Chopin : the Man and His Music Part 16

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Paris, E. Plon et Cie.

F. Chopin, Essai de Critique musicale, par H. Barbedette.

Friedrich Chopin und seine Werke, von Dr. J. Schucht. Leipzig, C. F. Kahnt.

Friedrich Chopin's Leben und Werke, von A. Niggli. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel.

Chopin, by Francis Hueffer, in Musical Studies. Edinburgh, A.

& C. Black.

Frederic Chopin, by W. H. Hadow, in Studies in Modern Music.

New York, Macmillan Co.

Frederic Chopin, by Louis Ehlert, in From the Tone World, translated by Helen D. Tretbar. New York.

Chopin, by W. de Lenz, from The Great Piano Virtuosos of our Time, translated by Madeleine R. Baker. New York, G. Schirmer.

Chopin, in Robert Schumann's Music and Musicians, translated by f.a.n.n.y Raymond Ritter. New York, Schuberth & Co.

Chopin, in Anton Rubinstein's Conversation on Music, translated by Mrs. John P. Morgan. Steinway Hall: Charles F.

Tretbar, publisher.

Les Musiciens Polonais, par Albert Sowinski. Paris, Le Clerc.

Les Trois Romans de Frederic Chopin, par le Comte Wodinski.

Paris, Calman Levy.

Une Contemporaine, par M. Brault.

Histoire de ma Vie et Correspondance, par George Sand. Paris, Calman Levy.

George Sand, by Henry James in French Poets and Novelists. New York, Macmillan Co.

G. Sand, par Stefane-Pol, from Trois Grandes Figures, preface by D'Armand Silvestre. Paris, Ernest Flammarian.

George Sand, sa Vie et ses OEuvres, par Wladimir Kardnine.

Paris, Ollendorf.

Deux Eleves de Chopin, par Adolphe Brisson.

The Beautiful in Music, by Dr. Eduard Hanslick. Translated by Gustave Cohen. Novello, Ewer & Co., London and New York.

How Music Developed, by W. J. Henderson. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co.

Wagner and His Works, by Henry T. Finck. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons.

By the Way, by William F. Apthorp. Boston, Copeland & Day.

A Study of Wagner, by Ernest Newman. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Folk-Music Studies, by H. E. Krehbiel. New York Tribune, August, 1899.

a.n.a.lytical Notes to Schlesinger Edition, by Theodor Kullak.

The New Spirit, by Havelock Ellis. London, Walter Scott, Ltd.

Flaubert, par Emile f.a.guet. Paris, Hachette et Cie.

Reisebilder, by Heinrich Heine.

Affirmations, by Havelock Ellis. London, Walter Scott.

The Psychology of the Emotions, by Th. Ribot. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons.

The Man of Genius, by Cesare Lombroso. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons.

The Musical Courier, New York. Files from 1889 to 1900.

Chopin's Works, by Rutland Boughton, in London Musical Standard.

Chopin, by Stanislas Count Tarnowski. Translated from the Polish by Natalie Janotha. 1899.

The School of Giorgione, An Essay by Walter Pater.

Chopin and the Sick Men, by John F. Runciman, in London Review, September 9, 1899.

Frederick Chopin, by Edward Dannreuther from Famous Composers and their Works. Boston, J. B. Millet Company.

Primitive Music, by Wallaschek.

Zur Psychologie des Individuums, Chopin und Nietzsche, by Stanislaw Przybyszewski. Berlin, W. Fontaine & Co., 1892.

Musical Interpretation, by Adolph Carpe. Leipzig, London and Paris, Bosworth & Co., Boston, B. F. Wood Music Co.

Pianistes Celebres, par Francois Marmontel.

Frederyka Chopina, in Echo Musicale, Warsaw, Poland, October 15, 1899.

OEuvres Poetiques Completes de Adam Mickiewicz, Traduction du Polonais par Christien Ostrowski. Paris, Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie, 1859.

The World as Will and Idea, by Arthur Schopenhauer.

The Case of Richard Wagner, by Friedrich Nietzsche. New York, Macmillan Co.

With the Immortals, by Marion Crawford. References to Chopin.

Preface to Isidor Philipp's Exercises Quotidiens tires des OEuvres de Chopin, by Georges Mathias. Paris, J. Hamelle.

Pianoforte Study, by Alexander McArthur.

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