The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Islands Part 27

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"That was an awfully sly thing to do, as soon as our backs were turned,"

said George, as Sutoto and Cinda were finally free from the vigorous greetings.

"What is that?" asked Cinda.

"To run away without giving us notice!"

"But we have seen the great wide world, and it is wonderful, and I can never tell the people here how grand it is."

And then the boys looked at Cinda, and when they saw the latest fas.h.i.+ons displayed, the prettiest gown, the neatest slippers, and the stunning hat they took off their caps, and made a neat bow in recognition of that feminine touch of character which so readily adapts the s.e.x for acquiring the latest fas.h.i.+ons wherever they may be.

Every one was wild with excitement. "There is Blakely!" shouted Harry.

"Hurrah! old boy! We have the place for you to visit, as soon as possible. The finest island you ever saw, and the people all ready for business."

"My hands are full now; we must have another s.h.i.+p. Look at the _Wonder_; she is so full of goods that we are more than eight hours behind time.

But I am arranging for another steamer."

"Too bad that we are finding more islands than you can handle,"

responded George; "I suppose we shall have to find another manager?"

"Or several a.s.sistants," said Blakely.

"What are all these men here for?" asked Harry. "Why the whole island must have come to town."

"Well, we have had to send for all the spare men from the different tribes. Fifty of the Tuolos just came in this morning, and thirty of the Illyas arrived yesterday, with their families. The _Wonder_ must be unloaded, and start back again before six this evening. But what did you find that looks as good as Venture Island?"

"Rescue Island; a dandy place, and much bigger than Venture Island. And what do you think? We found a chief there who is a white man," remarked George.

"A white man? Where is he from?"

"Ma.s.sachusetts; and he is humpbacked, but as bright as can be."

"I saw him, did I not? He was on the _Pioneer_?"

"Yes; there he is with Ta Babeda."

"Ta what?"

"That's the Chief's name who owned the other tribe on Rescue Island.

Isn't he an immense fellow? But he is a brick; I can tell you. Come over and I'll introduce you," and Harry pulled Blakely over while the latter resisted, as the men were constantly besieging Blakely for orders.

"Never mind the work now. Get acquainted with the _big_ men first," and the Professor laughed as he saw the boys forcibly tug at Blakely and haul him over to the group.

"This is one of the big men we have on the island," said Harry to Ta Babeda, and the latter looked at Blakely for a moment, and began to smile, for while Blakely was chunky he was not at all large, if the Chief might be taken as a standard.

He took Ta Babeda's hand, and welcomed him most heartily, and then turned to Ephraim, and also extended a greeting.

"This is the man who does all the business," said Harry, "and he is going to make you a visit." At this point they were interrupted.

"Shall we store all the pineapples aft," said a man hurriedly.

"No; put them amids.h.i.+p," he answered.

"We have no crates for the vegetables," said another.

"Never mind, put them in the large boxes, and they can be crated on the way."

"Some more men have just come; what shall we put them at?" was the report of another, and so from one to the other, Blakely was ever ready with a prompt answer.

The Chiefs and Ephraim watched and wondered at Blakely and his constant readiness to entertain them, meanwhile giving orders to hundreds of the workers who were crowding about. It was an object lesson of what business meant, and the boys felt proud and happy to see the great ability which he displayed.

But what a happy day it was for the Professor. He and John were in close conference, after the formal introductions were over. "There is something brewing," said George as he nudged Harry, and cast a glance toward the place where they stood in earnest conversation.

"I do believe John is telling him about the copper box; and by the way, he has never spoken about that since we took it out of the cave. That is just what he is doing; see, he is indicating the size of it."

Harry laughed, as he answered: "I am satisfied they will not do anything rash, without consulting us," and George laughed at Harry's view of the case.

They had been absent from the island a little over a month. During their absence the new hotel was completed and was now in running order. This became the headquarters for the visitors. While it was only two stories in height, it contained nearly a hundred rooms, and the utmost effort was made to make all of them comfortable.

The boys had their own rooms, and could not be induced to give them up.

John and the Professor also maintained their old rooms, which were most comfortable, and attached to the Professor's apartments was a large room where the people came daily to see him and consult about their many wants.

He never failed to see them. It mattered not who called, it was unvarying custom to greet all alike. The affection for him in the minds of the people grew stronger day by day.

There were now five of the Chiefs on Wonder Island permanent residents in Unity. A great change had come over the feelings of the people with respect to the owners.h.i.+p of land. When the town was laid out, and the people began to flock to the place, attracted by its many advantages, it began to look for a time as though the different Chiefs soon would find themselves without subjects.

In addition to this the Professor recognized that too many of the people were expecting to be put to work in the city, and this would cause agriculture to be abandoned, whereas it was obvious that they must depend upon the soil for sustenance.

John and the Professor therefore developed a plan which would be the means of keeping the people in their own sections, or, at least, encourage them to till the ground.

The Chiefs in Wonder Island owned the soil. Their people reserved to themselves the right to hunt and to gather the fruits and nuts necessary to sustain life. But they had no right whatever, independently of the Chiefs.

The first step, therefore, was to gain the consent of these rulers to a division of the land, so that all their people might have farms. Uraso and Muro were the first to agree to the plan, and it was quickly followed by all except the Tuolos and the Illyas.

The Chiefs themselves, under this plan, were to receive one quarter of the acreage, and of the residue, one-third was to be turned into what was called a state fund, to be used for schools and for administrative purposes, while the balance was to be given to the people, who were to select their own land.

For the purpose of enabling proper deeds to be made, it was necessary to make a survey of the islands, and this had been completed six months previously, so that many of the people who now understood that the lands selected belonged to them, and could not be taken from them without their consent, were only too happy to consent to remain on their own land.

But here another problem presented itself. It was desirable that the people should build homes on these farms, and Blakely and John evolved the plan to provide certain quant.i.ties of lumber, at a low price, to be paid for from the products of the land. This had a most stimulating effect, and applications were coming in from every quarter. As a result small saw mills were put up in the territorial limits of each of the tribes, so that it was an easy matter for the people to get the lumber near home.

But that which taxed the energies of Blakely most, was to provide the farming implements and the seed and instruction necessary to start them on the way. As it was impossible to provide all the tools and implements required for this purpose, Blakely had recourse to the States, and by inserting a few advertis.e.m.e.nts in the agricultural papers throughout our country, it was not long before the implements were forthcoming, all of which were paid for from the reserve fund which had been provided.

And now another thing of the utmost importance happened. It was noised about from Maine to California that there was an immense opportunity to make money in the now well-known Wonder Island. Every return trip of the _Wonder_ from the nearest South American port, brought Americans, with funds to invest in plantations and in setting out coffee trees and banana groves.

Many Americans came from the great ranches of South America, particularly Brazil, which furnishes full three-fourths of all the coffee of commerce. These men went through the islands and began the barter for the lands.

At first this was encouraged, but it was soon, discovered that the shrewd, and, more frequently than otherwise, the unscrupulous traders were cheating the unsophisticated people, so that the Professor had to take a firm hand, and declare that no transfers would be made until the sales had been investigated.

This made the prices of lands go up by leaps and bounds, and the Professor told the people that they should not sell their holdings, as it would be much better for them to own and till the farms than to sell them and then work for the owners.

The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Islands Part 27

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The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Islands Part 27 summary

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