The Fat of the Land Part 13

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In arranging to move my establishment I was in a quandary as to what it was best to do for a coachman. Lars had been with me fifteen years. He came a green Swedish lad, developed into a first-cla.s.s coachman, married a nice girl--and for twelve years he and his wife lived happily in the rooms above my stable. Two boys were born to them, and these lads were now ten and twelve years of age. Shortly after I bought the farm Lars was so unfortunate as to lose his good wife, and he and the boys were left forlorn. A relative came and gave them such care as she could, but the mother and wife was missed beyond remedy. In his depression Lars took to drink, and things began to go wrong in the stable. He was not often drunk, but he was much of the time under the influence of alcohol, and consequently not reliable. I had done my best for the poor fellow, and he took my lectures and chidings in the way they were intended, and, indeed, he tried hard to break loose from the one bad habit, but with no good results. His evil friends had such strong hold on him that they could and would lead him astray whenever there was opportunity. Polly and I had many talks about this matter. She was growing timid under his driving, and yet she was attached to him for long and faithful service.

"Let's chance it," she said. "If we get him away from these people who lead him astray, he may brace up and become a man again."

"But what about the boys, Polly?" said I.

"We ought to be able to find something for the boys to do on the farm, and they can go to school at Exeter. Can't they drive the b.u.t.ter-cart out each morning and home after school? They're smart chaps, you know, and used to doing things."

Polly had found a way, and I was heartily glad of it, for I did not feel like giving up my hold on the man and the boys. Lars was glad of the chance to make good again, and he willingly agreed to go. He was to receive $23 a month. This was less than he was getting in the city, but it was the wage which we were paying that year at the farm, and he was content; for the boys were each to receive $5 a month, and to be sent to school eight months a year for three years.

This matter arranged, we began to plan for the moving. I had five horses in my stable,--a span of blacks for the carriage and three single drivers. Besides the horses, harness, and equipment, there was a large carriage, a brougham, a G.o.ddard phaeton, a runabout, and a cart. I exchanged the brougham and the G.o.ddard for a station wagon and a park phaeton, as more suitable for country use.

The barn equipment was all sent in one caravan, Thompson and Zeb coming into town to help Lars drive out. Our lares and penates were sent by freight on December 17. Polly had managed to coax another thousand dollars out of me for things for the house; and these, with the furniture from our old home, made a brave showing when we gathered around the big fire in the living room, December 22, for our first night in the country.

Tom, Kate, and the grand-girls were with us to spend the holidays, and so, too, was the lady whom we call Laura. I shall not try to say much about Laura. She was a somewhat recent friend. How we ever came to know her well, was half a mystery; and how we ever got on before we knew her well, was a whole one.

Roaring fires and shaded lamps gave an air of homelike grace to our new house, and we decided that we would never economize in either wood or oil; they seemed to stir the home spirit more than ever did coal or electricity.

The day had been a busy one for the ladies, but they were pleased with results as they looked around the well-ordered house and saw the work of their hands. Before separating for the night, Kate said:--

"I'm going to town to-morrow, and I'll pick up Jane and Jack in time to take the four o'clock train out. Papa will meet us at the station, and Momee will greet us at the doorstep. Make an illumination, Momee, and we will carry them by storm. Tom will have to take a later train, but he will be here in time for dinner."

The afternoon of the 23d, the children came, and there was no failure in Kate's plan. The youngsters were delighted with everything. Jane said:--

"I always wanted to live on a farm. I can have a saddle horse now, and keep as many dogs as I like, can't I, Dad?"

"You shall have the horse, and the dogs, too, when you come to stay."

"Daddy," said Jack, "this will be great for you. Let me finish at an agricultural college, so that I can be of some practical help."

"Not on your life, my son! What your daddy doesn't know about farming wouldn't spoil a cup of tea! While you are at home I will give you daily instruction in this most wholesome and independent business, which will be of incalculable benefit to you, and which, I am frank to say, you cannot get in any agricultural college. College, indeed! I have spent thousands of hours in dreaming and planning what a farm should be like!

Do you suppose I am going to let these visions become contaminated by practical knowledge? Not by a long way! I have, in the silent watches of the night, reduced the art to mathematical exactness, and I can show you the figures. Don't talk to me about colleges!"

After supper we took the children through the house. Every part was inspected, and many were the expressions of pleasure and admiration.

They were delighted with their rooms, and apparently with everything else. We finally quieted down in front of the open fire and discussed plans for the holidays. The children decided that it must be a house party.

"Florence Marcy is with an aunt for whom she doesn't particularly care, and Minnie will just jump at the chance of spending a week in the country," said Jane.

"You can invite three girls, and Jack can have three men. Of course Jessie Gordon will be here. We will drive over in the morning and make sure of her."

"Jack, whom will you ask? Get some good men out here, won't you?"

