Saratoga and How to See It Part 15

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Saratoga Society.

The poet says of Saratoga life:

"Saratoga society, What endless variety!

What pinks of propriety!

What gems of sobriety!

What garrulous old folks, What shy folks and bold folks, And warm folks and cold folks!

Such curious dressing, And tender caressing, (Of course that is guessing.) Such sharp Yankee Doodles, And dandified noodles, And other pet poodles!

Such very loud patterns, (Worn often by slatterns!) Such strait necks, and bow necks, Such dark necks and snow necks, And high necks and low necks!

With this sort and that sort, The lean sort and fat sort, The bright and the flat sort-- Saratoga is crammed full, And rammed full, and jammed full," etc.


But while we laugh at Saratoga, its dancing, dressing and flirtation, it is yet not without its lessons for an observing eye.

"Here the heart May give a useful lesson to the head, And Learning wiser grow without his books."

It is not all frivolity. Like every aspect of life, and like most persons, it is a hint and suggestion of something high and poetic. It is an oasis of repose in the desert of our American hurry. It is a perpetual festival.

Here we step out of the worn and weary ruts of city society, and mingle in a broad field of varied acquaintance. Here we may scent the fairest flowers of the South, and behold the beauty of our Northern climes. Here party distinctions and local rivalries are forgotten.

Here, too, men mingle and learn from contact and sympathy, a sweeter temper and a more catholic consideration, so that the summer flower we went to wreath may prove not the garland of an hour, but a firmly linked chain in our American Union.

[Ill.u.s.tration: GOODBYE.



When the previous forms went to press, we were unable to give any satisfactory and reliable statement of the Spouting Springs recently discovered in the vicinity of the Geyser. We present, below, such information as we are able to give in regard to them at this time, hoping to render our description more complete in future editions of this work.


This recently discovered Spouting Spring is located on the north side of the road near the Geyser. The vein was struck in January of the present year. The depth of the well is about 150 feet. The water spouts about fifteen feet above the surface. Present appearances seem to indicate that the spring is chalybeate, though the mineral ingredients are not large. We are unadvised in reference to the plans regarding it. Messrs. Verbeck and Gilbert are the proprietors.


Is located in the ramble between the railroad and the Geyser Spring, and near the Ellis Spring.

On the 17th of June of the present year, at almost the identical hour in which Mr. Gilmore opened his Peace Jubilee, a new mineral fountain--a spouting spring--gushed forth from its deep origin in mother earth to rejuvenate and bless mankind. The gas is so abundant that if the orifice of the tube is closed for a few moments sufficient force will acc.u.mulate to blow a steam whistle. It has not been christened at present. We suggest that it be called the "Gilmore Spring." The well is over a hundred feet deep, and the water rises about thirty feet above the surface. The water is strongly saline, and will probably be cla.s.sed among the cathartic waters. It bears a strong resemblance to the celebrated Geyser. The proprietors inform me that several of their acquaintances have already experienced benefit from this water. The spring promises to be valuable. The public will look with interest to know into whose management the spring, as the proprietors are plain farmers and intend to commit the spring to more experienced hands, who will introduce it to the public favor. A neat bottling house and a tasteful colonnade are already being constructed.

Prof. Chandler will probably make the a.n.a.lysis at an early date.


The spring owned by Mr. Duell, of the Waverly House, is beyond the Geyser, and on the margin of the pond. We are unable to present reliable information in regard to this spring, as it has just been discovered by Mr. Jesse b.u.t.ton.

The mother of all these spouting wells--the Geyser Spring--is rearing quite a family of interesting children. We have heard it predicted that the time is not very distant when every citizen of Saratoga will have a mineral fountain in his door-yard. At present no successful efforts have been made to obtain a spouting spring in the village. We know of no reason to render success impossible or improbable.

Certainly, "'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished," and we should be glad to see a fair trial of the experiment.






Would call the attention of strangers, as well as citizens, to his large and elegant a.s.sortment of


He keeps constantly on hand all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASONS,

Rich Silks, Fine Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Jewelry, Parasols, Umbrellas, Real Laces, Cashmeres, Cloths, and everything to be found in a First Cla.s.s Dry Goods House.

I have only one price, sell exclusively for cash, and the only one price cash house in Saratoga.


Remember the Store, Next to the Bank, 124 & 126 Broadway,


Saratoga and How to See It Part 15

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