The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors Part 15

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It was astonis.h.i.+ng how quickly that winter of 1916 and '17 pa.s.sed for those sojourners in Valhalla in spite of the fact that they were at times thoroughly uncomfortable. It is not an easy matter for persons, brought up in a modern, steam-heated house with three bath rooms, every form of convenience and plenty of trained servants, to adapt themselves to the simplicity of country life and that in its most primitive state.

Hard as the life was it agreed with them, one and all. Douglas and Bobby walked to school, rain or s.h.i.+ne, but their road lay in the uplands where the mud rarely got more than ankle deep. Nan and Lucy had to contend with much more serious conditions, but thanks to their flamingo legs they got by.

The weather wasn't always bad by any means. There were wonderful clear sparkling days with the ground frozen hard, and then came the snow that meant sleigh rides with the Suttons and grand coasting parties.

Mr. Carter was growing very robust from his labors of stopping up cracks and cutting fire wood. He gradually mended the leaks in the roof; puttied in the window panes; replaced the broken hinges and fastenings to doors and shutters; propped up sagging porch floors; and patched the cracked and fallen plastering.

The Misses Grant viewed his efforts with mingled satisfaction and embarra.s.sment.

"We have intended to do all this for you, Mr. Carter, but Ella was so stubborn about the carpenter. She never would agree to having that new man at Preston, who is really quite capable," Miss Louise would explain.

"Certainly not! We knew nothing about him and have always employed Dave Trigg----"

"But you know perfectly well that Dave Trigg is doubled up with rheumatism," snapped Miss Louise.

"Yes, and you know perfectly well, too, that that man at Preston has moved away," retaliated her tall sister, and so on would they wrangle.

"I enjoy doing it," Mr. Carter would a.s.sure them. "My only fear is that I will get the place in such good order that you will raise our rent."

Which sally would delight the souls of the ladies who were in danger of agreeing about one more thing, and that was the altogether desirability of the Carters and the especial desirability of Mr. Carter.

Accepting Mrs. Carter at the extremely high valuation of her patient family, they were ever kind and considerate of her. Many were the dainty little dishes they sent to Valhalla from the great house to tempt the palate of their semi-invalid tenant, vying with each other in their attentions.

"An' she jes' sets back an' takes it," Chloe would mutter. "Mis' Carter done set back so much that settin' back come nachel ter her now.

"'My name is Jimmie An' I take all yer gimme.'

"That's my ol' Mis'."

Chloe and Helen had continued the lessons in reading and writing. The whitewashed kitchen walls bore evidence to much hard work on part of both teacher and pupil. Chloe had learned to cook many simple dishes and to write and spell all she cooked. By slow stages, so slow they were almost imperceptible, the girl was becoming an efficient servant. Her wages were raised to eight dollars a month in spite of the remonstrances of her sister Tempy, who thought she must serve as long as she had before she could make as much.

"Sis Tempy been a-goin' over ter night school at the count's ev'y time she gits a chanst but she ain't ter say larned nothin'."

Helen and Chloe were engaged in the delectable task of making mince pies for Christmas. Chloe had just electrified Helen by writing on the wall of her own accord: "Reseat fer miCe Pize."

"What does she learn?" asked Helen, smiling as she deftly rolled the pastry.

"She say they done started a kinder 'batin' siety an' ain't ter say foolin' much with readin' an' writin' an' sich. The secondary ain't so patient as what you is, an' he uster git kinder worked up whin the wint ter sleep in school."

"I fancy that would be trying."

"They's drillin' 'em now an' they likes that 'cause the secondary done promised them from the count that some day he'll gib 'em uniforms. is allus keen on begalia."

"Does Tempy drill, too?"

"Lawsamussy, no! Women folks jes' sets an' watches. Tempy say she done march aroun' enough fer Miss Ellanlouise, an' as fer flingin'

broomsticks--she does enough of that 'thout no German gemmun a-showin'

her nothin' 'bout how ter do it."

"Do they drill with broomsticks?"

"Ya.s.sum, that's what they tell me, but they do say----"

"Say what?" asked Helen as the colored girl hesitated.

"They don't say nothin'!"

"You started to tell me something they say about broomsticks."

"I ain't started ter tell a thing!" and Chloe shut her mouth very tight and rolled her eyes back in a way she had that made you think she was going to turn herself inside out.

"What do they debate about?" asked Helen amused at Chloe's sudden reserve.

"They 'spute 'bout the pros an' cons of racin'."

"Horse racing?"

"I ain't so sho', but from what Sis Tempy done tol' me it mought be an'

agin it moughtn't."

"Does Tempy debate?"

"Sis Tempy! Yi! Yi!" and Chloe went off in peals of laughter. "Sis Tempy can't argyfy with nothin' but a rollin' pin. She done put up a right good argymint only las' Sunday with her beau, that big slue-footed n.i.g.g.e.r, Jeemes Hanks."

"What was the argument about?"

"Jeemes he done say he's jes' as good as any white folks an' some better'n a heap er them. He say his vote don't count none an' he ain't able ter buy no good lan' jes' 'cause de white folks won't sell him none up clost ter they homes,--an' Sis Tempy ups an' tells him that his vote ain't no count 'cause he ain't no count hisse'f. She tells him that buzzards lays buzzard eggs an' buzzard eggs hatches out mo' buzzards; an' that made him hoppin' mad 'cause that n.i.g.g.e.r Jeemes sho' do set great sto' by hisse'f."

"Does James feel that white people ought to sell him land whether they want to or not?"

"'Zactly! He been wantin' ter buy a strip from Miss Ellanlouise up yander by the clarin', not so fur from the great house. They's glad enough ter sell some er that rocky lan' off over by the gravel pit, but they don't want no fer clost neighbors."

"And what did Tempy say?"

"She never said nothin'. She jes' up'n driv him out'n the cabin with the rollin' pin. She tells him while she's a-lickin' him, though, that he's a-larnin' his a-b-c's upside down at the count's school an' fer her part she ain't a-goin' back."

"Do you think the count is responsible for James's nonsense?" asked Helen. "I can't see how he got such notions from a gentleman like the count."

"I ain't a-sayin'! I ain't a-sayin'!" and once more Chloe's mouth went shut with a determined click and she rolled her great eyes.

Helen thought no more about it. Darkies were funny creatures, anyhow. Of course it was hard on James Hanks if he wanted to buy good ground and no one would sell it to him, but on the other hand one could hardly expect the Misses Grant to sell off their ancestral acres just to accommodate the slue-footed beau of their cook.

Miss Ella and Louise were entirely unreconstructed as far as the colored people were concerned. They were kind to them when they were ill and helped them in many ways, but they never for an instant lost sight of the fact that they were of an inferior race nor did they let the darkies lose sight of the fact. They were not very popular with their negro neighbors although they were mutually dependent. Grantly had to depend on colored labor and many families among them got their entire living from Grantly.

The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors Part 15

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The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors Part 15 summary

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