Koushaku Reijo no Setsumeishou c2
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The Household of Marquis Anderson ガゼル・ダズ・アンダーソン
Gazelle Daz Anderson アンダーソン侯爵家前当主にして、将軍。トワイル戦役にて武功を立て、将軍の地位を賜る。その時の活躍により、国の英雄として歴史書に載るほどの有名人。
The former head of the Marquis Anderson’s house, General. With his excellent exploits during the war campaign of Towair, he attained his t.i.tle of General. Because of that success, he’s popular enough to leave his name as the Country’s hero in the History books.
His gray hair is left uncut, incidentally, his beards too, he also got quite a muscular body type.
If you arranged his appearance properly, you would say that as expected of the Father of Melrice, but, because of his hair and beards those charms are reduced by half. All these years when he partic.i.p.ated in the ceremonies, he frequently got a glance from his surroundings asking “Who’s that?” when he properly tidied himself up.
He really loves to drink sake, Zal. Ryle and Dida often become the collateral damage.
Ludius Jib Anderson アンダーソン侯爵家嫡男。メリーの兄の息子…つまり、アイリスの従兄弟。アンダーソン家の嫡男として、武術の腕は人より優れているものの、身近に祖父とい う化け物とライル・ディダといった一流どころと訓練をしてきたので、その道に進む気はあまりない。本人はどちらかというと内政に興味があり、父について文 官の仕事を学んでいる。
The heir of Marquis Anderson’s house. The son of Merry’s Elder Brother….in other words, Iris’s cousin. As the eldest son of Marquis Anderson, his skill in Martial Arts are above the average, it’s thanks to the training he always conduct with his Grandfather, which could be called a monster, as well as the first-rate knights like Ryle and Dida, though he doesn’t have any intention of succeeding those paths. The person himself is more interested in Domestic Affairs, he’s currently learning about the Governmental works from his father.
He has bluish silver blond hair. His eye colors are purple. トワイル戦役
War Campaign of Towair 30年前勃発した、隣国トワイル国との戦争。
An outbreak which occurred 30 years ago, a war with the neighboring country, Towair Kingdom. トワイル国
Towair Kingdom タスメリア王国の隣国。北西にある国で、気候と痩せた土地という2つの理由で、食糧生産量はあまり宜しくない。
The neighboring country of Tasmeria Kingdom. It’s a country located at north-west, because of the climate and it’s barren soils, the productions of the food supply is not good. 「そういえば、伯父様は普段何されているの?」
[By the way, what did Uncle usually do?] 「父上は普段アンダーソン侯爵領の管理かな。一応、じい様が立てた武功もあって、領地は広大だし」
[I think Father is usually managing the territory of our Marquis Anderson’s territory. At the very least, though there’s also the splendid military exploits Grandfather showed, our territory is still quite vast after all] 「へえ…。そういえば伯父様も、軍部どころか騎士団にも所属されてないのね」
[Hee… Now that you think about it, Uncle too, not to mention the military, he isn’t even belonged to the Knights, right? ] 「まあね。元々俺と同じで武術より文官の方が興味あったっていうのもあるし、じい様っていう化け物が身近にいたし。何より、メリー夫人がいたから」
[Well, yes. Originally, just like me, he said he prefers domestic affairs work than military ones. Besides, there’s someone as strong as a monster like Grandfather. Above all, there’s also Lady Merry] 「……お母様?」
[….My mother?] 「知らなかったのか?マズッ………」
[You didn’t know about it? This is bad….] 「どういうこと?ここまで言ったなら、教えてよ」
[What do you mean? Now that you have said to this extent, tell me about it] 「……。メリー夫人は昔、じい様から“メルリスが男だったら”と言わしめた女傑だったらしい」
[…. Once upon a time, Lady Merry is quite brave woman to the point Grandfather saying “If only Melrice is a man” or so I heard] 「えぇ!お母様が!?」
[Eeh! Mother is?!] 「信じられないよなー。でも、確かにあそこまで動きが綺麗なのって武術を嗜んでたからっていう理由なら納得。ほら、お前んところの侍女…ターニャだっけ?も、動きが綺麗だろ?」
[It’s unbelievable, right. But, certainly if her graceful movement is a proof that she’s an expert in Martial Arts I would immediately consent about it. You see, it’s like that lady attendant of yours…was it Tanya? She too, moves gracefully isn’t she?] 「まあ、確かに」
[Well, she certainly is] 「じい様に一番似てるのは、メリー夫人なんだってさ。容姿もそうだし、度胸も、恋したら一直線ってところもそうだったらしいぞ」
[He said that the one who looks like Grandfather the most is Lady Merry, herself. Her looks, her courage, as well as her pa.s.sionate love for someone is similar as well he said] 「……何だか、お母様のイメージが変わってくるわね……。因みに、その情報源は伯父様?」
[…Somehow, my image of mother is gradually changing…. By the way, that source of information is from Uncle himself?] 「そうだよ。よく、じい様と父上はメリー夫人の話してるから。その話をチラホラ盗み聞き。2人とも、あの年になってもメリー夫人のこと溺愛してるもんなあ……。そういや、今度落ち着いたら久しぶりに会おうって父上が言ってたよ」
[Yes, it is. Both my Father and Grandfather often talked about Lady Merry’s stories. Since they talked merrily about it, sometimes I eavesdropping it. Those two, even at that age, still doting on Lady Merry after all….. Now that you think about it, Father asked to meet you once the situation settled down] 「まあ。私も今のお母様のお話詳しく聞きたいし、是非ともって伝えておいてちょうだい」
[Oh my. I, too, want to hear more about Mother’s stories, please tell him that I would certainly meet him later]
Koushaku Reijo no Setsumeishou c2
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