An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius Part 9

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The other part that it takes from the _Ionick_, are the _Volutes_; which it forms in some manner according to the Model of the _Volutes_ of the _Corinthian Order_, in bending them even as the _Abacus_; for they are direct upon the _Ionick Capital_, as well as the _Abacus_.

The _Echine_, or Quarter Round, which it has under the _Abacus_, it borrows rather from the _Dorick Order_, than from the _Ionick_; because this _Echine_ is immediately under the _Abacus_, as it is in the _Dorick Order_, which is not in the _Ionick_, which between the _Echine_ and the _Abacus_, places the _Channel_ which makes the _Volute_; it may notwithstanding be said, that it imitates the _Echine_ of the _Ionick Order_, in that it is cut with _Oves_ or _Eggs_, which is rarely found in the _Dorick Capital_, but are always in the _Ionick_.








_Containing the Architecture peculiar to the Ancients._


_Of Publick Buildings._


_Of Fortresses._

[Sidenote: _Lib._ 1. _Cap._ 3.]

Buildings are either _Publick_, or _Private_; Those that are Publick, appertain either to Security, or Religion, or Publick Convenience. The Fortifications of Cities are for _Security_, the Temples for _Religion_, the Market-places, Town-Houses, Theatres, Academies are for the _Publick Convenience_.

The Disposition and Figures of the Ramparts were so ordered, that the Towers advanced out of the Walls to the end, that when the Enemy approached them, the Besieged which were in the Towers, might fall upon their Flank, both on the Right and the Left.

They took likewise great Care to make the Approaches to the Walls difficult, ordering their Ways so, that they came not directly, but to the Left of the Gate. For by this means, the Besiegers were constrained to present to them that were upon the Walls the Right side, which was not covered with a Buckler.

The Figure of a _strong_ place ought neither to be Square, nor composed of Angles that advance too far. But the Ancients made them with many Sinuosities or Corners, for Angles that are too far advanc'd, are more advantageous for the Besiegers, than the Besieged.

The thickness of the Wall was so ordered, that two Armed Men might walk by one another upon the Wall without justling.

They made their Walls strong and durable, with sindged Beams of Olive, which bound them and kept them up.

Although there be nothing that makes the Ramparts so strong as Earth, they had not for all that the Custom of making, unless it were in some place where some Eminency was so near the Wall, that the Besiegers might easily enter.

To make the strong, and to hinder the Earth from pus.h.i.+ng down the two Walls that supported it, they made b.u.t.tresses or Counter-forts which went from one Wall to another, to the end, that the Earth being divided into many parts, might not have that weight to push the Walls.

Their Towers were round, for those that are square are easily ruin'd by their War-like Engines, and their Battering easily broke down the Corners.

Directly against the Tower, the Wall was cut off within the breadth of the Tower, and the Walls so interrupted were only joyned with Joyces, which were not nailed down; to the end, that if the Enemy made themselves Masters of some part of the Wall, the Besieged might take up this Bridge made of Joists, and hinder their further advance.


_Of Temples._

[Sidenote: _Lib._ 4. _Chap._ 4.]

The second Sort of Publick Fabricks, which are those that belong to Religion are the _Temples_, which among the Ancients were of two Sorts; some were after the _Greek_, and some after the _Tuscan_ Fas.h.i.+on.

The _Temples_ after the _Tuscan_ Fas.h.i.+on were Square, the _Greeks_ made them sometimes Round, sometimes Square; in the Square _Temples_ of the _Greeks_, there are three Things to be considered, _viz._ The Parts that compose it, the Proportion of the _Temple_, and its _Aspect_.

The Parts of the Square _Temples_, were for the most part Five; for they had almost every one of them a Porch before the Temple called _p.r.o.naos_, and another Porch behind the _Temple_, called _Postic.u.m_, or _Opisthedomos_, the middle of the _Temple_, called _Cella_, or _Sacos_; the _Portico's_ or _Isles_, and the _Gate_.

