The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony Volume I Part 29
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Mrs. Stanton was ill and could not attend the reception, which was a great disappointment to Miss Anthony. They had shared so much trouble that she felt most anxious they should share this one great pleasure.
In the diary at midnight is recorded: "Fiftieth birthday! One half-century done, one score years of it hard labor for bettering humanity--temperance--emanc.i.p.ation--enfranchis.e.m.e.nt--oh, such a struggle! Terribly stormy night, but a goodly company and many, many splendid tributes to my work. Really, if I had been dead and these the last words, neither press nor friends could have been more generous and appreciative."
This beautiful anniversary was a sweet oasis in the severe monotony of a life which had been filled always with hard work, criticism and misrepresentation, although it was only a public expression of the numerous and strong friends.h.i.+ps which had been many times manifested in private. The birthday celebration served also to disprove the oft-repeated a.s.sertion that all women conceal their age, but though Miss Anthony made this frank avowal of her fifty years, there was scarcely a newspaper which did not introduce its comments with the usual silly and threadbare remarks.
After the people began to recover in a social, intellectual and financial way from the effects of the Civil War, the lyceum bureau became a marked feature in literary life. The bureaus were in New York, Boston and Chicago. Their managers engaged the best speakers and each season marked out a route, made the appointments, advertised extensively and sent them throughout the country. They paid excellent prices, a.s.suming all responsibility, and engagements with them were considered very desirable. Under the management of the New York bureau, Mrs. Stanton began a tour in November, 1869. Miss Anthony at this time, while well-known from one end of the country to the other, had not gained a reputation as a platform orator. She thoroughly distrusted her own power to make a sustained speech of an entire evening, and at all conventions had placed others on the program for the addresses, presided herself, if necessary, and kept everything in motion.
By the winter of 1870, however, the bureau began to receive applications from all parts of the United States for lectures from her, and Mrs. Stanton being ill for a month, Miss Anthony went as her subst.i.tute. She proved so acceptable that in February, March and April she was engaged by the bureau for many places in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, and received a considerable sum for her services, besides securing a number of subscribers and some liberal donations for The Revolution. In her journal she speaks of the good audiences, the enthusiasm and the many prominent callers at most of the places. At Mattoon she had a day and a night with Anna d.i.c.kinson and wrote: "I found her the most weary and worn I had ever seen her, and desperately tired of the lecture field. Her devotion to me is marvelous. She is like my loving and loved child."
At Peoria, the editor of the Democratic paper stated that the laws of Illinois were better for women than for men. Colonel Robert G.
Ingersoll, whom she never had seen, was in the audience, and sent a note to the president of the meeting, asking that Miss Anthony should not answer the editor but give him that privilege. He then took up the laws, one after another, and, ill.u.s.trating by cases in his own practice, showed in his eloquent manner how cruelly unjust they were to women and proved how necessary it was that women should have a voice in making them. He also offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: "We pledge ourselves, irrespective of party, to use all honorable means to make the women of America the equals of men before the law."
In Detroit Rev. Justin Fulton occupied one evening in opposition to woman suffrage, and Miss Anthony replied to him the next. An audience of a thousand gathered in Young Men's Hall at each meeting. The Free Press had a most scurrilous review of the debate in which it said:
The speakeress rattled on in this strain until a late hour, saying nothing new, nothing n.o.ble, not a word that would give one maid or mother a purer or better thought. She drew no pictures of love in the household--she did not seem to think that man and wife could even stay under the same roof. She was not content that any woman should be a bashful, modest woman, but wanted them to be like her, to think as she thought.... People went there to see Susan B.
Anthony, who has achieved an evanescent reputation by her strenuous endeavors to defy nature. Not one woman in a hundred cares to vote, cares aught for the ballot, would take it with the degrading influences it would surely bring.... Old, angular, sticking to black stockings, wearing spectacles, a voice highly suggestive of midnight Caudleism at poor Anthony, if he ever comes around, though he never will. If all woman's righters look like that, the theory will lose ground like a darkey going through a cornfield in a light night. If she had come out and plainly said, "See here, ladies, see me, I am the result of twenty years of constant howling at man's tyranny," there would never have been another "howl" uttered in Detroit. Or, if she had plainly said, in so many words, "I am going to lecture on bosh, for the sake of that almighty half-dollar per head--take it as bosh," people would have admired her candor, though forming the same conclusions without her a.s.sistance....
Myra Bradwell, the able editor of the Chicago Legal News, paid the following tribute: "Miss Anthony is terribly in earnest on this suffrage question. We fully agree with her that the great battle-ground in the first instance should be in Congress.... She is now fifty, and the best years of her life have been devoted solely to the cause of woman. She has never turned aside from this object but has always been in the field, defending her principles against all a.s.saults with an ability which has not only won the admiration of her friends but the respect of her enemies."
