The Grateful Dead Part 17

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[215] See pp. 33-40.

[216] See pp. 92-96.

[217] See pp. 131-134.

[218] P. 149.

[219] The date of Richars.

[220] See pp. 50, 58.

[221] See pp. 92-111.

[222] See p. 92.

[223] As in Lithuanian II., Breton VII., Simrock I., and Factor's Garland.

[224] As in Transylvanian.

[225] As in Jean de Calais I.-X., Basque II., Irish I., Breton I. and III., Simrock II. and VIII., and Sir Amadas.

[226] As in Gaelic.

[227] See p. 95.

[228] See pp. 93 f.

[229] See p. 94.

[230] See references in Publ. Mod. Lang. a.s.s. xx. 545.

[231] See my article in Publ. Mod. Lang. a.s.s. xix. 427, 430-432.

[232] Pantschatantra, i. --71.

[233] i. 207.

[234] i. 219.

[235] Pp. 126 f.

[236] See p. 27.

[237] So in Polish of the type The Grateful Dead + The Water of Life the ghost appears as a plank. See p. 128.

[238] See p. 57.

[239] See pp. 100-102, 104 f.

[240] See pp. 108 ff.

[241] See pp. 115 f.

[242] See pp. 112 f.

[243] See pp. 135 ff.

[244] See also p. 151.

[245] See pp. 28 f.

[246] See the comment of von der Leyen, Arch. j. d. St. d. n. Spr. cxiv. 12.

[247] ii. 136.

[248] ii. 121. The story, however, belongs to the domain of general literature.

[249] See A. Wiedemann, Die Toten und ihre Reiche im Glauben der alten Aegypter, p. 21 (Der alte Orient, ii, 1900).

[250] Zend-Avesta, Vendidad, chaps, v. xii.

[251] x. 18. 1.

[252] Iliad, xxiii. 71 ff.

[253] ix. 32.

[254] See pp. 26 f.

[255] Ed. Bartsch, xviii. st. 910 and 911.

[256] P. 27.

[257] P. 28.

[258] Traditions et superst.i.tions de la Haute-Bretagne, 1882, i. 238 f.

[259] MacCulloch, Guernsey Folk Lore, 1903, pp. 283 f.

[260] See W. Crooke in Folk-Lore, xiii. 280-283.

[261] Book iii. w. 4726 ff. of the whole poem (2nd ed. J. Small, 1883, E. E. T. S. orig. ser. 11, p. 153).

[262] Annamite is an exception, but it cannot be regarded as having any organic connection with the cycle.

[263] See Heidelberger Jahrbucher, 1868, p. 449.

[264] Ruling out Simonides, of course, as not clearly belonging to the cycle.

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