99 Way to Keep Poor Life With Onii-chan v1 prologue

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synopsis :

「Onii-chan , there’s an order.One morning set ~! !」
The second year high school student me who was making a living at a little cafe, Kamis.h.i.+ro Yuuya and my little sister Reina.

Without getting discourage because of poverty. A common story where the two of us are helping each other for living only , or that was supposed to be ….. What are you saying Onii-chan ! This is gonna be a beautiful pure love story that describe the pure love trial between me and Onii-chan you know ! Everyone please hear this~
I really love Onii-chan.
We are already done the wedding preliminaries ! Ah , don’t take away the mic ! I am still in the middle of talking after all.
Aah , Onii-chan meanie ~ ! …. Eh , sorry for the rudeness.
Although she is such a little sister, except for her brocon she is actually a really nice person.
Since the two of us will be making a living with all we got , everyone please cheer for us ! ( Basically , I am trying to update every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday ! )



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O.O interesting indeed!

Reply Whynn on 27 July 2016 at 9:19 AM said:

Seems interesting, wonder how the sister compares to Akiko from Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne, wish someone would pick that one back up again.

Reply drahu on 27 July 2016 at 9:48 AM said:

Not to be an a.s.s or anything, but I See no point to this story. At least based from that synopsis. Can we can a better summary or understanding of the story?

Reply visunoriva on 27 July 2016 at 10:52 AM said:

read the prologue?

Reply devilsadvocate6 on 27 July 2016 at 4:24 PM said:

ohh visu, i am all hyped up for this! thanks!

Reply Awe128 on 29 July 2016 at 7:39 PM said:

Ummmmm i have just one question……….is this stuff incest? Becuse that would really disgust me

Reply visunoriva on 29 July 2016 at 9:08 PM said:

idk … xD , but i think there will be another heroine(?)

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99 Way to Keep Poor Life With Onii-chan v1 prologue

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99 Way to Keep Poor Life With Onii-chan v1 prologue summary

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