She made many new acquaintances on this tour, and one entry in the diary is: "Quite a novel feature this--to have people quarrel as to who shall have the pleasure of entertaining me as their guest!" She returned to New York on, April 30, and on Sunday the diary says: "Spent the day at Mrs. Tilton's and heard Beecher preach a splendid sermon on 'Visiting the Sins of the Parents on the Children.'"
Various friends of the woman suffrage cause had decided that something must be done to unite the two national organizations. An editorial in the Independent to this effect was followed by a call for a conference to meet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, April 6, signed by Theodore Tilton, Phoebe Cary, Rev. John Chadwick and a number of others. The meeting was duly held, and the venerable Lucretia Mott, who now rarely left home, came all the way from Philadelphia to use her influence toward a reconciliation. Miss Anthony and Mrs. Stanton were lecturing in the West and the former telegraphed: "The entire West demands united national organization for the Sixteenth Amendment, this very congressional session, and so does Susan B. Anthony." Mrs. Stanton wrote to the conference: "I will do all I can for union. If I am a stumbling-block I will gladly resign my office. Having fought the world twenty years, I do not now wish to turn and fight those who have so long stood together through evil and good report. I should be glad to have all united, with Mr. Beecher or Lucretia Mott for our general....
I am willing to work with any and all or to get out of the way entirely, that there may be an organization which shall be respectable at home and abroad."
The representatives of the American a.s.sociation insisted that they had offered the olive branch at the time of their organization and it had been refused. This olive branch had been a suggestion that the National a.s.sociation should consider itself a local society and become auxiliary to the American. After a protracted but fruitless discussion of over four hours, they withdrew from the room, declining to accept or to suggest any overtures. The proposition made by the callers of the conference was that the two a.s.sociations should merge into one, with a new const.i.tution embodying the best features of both, and with a board of officers elected from the two existing organizations. Even the friendly offices of Lucretia Mott, which never before were disregarded, failed to effect a union, and the many letters from mutual friends were equally ineffective. In her regular letter to The Revolution Miss Anthony said:
There is but one feeling all through this glorious West, and that is that it is a sin to have a divided front at this auspicious moment. Since my last I have had splendid meetings in Quincy, Farmington, Elwood, Mendota, Peru, La-Salle, Batavia, Peoria and Champaign in Illinois, and in Sturgis and Jonesvine, Michigan. I can tell you with emphasis that the fields are white unto harvest--waiting, waiting only the reapers. And it is a shame--it is a crime--for any of the old or new public workers to halt by the way to pluck the motes out of their neighbors' eyes. Not one of us but has blundered; yet if only we are in earnest, each will forgive, in the faith that the others, like herself, mean right.
How any one can stand in the way of a united national organization at an hour like this, is wholly inexplicable.
Just before the May Anniversary Mrs. Stanton published the following card in The Revolution: "It is a great thing for those who have been prominent in any movement to know when their special work is done, and when the posts they hold can be more ably filled by others. Having, in my own judgment, reached that time, at the present anniversary of our a.s.sociation I must forbid the use of my name for president or any other official position in any organization whatsoever."
The anniversary had been advertised for Irving Hall, but when it was found that colored people would not be admitted to that building, it was changed to Apollo Hall, and opened May 10 with Mrs. Stanton presiding. At the business meeting in the afternoon, with representatives present from nineteen States, the proposition of the conference committee was considered. According to the report in The Revolution there was much feeling on the part of the younger women against any organization which did not have Miss Anthony and Mrs.
Stanton at the head, but at their earnest request, made in the interest of harmony, it was finally voted to accept the name Union Woman Suffrage Society, and Mr. Tilton for president.
On May 14, 1870, the after the suffrage convention, a number of the old Equal Rights a.s.sociation came together at a called meeting in New York, which is thus described in The Revolution of May 19:
One of the most interesting as well as important events of the past week, was the transfer of the American Equal Rights a.s.sociation to the new Union Woman Suffrage Society. This was done on in the s.p.a.cious parlors of Mrs. Margaret E. Winchester in Gramercy Place, Mrs. Stanton occupying the chair in the absence of the president, Lucretia Mott. Henry B. Blackweil presented this resolution:
"WHEREAS, The American Equal Rights a.s.sociation was organized in 1866 in order to secure equal rights to all American citizens, especially the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, color, or s.e.x; and, _whereas_, Political distinctions of race are now abolished by the ratification of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments; and _whereas_, Arrangements have been made by the formation of woman suffrage a.s.sociations for the advocacy of the legal and political rights of women as a separate question; and, _whereas_, An unnecessary multiplication of agencies for the accomplishment of a common object should always be avoided; therefore
"_Resolved,_ That we hereby declare the American Equal Eights a.s.sociation dissolved and adjourned sine die."
