Rulers of India: Akbar Part 9

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GAKKHARS, the, are subdued by Akbar, 96, 97.

GUJARaT, story of the conquest of, by Akbar, 108-15.

HEMU, rise to power of, 61: wins two victories and threatens Delhi, 62, 63: defeats Tardi Beg and occupies Delhi, 66: moves towards Panipat, 68: is attacked, and defeated by Akbar, 70: is slain, 71.

HERaT, position of, in the time of Babar, 17: route between, and Kabul, 20: is conquered by the Uzbeks, 21.

HUMaYuN, eldest son of Babar and father of Akbar, a.s.sists his father in the conquest of India, 40: is sent for at the time of his father's illness, 45: sickness, and recovery of, 46: succeeds Babar, 50: character of, 50: after a reign of eight years is driven from India by Sher Shah, 50, 51: spends two and a half years in Sind, 51: wooes, wins, and marries Hamida Begam, 52, 53: flight of, to Amarkot, 52: action of, on learning of the birth of Akbar, 53: sets out for Kandahar, 53: is forced to abandon Akbar at Shal, 53: conquers Kandahar and Kabul, 55: vicissitudes of fortune between, and Kamran, at Kabul, 55-9: resolves to recover India, 59: invades India, 61: defeats Sikandar Shah at Sirhind, 62: death of, 63, 64.

INDIA, sketch of history of, before the Mughal invasion, 26: character of the rule of dynasties prior to that of the Mughal, 27, 30; Babar's position in, after Panipat, 35: internal condition of, at the time, 36: position of, at the time of the death of Babar, 48: general condition of, in the middle of the 16th century, 72-80.

KaBUL, kingdom of, in the time of Babar, 17: Akbar is removed to, 54, 55: vicissitudes of fortune between Humayun and Kamran at, 55-9: Akbar appeases troubles at, 102: Akbar restores order at, 127.

KaMRaN, Mirza, vicissitudes of fortune in contest of with Humayun, 54-9: finally succ.u.mbs, 59.

KANDAHaR, important position of, recognised by Babar, 19: taken by Babar, 22: is captured by the Uzbeks, 23: is secured by Babar, 31: Akbar is taken to, 53, 54: is conquered by Humayun, 55.

KASHMiR, conquest of, by Akbar, 131-5.

KHUSRu, Prince, chances of, to succeed Akbar, 141-3.

LEARNED MEN, who flourished in the time of Akbar, notice of some of the, 166-9.

LIBRARY, the, of Akbar, 169.

MaN SINGH, of Jaipur, gallantry of, in Gujarat, 111: appointed Governor of Kabul, 132: on the remonstrance of the Kabulis is transferred to Bengal, 133: conduct of, during Akbar's illness, 143.

MEWaR, Rana of, refuses to come into Akbar's system, 124: is defeated at Huldighat, 125: still fights for his own hand, 140.

MURaD, Prince, son of Akbar, death of, 136.

ORCHHa, the Raja of, is prompted by Prince Salim to murder Abulfazl, 139, and note.

ORISSA, conquest of, by Akbar, 118-22.

PaNiPAT, the first battle of, 33, 34: second battle of, 68-71.

PATNa, taken by Akbar, 119.

PUNJAB, the, Babar's first impressions of, 18: renews his acquaintance with, 32: again, 33: Akbar enters, and pursues his enemy into the Siwaliks, 63-6: sojourn of Akbar in, 131-6.

RaJPuTaNA, matrimonial alliances of Akbar with the royal families of, 128, 181: dealings with the several princes of, 91-143.

SALiM, Prince (afterwards the Emperor Jahangir), character of, 137: rebels, 138: causes the murder of Abulfazl, 139: vicious conduct of, 140-42: apparent repentance of, 144: is girt with his dying father's sword, 144.

SAMARKAND, city of, surprised by Babar, 15: taken by the Uzbeks, 15: is reconquered by, and captured from, Babar, 23.

SANGA, Rana, position of, in Rajputana, 40: is defeated by Babar, 41.


SHER KHaN, afterwards Sher Shah, revolts from Babar, 43: drives Humayun from India, 50, 51: reign of, 60: defects of rule of, and predecessors of, 73-8.

SIKANDAR SHaH, claims the rule over Muhammadan India, 61: is defeated by Humayun at Sirhind, and flees to the Siwaliks, 62: again shows signs of life, 63: retreats into Mankot, 65: pursued by Akbar, surrenders on terms, 84, 85.

SIND, Babar is proclaimed ruler of, 24: completion of the conquest of, under Akbar, 134, 135.

TARDi BEG, prudent conduct of, on the death of Humayun, 64: is defeated by Hemu, 66: joins Akbar at Sirhind, 67: where he is murdered by Bairam, 68.

TODAR MALL, Raja, is sent by Akbar to repair the defeat of his troops by the Yusufzais, 132: death of, 134: influence of, with Akbar, 192.

UMERSHAIKH, father of Babar, 13.

UZBEKS, the, defeat Babar before Samarkand 15: conquer Herat, 21: take Kandahar, 23: contests of, with Babar, 23: the, n.o.bles, revolt against Akbar, 100: are forgiven, 101.

YUSUFZAIS, the, repulse the troops of Akbar, 131: are defeated by Todar Mall, 132.


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