Dorian Part 30

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"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see G.o.d." This promise is surely not limited to that hoped-for future time when we shall have laid aside mortality, but the pure in heart see much of G.o.d here and now--see Him in the beauty of hill and dale, in cloud and blue sky, in placid pool and running water, in flowers and insect, and in the wonderful workings of the human heart! And so Dorian Trent and Carlia Duke, being of the pure in heart, saw much of G.o.d and His glory that afternoon.

Then they talked again of the home folks, of Mildred Brown, and of Uncle Zed; and at length came to their own immediate affairs.

That fall Dorian was to enter the University. The farm at Greenstreet would have to be let to others, but he thought he could manage the dry-farm, as most of the work came in vacation season. Mrs. Trent did not want to leave her home in the country; but she would likely become lonesome living all by herself; so there would always be a room for her with Dorian and Carlia in the little house they would rent near the school. Then, after the University, there would be some Eastern College for a period of years, and after that, other work. The task Dorian had set before him was a big one, but it was a very important one, and no one seemed to be doing it as yet. He might fail in accomplis.h.i.+ng what he and Uncle Zed and perhaps the Lord had in mind regarding him, but he would do his very best, anyway.

"You'll not fail," the girl at his side a.s.sured him.

"I hope not. But I know some men who have gone in for all the learning they could obtain, and in the process of getting the learning, they have lost their faith. With me, the very object of getting knowledge is to strengthen my faith. What would it profit if one gains the whole world of learning and loses his soul in the process. Knowledge is power, both for good and for ill. I have been thinking lately of the nature of faith, the forerunner of knowledge. I can realize somewhat the meaning of the scripture which says that the worlds were framed and all things in them made by the power of faith. As Uncle Zed used to say--"

"You always put it that way. Don't you know anything of your own?"

"No; no one does. There is no such thing as knowledge of one's own making. Knowledge has always existed from the time when there has been a mind to conceive it. The sum of truth is eternal. We can only discover truth, or be told it by someone who has already found it. G.o.d has done that. He comprehends all truth, and therefore all power and all glory is found in Him. It is the most natural thing in the world, then, that we should seek the truth from the fountain head or source to us, and that is G.o.d."

Although it was after the usual time of the Sunday sermon, Dorian felt free to go on.

"'When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?' I hope to help a little to make the answer, Yes. I know of nothing which the world needs more than faith. Not many are specializing in that field.

Edison is bringing forth some of the wonders of electricity; Burbank is doing marvelous things in the plant world; we have warriors and statesmen and philosophers and philanthropists and great financiers a-plenty; we have scientists too, and some of them are helping. Have you ever heard of Sir Oliver Lodge and Lord Kelvin?"

No; she never had.

"Well"--and Dorian laughed softly to himself at the apparent egotism of the proposition--"I must be greater than either of them. I must know all they know, and more; and that is possible, for I have the 'Key of Knowledge' which even the most learned scholar cannot get without obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel."

Carlia silently wors.h.i.+ped.

"Now," he continued in a somewhat lighter vein, "do you realize what you are doing when you say you will be my wife and put up with all the eccentricities of such a man as I am planning to be? Are you willing to be a poor man's wife, for I cannot get money and this knowledge I am after at the same time? Are you willing to go without the latest in dresses and shoes and hats--if necessary?"

"Haven't I heard you say that the larger part of love is in giving and not in getting?" replied she.

"Yes, I believe that's true."

"Well, then, that's my answer. Don't deny me the joy I can get by the little I can give."

The sun was nearing the western mountains, the sharpest peaks were already throwing shadows across the valley.

"Come," said Dorian. "We had better go down. Mother has come out of the cabin, and I think she is looking for us. Supper must be ready."

He took Carlia's hand and helped her up. Then they ran like care-free children down the gentler slopes.

"Wait a minute," cried Carlia, "I'm out of breath. I--I want to ask you another question."

"Ask a hundred."

"Well, in the midst of all this studying, kind of in between the great, serious subjects, we'll find time, will we not, to read 'David Copperfield'--together?"

He looked into her laughing eyes, and then kissed her.

"Why, yes, of course," he said.

Then they went on again, hand in hand, down into the valley of suns.h.i.+ne and shadow.


Other books by Nephi Anderson.

"ADDED UPON"--A story of the past, the present, and the future stages of existence.

"THE CASTLE BUILDER"--The scenes and incidents are from the "Land of the Midnight Sun."

"PINEY RIDGE COTTAGE"--A love story of a Mormon country girl.


"STORY OF CHESTER LAWRENCE"--Being the completed account of one who played an important part in "Piney Ridge Cottage."

"A DAUGHTER OF THE NORTH"--A story of a Norwegian girl's trials and triumphs. Ill.u.s.trated.

"JOHN ST. JOHN"--The story of a young man who went through the soul-trying scenes of Missouri and Illinois.

"ROMANCE OF A MISSIONARY"--A story of English life and missionary experiences. Ill.u.s.trated.

"MARCUS KING MORMON"--A story of early days in Utah.

"THE BOYS OF SPRINGTOWN"--A story about boys for boys and all interested in boys. Ill.u.s.trated.

Dorian Part 30

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