Japan Will Turn Ablaze! Part 21

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He hopes that special attention will be given to the translation of more literature into the languages in use throughout that area and its publication. Likewise, Summer Schools should be multiplied as they enable the friends to gain in knowledge, and, through taking part in the course, increase their ability as Baha'i teachers.

He was most happy to receive news of the spread of the Faith to some of the other islands in j.a.pan, and hopes that this initial effort will be carefully followed up, and that the Message of Baha'u'llah will be carried to all the j.a.panese islands-and those in their neighbourhood-including Sakhalin, which is one of the few remaining virgin territories to be opened under the Ten-Year Plan.

The extraordinary progress made in the Far East and the Pacific area has been a constant source of pride and joy to the Guardian, and he feels confident that the door has opened on a new era in the advancement of our beloved Faith in these promising regions, and, indeed, all over the world.

To the degree to which the friends consecrate themselves to the teaching work will directly depend the results they achieve during this year and coming years.

The beloved Guardian a.s.sures you all of his loving and continued prayers for the success of your work, for your strength, guidance and protection.

(signed by R. Rabbani)

(in the Guardian's handwriting)

Dear and valued co-workers:

The formation of the Regional Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of North East Asia is to be acclaimed as an event of far-reaching historic significance, whose repercussions cannot be confined to the Pacific area, but are bound to affect the immediate fortunes of the entire Baha'i world.

The emergence of this epochal inst.i.tution, however transitional its character, represents the culmination of a fifty-year old process that has had its inception in the days of the Centre of the Covenant, during the last decades of the Heroic Age of the Baha'i Dispensation. The rise and expansion of the Administrative Order of the Faith in the northern regions of the vast Pacific Ocean fills a great gap, and const.i.tutes a notable parallel to the rise of similar inst.i.tutions in the Antipodes, establis.h.i.+ng thereby a spiritual equilibrium destined to affect, to a marked degree, the destinies of the Faith throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean, in the years immediately ahead. It should be hailed, moreover, as a momentous development paving the way for the eventual introduction of the Faith into the far-flung Chinese mainland and, beyond it, to the extensive territories of Soviet Russia.

A milestone of such tremendous significance in the progress of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, in so strategic and important an area of the globe, should be acclaimed by the members of your a.s.sembly, as well as by the rank and file of the believers throughout that area, as a demonstration of the creative energies released by its Author and the Centre of His Covenant, in territories and amidst peoples and races destined to play a role of immense significance in the future development of the human race.

This G.o.d-given opportunity, now presenting itself to the prosecutors of the Baha'i world Spiritual Crusade, at so critical a stage in the history of the peoples and nations established in those far-off islands and territories, should be seized with eagerness and enthusiasm, and exploited to the full in the years lying immediately ahead.

The Six-Year Plan, designed to lend a tremendous impetus to the awakening of the peoples and races in those regions, should be prosecuted with the utmost diligence, unrelaxing vigilance and whole-hearted consecration. All must partic.i.p.ate, young and old alike, both men and women, however limited their circ.u.mstances or circ.u.mscribed their resources.

An effort, unprecedented in its scope and intensity, must be exerted to attain, speedily and completely the specific objectives of this Plan. The number of the avowed supporters of the Faith must rapidly increase. The isolated centers, groups and local a.s.semblies, const.i.tuting the bedrock of a rising Administrative Order, must steadily and continually multiply. All firmly grounded local spiritual a.s.semblies must be speedily incorporated, in order to reinforce the foundations of the inst.i.tution of this divinely conceived Order. The Baha'i marriage certificate, as well as the Baha'i Holy Days must, at the earliest possible opportunity, receive recognition from the civil authorities concerned. The work now being initiated in the Northern and smaller islands of j.a.pan, with such zeal and devotion should be constantly reinforced and its scope continually widened. The literature of the Faith must be translated into as many languages as possible, published and widely disseminated. The holding of the summer-schools is yet another objective that should receive the earnest and immediate attention of the members of your a.s.sembly. The purchase of Baha'i burial-grounds, should, moreover, be, in due course considered and effectively carried out. The newly-opened territories, that have been so painstakingly brought within the pale of the Faith, must at whatever cost, be safeguarded, and the enterprises initiated within their confines carefully expanded and consolidated. The acquisition of a plot, in the outskirts of Tokyo, to serve as the site of the first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of North East Asia, must, likewise, be seriously considered and brought to a successful conclusion.

