | | concertos and other instrumental (1788). | | pieces.
| | Invention of the | | Andre (Johann), born 1741 at balloon, and | | Offenbach, in Germany, died 1799.
ascent by | | Composed about 30 German Operettas.
Montgolfier, in | | Paris (1783). | | | | Naumann (Johann Gottlieb), born Blanchard and | | 1741 in Saxony, died 1801. Composed Jefferies cross | | 26 Operas, 13 Oratorios, many, the English | | psalms, cantatas, and other vocal Channel in a | | music, many symphonies, concertos, balloon (1785). | | and other instrumental pieces.
| | Diderot (1713-1784). | 1784 | Martini (Johann Paul Egydius), | | properly Schwarzendorf, born 1741 in | | Germany, died 1816. Composed 12 Buffon (1707-1788). | | Operas (with French words), a Requiem, | |, a Te Deum. Wrote several Herschel completes | | theoretical works on music.
his great | | forty-foot telescope, | | Festival in commemoration of Handel, discovers | | in London. Mara (Gertrude Elizabeth), volcanic mountains | | the celebrated German singer (born in the | | 1749 at Ca.s.sel, died 1833), visits moon, etc. | | London, and sings at the Festival.
(1787). | | | | The French | | Origin of the English Musical Revolution | | Festivals, in which the (1789). | | performers are mostly foreigners.
| | Death of Mirabeau | 1790 | Salieri (Antonio), born 1750 at (1791). | | Legnano, died 1825. Composed 41 | | Operas, a Requiem, many Royalty abolished | | vocal-canons, and other vocal pieces.
in France | | (1792). | | Zingarelli (Nicolo), born 1752 at | | Rome, died 1837. Composed 22 Operas, Louis XVI. beheaded | | 38 with organ, 45 other, (1793). | | 4 Requiems, and many other sacred | | compositions.
| | Marat stabbed by | | CLEMENTI (MUZIO), born 1752 at Rome, Charlotte | | died 1832. Pianist and founder of Corday (1793). | | pianoforte-playing. Composed above | | 60 sonatas for pianoforte alone, many Robespierre | | others with accompaniments, fugues, guillotined | | studies (Gradus ad Parna.s.sum), (1794). | | symphonies. Also an instruction book | | for the pianoforte.
Netherlandish | | Painters:-- | | Van Os, Vanloo, | | Clementi and Beethoven, by their Van Spaendonk, | | compositions for the pianoforte, Scheffer, | | especially promoted the perfecting and Pienemann, | | the popularity of the pianoforte.
Hodges, Kuipers, | | Ommegang, | | Viotti (Giovanni Battista), born Wonder, | | 1753 at Piedmont, died 1824.
etc. | | Violinist, and founder of a new school | | of violin-playing. Many concertos and French Painters:-- | | other instrumental compositions.
Joseph Vernet | | (1714-1789), | | Greuze, Vien, | | Cimarosa (Domenico), born 1754 at David, Isabey, | | Naples, died 1801. Composed 75 Drouais, Gerard, | | Operas, a Requiem,, etc.
Gros, Ingres, | | Regnauld, | | Dalayrac (Nicolas), born 1753 in Guerin, Horace | | Languedoc, France, died 1809. Composed Vernet (born | | 56 Operas.
1789), etc. | | | | s.h.i.+eld (William), born 1754 in Denmark sets the | | London, died 1829. Composed Operas, example of | | canzonets, instrumental trios. Author abolis.h.i.+ng the | | of a Treatise on Harmony.
slave trade | | (1791). | | Storace (Stephan), born 1763 in | | London, of Italian origin, died 1796.
France abolishes | | Composed 14 Operas with English words.
slavery in her | | colonies (1794). | | Gerber (Ernst Ludwig), born 1746 in | | Saxony, died 1819. Author of two Abolition of the | | biographical Dictionaries of slave trade by | | Musicians, and of some books of the English | | instruction on music.
Parliament | | (1807). | | Schulz (Johann Peter), born 1747 at | | Luneburg, in Germany, died 1800.
Vaccination is | | Several Operas, Oratorios, choruses, introduced by Dr. | | etc.
