Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal Part 31

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Rhia.n.u.s 3.

Rubrenus Lappa 30.

Rutilius Gallicus 205 _n_.

Rutilius Namatia.n.u.s 174.

Sappho 176.

Scaurus, Mamercus 2.

Seneca (the elder) 15, 31, 97.

Seneca (the younger) 4, 5, 20, 31-78, 93, 94, 97, 115, 124, 132, 134, 144, 145, 161, 164, 179, 180, 185-7, 207 _n_, 221 _n_, 236, 251, 259, 260.

Sentius Augurinus 170, 171.

Serra.n.u.s 168, 169.

Servilius Nonia.n.u.s 80.

Severus, Ca.s.sius 4.

Silius Italicus 20, 102, 123_n_, 145, 156, 163, 168, 179, 191, 236-50, 256.

Silvinus 146.

Sophocles 47 _n_, 127, 207 _n_, 216 _n_.

Sotion 32.

Statius (the elder) 169, 202, 203.

Statius (the younger) 8 _n_, 20, 22, 28, 100, 123 _n_, 164, 167-9, 179, 191, 192, 202-35, 240, 260, 268, 270-2.

Stella, Arruntius 169, 205 _n,_ 256, 280.

Stertinius Avitus 256.

Sulpicia (the elder) 174.

Sulpicia (the younger) 174-8.

Sulpicius Maximus 14 _n._

Tacitus 20, 21, 121, 125, 127, 168, 169, 170, 179, 243, 275.

Terentius 23.

Theocritus 150, 268.

Thrasea 34, 80, 168.

Thucydides 128.

Tiberia.n.u.s 174.

Tiberius 2-4, 25, 102.

Tibullus 174.

t.i.tus 167, 181, 252.

Traia.n.u.s 21, 127, 169, 170, 256, 290, 291, 296.

Triarius 15 _n._ Turnus 30, 169.

Umbricius 289, 293, 294.

Vacca 97.

Vagellius 163 _n._ Valerius Flaccus 20, 123 _n,_ 167, 168, 179-201, 212 _n,_ 220, 226, 235, 236.

Varius 29.

Varro (Atacinus) 183.

Varro (Reatinus) 127.

Varus 257.

Vergilius Maro 4, 11, 12, 17 _n,_ 20, 101, 102, 115, 123 _n,_ 130, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 161, 179, 186, 187, 191, 193, 194, 198, 207 _n,_ 210, 211, 220 _n,_ 221, 226, 227, 237, 238-40, 243-5, 281.

Vergilius Roma.n.u.s 25, 170.

Verginius Flavus 7.

Verginius Rufus 169.

Vespasia.n.u.s 144, 166, 169, 170, 180.

Vestricius Spurinna 169.

Vopiscus 231.


1. See Teuffel and Schwabe, -- 272.

2. Cf. Tac. _Ann_. i. 1. Velleius Paterculus is a good example of the servile historian. For an example of servile oratory of. Tac.

_Ann_. xvi. 28.

3. Suet, _Tib_. 21.

4. Dion. 1 vii. 22; Tac. _Ann_. vi. 39; iv. 31.

5. Tac. _Ann_. iv. 34.

6. Dion. lviii. 24 [Greek: math_on oun touto ho Tiberios, eph' eaut_oi tote to epos eir_esthai eph_e, Atreus dia t_en miaiphonian einai prospoi_esamenos.] Tac. _Ann_. vi. 29.

7. 'Pulsi tum Italia histriones,' Tac. _Ann_. iv. 14.

8. III Prol. 38 sqq., Epil. 29 sqq.

9. Suet. _Tib_. 42.

10. Tac. _Ann_. iii. 49; Dion. lvii. 20.

11. Suet. _Tib_. 70

12. Suet. _Tib_. 71

13. Suet. _Tib_. 61

14. Suidas, s.v. [Greek: Kaisar Tiberios].

15. Suet. _Tib_. 70.

16. Suet. _Tib. 70._

17. Suet. _Cal. 53._

18. Suet. _Cal. 53._

19. Suet. _Cal. 16._

20. Dion. _lix. 20._

21. Suet. _Cal. 27._

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