"The best in the world, little sister, and you will have to keep a sharp lookout or you will lose your heart to one of them. Frank Howard will count it a lark. He has stuck to the "business" as faithfully as if he were not heir to it, and he will come sure to-morrow night. Dear old Phil--my many years' chum--will come because I ask him. These two are all right, and we can count on them. The other one is Jim Jarvis,--the finest man in college."

"Tell us about him, Jack."

"Jarvis's father lives in Montana, and has a lot of gold mines and other things to keep him busy. He doesn't have time to pay much attention to his son, who is growing up after his own fas.h.i.+on. Jim's mother is dead, and he has neither brother nor sister,--nothing but money and beauty and health and strength and courage and sense and the stanchest heart that ever lifted waistcoat! He has been on the eleven three years. They want him in the boat, but he'll not have it; says it's not good work for a man. He's in the first division, well toward the front, too, and in the best society. He's taken a fancy to me, and I'm dead gone on him. He's the man for you to shun, little woman, unless you wish to be led captive."

"There are others, Jack, so don't worry about me. But do you think you can secure this paragon?"

"Not a doubt of it! I'll wire him in the morning, and he'll be here as soon as steam can bring him; he's my best chum, you know."

This would make our party complete. We were all happy and pleased, and the evening pa.s.sed before we knew it.



The next day was a busy one for all of us. Polly and Jane drove to the Gordons and secured Miss Jessie, and then Jane went to town to fetch her other friends. Jack went with her, after having telegraphed to Jim Jarvis. They all came home by mid-afternoon, just as a message came from Jarvis: "Will be on deck at six."

Florence Marcy and Minnie Henderson were former neighbors and schoolmates of Jane's. They were fine girls to look at and bright girls to talk with; blondes, eighteen, high-headed, full of life, and great girls for a house party. Phil and Frank were good specimens of their kinds. Frank was a little below medium height, slight, blond, vivacious to a degree, full of fun, and the most industrious talker within miles; he would "stir things up" at a funeral. Phil Stone was tall, slender, dark, quiet, well-dressed, a good dancer, and a very agreeable fellow in the corner of the room, where his low musical voice was most effective.

Jessie Gordon came at five o'clock. We were all very fond of Jessie, and who could help it? She was tall (considerably above the average height), slender, straight as an arrow, graceful in repose and in motion. She carried herself like a queen, with a proud kind of shyness that became her well. Her head was small and well set on a slender neck, her hair dark, luxurious, wavy, and growing low over a broad forehead, her eyes soft brown, shaded by heavy brows and lashes. She had a Grecian nose, and her mouth was a shade too wide, but it was guarded by singularly perfect and sensitive lips. Her chin was p.r.o.nounced enough to give the impression of firmness; indeed, save for the soft eyes and sensitive mouth, firmness predominated. She was not a great talker, yet every one loved to listen to her. She laughed with her eyes and lips, but rarely with her voice. She enjoyed intensely, and could, therefore, suffer intensely. She was a dear girl in every way.

All was now ready for the debut of Jack's paragon. Jack had driven to the station to fetch him, and presently the sound of wheels on the gravel drive announced the arrival of the last guest. I went into the hall to meet the men.

"Daddy, I want you to know my chum, Jim Jarvis,--the finest all-round son of old Eli. Jarvis, this is my daddy,--the finest father that ever had son!"

"I'm right glad to meet you, Mr. Jarvis; your renown has preceded you."

"I fear, Doctor, it has _exceeded_ me as well. Jack is not to be trusted on all subjects. But, indeed, I thank you for your hospitality; it was a G.o.dsend to me."

As we entered the living room, Polly came forward and I presented Jarvis to her.

"You are more than welcome, Mr. Jarvis! Jack's 'best friend' is certain of a warm corner at our fireside."

"Madam, I find no word of thanks, but I _do_ thank you. I have envied Jack his home letters and the evidences of mother care more than anything else,--and G.o.d knows there are enough other things to envy him for. I have no mother, and my father is too busy to pay much attention to me. I wish you would adopt me; I'll try to rival Jack in all that is dutiful."

She did adopt him then and there, for who could refuse such a son! Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, a frank, rugged, clean-shaven face, features strong enough to excite criticism and good enough to bear it; broad-shouldered, deep-chested, strong in arm and limb, he carried his six feet of manhood like an Apollo in tweeds. He was introduced to the girls,--the men he knew,--but he was not so quick in his speeches to them. Our Hercules was only mildly conscious of his merits, and was evidently relieved when Jack hurried him off to his room to dress for dinner. When he was fairly out of hearing there was a chorus of comments. The girls all declaimed him handsome, and the boys said:--

"That isn't the best of it,--he's a _trump_! Wait till you know him."

Jane was too loyal to Jack to admit that his friend was any handsomer or in any way a finer fellow than her brother.

"Who said he was?" said Frank, "Jack Williams is out and out the finest man I know. We were sizing him up by such fellows as Phil and me."

"Jack's the most popular man at Yale," said Phil, "but he's too modest to know it; Jarvis will tell you so. He thinks it's a great snap to have Jack for his chum."

The Fat of the Land Part 13

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