A Literary History of the Arabs Part 64

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(Cambridge, 1896-98).

The best Arabic grammar for advanced students. Beginners may prefer to use the abridgment by F. du Pre Thornton, _Elementary Arabic: a Grammar_ (Cambridge University Press, 1905).

3. _Arabic-English Lexicon_, by E. W. Lane, 8 parts (London, 1863-93).

This monumental work is unfortunately incomplete. Among other lexica those of Freytag (Arabic and Latin, 4 vols., Halle, 1830-37), A. de Biberstein Kazimirski (Arabic and French, 2 vols., Paris, 1846-60, and 4 vols., Cairo, 1875), and Dozy's _Supplement aux Dictionnaires arabes_, 2 vols. (Leyden, 1881), deserve special notice. Smaller dictionaries, sufficient for ordinary purposes, have been compiled by Belot (_Dictionnaire arabe-francais_, Beyrout, 1928), and Wortabet and Porter (_Arabic-English Dictionary_, 3rd ed., Beyrout, 1913).

4. _Abhandlungen zur Arabischen Philologie_, by Ignaz Goldziher, Part I (Leyden, 1896).

Contains masterly studies on the origins of Arabic Poetry and other matters connected with literary history.

5. _Die Rhetorik der Araber_, by A. F. Mehren (Copenhagen, 1853).



6. _The Encyclopaedia of Islam_ (Leyden, 1913--).

A great number of Orientalists have contributed to this invaluable work, of which the first half (A-L) is now completed.

7. _Chronique de ?abari, traduite sur la version persane de...

_Bel'ami_, by H. Zotenberg, 4 vols. (Paris, 1867-74).

8. The _Muruju 'l-Dhahab_ of Mas'udi (_Macoudi: Les Prairies d'Or_), Arabic text with French translation by Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteille, 9 vols. (Paris, 1861-77).

The works of ?abari and Mas'udi are the most ancient and celebrated Universal Histories in the Arabic language.

9. _Abulfedae Annales Muslemici arabice et latine_, by J. J. Reiske, 5 vols. (Hafniae, 1789-94).

10. _Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland_, by August Muller, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1885-87).

11. _Histoire des Arabes_, by C. Huart, 2 vols. (Paris, 1912).

12. _A Short History of the Saracens_, by Syed Ameer Ali (London, 1921).

13. _Essai sur l'histoire de l'Islamisme_, by R. Dozy, translated from the Dutch by Victor Chauvin (Leyden and Paris, 1879).

14. _The Preaching of Islam, a History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith_, by T. W. Arnold (2nd ed., London, 1913).

15. _Sketches from Eastern History_, by Th. Noldeke, translated by J. S. Black (London, 1892).

16. _The Mohammadan Dynasties_, by Stanley Lane-Poole (London, 1894).

Indispensable to the student of Moslem history.

17. _Genealogische Tabellen der Arabischen Stamme und Familien mit historischen und geographischen Bemerkungen in einem alphabetischen Register_, by F. Wustenfeld (Gottingen, 1852-53).

18. _Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary_, translated from the Arabic by Baron MacGuckin de Slane, 4 vols. (Oriental Translation Fund, 1842-71).

One of the most characteristic, instructive, and interesting books in Arabic literature.

19. _Geographie d'Aboulfeda, traduite de l'arabe_, by Reinaud and Guyard, 2 vols. (Paris, 1848-83).

20. _Travels in Arabia Deserta_, by C. M. Doughty, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1888).

Gives a true and vivid picture of Bedouin life and manners.

21. _Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Madinah and Meccah_, by Sir R. F. Burton, 2 vols. (London, 1898).

22. _The Penetration of Arabia: a record of the development of Western knowledge concerning the Arabian Peninsula_, by D. G.

Hogarth (London, 1905).

23. ?ajji Khalifa, _Lexicon bibliographic.u.m et encyclopaedic.u.m_, Arabic text and Latin translation, by G. Flugel, 7 vols.

(Leipzig and London, 1835-58).

24. _Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihre Werke_ (aus dem xxviii. und xxix. Bande der Abhand. d. Konigl. Ges. d. Wiss.

zu Gottingen), by F. Wustenfeld (Gottingen, 1882).

25. _Litteraturgeschichte der Araber bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts der Hidschret_, by J. von Hammer-Purgstall, 7 vols. (Vienna, 1850-56).

A work of immense extent, but unscientific and extremely inaccurate.

26. _Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur_, by Carl Brockelmann, 2 vols. (Weimar, 1898-1902).

Invaluable for bibliography and biography.

27. _A Literary History of Persia_, by E. G. Browne, vol. i from the earliest times to Firdawsi (London, 1902), and vol. ii down to the Mongol Invasion (London, 1906).

The first volume in particular of this well-known work contains much information concerning the literary history of the Arabs.

28. _A History of Arabic Literature_, by Clement Huart (London, 1903).

The student will find this manual useful for purposes of reference.

29. _Arabic Literature: an Introduction_, by H. A. R. Gibb (London, 1926).

A trustworthy outline of the subject.

30. _Arab.u.m Proverbia_, Arabic text with Latin translation, by G. W. Freytag, 3 vols. (Bonn, 1838-43).

31. _Arabic Proverbs_, by J. L. Burckhardt (2nd ed., London, 1875).



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