Jenner (1796). | | | | Lithography is | | Neefe (Christian), born 1748 in invented by | | Saxony, died 1798. Composed 10 Alois Sennefelder | | Operas. Teacher of Beethoven, in (1796). | | Bonn.
| | Hahnemann, | | Stadler (Maximilian), Abbe, born founder of | | 1748 in Austria, died 1833. An h.o.m.oeopathy | | Oratorio,, psalms, and other (1796). | | sacred vocal music, compositions for | | the organ and the pianoforte.
In the year 1792 | | the French | | nation adopted | | Vogler (Georg Joseph), Abbe, born a new Calendar | | 1749 at Wurzburg, in Germany, died founded on | | 1814. Composed 5 Operas, several philosophical | |, many other sacred principles. It | | compositions, symphonies, organ remained in | | pieces, etc. Author of several use until the | | theoretical works on music.
end of the year | | 1805, when the | | Gregorian | | Forkel (Johann Nikolaus), born 1749 mode of calculation | | at Coburg, in Germany, died 1818.
was restored | | Wrote a History of Music, and several at the | | other musical treatises.
instance of Napoleon. | | The | | Koch (Heinrich Christoph), born public feasts or | | 1749 at Rudolstadt, Germany, died "Sansculottides," | | 1816. Instruction books on harmony, fixed in | | and a Musical Dictionary.
the Revolutionary | | Calendar, | | Kauer (Ferdinand), born 1751 in were dedicated | | Moravia, died 1831. Above 200 Operas to Les Vertus, | | of a light and popular character.
Sept. 17; Le | | Genie, Sept. | | 18; Le Travail, | | Reichardt (Johann Friedrich), born Sept. 19; | | 1752 at Konigsberg, in Prussia, died L'Opinion, | | 1814. Composed 30 Operas, some Sept. 20; Les | | Oratorios, hymns, secular songs.
Recompenses, | | Author of several Treatises on Music, Sept. 21. | | etc.
| | Revolution in Poland: | | Knecht (Justin Heinrich), born 1752 Kosciusko, | | at Bieberich, in Germany, died 1817.
in the beginning | |, cantatas, and other sacred successful, | | music, and an instruction book on is later | | harmony.
defeated. Suwarrow | | storms | | Warsaw (1794). | | Turk (Daniel Gottlieb), born 1756 in | | Saxony, died 1813. An Oratorio, The third division | | motetts, many pieces for the of Poland between | | clavichord and the pianoforte, a Russia, | | Treatise on Thorough-ba.s.s, etc.
Austria, and | | Prussia (1795). | | | | MOZART (WOLFGANG AMADEUS), La Place, | | born 1756 at Salzburg, died 1791.
mathematician and | | Composed 6 great Operas with Italian astronomer (1796). | | words, 2 great Operas with German Stereotyping invented | | words, 8 earlier Italian Operas, 2 by Ambrose | | German Operettas, several cantatas, a Didot, of | | Requiem, many, graduales, Paris (1797). | | offertories, hymns, a Te Deum, and | | other sacred compositions, about 33 Frederick William | | symphonies, 23 pianoforte concertos, III., King | | some concertos for other instruments, of Prussia | | 6 violin quintetts, 26 violin (1797). | | quartetts, 31 pianoforte sonatas with | | and without accompaniments, many other Buonaparte in | | instrumental compositions, many songs, Egypt and | | etc.
Syria (1798). | | | | Buonaparte, in | | France, is declared | | First | | Consul (1799). | | | | The English take | 1800 | Mozart composed, in 1780, the Opera possession of | | 'Idomeneo' for Munich; in 1781, 'Die most of the | | Entfuhrung aus dem Serail' (his first French and | | Opera with German words) for Vienna; Dutch dominions | | in 1785, 'Le Nozze de Figaro' for in America | | Vienna; in 1787, 'Don Giovanni' for (1803). | | Prague; in 1790, 'Cosi Fan Tutte' for | | Vienna; in 1791, 'La Clemenza di'
Napoleon, Emperor | | for Prague, and 'Die Zauberflote' (his of France | | second Opera with German words) for (1804). | | Vienna. In the same year, 1791, he | | wrote also his Requiem.
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