The Porch was a place covered at the Entrance at the greatest part of _Temples_, being as broad as the whole _Temple_. There were three sorts of them. Some were surrounded with Pillars on three Sides; Others had only Pillars in the Front, the Sides of the Porch being made up by the continuation of the Side-Walls of the _Temple_; Others were made up at the Sides, partly by Pillars, and partly by the Continuation of the Side-Walls of the _Temple_.

The _Postic.u.m_ of the _Temple_ was equal to the Porch, having likewise a Gate, but all Temples had not _Postic.u.ms_, though almost every _Temple_ had its _p.r.o.naos_, or Porch.

The Middle of the _Temple_, called _Cella_, was a place inclosed with four Walls, having no Light but at the Gate, unless it were uncovered, as we shall shew hereafter.

The _Portico's_ which make the Isles, were ranks of Pillars, sometimes single, sometimes double, which stood along the Sides of the _Temple_ on the out-side: some _Temples_ wanted this part.

The Gates of the _Temples_ were different according to the difference of the Order of the Architecture, according to which the _Temple_ was built: there was the _Dorick_, the _Ionick_, and the _Attick_.

The height of the _Dorick_ Gate was taken by dividing into 3 parts and an half, the s.p.a.ce which is from below to the bottom of the _Plat-fond_ of the _Portico_, which _Platfond_ was called _Lacunar_: they allow'd 2 to the height of the Gate under the _Lintel_: this height was divided into 12 parts; 5 and an half were taken for the breadth of the Gate below, for above it was straiter by a 3d. part. A 4th. part, and even an 8th. part of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, according to the height of the Gate, which was to be less straitened above, the higher it was. The breadth of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, was the 12th. part of the height of the Opening of the Gate.

The _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_ grew straiter and straiter towards the top, _viz._ the 4th. part of its breadth: it was only edged with a _Cymatium_, with an _Astragal_.

Upon the _Cymatium_ above the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, was a _Frise_ called _Hyperthyron_, which had the same breadth with the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_. Upon this _Frise_ was placed a _Dorick Cymatium_, with a _Lesbian Astragal_; both of them jetting out very little.

Upon the _Moulures_ the _Flat-Crown_ was placed, with its little _Cymatium_, which jetted out the whole breadth above of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, with its Mould.

The height of the _Ionick_ Gates was taken as those of the _Dorick_; but to have the right breadth, they divided the height into 2 parts and an half: To allow them one and an half below, it was straitned at the top, as the _Dorick_ Gate was; the breadth of the _Chambranle_ was the 14th.

part of the height of the Opening of the Gate; this breadth of the _Chambranle_, or _Door-Case_, being divided into 6, one was allowed for the _Cymatium_, the rest being divided into 12, 3 were allowed to the 1st. Face comprising its _Astragal_, 4 to the 2d. and 5 to the 3d.

The _Frise_ which is called _Hyperthyron_, was made with the same Proportions that are in the _Dorick Order_. The _Consoles_ or _Shouldering-Pieces_, descended directly to the bottom of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, without comprizing the _Foliage_ or _Leaf-work_ that they had at the bottom: The breadth above was the 3d.

part of that of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_, and at the bottom they grew straiter by a 4th. part.

The _Attick_ were like the _Dorick_, but their _Chambranles_ or _Door-Cases_ had only a _Plat-band_ under the _Cymatium_, and this _Plat-band_ or _Face_, had only the breadth of 2 parts in 7, into which was divided all the rest of the _Chambranle_ or _Door-Case_ with its _Mouldings_.

[Sidenote: _Lib. 3. Chap. 3._]

The Proportion of the _Temples_ was so ordered, that they were twice as long as broad, but it is not to be understood precisely, but only of _Temples_ that were without _Pillars_, whose length was divided into 8, and 4 were allowed for the breadth.

An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius Part 9

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An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius Part 9 summary

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