Parker Pillsbury offered the following as a subst.i.tute:
"WHEREAS, At a meeting of the executive committee held in Brooklyn, March 3, 1870, it was voted, on motion of Oliver Johnson, that 'it is inexpedient to hold any public anniversary of the American Equal Rights a.s.sociation, and that in our judgment it is expedient to dissolve said body; but as we have no authority to effect such dissolution, an informal business meeting of the a.s.sociation be held in New York, during the coming anniversary week, to consider and act upon this subject; and on motion of Lucy Stone, it was voted that this business meeting be held on, May 14, 1870, at 10 A.M., at the home of Mrs. Margaret E. Winchester;' therefore
"_Resolved,_ That instead of terminating our existence as an a.s.sociation, we do hereby transfer it, together with all its books, records, reports or whatsoever appertains to it, and unite it with the Union Woman Suffrage Society, organized in New York, May 10, 1870."
A long and earnest discussion succeeded.... At last, after two hours, the vote was reached by the previous question, with this result:
For dissolution, Lucy Stone, Henry B. Blackwell--2. For transfer, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Parker Pillsbury, Susan B. Anthony, Theodore Tilton, Paulina Wright Davis, Phoebe W. Couzins, Edwin A.
Studwell, Mrs. Studwell, Mrs. John J. Merritt, Mrs. Robert Dale Owen, Margaret E. Winchester, Dr. Clemence S. Lozier, Charlotte B.
Wilbour, Eleanor Kirk, Jennie Collins, Elizabeth B. Phelps, Miss Chichester, Mrs. S.B. Morse--18.
Thus ended the existence of the American Equal Rights a.s.sociation, formed in May, 1866, for the purpose of securing to negroes and women the rights of citizens.h.i.+p. These having been obtained for the negro men, women were left the only cla.s.s denied equality, and the question therefore became simply one of woman's rights.
At the first anniversary of the American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation, the next November, which also was held in Cleveland, this letter was presented:
FRIENDS AND CO-WORKERS: We, the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Union Woman Suffrage Society in New York, May, 1870, to confer with you on the subject of merging the two organizations into one, respectfully announce:
1st. That in our judgment no difference exists between the objects and methods of the two societies, nor any good reason for keeping them apart. 2d. That the society we represent has invested us with full power to arrange with you a union of both under a single const.i.tution and executive. 3d. That we ask you to appoint a committee of equal number and authority with our own, to consummate if possible this happy result.
Yours, in the common cause of woman's enfranchis.e.m.e.nt, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Samuel J. May, Charlotte B. Wilbour, Josephine S.
Griffing, Laura Curtis Bullard, Gerrit Smith, Sarah Pugh, Frederick Dougla.s.s, Mattie Griffith Brown, James W. Stillman--Theodore Tilton, ex officio.
The acceptance of this proposition was strongly urged by Judge Bradwell, of Chicago, and the committee on resolutions recommended "the appointment of a committee of conference, of like number with the one appointed by the Union Suffrage Society with a view to the union of both organizations." After a spirited discussion, this resolution was rejected. The National a.s.sociation, having exhausted all efforts for reconciliation and union, never thereafter made further overtures. Two distinct organizations were maintained, and there were no more attempts at union for twenty years.
[Footnote 52: For selections from newspapers and letters and the list of presents see Appendix.]
[Footnote 53:
We touch our caps, and place to night The victor's wreath upon her.
The woman who outranks us all In courage and in honor.
While others in domestic broils Have proved by word and carriage, That one of the United States Is not the state of marriage,
She, caring not for loss of men, Nor for the world's confusion, Hap carried on a civil war And made a "Revolution."
True, other women have been brave, When banded or hus-banded, But she has bravely fought her way Alone and single-handed.
And think of her unselfish life, Her generous disposition, Who never made a lasting prop Out of a proposition.
She might have chose an honored name, and none had scorned or hissed it; Have written Mrs. Jones or Smith, But, strange to say, she Missed it.
For fifty years to come may she Grow rich and ripe and mellow, Be quoted even above "par,"
"Or any other fellow;"
And spread the truth from pole to pole, and keep her light a-burning Before she cuts her stick to go To where there's no returning.
Because her motto grand hath been The rights of every human And first and last, and right or wrong, She takes the part of woman.
"A perfect woman, n.o.bly planned,"
To aid, not to amuse one: Take her for all in all, we ne'er Shall see the match of Susan.
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