The task challenging the spirit and resources of your a.s.sembly, as well as those whom you represent, is admittedly arduous, pressing and sacred. The field in which you operate is exceptionally vast, and the barriers standing in your way are varied and formidable. Nothing short of complete dedication to the objectives of the Six-Year Plan you are called upon to fulfill, and of the utmost self-sacrifice on your part, as well as on the part of those who are to partic.i.p.ate in its prosecution, can ensure the success to which I confidently look forward, to which your sister, as well as parent, communities throughout the Baha'i world, are likewise, eagerly antic.i.p.ating.

May those who are privileged, at this auspicious hour, to render so n.o.ble a service to the Cause of G.o.d, and fulfill so glorious a destiny, in the course of the evolution of so sacred and precious a Faith, arise to perform befittingly their task, and achieve such feats in the days to come as shall draw forth from the Source on high a still greater measure of divine blessings that will enable them to write a still more brilliant chapter in the annals of G.o.d's infant Faith, and to contribute an outstanding share to the world-wide establishment and ultimate recognition of its newly-born administrative inst.i.tutions.


(July 15, 1957)

[Cable dated August 27, 1957]

Congratulate attendants historic summerschool(32) fervently praying expansion valued activities

Love, Shoghi

(cable dated August 27, 1957)

[Letter of October 20, 1957]

He (the Guardian) was greatly pleased to learn of the contacts which have been made by the friends with the original natives of j.a.pan, namely the Ainu people. He hopes that some of them will be quickened in the Faith so that they may teach the call of G.o.d to the remainder of their people.

There is no doubt that great results will be achieved if this can be done.

Therefore the Guardian hopes your a.s.sembly will take some very active measures to insure the teaching of the Faith amongst this Tribe.

The Guardian will pray for you and will pray for the success of your labors.

(signed by Leroy Ioas)

(October 20, 1957)

To the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the United States, 19511956

[Letter of February 29, 1951]

He (the Guardian) feels there is no definite action that can be taken by the Tokyo Spiritual a.s.sembly against ... any society which uses our Baha'i ideas and principles. The best thing is for the j.a.panese believers, through strengthening their community, enlarging it, obtaining publicity in the press, and holding, whenever possible, dignified public meetings, to gradually a.s.sert themselves as the real body of the Faith, and make everything else appear to be mere plagiarism, a shadow of the Faith. Your a.s.sembly should give them (the j.a.panese believers) as much moral support and encouragement as possible.

(February 29, 1951)

The Guardian attaches great importance to the teaching conference(33) ...

and feels that as many friends as possible should attend. He thinks it will be a great stimulant to the Faith, and certainly foundations can be laid for the rapid expansion of the Cause... This will be a historic event, and one that should lay the foundation for great victories in the future.

The beloved Guardian has approved the attendance of one of the Hands of the Cause in Asia ... Mr. Zikru'llah _Kh_adem...

(July, 1955)

[Letter of November 20, 1955]

Your loving letter was received (with the) copy of Miss Linfoot's report to the National a.s.sembly concerning the Teaching Conference held in j.a.pan.

The Guardian was greatly delighted with the Conference and its results; more particularly with the effect which it is going to have on the teaching work of the entire area in the future.

It was a very historic gathering, because it marked the first time a general conference regarding teaching matters had been held in j.a.pan, and furthermore was partic.i.p.ated in by representatives of the other countries in the area. It released a new power of the Spirit in that part of the world which will certainly elevate the minds and hearts of the people and attract many to the Cause.

The Guardian appreciates the sacrificial efforts made by all those who undertook the development of the Conference, so that it might produce such beneficial results.

The Guardian is hopeful that the conditions in j.a.pan may not force many of the pioneers to leave that territory. As you know, he attaches the utmost importance to the teaching work in j.a.pan; he antic.i.p.ates that the Faith will spread rapidly in that country. The help of the American Baha'is is very essential; and he hopes therefore it will not be necessary for any of them to leave.

(signed by Leroy Ioas)

(November 20, 1955)

Japan Will Turn Ablaze! Part 21

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