Daily Strength for Daily Needs Part 54

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October 18

_Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven_.--MATT. v. 20.

The freedom from all wilful sin, The Christian's daily task,-- Oh these are graces far below What longing love would ask!

Dole not thy duties out to G.o.d.


You perhaps will say that all people fall short of the perfection of the Gospel, and therefore you are content with your failings. But this is saying nothing to the purpose: for the question is not whether Gospel perfection can be fully attained, but whether you come as near it as a sincere intention and careful diligence can carry you. Whether you are not in a much lower state than you might be if you sincerely intended and carefully labored to advance yourself in all Christian virtues.


We know not exactly how low the least degree of obedience is, which will bring a man to heaven; but this we are quite sure of, that he who aims no higher will be sure to fall short even of that, and that he who goes farthest beyond it will be most blessed.


October 19

_Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy G.o.d which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go_.--ISA. xlviii. 17.

I seek Thy aid, I ask direction, Teach me to do what pleaseth Thee; I can bear toil, endure affliction, Only Thy leadings let me see.


Of all paths a man could strike into, there is, at any given moment, a _best path_ for every man; a thing which, here and now, it were of all things _wisest_ for him to do; which could he but be led or driven to do, he were then doing "like a man," as we phrase it. His success, in such case, were complete, his felicity a maximum. This path, to find this path, and walk in it, is the one thing needful for him.


Every man has his own vocation. There is one direction in which all s.p.a.ce is open to him. He has faculties silently inviting him thither to endless exertion. He is like a s.h.i.+p in a river; he runs against obstructions on every side but one; on that side all obstruction is taken away, and he sweeps serenely over a deepening channel into an infinite sea.


October 20

_Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good_.--ROM. xii. 21.

Come, in this accepted hour; Bring Thy heavenly kingdom in; Fill us with Thy glorious power, Rooting out the seeds of sin.


If we wish to overcome evil, we must overcome it by good. There are doubtless many ways of overcoming the evil in our own hearts, but the simplest, easiest, most universal, is to overcome it by active occupation in some good word or work. The best antidote against evil of all kinds, against the evil thoughts which haunt the soul, against the needless perplexities which distract the conscience, is to keep hold of the good we have. Impure thoughts will not stand against pure words, and prayers, and deeds. Little doubts will not avail against great certainties. Fix your affections on things above, and then you will be less and less troubled by the cares, the temptations, the troubles of things on earth.


October 21

_I am the Almighty G.o.d; walk before me, and be thou perfect_.--GEN. xvii.


_Consecrate yourselves to-day to the Lord_.--EX. x.x.xii. 29.

Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise.


I have noticed that wherever there has been a faithful following of the Lord in a consecrated soul, several things have inevitably followed, sooner or later. Meekness and quietness of spirit become in time the characteristics of the daily life. A submissive acceptance of the will of G.o.d as it comes in the hourly events of each day; pliability in the hands of G.o.d to do or to suffer all the good pleasure of His will; sweetness under provocation; calmness in the midst of turmoil and bustle; yieldingness to the wishes of others, and an insensibility to slights and affronts; absence of worry or anxiety; deliverance from care and fear;--all these, and many similar graces, are invariably found to be the natural outward development of that inward life which is hid with Christ in G.o.d.


October 22

_Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but Thine, be done_.--LUKE xxii. 42.

Just as Thou wilt is just what I would will; Give me but this, the heart to be content, And, if my wish is thwarted, to lie still, Waiting till puzzle and till pain are spent, And the sweet thing made plain which the Lord meant.


Let your will be one with His will, and be glad to be disposed of by Him.

He will order all things for you. What can cross your will, when it is one with His will, on which all creation hangs, round which all things revolve?

Keep your hearts clear of evil thoughts; for as evil choices estrange the will from His will, so evil thoughts cloud the soul, and hide Him from us. Whatever sets us in opposition to Him makes our will an intolerable torment. So long as we will one thing and He another, we go on piercing ourselves through and through with a perpetual wound; and His will advances moving on in sanct.i.ty and majesty, crus.h.i.+ng ours into the dust.


October 23

_Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my G.o.d: Thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness_.--PS. cxliii. 10.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs Part 54

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