The Swastika Part 29

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_Materiaux_, seizieme annee (16), 2{e} serie, XII, 1881.

Swastika, p. 166.

CHAVERO, D. ALFREDO. Mexico A Traves de los Siglos Historia General y Completa del Desenvolvimiento Social, Politico, Religioso, Militar, Artistico, Cientifico, y Literario de Mexico desde la Antiguedad Mas Remota hasta la epoca Actual * * Publicada bajo la Direccion del General D. Vicente Riva Palacio * * * * * Tomo Primero Historia Antigua y de la Conquista Escrita por el Licenciado D.

Alfredo Chavero. Mexico Ballesca y Comp.{a}, Editores 4, Amor de Dios, 4.

Folio, pp. i-lx, 1-926.

_Ciclo de 52 anos._ (Atlas del P. Diego Duran, p. 386.) Swastika worked on sh.e.l.l (Fains Island), "_labrado con los cuatro puntos del Nahui Ollin_." p. 676.

CLAVIGERO, C. F. Storia Antica del Messico. Cesena, 1780.

Swastika, II, p. 192, fig. A. Cited in Hamy's _Decades Americanae_, Premiere Livraison, 1884, p. 67.

CONDER, Maj. C. R. Notes on Herr Schick's paper on the Jerusalem Cross.

_Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement_, London, July, 1894, pp. 205, 206.

CROOKE, W. An Introduction to the Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India By W. Crooke, B. A. Bengal Civil Service. Honorary Director of the Ethnographical Survey, Northwestern Provinces and Oudh Allahabad Government Press 1894.

8, pp. i-ii, 1-420.

Swastika, pp. 7, 58, 104, 250.

CROSS, The. The Masculine Cross, or History of Ancient and Modern Crosses, and their Connection with the Mysteries of s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p; also an account of the Kindred Phases of Phallic Faiths and Practices.

In Cat. 105 of Ed. Howell, Church street, Liverpool.

D'ALVIELLA, LE COMTE GOBLET. La Migration des Symboles par Le Comte Goblet d'Alviella, Professeur d'Histoire des Religions a l'Universite de Bruxelles, Membre de l'Academie Royale de Belgique, President de la Societe d'Archeologie de Bruxelles (Design, Footprint of Buddha) Paris Ernest Leroux, Editeur Rue Bonaparte, 28 1891.

8, pp. 1-343.

Cross, pp. 16, 110, 113, 164, 250, 264, 330, 332.

Crux ansata, pp. 22, 106, 107, 114, 186, 221, 229, 250, 265, 332.

Cross of St. Andrew, p. 125.

Swastika cross, Cap. II, pa.s.sim, pp. 41-108, 110, 111, 225, 271, 339.

Tetraskelion. Same references.

Triskele, triskelion, or triquetrum, pp. 27, 28, 61, 71, 72, 83, 90, 100, 221-225, 271, 339.

Reviewed in _Athenaeum_, No. 3381, Aug. 13, 1892, p. 217.

Favorably criticised in Reliquary Ill.u.s.trated Archaeologist (Lond.), Vol. I, No. 2, Apr. 1895, p. 107.


The author approves Higgins' views of the Cross and its Relation to the Lama of Tibet.

DENNIS, G. The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Parva Tyrrhenum per aequor vela darem. Horat. (Picture) By George Dennis. Third Edition. In two volumes * * * With maps, plans, and ill.u.s.trations. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1883.

8, two vols.: (1), pp. i-cxxviii, 1-501; (2) pp. i-xv, 1-579.

Archaic Greek vase, British Museum. Four different styles of Swastikas together on one specimen. Vol. I, p. xci.

Swastika, common form of decoration, p. lx.x.xix.

Primitive Greek Lebes, with Swastika in panel, left, p. cxiii, fig.


Swastika on bronze objects in Bologna foundry. Vol. II, p. 537.

D'EICHTAL, G. Etudes sur les origines bouddhiques de la civilization americaine, 1{re} partie. Paris, Didier, 1862.

Swastika, p. 36 et suiv. Cited in Hamy's _Decades Americanae_, Premiere Livraison, 1884, p. 59.

DICTIONNAIRE DES SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES. Anatomie, Craniologie, Archeologie Prehistorique, Ethnographie (Moeurs, Arts, Industrie), Demographie, Langues, Religions. Paris, Octave Doin, editeur, 8, Place de l'Odeon, Marpon et Flammarion, Libraires 1 a 7, Galeries de l'Odeon.

4, pp. 1-1128.

t.i.tle, Swastika, Philippe Salmon, p. 1032.

DORSEY, J. OWEN. Swastika, Ogee (tetraskelion), symbol for wind-song on Sacred Chart of Kansa Indians.

_Am. Naturalist_, XIX (1885), p. 676, pl. XX, fig. 4.

DULAURE, J. A. Histoire Abregee de Differens Cultes. Des Cultes qui ont precede et amene l'Idolatrie ou l'Adoration des figures humaines par J. A. Dulaure; seconde edition revue, corrigee et augmentee Paris Guillaume, Libraire-Editeur rue Hautefeuille 14. 1825.

Two vols.: (1), pp. i-x, 11-558; (2), pp. i-xvi, 17-464.

Origin of symbols, works of art and not natural things, Vol. I, pp.

25, 26. Another result of a combination of ideas, p. 45.

The cross represents the phallus, Vol. II, pp. 58, 59, 167, 168.

DUMOUTIER, GUSTAVE LE. Swastika et la roue Solaire en Chine.

_Revue d' Ethnographie_, Paris, IV, 1885, pp. 327-329.

Review by G. De Mortillet, Materiaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de L'Homme, II, p. 730.

EMERSON, ELLEN RUSSELL. Indian Myths or Legends, Traditions, and Symbols of the Aborigines of America Compared with those of other Countries, including Hindostan, Egypt, Persia a.s.syria and China by Ellen Russell Emerson Member of the Societe Americaine de France ill.u.s.trated Second Edition London Trubner & Company Ludgate Hill Printed in the U. S. A.

8, pp. i-x, 1-425.

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